Gorshkov Defence Scam and Kargil Martyres. Nuke Submarine Launched to FLEX Muscles of Strategic Realliance invoking Blind nationalism to Cover up the Mass Destruction.
Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams, Chapter 301
Palash Biswas
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News results for Defence scams in India
A scam to shame Bofors - 1 day ago
But today it is India's biggest defence scam. India is buying the Gorshkov, a used, gutted carrier that is being refitted at more than the price of a new ...Calcutta Telegraph - 54 related articles »
The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Frontpage | A scam to shame ...
Biggest arms scam in India unearthed | Pakistan | News | Newspaper ...
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www.nation.com.pk/.../Biggest-arms-scam-in-India-unearthed - Cached - Similar - -
Furore in Parilaiment over Defence Scam - Snoop News from India ...
New Delhi. Apr 20.(ANI); Angry opposition lawmakers brought the parliament to a halt on Wednesday (April 20) demanding the Congress-led government table ...
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Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
7 Jun 2009 ... Defence scam hits India. By Iftikhar Gilani NEW DELHI: A Rs 60 billion worth defence scam has hit Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's ...
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City link in multi-crore defence scam - Kolkata - Cities - The ...
16 Jun 2009 ... Nor do scams directly threaten the defence preparedness as weapon technologies are not compromised. "Weapon technologies are either ...
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DENEL- Defence Scams: The Bane of Indian Armed Forces
Defence scams have become a joke in India; almost anybody can stall a defence deal, for political vendettas or competition, by merely casting aspersions or ...
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Kargil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Kargil War, also known as the Kargil conflict, (I) was an armed conflict between India and Pakistan that took place between May and July 1999 in the ...
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Indian Air Force - Kargil War - Tiger Hill attack.
2 min 54 sec - 9 May 2006 -
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www.youtube.com/watch?v=j80E1mHAohU - -
Kargil War - Pakistani Army surrenders and accepts bodies
2 min 46 sec - 30 Oct 2006 -
The Pakistani Army puts up a white flag and accepts the slain bodies of its officers in this damning video. Pakistan lost more than 4000-6000 soldiers in ...
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Image results for Kargil War
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News results for Kargil War
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Remembering The Kargil War and Distant Heroes - Everything PR - The Public Relations News Portal - 155 related articles »How should we 'celebrate' the Kargil war? - Reuters Blogs - 6 related articles » -
Kargil War: A Glorious Victory for India
Contains information on the war fought on the icy heights of Kargil.
mod.nic.in/samachar/17/html/ch8.htm - Cached - Similar - -
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Kargil War Heroes. TRIBUTE. They'd promised their families they'd come back soon. They more than kept their word. Went as mere men. Came back as heroes. ...
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Indian Armed Forces : Kargil Update -->
3 Mar 2000 ... The Kargil Update with the operations Safed Sagar and operation Vijay ---The Official Website of the Indian Armedforces, indian armedforces.
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Malik exposes Musharraf's 'lies' on Kargil war
25 Jul 2009 ... Accusing former Pakistan military ruler Pervez Musharraf of.
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Bollywood movies inspired by Kargil war
25 Jul 2009 ... The Kargil War of 1999 also inspired Bollywood to retell the stories of bravery and sacrifice and veteran filmmaker JP Dutta's LOC Kargil ...
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Seven uneasy years for India after Kargil war
20 Apr 2008 ... The Kargil war took more than 1000 Indian soldiers' lives. Caught unawares, the Indian army could not help but panic.
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Mothers journey to the mountains where sons became martyrs: (Left) Against the backdrop of the mountains where the Kargil war was fought a decade ago, mothers of two Indian soldiers who died in action arrive at the Umba La (pass) in Drass on Saturday to take part in a programme organised by the Indian Army to observe the 10th anniversary of Operation Vijay that recaptured the hills from Pakistan. (right) Mohini Pandey wipes a tear in Drass after inaugurating a memorial named after her son, Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey, who died while recapturing the Khalobar ridgeline, where Pakistani troops had built one of the most dominant positions in Kargil in July 1999. (PTI pictures) http://www.telegraphindia.com/1090726/jsp/frontpage/story_11283945.html |
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Emotional tributes to heroes of Kargil conflict
News results for Kargil martyrs
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THIRUVANANTHAPURAM/DRASS: In a solemn ceremony at the Pangode Military station, homage was paid to martyrs of the 1999 Kargil War. ...Times of India - 147 related articles »
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Homage to the Martyrs of Kargil
28 Oct 2002 ... This page is dedicated to the brave men of our soil who embrace danger and even death willingly for the sake of the country.
