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Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] The US Military is Not Under Civilian Rule - by Mark E. Smith

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From: Romi Elnagar <>
Date: Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 11:17 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] The US Military is Not Under Civilian Rule - by Mark E. Smith


The US Military is Not Under Civilian Rule - by Mark E. Smith

I don't see an embed button, so here's the link to the video:

This is a State Department spokesperson saying that the decision about whether or not to allow the United Nations, the International Red Cross, Congressman Kucinich, or any other individual or group to visit Bradley Manning is ENTIRELY up to the Pentagon and not subject to debate by the President, Congress, or any other entity.

In other words, the military junta that rules the United States and controls much of the world on behalf of private corporations, is not subject to civilian rule or to Congressional, Presidential, or State Department oversight. The military is entirely independent of our government, it makes its own decisions, and it tells the President, Congress, and the State Department what those decisions are--nobody can tell the military junta what to do.

In a democracy, if the United Nations, a Human Rights organization, or a Congressman wanted to visit an inmate, they would be allowed to do so. The United States is not a democracy. It is ruled by a military junta. The so-called "Commander-in-Chief" is just a puppet spokesperson for the military junta, just as he is for his big corporate donors. When asked about Bradley Manning, Obama said that he had "asked" the military and they told him that everything was okay. Notice that he didn't TELL the military what to do, he ASKED them if what they were doing was proper, and of course they said it was, so he had no choice but to accept that.

The last time a US President tried to stand up to what his predecessor, General Dwight D. Eisenhower called the "military-industrial" complex, was in 1963, and it cost President Kennedy his life. The military junta took over the country in a bloody coup, in broad daylight, and has made no pretense of being under civilian rule since then.

That's why under both Republican and Democratic administrations we wage wars of aggression based on lies, that's why we torture, and that's why the Pentagon's budget is the largest in the world.

According to US law, the military junta enjoys sovereign immunity and cannot be brought to justice even for crimes against humanity. The junta can decide to scapegoat some of its lower level personnel for carrying out illegal orders issued by their superiors, but the superiors who give the orders aren't likely to be prosecuted by the junta and enjoy immunity in civilian courts by federal law.

International law might apply, but unfortunately our military has such great power over foreign nations that the only war criminals who seem to get prosecuted by the ICC or World Court are usually Africans and always those the US does not support.


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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