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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Friday, April 22, 2011

For Whom, Whose Plan?12th Plan to target 9-9.5% growth! Whose Growth?Resourcesat-2 will beam back huge data on resources!Whose Resources?I am TARGETED. My family is THREATENED! Blackmailed! The Ruling Hegemony is trying its best to eject me out of Be

For Whom, Whose Plan?12th Plan to target 9-9.5% growth! Whose Growth?Resourcesat-2 will beam back huge data on resources!Whose Resources?I am TARGETED. My family is THREATENED! Blackmailed! The Ruling Hegemony is trying its best to eject me out of Bengal! I am Fighting! I would disclose details at appropriate time!We are INSECURE in every sense. Is it PARIBARTAN?

Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time - SIX HUNDRED NINETEEN

Palash Biswas

For Whom, Whose Plan?12th Plan to target 9-9.5% growth! Whose Growth?

Resourcesat-2 will beam back huge data on resources!Whose Resources?

I am TARGETED. My family is THREATENED! Blackmailed! The Ruling Hegemony is trying its best to eject me out of Bengal! I am Fighting! I would disclose details at appropriate time!

We are INSECURE in every sense. Is it PARIBARTAN?

Concerned over weaknesses in manufacturing sector, the Planning Commission on Thursday pitched for further liberalization of FDI policy and improvement of business regulations to step up GDP growth rate to 9-9.5% in the 12th Plan from 8.2% in the current plan.

"Tune-up FDI and trade policies to attract quality investment in critical areas", the Commission said in a presentation before Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the meeting of the full Plan panel here.

Regretting that manufacturing performance has remained "weak", the Commission said that India need to target a growth of 11-12% in this sector in the 12th Plan (2012-17).

"(Manufacturing) need a growth of 11-12% per year to create necessary jobs", it said, adding greater value addition and better use of technology was essential to promote growth and improve trade balance.

Noting that land and infrastructure constraints were major problems, the Commission called for setting up of National Manufacturing Investment Zones and better business regulatory framework to ensure broader spread of industrial base.

"Exclusive manufacturing zones, more liberal foreign direct investment and trade policies together with a better regulatory frame work are among the prescription," it said, suggesting measures for reviving the slowing down in the manufacturing sector.

During the presentation, deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia cautioned manufacturing was not promising desirable outcome and it can have cascading affect unless new initiatives are taken to catalyze this sector.

Regarding regulations, the presentation stressed on the need for improving business regulatory framework to ensure improvement in 'cost of doing business' and issues related to transparency.

"It is generally felt that more transparency is needed and industry needs regulations for shedding fears of uncertainty and political manipulations," it said.

The Plan panel said that the country's economic growth during the current Plan period (2007-12) is likely to average 8.2%. This is lower than the original target of 9% growth set for the 11th Plan.

However, the Planning Commission termed the 8.2% growth as "still remarkable" in view of the global economic downturn during the period.

The Plan panel highlighted the fact that despite efforts the UPA government has not been able to introduce FDI in multi-brand trade because of opposition from some sectors.

"It is generally felt that liberal FDI would not only check over profiteering but also regulate labour force engaged in the sector," it said.

The commission observed that problems also arose in Special Economic Zones due to the fear among sections of the population that such zones would take away productive agricultural land.

For micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), the Commission has supported the idea of promoting clusters to enhance productivity of the sector.

Among other suggestions, the Planning Commission said that the government must target a 4% growth in agriculture during the 5 years period starting 2012.

For this purpose farmers need to be provided with better rural infrastructure including storage and food processing facilities.

In addition, the panel also suggested expanding the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana for development of the farm sector.

  1. Focus on reforms: PM to Plancom

    Business Standard - 14 minutes ago
    Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today asked thePlanning Commission to focus on ... "There was general agreement that the Planning Commission should focus on ...
    Liberalize FDI, improve regulations for 9% growth:Planning Commission‎ - Livemint
    Planning Commission sets growth target of 9-9.5% for 12th Plan period‎ - NetIndian
    Press Information Bureau (press release) -The Hindu 
    all 139 news articles »

    The Hindu
  2. Need for a better system to define who's poor

    Express Buzz - 25 minutes ago
    A greater clarity on the number of people who are below the poverty line may be available when theplanning commission submits its affidavit on the subject ...
    Supreme Court wants explaination from Planning Commission about ...‎ - Economic Times
    Justify BPL cap: SC tells Centre and Planning Commission‎ - Law et al. News
    Supreme Court slams Centre, Planning Commission over criteria for ...‎ -
    Hindustan Times Calcutta Telegraph 
    all 41 news articles »

    Calcutta Telegraph
  3. SF Planning Commission gets Treasure Island plan

    San Francisco Chronicle - Will Kane - 13 hours ago
    If the Planning Commission approves the proposal, it heads to the Board of Supervisors. Critics say there are reasons to be skeptical about what has been ...
    Treasure Island plan to go before SF planners‎ -San Jose Mercury News
    Treasure Island Redevelopment Plan Could Move Forward Tonight‎ - The San Francisco Appeal
    SF commission considers Treasure Island plan‎ -San Francisco Business Times
    San Francisco Examiner The Bay Citizen (blog) 
    all 29 news articles »

    San Francisco Examiner
  4. Textiles, leather exports to gain from Chinese policy: Montek

    The Hindu - 1 hour ago
    Seeking to change the focus of the country to manufacturing, Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia on Thursday said textile and leather ...
    India planners step back from double-digit growth‎ -Financial Times
    Plan panel for stepping up textile, leather exports‎ -Hindu Business Line
    India targets lower deficit, higher farm output to tame prices‎ - Reuters India
    Reuters Wall Street Journal (blog) 
    all 27 news articles »

    The Hindu
  5. Piedmont Planning Commission bestows design awards

    San Jose Mercury News - Lucinda Ryan - 1 hour ago
    Seven homeowners have received a tip of the hat from thePlanning Commission for all the work done on their residences....
  6. Spring Hill mayor boots planning chairman

    Columbia Daily Herald - Richard Conn - 22 hours ago
    Spring Hill Mayor Michael Dinwiddie has removed the chairman of the city's Planning Commission, who last month publicly ...
    Spring Hill votes down Festival Tennessee rezoning‎ - The Tennessean
    Reset looms for Festival Tennessee theme park‎ - Nashville Business Journal (blog)
    all 30 news articles »
  7. Planning group to hold zoning hearings in May

    Altavista - Mark Thomas - 10 hours ago
    The Altavista Planning Commission will hold public hearings in May on an updated town zoning ordinance. ...
  8. Govt. to form inter-ministerial group on FDI in pharma

    The Hindu - 4 hours ago
    The decision to form the group, which will be headed by Planning Commission member Arun Maira, was taken by Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) ...
  9. Mamata, Krishna skips full Plan panel meet - 2 hours ago
    Besides Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia, other full time members of the plan panel including Arun Maira, Narendra Jadhav, ...
  10. Poverty declines to 32% in 2009-10: Plan panel

    Indian Express - 17 hours ago
    Talking to newsmen on the eve of the Full Planning Commissionmeeting under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to endorse the contours of the ...
    T-urbulent times, plan panel goes soft on YSR‎ - Times of India
    27 million out of poverty net: Govt‎ - Hindustan Times
    all 5 news articles »
  11. News archive results for planning commission

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Five Year Plans

A New Approach to the Twelefth Five Year Plan 2012-17 A New Approach to the Twelefth Five Year Plan 2012-17
>> Documents Related to Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012)
>> Documents Related to Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-2007)
>> Five Year Plans


Guidelines and Formats


  1. Engendering Public Policy : A Report on the Work of the Working Group of Feminist Economists during the Preparation of the Eleventh Five- Year Plan: 2007-2012 : PDF File 
  2. Report of the Working Group on LOGISTICS : PDF File
  3. Annual Report to the People on Infrastructure 2009-10 (PDF)
  4. Monitorable Targets & Milstones for 2010-11 INFRASTRUCTURE SECTOR
  5. Expert Group on Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  6. Data Bank on Agriculture & Allied Sector
  7. Programme Evaluation Organisation Reports:
    • Evaluation Report on Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) Jammu & Kashmir :  PDF File
    • Evaluation Report on National Old Age Pension Scheme (NOAPS) Jammu & Kashmir :  PDF File
    • Evaluation Report on Sampoorna Gram Rozgar Yojana (SGRY) Jammu & Kashmir :  PDF File
    • Evaluation Report on Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) Jammu & Kashmir :  PDF File
    • Evaluation Report on Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) Jammu & Kashmir :  PDF File
    • Micro Analysis of Selected Centrally Sponsored Schemes in Jammu & Kashmir :  PDF File
  8. Reports on Enviorment and Forest
  9. Sub-Committee on Remodelling of Apprenticeship Training as another mode for on the job training.
    Comments sought at 
  10. Technical Note on Employment for the Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12 
    Report of the Committe on Financial Sector Reforms
  12. Report of the High Level Group on Services Sector : PDF File
  13. Development Challenges in Extremist Affected Areas : PDF File
  14. Macro-Modelling for the Eleventh Five Year Plan of India : PDF File
  15. All-India Report On Evaluation Of NREGA - A Survey Of Twenty Districts 
    ZIP(MS WORD) || PDF File
  16. Coordinated action on Skill Development
  17. Skill Development and Training Programmes of Central Government, 2009