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The Hindu : National : Kargil martyrs remembered
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Kargil War Heroes
While the mortal remains of seven of these Kargil martyrs were consigned to flames in their respective villages with full military honours, ...
ikashmir.net/kargilheroes/eight.html - Cached - Similar - -
A Tribute to gallant kargil martyr, Capt. Vijyant Thapar
a tribute to this Karjil Captain who laid down his life for his nation. His last letter, biography, details of his loss, father's pilgrimage.
www.captainvijyantthapar.com/ - Cached - Similar - -
PM pays tribute to Kargil martyrs
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www.indianexpress.com/news/...kargil-martyrs/494281/ - 9 hours ago - Similar - -
Family of Kargil martyrs salute spirit of sacrifice - India - NEWS ...
25 Jul 2009 ... Family of Kargil martyrs salute spirit of sacrifice. ... led a platoon to re-capture Tololing from Pakistani troops during the Kargil war, ...
timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...Kargil-martyrs.../4819017.cms - Cached - Similar - -
PM pays tribute to Kargil martyrs: Rediff.com news
26 Jul 2009 ... PM pays tribute to Kargil martyrs, Rediff.com: Indian news | news columns | interviews | news specials | newshound & more.
news.rediff.com/.../pm-pays-tribute-kargil-matryrs.htm - 5 hours ago - Similar - -
Remembering Kargil martyrs' spirit of sacrifice: Rediff.com news
Remembering Kargil martyrs' spirit of sacrifice, Rediff.com: Indian news | news columns | interviews | news specials | newshound & more.
news.rediff.com/.../slide-show-1-vijay-diwas-kargil-anniversary.htm - Cached - Similar - -
Kargil martyrs remembered in Thiruvananthapuram- Hindustan Times
26 Jul 2009 ... Soldiers from various units of the Pangode military station paid tributes to martyrs of Kargil war on the 10th anniversary of 'Vijay Diwas' ...
www.hindustantimes.com/Redir.aspx?ID...4143... - 1 hour ago - Similar - -
Kargil martyrs remembered - Yahoo! India News
Thiruvananthapuram, July 26 (PTI) Soldiers from various units of the Pangode military station here paid tributes to martyrs of Kargil war on the 10th ...
in.news.yahoo.com/.../tnl-kargil-martyrs-remembered.html - 1 hour ago - Similar -
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India launches nuclear submarine
Mr Singh said 'we do not seek to threaten anyone' |
India has launched its first nuclear-powered submarine, becoming only the sixth country in the world to do so.
The 6,000 tonne Arihant was launched by India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at a ceremony on the south-east coast.
It was built entirely in India with Russian assistance and a second one is due to be constructed shortly.
It will undergo trials over the next few years before being deployed and will be able to launch missiles at targets 700km (437 miles) away.
Until now, only the US, Russia, France, Britain and China had the capability to build nuclear submarines.
'China threat'
Launching the INS Arihant, Mr Singh said India had no aggressive designs on anyone.
India has relied mainly on Russian-built submarines until now |
But the sea was becoming increasingly relevant to India's security concerns, he added.
"It is incumbent upon us to take all measures necessary to safeguard our country and to keep pace with technological advancements worldwide," he told the ceremony in the port city of Visakhapatnam.
The BBC's Sanjoy Majumder in Delhi says until now India has been able to launch ballistic missiles only from the air and from land.
Nuclear submarines will add a third dimension to its defence capability.
When it is eventually deployed, the top-secret Arihant will be able to carry 100 sailors on board.
It will be able to stay under water for long periods and thereby increase its chances of remaining undetected.
