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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

On the eve of World Day against Child Labour 58 child labourers rescued in the capital

On the eve of World Day against Child Labour 58 child labourers rescued in the capital

Om Prakash Pal

New Delhi, 11th June. Ten year old Nadeem (name changed) was extremely confused when he was rescued from an electric appliance making unit in Badali. The confusion became grimmer when he refused to tell his parent's name and address. Actually, he did not remember his village's name, not even his parent's face. Who brought him here and where he came from – are the questions yet to be answered.

Acting on a complaint filed by Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA), on the eve of 12th June, the World against Child Labour, law enforcement authorities have rescued 58 children from 6 different locations in the capital today. 56 boys have been working in various factories engaged in making plastic coolers, fans, polishing and making electric moulding, etc., Whereas 2 girls were freed from domestic servitude. Rescue operations have been carried out in 5 different factories and at a placement agency running under the garb of welfare organisation (NGO).

Kailash Satyarthi, Founder BBA, said, "When the world would be observing the day against child labour tomorrow, over 215 million children would be languishing in various forms of child labour including slavery in its ugliest form, whereas over 200 million adults are without jobs. We strongly demand that child labour must be made a cognizable and non-bail able offense. Special courts should be established to take time bound action. A fine of at least Rs. 1, 00,000 be recovered from each erring employer and an effective rehabilitation must be guaranteed under the law.

It is shameful that in 2010 and 2011 only 1592 employers have been convicted for employing child labourers, i.e., approximately one employer per district per year showing clearly a blatant disregard for the guidelines of the Supreme Court of India." He also urged the people to boycott all services and goods produced by the children.

It is pertinent to note that in the period of five years (2007-2011) 1255987 inspections were conducted but only 17884 violations have been detected and 4263 people were convicted.

Most of the child labourers rescued today has been trafficked for forced and bonded labour from West Bengal, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh after paying advance to their parents. The rescued girls belonged to Uttar Pradesh. Working from 8 am till late night in small, gloomy, and suffocating room in the heat with little or no medical care and attention has resulted in skin rashes and wound marks on their body especially hands, telling the pathetic conditions in which they were forced to live and work. The children were not allowed to talk to their parents back home without the permission of employer. On an average children were getting Rs. 50-100 per week as wage.

"We will keep executing such exercise in future also. The fine of Rs. 20,000, as per the direction of Supreme Court of India, will be recovered from each and every erring employer along with all the back-wages" said SC Yadav Deputy Labour Commissioner North-West District.

The SDM present during the rescue operation refused to declare children as bonded labourers citing logistical compulsions of appearance during trial. Thereby berefting the children of comprehensive rehabilitation package under Bonded Labour System Abolition Act 1976.

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