  19. Human Development Report 2005...>>
  20. Inter-Ministry Task Group Reports ... >>
  21. Report of the High Level Committee on "Financial Sector Reforms headed by Dr. Raghuram Rajan..."
  22. Report of the expert group on "Ground Water Management and Ownership" :PDF
  23. Report of the Oversight Committee to Monitor implementation of Reservation in Higher Educational Institutions
  24. Report of Integrated Energy Policy :PDF
  25. Report of Fact Finding Team on VidarbhaRegional Disparities and Rural Distress in Maharashtra with particular reference to Vidarbha - PDF || ZIP(MS Word)
  26. Model Concession Agreement for PPP in Highways 
    Overview of the framework (PDF)
    For Details >>
  27. Human Development Report 2004 
    (File Size 3MB/ link to
  28. National Human Development Report 2001
  29. Report of the PPP (Public Private Partnership) Sub-Group on Social Sector (PDF format )
  30. Report of the working group on National Action Plan for operationalising Clean Development Mechanism in India - PDF
  31. Report of the Committee on Technology Innovation and Venture Capital (PDF)
  32. Report of the committee on development of Bio-fuel - PDF | ZIP(MS Word) [Size 2.00 MB approx.]
  33. India Assessment 2002: Water Supply and Sanitation -PDF
  34. High Level Commission Report -"Transforming: The NorthEast" - PDF | ZIP(MS Word)
  35. India Vision 2020 - PDF [ Size 828KB ]
  36. Background Papers: Vision 2020 >>>
  37. Summary Records of Discussions of 50 NDC Meetings
    i) Volume I - 1 to 14 - PDF 
    i) Volume II - 15 to 26 - PDF 
    i) Volume III - 27 to 36 - PDF 
    i) Volume IV - 37 to 44 - PDF 
    i) Volume V - 45 to 50 - PDF
  38. Report of High Level Committee on National Mineral Policy :PDF


Annual Reports


Annual Report on the working of State Electricity Boards and Electricity Departments

You may find the latest information on 
State Electrictiy Boards on:


The Prime Minister is the Chairman of the Planning Commission, which works under the overall guidance of the National Development Council. The Deputy Chairman and the full time Members of the Commission, as a composite body, provide advice and guidance to the subject Divisions for the formulation of Five Year Plans, Annual Plans, State Plans, Monitoring Plan Programmes, Projects and Schemes.

The Planning Commission functions through several Divisions, each headed by a Senior Officer. The Set up is:

  1. Chairman
  2. Sh. Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Dy. Chairman
  3. Shri Ashwani Kumar, Minister of State
  4. Members
  5. Ms. Sudha Pillai, Member Secretary
  6. Senior Officials
  7. Grievance Officers
  8. Reference Material 2010 - PDF | MS Word



  1. Agriculture
  2. Communication, IT& Information
  3. Decentralized planning, Panchayati Raj and Special Area Programme (Including Western Ghat Secretariat)
  4. Development Policy & Perspective Planning
  5. Environment & Forests (Including Climate Change Cell)
  6. Financial Resources
  7. Health, Family Welfare & Nutrition
  8. Housing and Urban Affairs (including Home Affairs Cell)
  9. Human Resources Development
  10. Industries
  11. Infrastructure
  12. International Economics
  13. International Relations Cell
  14. Labour, Employment & Manpower
  15. Minerals
  1. Minority Cell
  2. Plan Coordination and Management
  3. Power & Energy
  4. Project Appraisal & Management
  5. Rural Development
  6. Science & Technology
  7. Social Justice and Social Welfare
  8. Socio-Economic Research
  9. State Plans (Including Island Development Authority Cell)
  10. Transport and Tourism
  11. Village and Small Enterprises
  12. Voluntary Action Cell
  13. Water Resources Division
  14. Women & Child Development
  15. Programme Evaluation Organization
Office Memorandum:
Changing the name of 'Village & Small Industries Division' to "Village & Small Enterprises Division" dated 8/3/04

Justify BPL cap: SC tells Centre and Planning Commission
20.04.2011 | 21:57 
New Delhi
Soibam Rocky Singh

The Supreme Court on Wednesday directed the Central Government and Planning Commission to come out with logical answers justifying the cap defining Below Poverty Line (BPL) population in urban and rural areas of the country within a week.

The government through Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Department had filed an affidavit mentioning that a cap of Rs 12 and Rs 17 (in rural and urban regions respectively) per day per capita consumption for estimation of BPL population has been fixed.

The Bench of Justice Dalveer Bhandhari and Justice Deepak Verma while giving the order asked the Central government, "In 2011 how do you fix Rs 20 and Rs 11 as a cap for determining the poor in urban and rural areas. How can you justify it?"

The Bench also sought clear answers from the Planning Commission on the statistical differences in the number of BPL population given by the central government, which were in clear conflict with the figures in their respective states. The court said, "All the states including those with Congress government have filed that the figures given by the Planning Commission is wrong."

The court also pointed out to the 30% cap on the percentage of population eligible for entitlement to food grains through Public Distribution System (PDS). The Bench asked the government, "How can you fix that there cannot be more than 30 per cent?"

Senior counsel Colin Gonsalves, appearing for People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) also pointed out to the rampant cases of malnutrition in large parts of the country. Gonsalves said, "According to experts, the cases of malnutrition in our country is primarily due to lack of food."

"According to data, ten years back 47% of the population fell under the malnutrition category, today the figure has come down only to 46%," Gonsalves added.

Pointing towards the central government, the Bench observed, "On one hand, you say you have adequate food grains, while on the other hand these facts cannot be denied." The Bench asked the central government to file a report on the problem of malnutrition within a week.

Meanwhile, Mohan Parasaran, Additional Solicitor General appearing for the central government submitted before the bench that the pilot scheme on computerisation of Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) has become operational in Chhattisgarh.

The pilot scheme was implemented in three districts in each of the four pilot states i.e. Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, and Delhi.

The Bench observed that the Chhattisgarh model could be used to frame an ideal model which could be implemented in the whole country. The Bench asked Justice DP Wadhwa to expedite the whole process and monitor the development on a weekly basis.

While taking into account the challenges in computerisation of the TPDS, the Bench acknowledged that the process will take some time. In view of the above fact, the Bench directed the central government to come out with a model of computerised TPDS before 11 July 2011 which will be implemented throughout the country.

The Supreme Court direction came while hearing a Public Interest Litigation filed by PUCL for food security and better Public Distribution System (PDS).

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Supreme Court wants explaination from Planning Commission about BPL percentage

Economic Times - ‎Apr 20, 2011‎
NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court Wednesday slammed the Planning Commission, asking its Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia to explain how was the percentage of people living below poverty line (BPL) fixed at 36 percent and how has their purchasing power ...

Supreme Court slams Centre, Planning Commission over criteria for BPL population - ‎Apr 19, 2011‎
New Delhi: The Supreme Court today slammed the Centre and the Planning Commission over the fixing of criteria for Below Poverty Line (BPL) population. The court also directed the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission to file its affidavit within a ...

Justify BPL cap: SC tells Centre and Planning Commission

Law et al. News - Rocky Singh - ‎Apr 20, 2011‎
The Supreme Court on Wednesday directed the Central Government and Planning Commission to come out with logical answers justifying the cap defining Below Poverty Line (BPL) population in urban and rural areas of the country within a week. ...

How was BPL percentage calculated, asks Supreme Court

Hindustan Times - ‎Apr 20, 2011‎
The Supreme Court on Wednesday slammed the Planning Commission, asking it to explain how the percentage of people below poverty line (BPL) was fixed at 36% and how their purchasing power has remained unchanged since 1991. Judge Dalveer Bhandari and ...

SC seeks explanation from Plan Panel about BPL percentage, expresses unhappiness

Economic Times - ‎21 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: Expressing displeasure over failure of the government's public distribution system to percolate down to the intended beneficiaries, the Supreme Court has asked the Planning Commission to explain the rationale behind the criteria determining ...

Need for a better system to define who's poor

Express Buzz - ‎22 minutes ago‎
A greater clarity on the number of people who are below the poverty line may be available when the planning commission submits its affidavit on the subject following a Supreme Court order. The directive came in the wake of the court's admonition to the ...

Court on starvation deaths: 'there cannot be two Indias'

The Hindu - ‎22 hours ago‎
Justice Bhandari also asked the Planning Commission to explain on what basis it estimated that 36 per cent of the population were BPL when several States, including those ruled by the Congress, had disputed this figure and said the actual percentage ...

Poverty dip offers food for thought

Calcutta Telegraph - ‎21 hours ago‎
New Delhi, April 20: The number of people below the poverty line declined to 32 per cent in 2009-10 from 37.2 per cent five years ago, according to preliminary estimates of the Planning Commission. "The 2009-10 data show a decline in poverty from 37.2 ...

SC questions Centre's food distribution

Deccan Chronicle - ‎17 hours ago‎
They have calculated this figure on the very same parameters, which you (plan panel) has laid down," Justice Bhandari, heading the bench specifically told the Planning Commission counsel. Referring to various reports — prepared by both by the ...

Why are there starvation deaths, asks Supreme Court

Daily News & Analysis - Rakesh Bhatnagar - ‎Apr 20, 2011‎
The top court reminded the governance of its claim of being an economically strong nation and asked Montek Singh Ahluwalia, deputy chairman of the planning commission, to file an affidavit explaining the per capita daily income for the BPL category. ...

Can't have two Indias: Supreme Court

indiablooms - ‎Apr 20, 2011‎
It also questioned the Planning Commission's rational behind limiting the number of below poverty line (BPL) people in a state to 36 per cent of its population and pointed that many Congress-ruled states have opposed this. The bench also questioned the ...

There can't be two Indias: Supreme Court

Times of India - Dhananjay Mahapatra - ‎Apr 20, 2011‎
The court also criticised Planning Commission, which was made a party in the PUCL petition, for the criteria it employed to arrive at an estimate that number of people under BPL category was 36% of the population. The commission had calculated BPL ...