By contrast, India's ageing conventional diesel-powered submarines need to constantly surface to recharge their batteries.
Our correspondent says the launching of the Arihant is a clear sign that India is looking to blunt the threat from China which has a major naval presence in the region.
Family of Kargil martyrs salute spirit of sacrifice
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Posted: Jul 25, 2009 at 1232 hrs ISTTololing (Kargil) Ten years after Captain Neikezhakuo Kenguriise sacrificed his life when he led a platoon to re-capture Tololing from Pakistani troops during the Kargil war, his family has come all the way from Nagaland to salute the place of their son's martyrdom.
"We have to come to see and salute the place of the martyrdom of our son. It was a dream for us to visit the holy place and pray for our son", the late captain's father Neiselie Kenguriise told a visiting correspondent in Tololing on Saturday.
As they took a glimpse of Tololing ridgeline captured by their son and his platoon, tears welled in the eyes of Neiselie, his wife Dinuo and daughter.
Captain Neikezhakuo led his platoon to Tololing ridgeline overlooking an important army formation, ejected Pakistani regulars and re-captured the ridgeline in a five-day-long battle. But he lost his life in mortar shelling on June 18, 1999.
Captain Neikezhakuo, who hailed from Kohima in Nagaland, was awarded Mahavir Chakra (MVC).
"My son did his duty to the nation with utmost dedication. We have come here to pay homage to him along with other martyrs, who defeated the enemy in one of the most difficult wars", the captain's parents said.
Like Captain Neikezhakuo, another soldier Captain Manoj Pandey achieved martyrdom by beating back Pakistani troops and re-capturing Khalobar ridgeline, one of the most dominant positions captured by the Pakistani troops in Kargil sector. He died on July 3, 1999 in this sector.
"He is my hero as well as the nation's hero. He braved enemy fire and re-captured Khalobar ridgeline and pushed back Pakistani troops. He was given Param Vir Chakra (PVC) posthumously," his brother Manmohan Pandey, who had come to visit the memorial from Lucknow, said.
Flanked by his mother, Manmohan said, "I had come here to pray at the place where my brother sacrificed his life in the line of duty. This place is a temple for me".
"My father and mother have visited the memorial several times and it was my dream to visit the place," he said.
Praising his junior Captain Vikram Batra for his bravery in the battle front in Drass sector where he laid down his life, Colonel Gurpreet Singh, Commanding Officer of 13 Jammu and Kashmir (JAK) rifles said his unit won many awards.
"Our unit 13 JAK rifles achieved the title of brave among the bravest as it won two PVCs in Kargil battle", Col Singh, who was then Major and was directly looking after the battle front in Drass, said.
Captain Batra and Lance Naik Sanjay Kumar had won PVCs for their gallantry and both belonged to 13 JAK rifles. As many as 533 jawans and army officers laid down their lives and 86 of them got PVCs, MVCs and VCs for the Kargil war.
While four soldiers, Captain Batra and Captain Pandey were awarded PVCs (posthumously) respectively, two PVCs were awarded to Lance Naik Joginder Yadav of grenadier and Sanjay Kumar of 13 JAK rifles.
The two-day "Operation Vijay" celebrations from today will mark the victory of Indian forces over their Pakistani army regulars ten years ago.
All re-captured heights would be lit up during the celebrations.
HC slams govt on 26/11
;Statesman News Service
MUMBAI, 24 JULY: A Bombay High Court Division Bench comprising chief justice Mr S Kumar and Mr Justice A Khanvilkar virtually ripped apart the Maharashtra government yesterday on discovering its callous and lackadaisical attitude in addressing the security concerns of its citizens prior to the 26/11 terror attack.
A series of searching and searing questions by the judges in the open court exposed the state government's claims about tightening the capital's as well as the overall security around the state. The lawyers representing the state government could not come up with any satisfying answers. "We are appalled and are at loss of words," said the Bench when informed officially that 461 officers and junior staff of the Anti-Terrorism Squad have just four helmets and 27 bullet proof jackets .
"Is this a joke? What is the administration doing? These are the people who have to face bullets and not the babus sitting at the Mantralaya," the Bench retorted adding: "Common sense dictates that each of these 461 should be equipped with jackets, helmets and guns."
