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Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Fw: Deconstructing US-NATO War on Libya and the Oil Economy - Selected Articles

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Date: Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 5:38 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Fw: Deconstructing US-NATO War on Libya and the Oil Economy - Selected Articles


--Subject: Deconstructing US-NATO War on Libya and the Oil Economy - Selected Articles

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Deconstructing US-NATO War on Libya and the Oil Economy
Selected Articles

Global Research, April 19, 2011

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Truth in Media: Independent Journalists "Who Tell the Truth" Need our Support!
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"The Weight of Chains": DVD now available to order!
Learn the truth behind NATO intervention in the Balkans
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Deconstructing US-NATO War on Libya and the Oil Economy
Selected Articles
- 2011-04-19
The Budget Crisis, Treasury Bonds and the US Dollar: Breakdown of the Global Economic, Financial and Monetary System
- by Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin - 2011-04-19
NATO Data Confirms the Magnitude and Destructive Nature of the Libya Military Operation
2771 sorties since March 31st
- by Michel Chosudovsky - 2011-04-19
Libyan rebel's story shows links to Taliban, Al Qaeda, NATO
- by Ned Parker - 2011-04-19
Secret memos expose link between oil firms and invasion of Iraq
- by Paul Bignell - 2011-04-19
Bahraini rulers play sectarian card in bid to trump pro-democracy movement
- by Finian Cunningham - 2011-04-19
Deconstructing the US Military: America's Global War against Planet Earth
- by Dana Visalli - 2011-04-18
Canada's Involvement in the US-NATO led War on Libya: Some Important Facts
- by Ian Hunter - 2011-04-18
Japan as a Nuclear State
The Nuclear System and the Mentality that Underpins It
- by Gavan McCormack - 2011-04-18
Nuclear Overseers Are "Fake" Agencies Funded and Controlled by the Nuclear Power Industry
- by Washington's Blog - 2011-04-18
Is There a Financial Scam Behind the Rise in Oil and Food Prices?
- by Danny Schechter - 2011-04-18
Saudi Protests Against Bahrain Invasion, Repression
- by Bill Van Auken - 2011-04-18
VIDEO: Libya Campaign: The Longer the Fighting, the Better?
New interview now on GRTV
- by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya - 2011-04-18
Libya in face of Humanitarian Imperialism
- by Jean Bricmont - 2011-04-18
Imperialist Powers Prepare Escalation of Libyan War
- by Patrick Martin - 2011-04-18
Scandal: Japan Forces Top Official To Retract Prime Minister's Revelation Fukushima Permanently Uninhabitable
- by Alexander Higgins - 2011-04-18
U.S. secretly backed Syrian opposition groups
Cables released by WikiLeaks show
- by Craig Whitlock - 2011-04-18
Persona Non Grata in Israel: Do you have to Die to become a Hero: Vittorio Arrigoni was never more alive as he is now
- by Egidia Beretta Arrigoni - 2011-04-17
The Rwanda Genocide: Who Killed the Hutus?
- by Charles Kambanda, Ann Garrison - 2011-04-17
Privacy Protection and the Secret State's Surveillance Powers
- by Tom Burghardt - 2011-04-17
Environmental Devastation: The Gulf Oil Spill Is NOT Old News
- by Washington's Blog - 2011-04-17
Did You Just Call Me a Socialist?
- by David Swanson - 2011-04-17
Ivory Coast Uncovered - The Untold Story
- by Dr. Kwame Osei - 2011-04-17
US-NATO Forces Used Depleted Uranium Ammunition in Libya. Selected Articles
- by Vincent Lane - 2011-04-17
'US To Recoup Libya Oil From China'
Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary of US Treasury
- by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts - 2011-04-17
The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: What Happened on "Day One"?
- by Yoichi Shimatsu - 2011-04-16
When War Games Go Live: "Staging" a "Humanitarian War" against "SOUTHLAND"