There can't be two Indias, says SC

Hindustan Times - ‎Apr 20, 2011‎
The court has asked the Planning Commission to explain how it fixed the BPL population for 2011 on the basis of more than two-decade old census. It directed the deputy chairman of Planning Commission to file a comprehensive affidavit within a week and ...

SC criticizes poverty alleviation measures

Times of India - ‎Apr 20, 2011‎
It criticized Planning Commission for adopting very conservative criteria to estimate BPL population. The SC told the commission that many Congress-ruled states have contested the low population figures of poor people.

Glare on ration data

Calcutta Telegraph - ‎21 hours ago‎
the bench said, questioning the unrealistic income limits and asking the deputy chairman of the Planning Commission to file an affidavit within a week explaining how the cap had been fixed. This is possibly the first time the plan panel has been asked ...

How was BPL percentage calculated, asks Supreme Court - ‎Apr 20, 2011‎
New Delhi, April 20 (IANS) The Supreme Court Wednesday slammed the Planning Commission, asking it to explain how the percentage of people below poverty line (BPL) was fixed at 36 percent and how their purchasing power has remained unchanged since 1991. ...

There can''t be two Indias: SC - ‎Apr 20, 2011‎
"How can you justify fixation of this meagre amount when even in the rural areas the amount is not enough. "The deputy chairman of planning commission must explain and file a comprehensive affidavit within one week," the bench said in its order.

There can\'t be two Indias: Supreme Court - ‎Apr 20, 2011‎
A Bench of Justices Dalveer Bhandari and Deepak Verma also asked the Planning Commission to explain its rational behind limiting the number of below poverty line (BPL) people in a state to 36 per cent of its population. "You can't have two Indias. ...

Not an issue of right numbers

Livemint - ‎2 hours ago‎
In most cases, courts are a last remedy for the vast number of citizens. Injustice stemming from government's delivery failures and inaction of officials is a big factor behind the spate of cases in recent decades. The ability of courts to deliver ...
In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to those already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included.


The Planning Commission was set up by a Resolution of the Government of India in March 1950 in pursuance of declared objectives of the Government to promote a rapid rise in the standard of living of the people by efficient exploitation of the resources of the country, increasing production and offering opportunities to all for employment in the service of the community. The Planning Commission was charged with the responsibility of making assessment of all resources of the country, augmenting deficient resources, formulating plans for the most effective and balanced utilisation of resources and determining priorities. Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Chairman of the Planning Commission.

The first Five-year Plan was launched in 1951 and two subsequent five-year plans were formulated till 1965, when there was a break because of the Indo-Pakistan Conflict. Two successive years of drought, devaluation of the currency, a general rise in prices and erosion of resources disrupted the planning process and after three Annual Plans between 1966 and 1969, the fourth Five-year plan was started in 1969.

The Eighth Plan could not take off in 1990 due to the fast changing political situation at the Centre and the years 1990-91 and 1991-92 were treated as Annual Plans. The Eighth Plan was finally launched in 1992 after the initiation of structural adjustment policies.

For the first eight Plans the emphasis was on a growing public sector with massive investments in basic and heavy industries, but since the launch of the Ninth Plan in 1997, the emphasis on the public sector has become less pronounced and the current thinking on planning in the country, in general, is that it should increasingly be of an indicative nature.


The 1950 resolution setting up the Planning Commission outlined its functions as to:

  1. Make an assessment of the material, capital and human resources of the country, including technical personnel, and investigate the possibilities of augmenting such of these resources as are found to be deficient in relation to the nation's requirement;
  2. Formulate a Plan for the most effective and balanced utilisation of country's resources;
  3. On a determination of priorities, define the stages in which the Plan should be carried out and propose the allocation of resources for the due completion of each stage;
  4. Indicate the factors which are tending to retard economic development, and determine the conditions which, in view of the current social and political situation, should be established for the successful execution of the Plan;
  5. Determine the nature of the machinery which will be necessary for securing the successful implementation of each stage of the Plan in all its aspects;
  6. Appraise from time to time the progress achieved in the execution of each stage of the Plan and recommend the adjustments of policy and measures that such appraisal may show to be necessary; and
  7. Make such interim or ancillary recommendations as appear to it to be appropriate either for facilitating the discharge of the duties assigned to it, or on a consideration of prevailing economic conditions, current policies, measures and development programmes or on an examination of such specific problems as may be referred to it for advice by Central or State Governments.

Evolving Functions

From a highly centralised planning system, the Indian economy is gradually moving towards indicative planning where Planning Commission concerns itself with the building of a long term strategic vision of the future and decide on priorities of nation. It works out sectoral targets and provides promotional stimulus to the economy to grow in the desired direction.

Planning Commission plays an integrative role in the development of a holistic approach to the policy formulation in critical areas of human and economic development. In the social sector, schemes which require coordination and synthesis like rural health, drinking water, rural energy needs, literacy and environment protection have yet to be subjected to coordinated policy formulation. It has led to multiplicity of agencies. An integrated approach can lead to better results at much lower costs.

The emphasis of the Commission is on maximising the output by using our limited resources optimally. Instead of looking for mere increase in the plan outlays, the effort is to look for increases in the efficiency of utilisation of the allocations being made.

With the emergence of severe constraints on available budgetary resources, the resource allocation system between the States and Ministries of the Central Government is under strain. This requires the Planning Commission to play a mediatory and facilitating role, keeping in view the best interest of all concerned. It has to ensure smooth management of the change and help in creating a culture of high productivity and efficiency in the Government.

The key to efficient utilisation of resources lies in the creation of appropriate self-managed organisations at all levels. In this area, Planning Commission attempts to play a systems change role and provide consultancy within the Government for developing better systems. In order to spread the gains of experience more widely, Planning Commission  also plays an information dissemination role.

It is All Round Growth Story for the Market Dominating Zionist Brahaminical Class! It is Ethnic Cleansing and Mass Destruction for the Excluded Bahujan Mulnivasi Aborigin Indigenous Communities who own all the Resources!

The full Planning Commission meeting chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh agreed on Thursday to work towards a growth target of 9.0-9.5 per cent for the 12th Plan (2012-17). It endorsed the objectives and challenges outlined by the Commission for the five-year period involving special focus on policy and governance reforms and redesigning of government programmes.

The Planning Commission gave a presentation on the ongoing 11th Plan and objectives of the 12th Plan which include 100 per cent literacy, inclusive growth and development of physical and social infrastructure within the overall target of fiscal consolidation.

The remote-sensing satellite, Resourcesat-2, put up by PSLV-C16 on Wednesday, "will become a workhorse for the global community" with the huge data it will send back on the earth's resources, said R.R. Navalgund, Director, Space Applications Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad.
India is targeting economic growth of 9 percent to 9.5 percent in the five years to March 2017 even though inflation is a "weak point," a top economic adviser to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said.
"The rising inflationary pressure is a weak point," Montek Singh Ahluwalia, deputy chairman of the nation's Planning Commission, said in New Delhi today. "We think proper fiscal balance and good agriculture production will help bring inflation under control."
India's benchmark wholesale-price inflation accelerated to 8.98 percent last month, overshooting the Reserve Bank of India's 8 percent estimate, prompting Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Standard Chartered Plc and Barclays Plc to raise their forecast for interest-rate increases this year. India's 11-year bond yields closed near a two-month high today.
"Unless inflation is controlled, achieving such high growth rates may not be possible," said Shubhada Rao, chief economist at Mumbai-based Yes Bank Ltd. "The key challenge will be to slow price increases."
India's inflation will average 5 percent between 2012 and 2017, Ahluwalia said.
The yield on the 8.08 percent bond due August 2022, the most-traded government security, was 8.24 percent as of the 5 p.m. close in Mumbai, near the highest level since Feb. 8, according to the central bank's trading system.
The Bombay Stock Exchange's Sensitive Index rose 0.7 percent while the rupee weakened 0.1 percent to 44.36 per dollar.

Slower Growth

Even as the government aimed for faster economic expansion, Goldman Sachs today cut India's growth forecast for the current financial year because of rising borrowing costs and weak investments.
The economy may grow 7.8 percent in the year ending March 31, less than the 8.7 percent predicted earlier, Tushar Poddar, Mumbai-based chief India economist at Goldman Sachs, said in an e-mail report.
Poddar estimates the Reserve Bank of India will probably increase rates by another 1.25 percentage points in 2011, more than the half-point increase predicted earlier. He raised his inflation forecast for India to 7.5 percent from 6.7 percent for this financial year.
The Reserve Bank has boosted rates by 200 basis points since mid-March 2010 in eight moves. The central bank's benchmark repurchase rate is 6.75 percent. The next monetary policy announcement is scheduled for May 3.

Rate Forecast

Standard Chartered forecast on April 18 the repurchase rate will rise by 1 percentage point in six months, while Barclays Plc predicted a 75-basis point increase, compared with original calls of 50 basis points.
A government report today showed that the food inflation rate for the week ended April 9 rose to 8.74 percent, accelerating for the first time in four weeks.
Persistent inflation particularly in food products is a cause for concern, Prime MinisterManmohan Singh said earlier today.
Singh is betting on normal rains this year to boost farm production and tame food inflation, which averaged 18 percent in 2010.
The June to September monsoon rain, the main source of irrigation in India, will be normal for a second year, the India Meteorological Department said April 19.
To damp inflationary pressures, Singh's government aims to cut the budget deficit to 4.6 percent of gross domestic product in the year ending March 31 from 5.1 percent in the previous 12 months.