The judges were angered when they found that Intelligence Bureau inputs affirmed more terror threats on the city as the the government counsel failed to answer how many times the security council, constituted after 26/11, has met to review the internal security. When the government counsel argued that the government was making provision for the purchase of these essentials the court shot back: "Will the attackers wait for you?" The bench also directed the government to submit in a sealed cover the report of Pradhan-Balachandran panel into the causes and the aftermath of 26/11 attack.
CAG exposes Russian 'junk' sale
The CAG on Friday (July 24) strongly criticised the Defence Ministry and the Navy for mismanaging the acquisition of the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov, now INS Vikramaditya. According to the CAG report the objective of inducting the aircraft carrier in time to fill the Gap in Indian Navy not been addressed.
The cost of acquisition has almost doubled to Rs 7,207 crore in four years after the Navy brought it from Russia in January 2004. At best, the Navy would be acquiring a second hand ship by paying significantly more than what it would have for a new ship.
Giving details of the report, A K Awasthi, additianal deputy from the CAG said, "It is 60% more expensive than the new one. The government is now likely to pay USD 1.82 bn for the carrier as against the original contract amount of USD 875 million. Most substantial increase is on account of sea trials which were originally contracted for USD 27 million. This has increased by almost 20 times creating doubts about the diligence exercise while estimating and negotiating cost."
He further said, "Given the expected force level of the Indian Navy by the time the air craft carrier is inducted it is not clear as to how the Navy would provide adequate compliment battle group to the carrier. Monitoring and supervision was surprisingly lax, with no committee adhering to the frequency prescribed. As a result the enormity of the situation could not be foreseen till the vendor presented his revised costs.
He also said that the initial cost of refitting the ship was 4,025 crore rupees. The cost has gone up by 137 per cent to 1.2 billion dollars at least.
"Financial control by Indian side was diluted as payment terms were not linked to physical outflows. Thus even though 66% of the contracted cost of re payer and refit has been paid, only 35% of the work has been completed."
The Navy reports in 1995 and 1999 said the ship was deteriorating very quickly and the state of the machinery was likely to deteriorate even more.
Buying a new aircraft carrier instead of a used one damaged by fire has been financially a wrong decision. The ship delivery has also been delayed by 52 months.
"It is incumbent upon us to take all measures necessary to safeguard our country and to keep pace with technological advancements worldwide," he told the ceremony in the port city of Visakhapatnam. more by Manmohan Singh - 2 hours ago - BBC News (160 occurrences) |
NEW DELHI — India launched its first nuclear-powered submarine on Sunday, officials said, underlining the military advances made by the rapidly developing nation.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called it a "historic milestone in the country's defence preparedness" as the 6,000-tonne INS Arihant (Destroyer of Enemies) was named in the southern city of Visakhapatnam.
The submarine, the first of five planned, is powered by an 85-megawatt nuclear reactor and can reach 44 kilometres an hour (24 knots) underwater, according to defence officials.
It will be armed with torpedoes and ballistic missiles, and carry a crew of 95 men.
"We don't have any aggressive designs nor do we seek to threaten anyone," the Press Trust of India quoted Singh as saying at the launch.
"We seek an external environment in our region and beyond that is conducive to our peaceful development and protection of our value systems."
India is now part of an exclusive group of nations -- including China, France, the United States, Britain and Russia -- which own nuclear-powered submarines.
The vessel will undergo two years of sea trials in the Bay of Bengal before being commissioned for full service, according to PTI.
India previously leased a Russian-built nuclear submarine, and in 2005 signed contracts worth 2.4 billion euros (three billion dollars) to receive six diesel-electric Franco-Spanish Scorpene submarines.
The launch came as India marked the tenth anniversary of the brief but bloody Kargil conflict with arch-rival Pakistan in the disputed Kashmir region.
More than 1,100 people, mostly Indian and Pakistani soldiers, died in the high-altitude offensive in the spring and summer of 1999 when Pakistan-based infiltrators crossed the icy frontier that separates the two countries.
