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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fwd: Sun TV already exemplifying bias one sided garbage / have you seen The Source?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Jeffrey Spetch <>
Date: Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 9:47 PM
Subject: Sun TV already exemplifying bias one sided garbage / have you seen The Source?
To: P0liticalF0rum <>

Sun TV already exemplifying bias one sided garbage / have you seen The

Here we have a religious person hosting the source on Sun TV.
exorcising ignorance by even attempting to pass off on the public that
protesting religion is in any way shape or form too boring for the
public to have any interest. A woman and her family getting stoned to
death thanks to the following of religious lies in Pakistan a few
months ago is too boring is it?! Boring he claims and yet after
thousands of years of war and divide (millions / billions lead to
their death) over a factually proven fundamental of lies (every
religion) and this person is attempting to label it as too boring for
the public to have interest and tries to speak for the public at
claiming that no one wants to hear it because it's too boring. Yet go
figure this is coming from a religious person who will obviously like
every other religious lie in support of the manifest of lies he
follows of the filthy religion known as in this instance with him
(Judaism). Ignorance is religions only defense and this guy in saying
no one wants to hear opposition to religion or that it is boring
exemplifies that very fact that he only demonstrates ignorance and
reveals Sun TV as already betraying what they claim of freedom of
speech and sharing both sides in their new format while clearly
boasting a bias religious fool as a host of one of their shows.
Someone protests religion, I not only want to hear about it, I applaud
them and admire their sense of decent morality!

This guy rambles on about free speech and yet he is already trying to
shoot down anyone that opposes such disgusting filth as religion. That
is quite obviously bias and one sided garbage from a station that
claims to have renewed itself and is going to share information from
both sides.

So lets put this to the test just to see how much this station is
genuine or lying just to try and get viewers.

OK, now here is demonstration of the very non contestable facts which
prove that the very fundamental of every religion is based upon lies:

First off the fundamental of any / every religion is some ridiculous
story about how we came to be / exist in our present form.

Energy = the exertion of force.

Matter = what makes up mass.

Time = the endless duration it takes for all change to occur.

It takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

Proof that energy matter and time always was, is, and always will be
is that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and
matter. In other words the fact of the matter is that not anything
goes poof into existence out of nothingness and not anything that
exists goes poof into nothingness. The fact remains that it takes
energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Which is the
very non contestable factual evidence which proves what we /
everything is in our present form and how we came into existence. The
only thing that doesn't change is that change occurs and that is
because energy matter and time are always present.

You want to contest this as fact, then quite simply share with us all
even just one factual example of anything that exists going poof into
nothingness, or even just one factual example of anything going poof
from nothingness into existence. You will never find one example of
such because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to
re create energy and matter.

For anything to first develop intelligence, or come into existence to
develop an intelligence, or use that intelligence to come up with a
plan or put that plan into motion (to first be able to create / re
create) it takes three things, it takes energy matter and time to re
create energy and matter. Quite clearly this is evidence which already
has easily proven beyond any shadow of doubt that there is no such
thing as a god (which is the fundamental lie of many religions) and
that the fundamental of every religion is based upon lies.

It is easily proven with multitudes of factual examples that energy
exists, that matter exists and that time exists and these factual
examples are everywhere around us all which is the very non
contestable factual evidence which proves how we all came into
existence in our present form. All lies fabricated as truth and belief
of every religion crumbles vs. this simple fact and yet the worlds
agony is prolonged by the selfish and greedy religious because they
resort to ignorance while pleading for tolerance and like this guy
even try and speak for the public claiming that it is even too boring
for the public to even have cause for concern.

Long before some greedy self serving fool came up with the lie that
there be a god, there were other civilizations that preached lies in
the form of the existence of many gods such as the Greeks, the Norse
and the Egyptians. At one time, having a look at history it is
revealed that it was pretty much the more gods you had, the more
powerful your religion was portrayed.