Manufacturing Inflation

Last month's jump in India's inflation rate was driven by a surge in the cost of factory goods. The price gauge of non-food manufactured products, the central bank's measure of core inflation, accelerated to 7 percent in March from 6.1 percent in February, according to Goldman Sachs.
Higher salaries have boosted consumer demand for houses, cars and household appliances, stoking price risks.
Salaries in India in 2011 will likely rise the most in the Asia-Pacific region, a survey by Aon Hewitt LLC showed March 8. Spending under the government's National Rural Employment Guarantee Act of 2005 has surged almost fourfold to 399 billion rupees ($9 billion).
Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. (MSIL), the nation's biggest carmaker, plans to boost capacity by 21 percent in the current financial year as part of investment plans totaling as much as 40 billion rupees, Chief Financial Officer Ajay Seth said in an interview on April 6. The company's sales climbed to a record in March.

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February 01, 2005 PUNJAB ANNUAL PLAN 2005-06 FINALIZED

Step up private input, use-efficiency to beat resources shortage: PM

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PTIThe Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, with the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, Mr Montek Singh Ahluwalia, at a meeting in the Capital on Thursday. (PTI photo)
Policies that come in the way of higher growth rate need to be restructured, the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, said on Thursday.
He was speaking at the meeting of the full Planning Commission called to finalise the approach paper to the Twelfth Plan.
The next Plan targets a growth of 9-9.5 per cent with focus on health, education, rural infrastructure and watershed management.
"The Plan objective must be faster, more inclusive and also sustainable growth...We need to identify the critical areas where existing policies and programmes are not delivering results. These should be strengthened or even restructured," Dr Singh said.
The Prime Minister said he had taken note of the Finance Minister's suggestions to improve the legal system's functioning and methods of dispute resolution.
Dr Singh also asked the Plan panel and the Finance Ministry to arrive at an agreed position on resource availability for the Twelfth Plan.
"We do know that resources will be a constraint. This underlines the need to focus more on efficiency of resource use, and supplement public resources with private investment, wherever feasible…. Sustainability, low carbon and fiscal issues should also be kept in mind," he said.
The paper noted that some key challenges that the economy faces include accelerated inflation, global pressure on food and oil prices, quality of governance and weak manufacturing performance, which can be given a boost by liberalising the policy on the foreign direct investment.
The Plan panel presentation to the Prime Minister also cautioned that rising debt in advanced economies could lead to higher interest rates.
The paper admitted that citizen feedback revealed general unhappiness with governance and public service delivery. "They believe that corruption is built into systems for public service delivery," it said.
Keywords: Twelfth Plan, targets 9-9.5% growth, Dr Manmohan Singh, Planning Commission

Step up private input, use-efficiency to beat resources shortage: PM

Hindu Business Line - ‎34 minutes ago‎
PTI The Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, with the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, Mr Montek Singh Ahluwalia, at a meeting in the Capital on Thursday. (PTI photo) Policies that come in the way of higher growth rate need to be restructured, ...

Health, education, rural development to be priority in 12th plan

Hindustan Times - ‎40 minutes ago‎
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Thursday asked the Planning Commission to prepare an approach paper for the 12th plan period in consultation with the state governments aimed at more focus on health, education, rural development, power and water shed ...

12th Plan to target 9-9.5% growth

The Hindu - ‎1 hour ago‎
PTI Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, flanked by Deputy Chaiman of Planning Commission Montek Singh Ahluwalia and Cabinet colleagues Kapil Sibal and Sharad Pawar, chairing the Full Planning Commission Meeting to discuss an approach paper for the 12th Five ...

"The Plan objective must be faster, more inclusive and also sustainable growth......We need to identify the critical areas where existing policies and programmes are not delivering results. These should be strengthened or even restructured," Dr Singh said.

more by Manmohan Singh - 34 minutes ago - Hindu Business Line(24 occurrences)

India in 2017

Mint - ‎2 hours ago‎
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says he wants the 12th Five Year Plan to fix new targets and tackle issues like energy and urbanization.

India Targets Growth of 9% to 9.5% Starting Next Fiscal, Singh's Aide Says

Bloomberg - Unni Krishnan, Kartik Goyal - ‎3 hours ago‎
India is targeting economic growth of 9 percent to 9.5 percent in the five years to March 2017 even though inflation is a "weak point," a top economic adviser to Prime Minister Manmohan ...

India PM Says Aiming for 9%-9.5% Economic Growth

Wall Street Journal - Mukesh Jagota - ‎3 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI – India's federal government aims to achieve 9%-9.5% annual economic growth in 2012-2017, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said Thursday. "The Planning Commission should focus on policy and governance reforms while working ...

PM: should aim 9-9.5 pct GDP growth in 5 yrs to end-March 2017

Reuters India - Manoj Kumar, Malini Menon - ‎4 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - The Planning Commission should target 9 - 9.5 percent annual economic growth in the next five fiscal years to end-March 2017, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Thursday. Earlier Singh said the economy is expected to grow about ...

Concerned over graft, govt to focus on governance in 12th Plan

Business Standard - ‎5 hours ago‎
PTI / New Delhi April 21, 2011, 18:41 IST Taking on board citizens' concerns over corruption and quality of governance, the 12th Five Year Plan proposes re-designing of government programmes even as it targets 9-9.5% economic growth with focus on...

PM for more private sector participation in 12th Plan

Livemint - ‎6 hours ago‎
PTI New Delhi: Concerned over paucity of resources to step up growth, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Thursday called for greater participation of private sector in scaling up economic development in the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17). ...

Liberalize FDI, improve regulations for 9% growth: Planning Commission

Livemint - ‎7 hours ago‎
PTI New Delhi: Concerned over weaknesses in manufacturing sector, the Planning Commission on Thursday pitched for further liberalization of FDI policy and improvement of business regulations to step up GDP growth rate to 9-9.5% in the 12th Plan from ...
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Health, education, rural development to be priority in 12th plan
‎40 minutes ago‎ - Hindustan Times
10% growth not feasible, 12th plan to target 9-9.5%: Montek
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The Indian Space Research Organisation's (ISRO) Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C16) put three satellites in orbit – India's 1,206-kg Resourcesat-2, the Indo-Russian 93-kg Youthsat and the 106-kg X-Sat from the Nangyang Technological University of Singapore. The Resourcesat-2 is a continuation of Resourcesat-1, launched in October 2003, but has enhanced capability, he said. The SAC built the Resourcesat-2 payloads.

PTIFile photo shows Lokpal Bill drafting committee member Santosh Hegde (right) with panel co-chairman Shanti Bhushan (centre) and member Anna Hazare during its first meeting in New Delhi. Hegde has said he was reconsidering his decision to be on the committee.

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In his concluding remarks at the meeting, Dr. Singh pointed to the "general agreement" arrived at for focus on policy and governance reforms while working towards the targeted growth rate. "We should also set monitorable targets related to different dimensions of inclusiveness, and then work to achieve these targets by appropriate design of policy and funding of Plan schemes," Dr. Singh said. He pointed to the Commission's emphasis on the importance of working within the overall fiscal consolidation target. "This is an important constraint that we must recognise. The Planning Commission and Finance Ministry together must come up with a realistic assessment of Plan size for the Centre and the States," he said.

In particular, the Prime Minister noted "the suggestions of the Finance Minister to improve the functioning of the legal system and methods of dispute resolution, and on improving the functioning of key infrastructure sectors." Dr. Singh asked the Commission to prepare a draft approach to the 12th Plan for discussions with the States, taking into account the day's deliberations and keeping in mind sustainability and low carbon issues.

After the circulation of a revised approach document to the Ministries concerned, it can then be brought to the Cabinet and then to the National Development Council (NDC). "We should aim at an NDC meeting sometime in July," Dr. Singh said.

Earlier, setting the tone for discussions at the meeting, Dr. Singh said: "The 12th Plan objective must be faster, more inclusive and also sustainable growth... We need to identify the critical areas where existing policies and programmes are not delivering results and should, therefore, be strengthened or even restructured." India, he said, needed to tackle new challenges and this called for new initiatives.

According to the Commission's presentation, for aiming at 100 per cent adult literacy, the 12th Plan (2012-17) would have to increase expenditure on health from 1.3 per cent to at least 2.0-2.5 per cent of GDP (gross domestic product).

The country was estimated to have recorded an annual growth rate of 8.2 per cent during 11th Plan as against the target of nine per cent. In particular, the economic performance was impacted by the global financial crisis and drought.

In the years ahead, some of the challenges that the economy faced were accelerated inflation, global pressure on food and oil prices, quality of governance and weak manufacturing performance, which could be given a boost by liberalising the policy on the foreign direct investment (FDI), it said. "Citizen feedback reveals general unhappiness with governance and public service delivery. They believe that corruption is built into systems for public service delivery," the Plan panel said.

Dr. Navalgund called the Resourcesat-2 "an extremely important satellite" because it had three cameras mounted on a single platform with a high resolution, medium resolution and coarse resolution. The images from the satellite would be useful in monitoring the earth's resources, including crop yield before harvest, the snow-cover in mountains, the glaciers advancing or the changes in the coastal zones and the urban landscape; locating groundwater; and realigning roads in rural areas. "You can collect data from the entire globe. So, there will be a great demand for this kind of data which is available from the Resourcesat-2. It can provide data more frequently. It will become the workhorse for monitoring the resources of the entire earth for the global community," Dr. Navalgund said.

T.K. Alex, Director, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore, which integrated the Resourcesat-2, said the satellite was doing well after its solar panels were deployed soon after it reached the orbit. The cameras would be operated from April 28, when the first set of pictures would reach the ground. "Everybody is looking forward to using the images of the Resourcesat-2, and we hope it will meet the requirements of the entire globe."