At a service earlier in New Delhi, Singh paid tribute to the Indian troops who died during the conflict.
"They sacrificed their lives in defence of Indian unity and integrity," he said.
A year before Kargil, India conducted nuclear weapons tests and Pakistan responded with its own tests a few days later.
I had been once again in RISRA, Hugli, accompanied by Sabita in TORRENTIAL rain! The South Bengal SC, ST, OBC and Minority org representatives, most of which belong to the Industrial belt across HUGLI, from Jute Mills, Cotton Mills and even Tea gardens, Closed and Locked out fctories, the Safai mazddor Unions and balmiki samaj gathered togethered in Ambedkar Bhawan Guakhana. Thy do relate themselves to differnt political paties and socila Organisations!
Opening the debate I appealed all of them to concentrate on AMBEDKARITE Ideology and EMPOWERMENT and awakening! I informed them that our Maharashtra friends already launched a Trade Union Structure named Rashtriya Mulnivasi Majdoor Sangha along with different forums and orgs of social and Prducive forces as Professionals, Students, Women and so one.
The Gathering was full of Enthuism! We expected intense Interactions most necessary for Mass Mobilsations. But it had not to be. As so called trained cadres debated intensely on IDEOLOGY and objective indulging in personal fight. At a point some one pointed out that they have to get Intellectuals, employees and Professionals for social movement, not the Masses! Senor Citizens were insulted! We felt Embrassed. We later managed it very well and Convinced our friends person to person what we do want happens to be a NATIONAL Mass Liberation Movement which remains impossible without the active particiapation of the masses!
I am getting wild phone Calls from Differents parts of Bengal as the Activists complain against the Cadres Ambedkarite as well as Idelogues and their BETRAYALS!
I have explained my friends in different shaeres and those who are active in Mass Movements and amongst the nationalities, How we should Stand Rock solid to lead the nation in Resistance against the Mass Destruction, Ethnic cleansing, repression and Monopolistic Aggression!
I appeal little Pragmatism and the Knowledge of History and Folk ! Please!
The situation is very Complex as the most Anti National who always tend to sell of their own Mothers, do play with Public sentiments and their Genuine patriotism.
kargil victory invoked is another DIMENTION of the ILLUMINATI Rule living on Wars and civil wars and Committed to the War Economy of United States of America!
The West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee on Sunday held a meeting with Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee at the NSC Bose International Airport in Kolkata.
The Power Axis of PRANAB Adwani and BUDDHA remains INTACT nevertheless Mamata Banerjee being projected as the Human face of the manusmriti Hegemony. The Brahamins of bengal as well as India join together to kill the majority Eighty Five percent Population and it is no Secret!
Various issues related to the state and the Centre were discussed during the meeting, official sources said
The details of the meeting were, however, not made available to the media.
After the meeting, Mukherjee left for New Delhi in a special flight.
Gorshkov Defence Scam and Kargil Martyres!
The story is all about the India Inc run Political Economy, manusmriti Rule and ethnic cleansing!
Indian Ocean Peace Zone is Undermined with Nuclear arms race creating CHINA PHOBIA False! As the Recession false bailed out the Ruling Class and fed the Killed Money Machine with our Meat and Flesh! ICICI net profit, Auto Boost, Consumer culture, FII, FDI, foreign Borrowing and ROCKETING defence Expenditure and NUCLEAR Mania tell a DIFFERENT story Diluted by the TOILET Media indulged in REalty and Reality Shows! Shining India showcase and cup bords are full of Skeletons scattered over the DIVIDED Bleedin geopolitics across the Political Borders!
Nuke Submarine Launched to FLEX Muscles of Strategic Realliance invoking Blind nationalism to Cover up the Mass Detruction.
India tagged with United states of America and Israel, ruled by ILLUMINATI, LPG Mafia and India Inc flexes its NUCLEAR Muscles once again celebrating Kargil Victory. GROSHKOV Zunk is the only tip of the ICE BERG which was COVERED with PROXY war of Kargil which betrayed the Martyres as well as the Masses of India fighting for SUSTENANCE against Manusmriti Rule on the on hand and on the other hand the Global Monopolistic aggression by Tri Iblis Satanic Order of Zionist US Corporate Imperialism.