Under an Imaginary UN Security Council Resolution 3003
- by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky - 2011-04-16
U.S. Military Spending Has Almost Doubled Since 2001
- by Judd Legum - 2011-04-16
The Colonial "Axis of Evil" prepares for the invasion of Libya: U.S., Britain and France step up War Plans
- by Brian Becker - 2011-04-16
Economic Lies: Fake Unemployment and Inflation Figures Sustain the Illusion of an Economic Recovery
- by Joel S. Hirschhorn - 2011-04-16
Rampant Unemployment: Slip-sliding into Recession
- by Mike Whitney - 2011-04-16
Iraq: "Occupation" is the Highest Form of "Dictatorship" which Washington calls "Democracy"
Iraq, 15 April: The Friday Of The Free
- by Dirk Adriaensens - 2011-04-16
Philippines: Organic farming is cost-effective
- by Paul Icamina - 2011-04-16
Spiralling Public Debt and Economic Stagnation in the European Union
- by Bob Chapman - 2011-04-16
Washington's "Long War" against Africa
- by Prof. James Petras - 2011-04-16
The Mexican Drug War Has Become A Hot Market for U.S. Weapons Sales
U.S.-Backed Programs Supplying the Firepower for Mexico's Soaring Murder Rate
- by Bill Conroy - 2011-04-16
VIDEO: Retweeting Democracy: The Role of Social Media
New report on GRTV
- 2011-04-15
Killing the Unborn ... With Radiation
- by Washington's Blog - 2011-04-15
'Matter of Policy': Gaza War and Goldstone's Moral Collapse
- by Ramzy Baroud - 2011-04-15
The West Versus China: A New Cold War Begins on Libyan Soil
- by Patrick Henningsen - 2011-04-15
November 2010 War Games: "Southern Mistral" Air Attack against Dictatorship in a Fictitious Country called "Southland"
- by Rep. Dennis J Kucinich - 2011-04-15
Senate Committee Details Wall Street Criminality
- by Andre Damon - 2011-04-15
VIDEO: Scramble for Africa: Revolutions, Interventions, Land Grabbing and Free Trade
Special report now on GRTV
- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2011-04-15
CIA Sued for 'Holding History Hostage' on Bay of Pigs Invasion
- by Peter Kornbluh - 2011-04-15
The Dangers of Microwave Radiation Cannot be Ignored
- by Richard Stossel - 2011-04-15
Nuclear weapons in Japan? Not now
- by Selig S. Harrison - 2011-04-15
'West using depleted uranium in Libya'
- 2011-04-15
Extraordinary Conflict of Interest: Bush Cousin Presides Over Federal Court Case Against Former Bush Administration Officials
- 2011-04-15
Cruise missiles with depleted uranium on Libya
A first assessment of environmental impact and health
- by Prof. Massimo Zucchetti - 2011-04-14
"Libyan Rebels" Create Central Bank, Oil Company
- by Alex Newman - 2011-04-14
VIDEO: Lies and Excuses: Military Spending is out of Control
Understand where your tax dollars are going. Watch GRTV.
- by David Swanson - 2011-04-14
Japan's Nuclear Volcano Erupts
- by Mike Whitney - 2011-04-14
VIDEO: Pentagon Opened Doors to 9/11 Attack
Learn more on GRTV
- 2011-04-14
VIDEO: American Authorities Accused of Torturing Wikileaks Informant
Watch the report on GRTV
- 2011-04-14
Libya: All About Oil, or All About Banking?
- by Ellen Brown - 2011-04-14
Obama's Deficit Plan will Impoverish Main Street America
- by Kevin Zeese - 2011-04-14
Mistreatment of Manning Criticized by Leading Law Professors & UN Torture Investigator
- 2011-04-14
Afghan History: Al Qaeda, The Taliban and the Texas Oil Giants
Part II
- by Dean Henderson - 2011-04-14
The US-Nato War Against Libya: America's Fake Commitment to "Democracy"
- by Jack A. Smith - 2011-04-14
LIBYA: Selected Articles, Reports and Analysis
Libya newslinks 12-13 April 2011
- by William Bowles - 2011-04-14
Iraqi Refugees at High Risk of Brain and Nervous System Disorders
- by American Academy of Neurology - 2011-04-14
Bahrain and Libya: US-NATO Colludes with Islamic Extremism
- by Finian Cunningham - 2011-04-14
Rebuilding the Left in a Time of Crisis
- by Prof. Leo Panitch - 2011-04-14
Media Disinformation, the American Empire and the Hyped Prophetic 2012 "End of Times"
Beyond Boston and Media Reform for 2012: Supposed "End of Times" Should Marshal a New Beginning for Media Democracy in Action