The Youthsat's three payloads — one from Russia and two from India — would be useful in studying the solar X-ray and gamma ray fluxes, and the influence of the activities in the sun on the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere. The X-Sat is a remote-sensing satellite that can process the images it takes and send more refined images to the ground.

ISRO Chairman K. Radhakrishnan said the PSLV-C16 and the Resourcesat-2 and the Youthsat together cost Rs.250 crore. The ISRO launched the X-Sat on a commercial basis, but he declined to disclose the sum received by Antrix Corporation, the Department of Space's commercial arm.

The ISRO-built communication satellite, GSAT-8, weighing 3,200 kg, will be put in orbit on May 19 by the Ariane vehicle of Arianespace from French Guiana. "All preparations are going on for the launch, which will take place at 1.30 a.m. IST on May 19. It will have 24 transponders in the Ku-band [used for telecasting]," Dr. Radhakrishnan said.

P.S. Veeraraghavan, Director, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, said ISRO would launch several satellites from Sriharikota in the coming months. The PSLV-C17 would put in orbit India's communication satellite, GSAT-12, by June end or in the first week of July. The next satellite PSLV-C18 would deploy the Indo-French Megha-Tropiques satellite in August for studying the clouds in the tropical region. In the last quarter of 2011, the PSLV-C19 would put in orbit the Radar Imaging Satellite (RISAT), a 1,100-kg micro-wave remote-sensing satellite.

Asked why the connectors in the GSLV-F06 snapped on December 25, 2010, leading to the mission's failure, Mr. Veeraraghavan said a shroud covered the rear portion of the Russian upper cryogenic stage. The connectors between the equipment bay and the first stage snapped within seconds of the lift-off, though they should have snapped after the second stage separation. This happened because the shroud had structurally failed.

The failure of the turbo-pump in the indigenous cryogenic stage in the GSLV-D3, which led to the mission's failure in April 20, 2010, had been analysed, said S. Ramakrishnan, Director, Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), ISRO. A test of the modified turbo-pump at the LPSC, Mahendragiri, Tamil Nadu, was successful on April 19, 2011.
Reliance Industries' record profit challenges ONGC's top rank

Billionaire Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries today came close to challenging PSU giant ONGC's position as the country's most profitable company, with a record net profit of Rs 20,211 crore for the fiscal 2010-11.

RIL's consolidated net profit for the fiscal ended March 31, 2011, grew by over 27 per cent to Rs 20,211 crore.

The company had recorded profit of Rs 15,898 crore in the previous fiscal 2009-10, making it second most profitable company after ONGC.

Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC), the nation's largest oil and gas explorer, had recorded net profit of Rs 16,767.55 crore in 2009-10. The PSU major is yet to announce its figures for the fiscal 2010-11.

In the first nine months of 2010-11 fiscal, ONGC has reported a net profit of Rs 16,133.13 crore.

Analysts expect that the full-year profits of the two companies could be very close to each other and it would be interesting to see whose figures are higher, although not by any big margin.

They said that RIL's figures for the last quarter would have been much higher, but for a decline in the production from its main gas field KG-D6.

Commenting on the results, RIL Chairman and MD Mukesh Ambani said: "Reliance had a record year with strong financial and operating performance. Global economic growth, emerging markets demand and tightness in the markets led to recovery in refining margins and record petrochemical earnings."

"We are fully geared to participate in India's growth and continued global recovery in the coming years. Our committed investments in core business and new initiatives are expected to result in sustained earnings growth," he added.

In the league of five most profitable companies, ONGC and RIL are followed by Indian Oil (Rs 10,220 crore), Bharti Airtel (Rs 9,426 crore) and SBI (Rs 9,166 crore), based on their comparable latest available fiscal year results.

In terms of turnover, RIL is ranked second after Indian Oil and is followed by BPCL, HPCL, SBI and ONGC.

Driven by productivity enhancement and infrastructure development, India is expected to outpace Asian dragon China and become the fastest growing economy in the next four years, ICICI Bank said in a report.

"India is expected to grow at an average of 9.4 per cent in this decade and will outpace China by 2015, becoming the fastest growing economy," ICICI Bank said in a report titled The India Book: Growth Opportunities and Challenges.

It added, however, that the rise in growth trajectory will lead to the widening of the current account deficit to an estimated 3.7 per cent of GDP by 2014-2015, which implies a rise in absorptive capacity for capital flows to $ 173 billion by FY'15.

Demographic dividend, besides other factors including productivity enhancement, technological advancement, infrastructural focus and deepening financial markets would catapult India into the high growth trajectory.

The Planning Commission is looking at 9-9.5 per cent GDP growth for the the 12th Plan period (2012-2017), from 8.2 per cent in the current plan.

The country is estimated to have recorded an annual growth rate of 8.2 per cent during the 11th Plan, against 9 per cent target. The performance was impacted by the global financial crisis and drought.

The study noted that the private domestic consumption demand is expected to average 10 per cent annually over this decade as compared to an average of 8 per cent over 2005-10.

The domestic demand for air conditioners and refrigerators is expected to grow more than seven times by 2020, the report said, adding that the cellular industry is expected to double its subscription base.

At the same time, the savings rate is expected to rise to 41.3 per cent of GDP by 2020 while the investment rate is likely to rise to 46.9 per cent of GDP during the same period, it said.

Financing of the infrastructure target would increase the reliance on foreign sources and raise the need for exploring innovative sources of financing, the report added.

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Fertiliser subsidy bill to shoot up by Rs 8000 crore

NEW DELHI: The Centre's fertiliser subsidy bill is set to shoot up by an estimated Rs 8000 crore mark with the department of fertilizers (DoF) mooting higher P and K nutrient subsidy to companies. This, after companies clinched phosphoric acid and DAP imports at price levels much higher than the benchmark rates prescribed by the government.

Once approved, this would be the third reality check on import prices that the DoF will be resorting to since November last year for 2011-12,. The rates were revised upward in February again, but clearly this increase too has failed to take a pragmatic view of fast soaring global fertiliser prices. Industry usually contracts imports for new crop year by end February/early March. But marked increase in prices put a spoke in that timetable.

The BE for this fiscal is pegged at a low Rs 49998 crore. Higher international prices of inputs and raw materials, leading to higher import prices for key fertilisers, are now threatening to pressure food prices. Now, with a normal south west monsoon forecast for this summer, fertiliser demand is expected to go up__even if not to last summer's levels___but global raw material prices is likely to temper home supply..Demand for the kharif season is pegged up 4% since last summer, at 28.8 mt compared to 27.7 mt .

.In the case of potash, industry has already announced an import "holiday" last week, primarily on account of high international prices, contending that the country had enough supplies for complexes for the coming kharif sowing season. The move was meant to pressure cartelising global suppliers to peg their prices down but it appears to be having little effect, with a major German supplier to Europe announcing a further price hike after April 22. This, although India is the among the world's top two importers.

"We have put up a note for the upward revision the Cabinet for approval," an official from the department told ET. While potash is used mostly for commercial crops such as tobacco, cotton and sugarcane, the government's worries are higher in the case of phosphatic fertilisers including DAP and complexes which are key to food crops at sowing time.

"If NBS rates are not revised once again, it will pressure industry margins on DAP (di-ammonium phosphate) and complexes, while absence of MoP (muriate of potash) in the market this kharif is a certainty," sectoral analyst Tarun Surana of Mumbai based Sunidhi Securities and Finance said. Fertilizer manufacturers have already hiked retail prices of di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) and complex fertilizers by up to 15% in the last 3-4 months.

Almost 90% of India's requirement of the phosphatic (P) fertilizers is met with imports while for potassic (K) fertilizers the country is totally dependent on foreign sources. Prices of phosphoric acid, a key ingredient in phosphatic fertilisers, are currently hovering around $700/tonne, $100 higher than last year. The benchmark price set by the government for potash, at $390/tonne, is nowhere near the supplier cartel's current quote of $500/tonne.

Under the nutrient-based subsidy (NBS) regime introduced from April 1, 2010, the retail prices of P & K fertilizers have been freed .but industry claims price hikes are being kept reined in for the present in order not to jeopardise farm output..The government provides a fixed annual subsidy based on per kilo of nutrient - K or P- in the fertilizer, leaving the industry to fix retail prices.

Projections are that there will be a 12% hike in subsidy for P nutrients (to Rs 31/kg from the current earlier Rs 29.41/kg) compared to only Rs 26.28/kg last year. For K (phosphatic) nutrient, the benchmark price is expected to be revised to Rs 26.50/kg compared to the February level of Rs 24.63/kg , spelling a 1% hike in FY 2011-12 compared to FY 2010-11. Industry estimates are that the hike in benchmark rates for P and K nutrients from existing rates alone will shoot up the government's subsidy bill by Rs 3500 crore.

Urea is still to be freed for imports by the private sector but even parastatals were unable to clinch imports at the Rs 20.11/kg level set by the government earlier. The revised price level announced in February 2011, however, was realistic and more reflective of ground realities and actual import prices, at Rs 27.48/kg, spelling an 18% hike.

20 APR, 2011, 03.20PM IST,REUTERS

India should allow wheat, rice exports: Agriculture minister, Sharad Pawar

NEW DELHI: India should allow exports of wheat and rice as the country has huge grain stocks and global prices are favourable, Farm Minister Sharad Pawar said on Wednesday.

Pawar's remarks came a day after India forecast normal monsoon rains which could boost farm output and encourage exports, though concerns over persistently high domestic food prices may weigh on any government decision to sell overseas.