The Brahamincal Hegemony and the Immoral Imposters leading the Country use best BLIND Nationalism to hike DEFENCE EXPANDITURE and CONTINUE the Economic reforms of Mass Destruction!
Pranab Mukherjee is the Key man in the Zionist power Axis. His Budget is all about Defence Expenditure, Bailout , Sixth Pay Commission and Fiscal defecit created with Bail Out and Stmulus itself. Flagship progrrammes are only the eye washing! His ally, the face of change and Resistance in Bengal, Ms Mamata Bannerjee inserts FICCI Scretary Amit Mishra to decide on Public Private joint Ventures in railway opening the Flood gates of Privatisation of Indian Railway.
All on the name of national sovereignity, unity and Integrity and development!
The massacre masters feel no SHAME to DODGE so openly in the manner of COFFIN scam related to kargil Victory! And it is the BASTARDISED Parliamentary Politics!
India's first indigenous nuclear-powered submarine was launched here Sunday as the country marked the 10th anniversary of the victory over the Pakistani intruders in Kargil - and the coincidence was not lost on National Security Advisor M.K. Narayanan.
"Both were successes for us," replied Narayanan when asked if the launching of the submarine on the 10th Kargil Victory Day signified anything.
The 110-metre long submarine, resembling a giant black shark, was tugged out of the Ship Building Centre in Visakhapatnam. The Indian Navy flag fluttered atop the vessel and the sailors in snow-white uniform proudly saluted the dignitaries present to witness the momentous occasion.
It was on July 26, 1999, that India finally wrested the peaks in Jammu and Kashmir from the Pakistani intruders.
Meanwhile, CAG has rapped the Indian Air Force for buying the Hawk advanced trainer aircraft in 2004 on the basis of its requirements in 1987, compromising operational and training requirements of the service.
"The supply and production of the aircraft was based on air staff requirements that were not reviewed since their issue in 1987. The restriction in utilisation of aircraft would compromise operational and training requirements," the report said.
India had signed a contract with BAE Systems in 2004 to supply 66 trainer aircraft, 24 of which were to be supplied in the fly-away condition and the rest license-manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautical Limited (HAL).
The report also slammed the IAF for taking 22 years to finalise the deal for the aircraft, the need for which was felt in 1982 itself.
"Inordinate delay in acquisition of these trainer aircraft, which is essential for improving the skills of IAF pilots graduating from lower speed aircraft to advanced high performance fighter aircraft, has affected pilot safety," it said.
The CAG said due to pending integration of electronic weapons suite, the aircraft could not be used for tactical weapon training, limiting the operational use of the aircraft.
The Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Sunday said steps were being taken to raise the buying power of average Indians to offset the effects of global recession.
"Apart from NREGA, other schemes will be introduced to augment the buying power of poor people so that production by companies are not affected because of less demand," Mr. Mukherjee said at the inauguration of the 28th conference of the West Bengal unit of the INTUC.
The minister said he had a talk with Congress president Sonia Gandhi who had asked him to talk to INTUC president G Sanjeeva Reddy to hear the workers' position and expectations before formulating the future economic policy.
"We will sit in Delhi next week and discuss the issue of 'aam admi's' needs before formulating the policies," he said to a full-house at the Rabindra Sarobar stadium here.
Mr. Mukherjee said that the government would take steps and decide on economic policies keeping in mind the interests of general people and the working class.
"Though we want that exports to Europe and America rise, we can not wait till their economies look up in the present world economic scenario. So to keep our economy vibrant, we have to ensure that the buying power of people in our country rise," he said.
Expressing concern over rise in prices of essential commodities, Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee on Sunday asked authorities to take steps to contain the trend.
"The price of arhar is Rs 90 per kg and the price of green chillies is Rs 100 per kg. I am concerned at the price rise. I think the authorities have a responsibility to look into this," the Trinamool Congress chief said, without fixing responsibility on anyone while inaugurating a passenger reservation system (PRS) at New Alipur station in kolkata.
