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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Monday, April 4, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Veterans against the pig Bush

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nemo <>
Date: 2011/4/4
Subject: [bangla-vision] Veterans against the pig Bush

Letter from an Iraq war veteran
'We the people need to indict George W. Bush'
Join the campaign to prosecute Bush for torture

Dear Friends,
Veterans hold IndictBushNow banner at an anti-war demonstration on the
eighth anniversary of the Iraq war, Washington, D.C., March 19.

Ryan Endicott speaks on March 19, Washington, D.C.

On March 19, I took a stand for justice. As one of the 113 people
arrested at the White House, I took action to demand an end to U.S. wars
and torture.

March 19 was a historic day. On that day—the eight anniversary of the
invasion of Iraq—1,500 people participated in a veterans-led civil
resistance action in Washington D.C. Many thousands of others marched in
the streets across the country in a national day of actions to end the

These criminal wars were launched by George W. Bush. Bush, as we all
know, is also guilty of torture on a massive scale. Click here to send a
letter to Attorney General Eric Holder demanding the prosecution of Bush
for torture. After sending your letter, help us spread the word using
the Email, Facebook and Twitter buttons at the top of this message.

For me, March 19 was especially important. It was in March 2005 that my
Marine Corps boots first hit the deck on the streets of Ramadi, Iraq. I
spent seven months witnessing first-hand the devastation of a brutal
occupation. It was everywhere I looked. We were told that we were there
to "free" an oppressed people, to help "rebuild" their country, and to
ensure American "homeland security." However, as time went by, more and
more of the lies fed to us by the Bush administration were exposed.

I saw the truth of the war as we drove through a city scared with bullet
holes, bomb craters and burning trash. I saw the truth of the war as we
marched through neighborhoods with children living in squalor, and I saw
the truth of the war written on the faces of their mothers. The truth
was behind every innocent door kicked in; it was in the homes that were
raided; it was in the cries of the families torn apart. The truth is
that it was us—the U.S. troops—who were the oppressors. We were
destroying a country, and all the while we were not making the United
States any safer.

It is these truths that showed me that the impoverished people of Iraq
are not our enemies. It is these truths that showed me that every
soldier should refuse to fight, kill, or be killed in these occupations.
Every American should stand up and fight to end these atrocities that
are being conducted in their name.

We the people need to indict George W. Bush, along with every war
criminal that is responsible for these crimes against humanity. Click
here to send a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder demanding the
prosecution of Bush for torture.

— Ryan Endicott, March Forward!

Take action now!
Send a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder to demand:
'Prosecute Bush for torture'

In the past weeks, tens of thousands of people have taken action to tell
Attorney General Holder to prosecute Bush for torture. Thousands signed
Indict Bush petitions on March 19 alone. The movement for indictment is

Spain, Italy, Australia, Canada, Lithuania, Poland, Germany and the
United Kingdom are all investigating the Bush administration for
violating international laws prohibiting the use of torture. Bush should
not be above the law in the United States. Here's what you can do:
Send a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder demanding the prosecution
of Bush for torture.
Spread the word about this campaign by email, Facebook, Twitter and
other social networking websites. Make sure all your friends send
letters to Holder.
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