And with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's Congress party facing a slew of state elections, the government is unlikely to take chances with grain stocks.

"The government will definitely apply its mind whether to enter international markets...International markets are favourable for wheat, rice, sugar and cotton for exports. In all these, we are comfortable," Pawar told reporters.

India, the world's second-largest producer of wheat and rice, has kept a tight control over grain exports since 2007 when adverse weather conditions hit production and the Indian government had to turn to costly imports.

In 2009, after a bad monsoon, Indian imports of sugar sent global prices to a record high.

The country has allowed only limited sales in diplomatic deals while the nation's stocks swelled after three straight years of bumper harvests, leading to some rotting of grain because of storage problems.

India's wheat reserves swelled to 17.2 million tonnes by March 1, more than double a government target of 8.2 million tonnes. That, combined with forecasts of a record harvest of 84.3 million tonnes in 2011, has prompted industry and trade to demand that export curbs be lifted.

The country's rice production is seen at 102 million tonnes for 2010/11.

Pawar also said the country would achieve the targetted 4 percent growth in farm sector in the current fiscal ending March 2012.

Country facing unprecedented misery under Manmohan Singh:

PTI | 09:04 PM,Apr 21,2011
Advani Kolkata, Apr 21 (PTI) Veteran BJP leader L K Advani today attacked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh over corruption in the UPA government, saying the country was facing 'unprecedented misery' under his rule."During his tenure the country faced unprecedented misery," Advani told an election meeting at Burrabazar in the central business district here."Starting from buying off MPs to winning the confidence motion in 2008, they have got involved in the 2G spectrum scam, CWG scam and many others," he said."The country has lost Rs 1.72 lakh crore in the 2G spectrum scam alone according to the CAG and every day a new scam is tumbling out of their cupboard," he said."I have seen all governments since 1952 in my political career. "I used to respect Manmohan Singh a lot when he became the Prime Minister. He was not a politician," Advani said.Stating that the Congress had denied buying off MPs despite the BJP having produced Rs one crore in Parliament as proof, he said the US cables leaked by Wikileaks had shown that his party was right.

Manmohan Singh promises swift action to deal with corruption

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The HinduPrime Minister Manmohan Singh presenting 'PM's Award for Excellence in Public Administration' for the year 2009-10 to Varsha Vishwajeet Bhagat, Director, ETC during the Civil Services Day, in New Delhi on Thursday. Photo: Ramesh Sharma



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crime, law and justicecorruption & bribery

politicscitizens initiative and recall


"There is little public tolerance now to the prevailing state of affairs"

While acknowledging that the prevailing state of affairs will not be tolerated by the people, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Thursday pledged swift and exemplary action to deal with corruption, and unveiled a number of steps.

Dr. Singh said the government hoped to introduce during the monsoon session of Parliament the Lokpal Bill, on which a committee of Ministers and representatives of civil society was working.

"There is a growing feeling among the people that our laws, systems and procedures are not effective in dealing with corruption. We must recognise that there is little public tolerance now for the prevailing state of affairs. People expect swift and exemplary action and rightly so," he said inaugurating the Civil Services Day.

'A challenge'

Recalling his earlier statement that corruption was an impediment to faster growth and hurt the poor the most, Dr. Singh said it was a challenge that must be tackled boldly and asserted that his government stood committed to doing so.

Unveiling a multi-pronged approach, the Prime Minister said the aim was to strengthen the legislative framework, revamp administrative practices and procedures and fast-track a systemic response to fight the scourge.

A Group of Ministers (GoM) was already looking into the legal and administrative measures, and its recommendations would be made available soon.

"A committee of Ministers and representatives of civil society is at work to finalise the draft of a Lokpal Bill, which we hope to introduce during the monsoon session," he told the gathering of senior bureaucrats. Observing that two Bills on judicial accountability and protection of whistle-blowers had already been introduced in Parliament, Dr. Singh said the government would soon ratify the United Nations Convention on Corruption.

"We are committed to bringing more transparency in public procurement and ensuring that disinvestment of public utilities and allocation of public resources are done in a manner that best safeguard the interests of the asset-owning public."

Malkangiri episode

The Prime Minister said he expected the civil servants to be honest and fearless in advising the political leadership. The spontaneous support of the people of Malkangiri, when the Collector was kidnapped by left-wing extremists, "is a pointer to the extent of goodwill that well meaning civil servants can achieve."

"Disapproval and even ostracism by peers and colleagues can be a powerful deterrent for those who tend to stray from the path of rectitude," Dr. Singh said. "People value the work done by honest and dedicated civil servants and look up to them. I would like all of you to work to strengthen the trust and faith which people still have in civil servants."

It was a pity that instances of individual waywardness, of lack of moral courage, and of surrender to pressures and temptations tarnish the image of the Civil Services and lead to immense criticism and dissatisfaction. "I believe it is only up to the Civil Services as a whole to set the highest standards of probity and integrity in public and personal life and to create an atmosphere and a work ethic which encourages honesty and integrity."

Farm growth rate

He said the Civil Services had a major role to play in achieving a higher rate of growth in the agriculture sector and asked the senior officers to pay more focussed attention to this area, and more specially to the preparation and implementation of district-level agricultural plans.

Stressing the importance of strengthening local-level governance through panchayats and municipalities, the Prime Minister said: "Our country is too large to be governed effectively from the Centre or even from the State capitals. We have to decentralise power, decentralise decision-making and decentralise the implementation of various development schemes. This is the only way to involve and empower people in shaping their own future."

Security situation

Expressing satisfaction over the overall security situation in the country, Dr. Singh said combating Left-wing extremism, meeting terror challenges, countering insurgency in parts of the north east and maintaining communal harmony and effectively dealing with atrocities on the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes continued to be the government's top priorities. "There is now evidence of better cooperation and coordination between the Centre and the States in fighting terrorism. As I have stated earlier, we have drawn up an Integrated Development Programme for 60 districts affected by Left-wing extremism. We are working in partnership with State governments to provide employment to the tribal youth and to revamp the social and economic infrastructure in these remote areas."

Child sex ratio

Expressing concern over the falling child sex ratio, as indicated in the provisional results of Census 2011, Dr. Singh called for a national campaign to counter this bias.

"Our girls and women have done us proud in classrooms, in boardrooms and on the sports field. They have broken existing barriers to prove their worth in almost every sphere. It is a national shame for us that despite this, female foeticide and infanticide continue in many parts of our country. The social bias against women has to be fought with all the physical and moral resources at our command. There has to be a national campaign to counter this bias and I expect civil servants to play a big role in launching a crusade against it," the Prime Minister said.

Keywords: Lokpal Bill, anti-corruption movement, Civil Services Day, Manmohan Singh

Shanti Bhushan won't quit panel: Kejriwal

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The HinduFOCUSSED ON BILL: Civil society activist and member of the Lokpal Bill drafting committee Arvind Kejriwal and the former IPS officer, Kiran Bedi, address the media in New Delhi on Thursday. Photo: S. Subramanium
"No element of truth in the entire malicious campaign"
Civil society member on the joint drafting committee on the Lokpal Bill, Arvind Kejriwal, on Thursday ruled out resignation of co-chairman Shanti Bhushan from the panel in the wake of the Noida farm plot allotment issue and declared that they would remain focussed on drafting an effective Lokpal Bill.
"There is no element of truth in the entire malicious campaign," Mr. Kejriwal said at a news conference here. The former IPS officer and a leading member of India Against Corruption, Kiran Bedi, was also present.
"There was no allotment of the Noida farm plot from the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister's discretionary quota as is being made out. A scheme was advertised under which they applied," he said.
Mr. Shanti Bhushan and his son Prashant Bhushan have filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking an independent Special Investigation Team probe into the CD that features Mr. Shanti Bhushan purportedly in conversation with Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh and the former SP member, Amar Singh, allegedly on a legal deal. The CD was forensically investigated by the Delhi police and the CBI, who are said to have reported on Thursday that it was not doctored.
Mr. Kejriwal said there was no wrongdoing by the Bhushans. "The CD was got examined by the Bhushans in forensic lab in the United States and in Truth Labs in Hyderabad and found to be fabricated. If the Delhi police has a different version then let an independent inquiry, overlooked by the Supreme Court, go into it."
To a barrage of questions on the justification of appointing two members of the same family on the committee (the Bhushans), Mr. Kejriwal said the father-son duo was taken because they, along with Justice Santosh Hegde and himself, had drafted the Jan Lokpal Bill and their expertise was required.
Asked about a statement by Justice Hegde on the controversy, Mr. Kejriwal countered: "If the panel were to crack and process derailed, who will benefit and whose loss will it be. This historic opportunity may not come again. Let us focus on drafting a Bill that is strong, accountable and effective."
Reiterating the demand for the proceedings of the joint committee to be videographed, Mr. Kejriwal said they would upload a new website to invite suggestions and feedback on the draft Jan Lokpal Bill. Ms. Bedi said the civil society members' suggestion to include the Leader of the Opposition in the panel had been rejected by the government.
Speaking informally to journalists at his residence here, Mr. Amar Singh said he supported demands for resignation of Mr. Shanti Bhushan from the panel in the wake of the controversies involving him.
"For five years I have been saying that the 2006 CD featuring me is morphed and doctored but it was not believed and now when it came to Mr. Shanti Bhushan, his son Prashant is saying that it is fabricated."
Asked if indeed he had had such a conversation with Mr. Shanti Bhushan as is purported to have taken place in the new CD, he said, "I won't say anything. This is a banned CD. There is an injunction on it by the Supreme Court. This is an illegal CD that has surfaced."
Keywords: Lokpal Bill, Kejriwal, anti-corruption, Shanti Bhushan, Noida farm plot, Civil society