At one time, you tried telling any of these civilizations that they
follow such ridiculous lies they would have laughed at you or lopped
your head off or even stoned you to death like Muslims just did to a
woman and her family just months ago in Pakistan! Oh but according to
this guy that's just too boring says this obvious fool. However over
time these religions all faded away because someone came up with a lie
long after these religions already existed that there be only one god.
That is just like now and that all modern religions will inevitably
fade away as the non contestable factual evidence which proves that
there is no such thing as a god (as clearly demonstrated above this
paragraph within this very article) and that every religions
fundamentals are based upon lies, opens peoples eyes enough even to
the point of evoking the religious to care enough to break free from
the veil of ignorance in the manifestation of religious lies they for
now embrace. ( In lieu of Muslims stoning people: Notice that recently
on the news Muslims were boasting their numbers and yet they stone
people who oppose their religion. I'm willing to bet that the
majority / many of those claiming to be Muslim are only pretending to
be such to avoid being stoned to death! For all of you pretending to
be Muslim, I really feel for you, hang in there I am working on it

From each and every religions foundation of factually proven lies, the
religious steal from society in attempt to attribute what they steal
from society to their filthy religion (fundamental of lies) such as
names from people (people had names long before any religion arrived
but since religion came into play they'll even steal names and claim
to be attributed tot heir fundamental of religious lies) they steal
the cross from the dead (people marked grave sites with a stick
crossing another stick to give others heads up long before religion
arrived) They steal stories from society and add it to their so called
pathetic scriptures as examples of their filthy religion. The
unexplained such as what they call paranormal phenomena the religious
steal in attempt to attribute this to their fundamental of lies /
perpetuate their fundamental of lies referring to such as demons /
devils etc. They steal morals from people in attempt to attribute
these morals to their religion ~ Before religion existed, do you think
people liked the idea of their family being murdered, wife being
raped, your possessions stolen etc.?!!

This guy hosting Sun T.V.'s The Source was also going on about how
Israel is allies with Canada and U.S.A. but then again if it were
Israels enemies getting rich off of the misery of others by selling
(what was it opium?) to soldiers of world wars and then investing that
dirty money into Canada and the U.S.A. (media, Hollywood etc) then
perhaps it would be them we would be allies with Canada / U.S.A. for
getting rich off us through encouraging drug addictions upon our
soldiers in wars of past but they didn't stoop that low. This guy
seems to boast Israel is allies yet mentions nothing about the history
of how that really came to be. Meanwhile their enemies are using what
muskets vs. advanced flight and yet they need allies? All and all it
is no secret that as long as religion exists, these people will always
be at war and divide. In other words it is all a lost cause if
religion remains in tact and thousands of years prove that as fact
beyond shadow of doubt. [I'll likely as long as I am alive will always
remember the acting PM for Sharone hospitalized at the time said to
Pres. Bush (think it was G. Bush) that the U.S. has a religious
obligation to fight for Israel.]

The host of the Source also touched in upon Hitler by bringing up the
point that people go on and on about this holocaust during Hitlers
reign. I personally feel that Hitlers actions were appropriate in
killing off these religious people. It would have been appropriate
with the power he had to just banish / escort them from the country
thus ridding his county of the religious filthy lies which had already
at that time lead the globe to war and divide for thousands of years
previously. Meanwhile these religious, who are the very ones
manifesting lies which have lead the globe to war and divide for
thousands of years, instead of taking responsibility for their actions
in supporting religious filth try to pass off the blame for Hitler
initiating his actions entirely on Hitler for when if you look at the
evidence it was Hitler focusing on ridding his county of the religion
quite clearly during this Holocaust.

Oh yeah, the religious not only have been sparking war with other
religions as lies clash and blood gets spilled, it also started wars
with those who wanted nothing to do with such disgusting filthy
religious lies plaguing the minds of people with such a filthy
disease / religious deceptions. Of course the religious always try to
blame the other religion, the non religious or anything else their
greedy selfish delusional little wee brains can come up with. They are
always trying to pass the blame on anything else because ignorance is
religions only defense.

Sure this guy hosting The Source would claim any of this is boring
because he is religious and ignorance is religions only defense and
here he is trying to pass off to the public that thousands of years of
war and divide leading millions / billions to their death over
religious lies is too boring for the public to take interest! Brain of
a peanut?