On the current employment trends "which do not guarantee job security", she said, "Earlier, a government employee could work upto the age of 60 years. Now, the younger generation are working in an environment where there is no guarantee that their jobs will remain secure tomorrow."
Ms. Banerjee said that in a situation where life was becoming more difficult for the common people, the Railways were decentralising its facilities for their benefit.
Stating that 100 new PRS would be set up country-wide, she said divisional railway managers have been asked not to delay implementation of projects in their respective areas.
Three 'Duranta' class trains, announced by her in the Railway budget, would be introduced from August, she said.
These would run between Delhi and Pune, Mumbai and Howrah and Sealdah and Delhi.
"These will be faster than Rajdhani Express trains and the fare will also be cheaper," she said.Meanwhile,the Pro-Taliban cleric Sufi Muhammad, who brokered a now-defunct peace deal between the authorities and insurgents, was today arrested in northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar for his links to militants and his role in fomenting unrest in the lawless Swat valley.
Sufi, who heads the banned Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariah Muhammadi, was arrested with his sons Ziaullah and Rizwanullah and an accomplice by a large police contingent during a raid in the City Town area of Peshawar. The four men were taken away to an unknown location.
Mian Iftikhar Hussain, the Information Minister for North West Frontier Province, told a news conference that Sufi Muhammad was arrested for speaking against the government and encouraging violence and terrorism in Malakand division, which includes Swat valley.
The head of India's ambitious project to build a nuclear powered submarine, Vice Admiral (retd) D.S.P. Verma, Sunday said that the vessel is ready and now they have to make its heart, the nuclear reactor, tick.
INS Arihant, the country's first indigenous nuclear powered submarine, was Sunday launched at the Ship Building Centre here, catapulting India into the league of five elite nations.
"The air, oil and water are the fluids running in a submarine and the nuclear reactor is the heart. We have fitted everything and now we have to get the fluids to flow and the heart tick," Verma told IANS on the sidelines of the launching ceremony.
It will take two years of sea trials before the submarine is commissioned in the Indian Navy.
The top secret Advanced Technology Vessel project, which built the vessel, was conceived in 1984 and the steel for the submarine cut in 1998.
"This is the first time that such a project was conceived and undertaken in the country. ... All the facilities and the infrastructure had to be set up from scratch," said Verma.
The ATV project has been the result of the active collaboration of the Defence Research and Development Organisation, Department of Atomic Energy and other public and private sector undertakings. Private industrial players like Larsen and Tourbo and Tata Power helped in making the project a reality.
"The second submarine will have more indigenous components," Verma told IANS.
According to sources, construction on the second submarine has already begun.
"The trials will have to be undertaken to establish the reliability. Design is only the dream of a person and implementing it is different," Verma said, adding that "11 years to construct a submarine is not bad at all".
The project had to face initial hurdles like technology denial and miniaturising the nuclear reactor to fit the 110-metre long and 11-metre wide submarine, which has a surface displacement of 6,000 tonnes.
The nuclear power will help the submarine to remain underwater for longer durations - a factor that will help increase the geographical reach and endurance of the Indian Navy.
The submarine will be manned by a crew of roughly 100 sailors trained in India.
The launch ceremony was performed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's wife Gursharan Kaur in Visakhapatnam.
Dismissing Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's claim that his government had all the relevant answers to questions raised on the Indo-Pak joint statement, BJP said on Saturday that "unilateral explanations" by him cannot dilute the "monumental lapse".
"The language of the Joint Statement between India and Pakistan is clear. The language is loaded against India. Unilateral explanations by either the Prime Minister or the ruling party cannot dilute the monumental lapse," said senior BJP leader Arun Jaitley.
Earlier in the day, Singh said his government has all relevant answers on the Indo-Pak joint statement and these will be spelt out by him in the scheduled discussion on the issue in the Lok Sabha on July 29.
"We have all the relevant answers....I have made a statement in Parliament and Parliament is again going to discuss the issue. I will clarify," he said.
BJP and other political parties have criticised the mention of Balochistan and delinking of terrorism for holding of composite dialogue with Pakistan.