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WikiLeaks disclosure shows U.S. wants Trinamool to win: Karat

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The HinduCPI(M) general secretary Prakash Karat at a press conference in Kolkata on Thursday. Photo: Sushanta Patronobish
"Left parties have been consistently fighting U.S.-led market economic policies"
Communist Party of India (Marxist) general secretary Prakash Karat on Thursday said the WikiLeaks disclosure in The Hindu of the U.S. cables about American diplomats suggesting that the Trinamool Congress be cultivated showed that Washington wants the party to win the ongoing Assembly elections in West Bengal.
"The cable shows that the United States is very clear about where they stand. As far as the elections here are concerned, they would very much like to see the Trinamool Congress in government and they would very much like to see Mamata Banerjee as Chief Minister," Mr. Karat told journalists.
The report comes a day after Biman Bose, State secretary of the CPI(M), made similar comments and alleged that the alliance between the Congress and the Trinamool Congress was formed under U.S. pressure to ensure the defeat of the Left in these elections.
Mr. Karat said the cable showed the U.S. diplomats felt that the Trinamool "is very much within private outreach" and must be cultivated.
"I'm in no position unfortunately to investigate and tell you what they are doing to fulfil this general direction they've given in the cable," he said.
The report makes it clear that the U.S. has recognised its "right friend" in the Trinamool, as a defeat for the Left Front will be a gain for the U.S., all-India general secretary of the All-India Forward Bloc, Debabrata Biswas said.
The U.S. would like to see the Left Front out of power in the State "as the Left parties have been consistently fighting against the U.S.-led market economic policies and West Bengal is a stronghold of the Left," he added.


"There is no difference between the Trinamool Congress and the Congress; it is old wine in a new bottle. And as such, the U.S. has definitely chosen the right friend," Mr. Biswas said.

The report "vindicates" the arguments made by the Left that U.S. interests are at work to ensure the defeat of the Left Front, he added.


Senior CPI(M) leader and a member of the party's central committee, Shyamal Chakraborty, said the information revealed in the cable was along expected lines.

Stating that on two previous occasions the U.S. targeted the Left and intervened in the democratic process in India – the overthrowing of the E.M.S. Namboodiripad government in Kerala in 1959 and elections held in West Bengal in 1971 – Mr. Chakraborty said the information revealed in the WikiLeaks cables was "not surprising."

Mr. Chakraborty said the CPI(M) had been receiving reports that the relationship between the U.S. diplomats and representatives of the Trinamool Congress had deepened in recent times.

He alleged that U.S. officials had extended support to the Trinamool Congress during the 2009 Lok Sabha elections as well to destroy the Left's base in West Bengal and to steamroll the opposition raised by the Left MPs in Parliament on matters of American intervention in policy.

Keywords: WikiLeaks, Trinamool, West Bengal Assembly election

U.S. government should 'continue to cultivate' Mamata

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The HinduA cable noted that with the backing of a large parliamentary constituency and allied with the ruling Congress party, "Banerjee's Trinamool is well placed to win the 2011 state assembly elections," if she travels in the same route.



WikiLeaks disclosure shows U.S. wants Trinamool to win: Karat230353: From oppositional street fighter to West Bengal chief minister-in-waiting'Mulford had an exaggerated notion of U.S. influence in India''The Kremlin on the Jumna'Hyderabad a U.S. visa fraud hub


IndiaWest Bengal

electionregional elections

politicsespionage and intelligence

Consulate found 'encouraging signs' her regime would be 'friendlier' than Left Front

American diplomats pushed United States government officials to cultivate the All India Trinamool Congress leader Mamata Banerjee, following her party's success in West Bengal in the 2009 Lok Sabha election, even while recording scepticism about whether she had changed from being a political maverick to being able to lead the State as Chief Minister.

"Her party's public rhetoric, devoid of any anti-Americanism, and private outreach to post's officers are encouraging signs that a Banerjee-led West Bengal government will be friendlier to the United States than the current CPI-M one," the Kolkata Consulate reasoned in an October 20, 2009 cable (230353: unclassified) sent under the name of Consul General Beth A. Payne. "Post recommends USG officials continue to cultivate Banerjee, who has not yet visited the United States, in her current capacity as Railways Minister and the likely next Chief Minister of West Bengal."

However, the Consulate remained unsure whether Ms. Banerjee had really made the transition from firebrand to able administrator.

The cable, accessed by The Hindu through WikiLeaks, offers this interesting assessment: "Skepticism remains whether Banerjee's makeover truly represents a new product — cooler, more level-headed, and willing to accept outside advice — or simply the season's new political makeup. Consensus exists that she is conscientiously trying to transform her image from political maverick and firebrand to a woman ready, able and willing to lead India's fourth most populous state."

The Kolkata Consulate cable, headlined "Trinamool's Mamata Banerjee: from oppositional street fighter to West Bengal Chief Minister-in-waiting," described how Ms. Banerjee sought to re-brand herself. "Since the May 2009 parliamentary elections elevated West Bengal's regional party, All India Trinamool Congress, from obscurity to the second largest constituent party in the United Progressive Alliance, its leader, Mamata Banerjee, has conscientiously sought to re-brand herself as West Bengal's Chief Minister-in- waiting. She is using the considerable administrative resources at her disposal as Railway's Minister, political resources as leader of the state opposition party, and personal resources to initiate this transformation. Supporters and critics acknowledge the new image, but question whether it is indeed a new product, or simply new packaging."

The cable noted that with the backing of a large parliamentary constituency and allied with the ruling Congress party, "Banerjee's Trinamool is well placed to win the 2011 state assembly elections if she can continue along her current path of self-restraint and avoid making any mistakes along the way."

The Kolkata Consulate appears to have been impressed with Ms. Banerjee's efforts to woo business, notwithstanding the "anti-industry" label she acquired after opposing land acquisition in Singur and Nandigram.

Under a section, "Mamata Courts Industry and Vice Versa," the cable reported how Ms. Banerjee "assiduously courted Kolkata's business community through outreach and appointment of respected business advisors" to combat her perceived 'anti-industry' label. "While the business community has not forgiven her for driving Tata Motors small car project out of the state, they are warming up to her, as they too see which way the winds are blowing."

In a segment titled "Change That West Bengal Can Believe In," echoing President Barack Obama's "Change we can believe in" election campaign of 2008, the cable said Ms. Banerjee was "inspiring the faithful, and convincing the agnostic, that the Communist Party of India — Marxist's 33 year-uninterrupted rule of West Bengal is set to end." Describing her as the most popular politician in the State, the Consulate cable added that Ms. Banerjee was widely viewed as the "only one that can lead the charge for change."

(This article is a part of the series "The India Cables" based on the US diplomatic cables accessed by The Hindu via Wikileaks.)

Keywords: cable230353, WikiLeaks, The India Cables, cablegate, U.S., Left Front Government, Trinamool Congress chief, Mamata Banerjee, CPI(M), U.S. diplomatic cables

230353: From oppositional street fighter to West Bengal chief minister-in-waiting

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Backed by a large parliamentary constituency and allied with the ruling Congress party, Banerjee's Trinamool is well placed to win the 2011 state assembly elections if she can continue along her current path of self-restraint and avoid making any mistakes along the way.
1. (SBU) Summary: Since the May 2009 parliamentary elections elevated West Bengal's regional party, All India Trinamool Congress, from obscurity to the second largest constituent party in the United Progressive Alliance, its leader, Mamata Banerjee, has conscientiously sought to re-brand herself as West Bengal's Chief Minister-in-Waiting. She is using the considerable administrative resources at her disposal as Railway's Minister, political resources as leader of the state opposition party, and personal resources to initiate this transformation. Supporters and critics acknowledge the new image, but question whether it is indeed a new product, or simply new packaging. Backed by a large parliamentary constituency and allied with the ruling Congress party, Banerjee's Trinamool is well placed to win the 2011 state assembly elections if she can continue along her current path of self-restraint and avoid making any mistakes along the way.
A Railway's Minister's Purse for West Bengal
2. (SBU) As India's Railways Minister, Banerjee has promised a large share of the nation's "railway rupees" to her home state of West Bengal with a railways budget that is both populist - emphasizing subsidized passenger fairs - and pragmatic - inviting public/private partnerships in new facilities. She has maintained her opposition to forcible land acquisition - a position that propelled her party into parliament - but invited development on the railway-owned land. Critics have expressed concern over the overwhelming focus on passenger vice freight traffic, but understand the electoral motivations of her actions.
Change That West Bengal Can Believe In
3. (SBU) As leader of the largest opposition party in the state, Banerjee is inspiring the faithful, and convincing the agnostic, that the Communist Party of India - Marxist (CPI-M)'s 33 year-uninterrupted rule of West Bengal is set to end. Her July 21 rally in the heart of Kolkata, with crowds estimated up to half a million, was this summer's largest political demonstration and dwarfed the CPI-M's August 31 timid and lackluster response. She is currently the most popular politician in the state and is widely viewed as the only one that can lead the charge for change.
Mamata Courts Industry and Vice Versa
4. (SBU) Banerjee has assiduously courted Kolkata's business community through outreach and appointment of respected business advisors to combat her perceived "anti-industry" label. Her August 22 interactive session with West Bengal's business leaders drew wide applause and drove home the message that business should as a matter of practice reach out to today's opposition for a bipartisan consensus, which, in this case, was well on its way to becoming tomorrow's government. While the business community has not forgiven her for driving Tata Motors small car project out of the state, they are warming up to her, as they too, see which way the winds are blowing.
Trinamool and Congress: Strategic and Tactical Allies
5. (SBU) According to parliamentarian Keshav Rao, Congress' general secretary for West Bengal, his party decided to ally with Trinamool in order to defeat CPI-M in West Bengal and diminish its significance as a national party or convener of a possible third political front. At the same time, Trinamool needs Congress' support to win in West Bengal and avoid a
KOLKATA 00000276 002 OF 002
triangulation of the anti-CPI-M vote. Trinamool also enjoys the legitimacy and ministerial power that a tie-up with the national partner confers. Both Trinamool and Congress politicians expect the tie-up to last through the 2011 state assembly elections.
6. (SBU) Skepticism remains whether Banerjee's makeover truly represents a new product - cooler, more level-headed, and willing to accept outside advice - or simply the season's new political makeup. Consensus exists that she is conscientiously trying to transform her image from political maverick and firebrand to a woman ready, able and willing to lead India's fourth most populous state. Her party's public rhetoric, devoid of any anti-Americanism, and private outreach to post's officers are encouraging signs that a Banerjee-led West Bengal government will be friendlier to the United States than the current CPI-M one. Post recommends USG officials continue to cultivate Banerjee, who has not yet visited the United States, in her current capacity as Railways Minister and the likely next Chief Minister of West Bengal.
Keywords: cable230353, The India Cables, WikiLeaks, cablegate, Mamata Banerjee, West Bengal politics

