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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Monday, April 4, 2011

Fwd: CC News Letter, 03 April - Richard Goldstone' s Supposed Retraction ‎

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 11:31 PM
Subject: CC News Letter, 03 April - Richard Goldstone' s Supposed Retraction ‎

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew, Editor,
Educate! Organize! Agitate!

Fukushima And The Future Of Nuclear Power
By Sharon Astyk

There is a lot of debate over the EROEI of nuclear, but unless you calculate it in purely thermal terms, the returns come in on the lower side - 3-6. This is not enough excess energy to run a society on. Even EROEI is not the central obstacle, however - it is the upfront costs of nuclear, financial and energy that will be nearly impossible for an energy system in overall decline to bear

Situation At Japanese Nuclear Plant
Still "Very Serious"
By Mike Head

Three weeks after the disaster struck, serious doubts continue to surround the precise situation inside the stricken Fukushima Daiichi plant and the levels of contamination in the surrounding areas. From the outset, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the plant's owner, has released conflicting, contradictory and incomplete information

Japan's Apocalypse
By Stephen Lendman

Despite a disaster multiples worse than Chernobyl, major media reports all along downplayed it. Now they largely ignore it, moving on to more important things like celebrity features and baseball's opening day, besides pretending American-led Libya bombing is well-intended

Much Ado About Nothing: Richard Goldstone's
Supposed Retraction
By Don Emmerich

Richard Goldstone's motives in writing this op-ed are completely irrelevant. What matters is the evidence. And the evidence—documented not just by the Goldstone Commission, but also by the Arab League , Breaking the Silence , Amnesty International , and Human Rights Watch —indicates that Israel committed numerous war crimes in Operation Cast Lead

Revisiting Israel's Terror War On Gaza
By Stephen Lendman

In his April 1 op-ed, Goldstone failed to explain and denounce Israeli crimes of war and against humanity. Instead, he defended the indefensible

After The Great Quake, Living With
Earth's Uncertainty
By Verlyn Klinkenborg

The Japanese earthquake and tsunami remind us that we exist in geologic time and in a world where catastrophic events beyond our predicting may occur. These events — and the growing specter of climate change — show how precariously we exist on the surface of a volatile planet

How A Community-Based Co-op Economy Might Work
By Dave Pollard

Most people have been brought up to believe that the competitive, grow-or-die, absentee-shareholder-owned, "free"-trade "market" economy is the only one that works, the only alternative to a socialist, government-run economy. But there are alternatives. Before we can plant these seeds we need to unlearn the nonsense we're taught and told about economics, and learn how a healthy economy actually works

Impeach Obama Over Libya
By Prof. Francis Boyle

World-renowned International Law Professor Francis Boyle tells Jack Blood on the March 30, 2011 Deadline Live radio show that to prevent a U.S. land invasion of Libya, the American people through their representatives in Congress must immediately begin the call for the impeachment of President Obama for his unauthorized "Shock & Awe" U.S. bombing of Libya

The Media And The Attack On Libya
By Dan Lieberman

The attack on Libya is essentially an attack on one person, Colonel Muammar Gadhafi, who is the present poster boy for evil. Every Gadhafi deed is interpreted as malevolent; every word as an untruth. The characterizations might be correct, but when the media uses spurious and contradictory statements to expose his 'untruths,' its rhetoric become questionable and its reports lose credibility

Eternal Punishment: Obama Leads
Third Century Of Imperial Revenge On Haiti
By Chris Floyd

The blood and thunder of the American-led intervention in Libya has obscured one of the more revealing episodes of our times. We speak of the American rigging of the election in battered, helpless Haiti -- a brazen effort to disenfranchise the majority of the population and ensure the election of a vicious -- but acquiescent -- client to the presidency

They Came, They Saw And Now It's Time To Act
By Franklin Lamb

The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), in partnership with the Council for European Palestinian Relations (CEPR) sponsored a delegation of British and EU MEPs to the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon several weeks ago and the 10 member delegation has just released their findings

Justice On Trial

Three days of cultural events Organized By Free Binayak Sen Campaign

Lawsuit Seeks To Invalidate Monsanto's GMO Patents
By Rady Ananda

A landmark lawsuit filed on March 29 in US federal court seeks to invalidate Monsanto's patents on genetically modified seeds and to prohibit the company from suing those whose crops become genetically contaminated

Another Protester Dies In Bahrain
By Bahrain Youth Society

Another protester dies after 7 days in detention in Bahrain . This is the case no 27 of "Extra judicial killing" since 14 February

Bahrain: A Legacy Of Broken Promises
By Ali Jawad

In the current context of Bahrain, the suggestion of foreign interference in the shape of an ethereal "Iran threat" does not only represent a wholesale neglect of factual evidence, but in fact proceeds to insult the sacrifices of generations of Bahrainis tracing back to the birth of the nation

Anarchism, Political Violence,
And The London "March For The Alternative"
By Dave Fryett

It seems more likely that these incidents were staged by agents of the government or people in their employ. The purpose was to cast the protests in a negative light, and to justify ever more repressive crowd-control measures should the groundswell of protest come to threaten the state and those whose interests it serves

Russell Defreitas: Terrorist or Political Prisoner?
By Stephen Lendman

Many hundreds of wrongfully convicted men and women languish unjustly in US federal and state prisons, victims of judicial unfairness. Russell Defreitas is one of the many victims

"4th April, A Fateful Day"
By Riaz Ali Toori

4th April will forever be remembered as the saddest day in the political history of Pakistan when a dictator put a democratic rose to death with the help of judiciary. On the malicious judicial assassination of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto who taught the nation the art of living with heads held high and gave the public a voice for speaking aloud for their rights who so far had remained silent, confined to their homes

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Palash Biswas
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