Hey the greedy and the selfish religious have been using such filthy
disgusting lies to take advantage of those from a time of weakness
(were you a baby, homeless, raped, just lost a loved one, lonely, in
jail etc.) for power and control over the many no matter how many
lives are lost, suffering is endured for the lies they manifest and
their only defense is ignorance / to try and pass the blame off on
anything else every single time because even that aids the selfish and
the greedy in being able to keep taking advantage of those form a time
of weakness for power and control over the many.

Freedom of speech is paramount to advance / evolve as a whole to help
us all understand ourselves by facing these issues instead of avoiding
them while corruption escalates and yet they try and cling religion to
the constitution as the greedy and the selfish of religion obviously
did claiming that freedom of the filthy disease known as religion is
in any way shape or form acceptable! Then we have the religious within
government / media boycotting anything that reveals them for the liars
they are and yet freedom of speech carries any validity with the
religious what so ever? Of course the greedy and the selfish to no
surprise will do anything to keep on using filthy lies to take
advantage of the many from a time of weakness including manifesting
their sick disease within governments while they had the chance. This
includes denying the non contestable factual information I have been
sharing for the last eleven years with main stream media, Federal
Parliament including Ministers, Senate, Supreme Court of Justice,
RCMP, provincials etc. (1000's) across Canada and various multitudes
of web sites over the years. I even have groups of people who slalk /
look for me online (where my work is) call all of their friends then
all of them start ganging up on site management claiming me to be a
hater or attempting to reduce activism as merely spam!!! I have
stalkers, just have a look on you tube. Type DavidJSpetch in search on
You Tube.

Yeah, they even stoop so low as to tell you that if you do not follow
their filthy religion that you will suffer for it when you die because
again they will lie cheat and steal / do and say anything to keep
taking advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and
control over the many.

"Anyone who values religious lies more than they value life by
supporting any religion are quite obviously the lowest of the low" and
thousands of years of war and divide because of such lowly deceptive
religious filthy lies is proof of that statement! That statement
includes every religious person on the planet no matter how deceptive
or ignorant they are. Show you care more about life then you do lies
by ridding your lives of religion. Plain and simple.

The destruction of religion is my primary goal and I do it for the
well being of the future of the life on this planet. The less reason
for war and divide, the less war and divide there will be. Considering
people are dying over such ridiculous filthy lies through even
thousands of years of war and divide as it really has been re
occurring over thousands of years just so that the greedy and the
selfish can continue to use such lies to deceive society while using
ignorance as their only defense. I'll continue to stand strong against
every religious person on the planet as I see fit because I care much
more about lives than I do to let the world suffer such filthy
deceptive lies any longer! I ask the religious to ask yourselves of
which I do care about you but am disgusted with your selfishness greed
and ignorance, are your lies worth losing your loved ones?

Put that on your show or are you just a bias two faced liar when it
comes to all of this talk about free speech and advocating sharing
with the public both sides of every issue?! Are you really just the
same old main stream media pretending to be something your not to try
and win a few viewers. I would personally be very disappointed in the
whole Sun business in Canada if that is the case.

No matter your religion, your religion is factually proven to be based
upon a fundamental of lies and all of your so called religious
martyrs / saviors are no more than greedy selfish low life self
serving lying pieces of deceptive low life human filth!

On another note, I saw this morning that Sun TV. is already at it
again having a religious fool with a book on their show trying to tell
society that religion is OK. What a sick bias one sided joke! On the
up side, it is a clear indication that religion is on the decline no
matter what the religious fools with a hand in main stream media want
you to think. All these years of hard work is starting to pay off in a
huge way I suppose. If so, no need to thank me, it is my pleasure
because I sincerely care about the well being of the future of the
life on this planet.

David Jeffrey Spetch

Ps. Be good, be strong!

Major difference between me and a politician (or someone that works
for Sun TV) is that I don't kiss Butt (unless of course she's hot and
we are naked and alone ;) and I don't tell you what I think you want
to hear, I tell you what the Canadians / the world needs to know to
lift the veils of ignorance.

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Palash Biswas
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