- by Prof. Mickey Huff - 2011-04-14
Fukushima nuclear power plant: GET ALL THE DATA
- 2011-04-13
VIDEO: Japanese Government Downplayed Extent of Nuclear Disaster
Find out more on GRTV
- by Arnold Gundersen - 2011-04-13
Testimony from Japan: "A Ship with no Captain". Evolving Coverup of a Nuclear Disaster...
- by Richard Wilcox - 2011-04-13
US-backed Bahrain Regime Tortures, Murders Critics
- by David Walsh - 2011-04-13
The Prosecution of US War Criminals in Spain: The Justice Department "Objects"
- by David Swanson - 2011-04-13
Divisions at European Union Summit on Libyan Intervention
- by Chris Marsden - 2011-04-13
Radiation Spreads Worlwide. The Poisoning of Mother Earth
- by Freedom Against Censorship Thailand (FACT) - 2011-04-13
Japan Raises Radiation Disaster Alert to Highest Level, Matching Chernobyl
- 2011-04-13
Soaring Gold and Silver Prices Amidst Inflationary Pressures
- by Bob Chapman - 2011-04-13
Israel steps up Jerusalem expulsions
Even Tony Blair can't save Palestinian bookseller to the stars
- by Jonathan Cook - 2011-04-13
Secret Weapons Program Inside Fukushima Nuclear Plant?
U.S.-Japan security treaty fatally delayed nuclear workers' fight against meltdown
- by Yoichi Shimatsu - 2011-04-12
The specter of self-destruction can be ended only with the abrogation of the U.S.-Japan security treaty, the root cause of the secrecy that fatally delayed the nuclear workers' fight against meltdown.
US Homeland Security Requirements Imposed on Canada: U.S. Dictating North American Air Travel Security
- by Dana Gabriel - 2011-04-12
Japan Considers Raising Nuclear Disaster from Level 5 to 7 Based on Extremely High Radiation Readings
- by Washington's Blog - 2011-04-12
"Humanitarian Imperialism" and the Real Costs of War
Selected Articles
- 2011-04-12
War and Media Disinformation: America is the World's Sheriff
- by Felicity Arbuthnot - 2011-04-12
America's Military Expansion Funded by Foreign Central Banks
Preview from "The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century"
- by Michael Hudson - 2011-04-12
The "dollar glut" is what finances America's global military build-up. It forces foreign central banks to bear the costs of America's expanding military empire: effective "taxation without representation".
VIDEO: Will Bretton Woods 2 Bring Change?
New interview now on GRTV
- by Andrew Gavin Marshall - 2011-04-12
Bush cousin presides over 9/11 suit against Cheney, Rumsfeld, Myers
- by Craig McKee - 2011-04-12
VIDEO: Libya Rebels had NATO Weapons from Day 1
New investigative report on GRTV
- 2011-04-11
VIDEO: Icelanders Reject Debt Repayment Plan
Watch the latest news on GRTV
- 2011-04-11
Fight Economic Oppression, Target the Top One Percent
- by Joel S. Hirschhorn - 2011-04-11
Industry's war on nature: 'What are the bees telling us?'
- by Rady Ananda - 2011-04-11
France and UN Bear Responsibility for Massacres by Ouattara Forces in Ivory Coast
- by Ann Talbot - 2011-04-11
European Union Prepares to send Ground Troops to Libya
- by Chris Marsden - 2011-04-11
Are Japanese Authorities Covering Up Further Damage to the Fukushima Reactor from the Aftershock ?
- by Washington's Blog - 2011-04-11
Why Iceland Voted 'No" to the Diktats of the Creditor Banks
- by Prof. Michael Hudson - 2011-04-11
Extremely High Radiation Levels in Japan: University Researchers Challenge Official Data
- 2011-04-11
Cuts In Pentagon Spending....?
- by Sherwood Ross - 2011-04-10
Are Most Nuclear Power Plants Vulnerable?
- by Washington's Blog - 2011-04-10
NYC Demonstration against US Aggression Revitalizes Anti-War Movement
- 2011-04-10
Violating the Digital Privacy Rights of Americans
Pentagon Stonewalls Corporate Spy Probe
- by Tom Burghardt - 2011-04-10
Rwanda Genocide: Erlinder v. Kagame, Case Continued in the Court of Public Opinion
- by Ann Garrison, Peter Erlinder - 2011-04-10
Bahrain: Saudi Forces at Forefront of Brutal Repression
- by Finian Cunningham - 2011-04-10
Libya: Media Propaganda and "Humanitarian Imperialism"
- by Julie Lévesque - 2011-04-10

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