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2011-04-21 03:06:47.0 ... planning commission is likely to set a realistic average growth target of 9% for the 12th plan, despite some early enthusiasm 

SC seeks explanation from Plan Panel about BPL percentage, expresses unhappiness
2011-04-21 02:38:58.0 ... planning commission to explain the rationale behind the criteria determining the BPL categories of the people to get the benef

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2011-04-20 20:29:49.0 ... planning commission . Prime Minister Manmohan Singh wants the commission to aim at higher growth targe

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2011-04-20 06:36:21.0 ... planning commission subsequently! It is in this context that the noises coming from a section of the civil society leaders rai

Focus on reforms: PM to Plancom
BS Reporter / New Delhi April 22, 2011, 0:29 IST

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today asked the Planning Commission to focus on policy reforms, while aiming for an average annual growth of 9-9.5 per cent in the 12th Plan, which starts from the next financial year.

The prime minister's statements assume significance in the wake of a debate triggered by civil society members over ways to deal with corruption.

"There was general agreement that the Planning Commission should focus on policy and governance reforms, while working towards a growth target of 9-9.5 per cent for the 12th Five-Year Plan," Singh said at a full Planning Commission meet, called to discuss challenges for the 12th Five-Year Plan.

At a press conference held later, Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia said, "Corruption is a big issue. We think the government systems of procurement and choosing and giving projects have to be streamlined so that corruption is controlled."

All these issues assume significance, especially in the wake of an open letter by prominent personalities, including former Reserve Bank of India Governor Bimal Jalan and Wipro Chairman Azim Premji, expressing concern over a series of scams that they said pointed towards governance deficit. The letter was written following charges of scams in 2G spectrum allocation and the Commonwealth Games.

At the Plan panel meeting, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee suggested that the legal system and methods of dispute resolution also need to be improved. Ahluwalia said the meeting did not discuss any specific proposal in this regard. "But, there were concerns from the finance ministry and they are definitely not related to foreign direct investment," he said in reply to a query.

As one third of the population was below the poverty line during 2009-10, Singh admitted the progress in inclusive growth left much to be desired. He asked the Planning Commission to aim for higher targets on inclusive growth in the 12th Five-Year Plan, but also acknowledged that resources are a critical constraint for any plan. The prime minister thus asked the Plan panel to work in collaboration with the finance ministry and devise ways to supplement public resources with private funds in such a way that fiscal consolidation targets are not compromised.

The Planning Commission, in a presentation, emphasised the importance of working within the overall target of fiscal consolidation. "This is an important constraint that we must recognise. The Planning Commission and the finance ministry must come up together with a realistic assessment of the Plan size for the Centre and the states," Singh said.

The Centre aims to bring down fiscal deficit to 4.6 per cent of the gross domestic product this financial year from 5.1 per cent, according to revised estimates for 2010-11.

According to initial estimates by Planning Commission member Abhijeet Sen, the percentage of the population living below the poverty line declined by 5 percentage points to 32 per cent in 2009-10 from 37.20 per cent in 2004-05. This shows 3.11 crore people moved above the poverty line between 2004-05 and 2009-10, as inclusive agenda is yielding results, albeit slowly. In absolute terms, this means the number of people below the poverty line declined from 405.5 million during 2004-05 to 374.4 million people during 2009-10.

"We have made important progress towards our goal of greater inclusiveness...It is true that progress in this area has been less than we had targeted. We must ensure that we do much better in the future," he said.

The Prime Minister also said the Plan panel must identify critical areas in which existing policies and programmes were not delivering results. These programmes should be strengthened, or if required, restructured, he said. "We should also set monitorable targets related to different dimensions of inclusiveness, and then work to achieve these targets by appropriate designs of policy and funding of Plan schemes," the prime minister said.

He said the expected average annual growth of 8.2 per cent during the 11th Five-Year Plan was short of the original target of nine per cent. However, it was quite commendable, given the fact that the period saw a severe drought and the global financial slowdown.

The Plan Panel will come out with draft approach paper, which will be discussed with the states. After consultations, the approach paper would then be prepared to be tabled in the Cabinet.

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Planning Commission (India)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Planning Commission
Agency overview
Parent agencyMinistry of Finance

The Planning Commission is an institution in the Government of India, which formulates India'sFive-Year Plans, among other functions.




Rudimentary economic planning, deriving the sovereign authority of the state, first began in India in 1930s under the British Raj, and the colonial government of India formally established a planning board that functioned from 1944 to 1946. Private industrialists and economist formulated at least three development plans in 1944.

After India gained independence, a formal model of planning was adopted, and the planning commission, reporting directly to the Prime Minister of India was established. Accordingly, the Planning Commission was set up on 15 March 1950, with Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru as the chairman. Planning Commission though is a non statutory as well extra constitutional body, i.e has been brought by an executive order.

The first Five-year Plan was launched in 1951 and two subsequent five-year plans were formulated till 1965, when there was a break because of the Indo-Pakistan Conflict. Two successive years of drought, devaluation of the currency, a general rise in prices and erosion of resources disrupted the planning process and after three Annual Plans between 1966 and 1969, the fourth Five-year plan was started in 1969.

The Eighth Plan could not take off in 1990 due to the fast changing political situation at the Centre and the years 1990-91 and 1991-92 were treated as Annual Plans. The Eighth Plan was finally launched in 1992 after the initiation of structural adjustment policies.

For the first eight Plans the emphasis was on a growing public sector with massive investments in basic and heavy industries, but since the launch of the Ninth Plan in 1997, the emphasis on the public sector has become less pronounced and the current thinking on planning in the country, in general, is that it should increasingly be of an indicative nature.


Montek Singh Ahuwalia, current Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission of India, at the World Economic Forum

The composition of the Commission has undergone a lot of change since its inception. With the Prime Minister as the ex-officio Chairman, the committee has a nominated Deputy Chairman, who is given the rank of a full Cabinet Minister. Mr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia is presently the Deputy Chairman of the Commission.

Cabinet Ministers with certain important portfolios act as part-time members of the Commission, while the full-time members are experts of various fields like Economics, Industry, Science and General Administration.

The Commission works through its various divisions, of which there are three kind:

  • General Planning Divisions
  • Programme Administration Divisions

The majority of experts in the Commission are economists, making the Commission the biggest employer of the Indian Economic Services.


The Planning Commission's functions as outlined by the Government's 1950 resolution are:

  1. To make an assessment of the material, capital and human resources of the country, including technical personnel, and investigate the possibilities of augmenting those resources which are found to be deficient in relation to the nation's requirement.
  2. To formulate a plan for the most effective and balanced utilisation of country's resources.
  3. To define the stages, on the basis of priority, in which the plan should be carried out and propose the allocation of resources for the due completion of each stage.
  4. To indicate the factors that tend to retard economic development.
  5. To determine the conditions which need to be established for the successful execution of the plan within the incumbent socio-political situation of the country.
  6. To determine the nature of the machinery required for securing the successful implementation of each stage of the plan in all its aspects.
  7. To appraise from time to time the progress achieved in the execution of each stage of the plan and also recommend the adjustments of policy and measures which are deemed important vis-a-vis a successful implementation of the plan.
  8. To make necessary recommendations from time to time regarding those things which are deemed necessary for facilitating the execution of these functions. Such recommendations can be related to the prevailing economic conditions, current policies, measures or development programmes. They can even be given out in response to some specific problems referred to the commission by the central or the state governments.

From a highly centralised planning system, the Indian economy is gradually moving towards indicative planning where the Planning Commission concerns itself with the building of a long-term strategic vision of the future and decide on priorities of nation. It works out sectoral targets and provides promotional stimulus to the economy to grow in the desired direction. It also plays an integrative role in the development of a holistic approach to the policy formulation in critical areas of human and economic development. In the social sector, schemes that require coordination and synthesis like rural health, drinking water, rural energy needs, literacy and environment protection have yet to be subjected to coordinated policy formulation. It has led to multiplicity of agencies. The commission has now been trying to formulate and integrated approach to deal with this issue.[1]

[edit]See also


  1. ^ What Does the Planning Commission Do (Rediff Money)

[edit]External links

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