Singh did not elaborate on the issue, saying "pending a debate in Parliament, it is inappropriate to answer any specific questions on the issue."
Under attack over the Indo-Pak joint statement, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Saturday that the government has all the "relevant answers" to the questions raised over it and these will be spelt out by him in Parliament on July 29.
He also dismissed as "media creation" the reported difference of opinion between the government and Congress party on the issue.
"I have made a statement in Parliament and Parliament is again going to discuss the issue. I will clarify," Singh told reporters in New Delhi when asked about the controversy over the Joint Statement which had made mention of Balochistan and de-linked terrorism and holding of composite dialogue with Pakistan.
Singh refused to speak on the matter further, saying "pending a debate in Parliament, it is inappropriate to answer any specific questions on the issue."
He, however, expressed confidence that "we have all the relevant answers."
The Indo-Pak Joint Statement, issued after Singh's meeting with Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani in Sharm-el Sheikh on July 16, has come in for sharp attack over mention of Balochistan and India agreeing to de-link dialogue from Pakistan's action against terrorism.
Responding to demands from the opposition, a discussion will be held on the issue in Parliament on July 29 during which the Prime Minister will intervene.
Asked about reported difference of opinion between the government and the Congress party on the issue, Singh dismissed it as a "media creation".
Singh was replying to queries by media persons at Rashtrapati Bhavan after presentation of Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development to The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The award was received by Bill Gates from President Pratibha Patil.
Opposition parties, particularly the BJP, along with experts have attacked the government over the joint statement, saying it marked reversal of India's stand on terrorism.
The mention of Balochistan, where Pakistan alleges Indian involvement in the unrest, has also been sharply criticised. To a question on the launch of National Nutrition Mission, Singh said the government attaches top priority to it.
India enters elite club with launch of nuclear submarine | |||
2009-07-26 14:32:00 | |||
India, US complete first round of talks on reprocessing fuel
India and the US have completed first round of consultations on 'arrangements and procedures' on reprocessing of spent fuel of American origin on Indian soil, Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) sources said on Saturday.
The consultations, which took place in Vienna, are considered as a significant step to further the interaction at commercial level and for the operationalisation of the Indo-US nuclear deal, they said.
The first round of talks which began early this week ended on Thursday and the process is likely to be finished in two months.
"We expect the consultations to be over in two months so that the implementation of 123 agreement can start within the timeframe given in the agreement," said a top official of DAE.
"The consultations were strictly based on Article 6 (III) of the 123 agreement between India and US and few more meetings are expected to take place," he said.
The five-member Indian delegation was led by Ravi B Grover, the Director of DAE Strategic Planning Group (SPG) and also the Director of the Knowledge Management Group.
Washington's point man for nuclear negotiations with India Richard Stratford, who is the Director of the Office of Nuclear Energy Affairs in the State Department, headed the US team.
According to the agreement, to bring reprocessing rights into effect, India has to establish a new national facility dedicated to reprocessing safeguarded nuclear material under the safeguards of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Also, India has to reach an agreement with the US on 'arrangements and procedures' under which such reprocessing will take place in this new facility.
"We should have upfront sovereign rights in whatever we do including reprocessing," another DAE official said. Meanwhile, the Indo-US business group said in a communication that both the countries must swiftly conclude a bilateral agreement to grant India prior consent to reprocess spent fuel of US origin.
Fearing that countries like France and Russia are going ahead in business with India, the group said, the conclusion of a reprocessing agreement should not delay Indian contracts with US commercial nuclear suppliers.
The business group on nuclear commerce is keen that India completes procedures for Liability Law. India promised to adopt a liability law in its 'Letter of Intent' in September 2008 and the private-sector nuclear industry in India and the US are awaiting fulfillment of the promise.
Talks between two US energy majors-- Westinghouse-Toshiba and GE-Hitachi and India's Nuclear Power Corporation—on various business aspects are on and the Indian government is in the process of giving clearance to two coastal sites for the US companies to set up nuclear reactors in the country.
The two sites zeroed by NPCIL are Shrikulam district in coastal Andhra Pradesh and near Alang in Gujarat.
Pak foreign office disturbed after Tharoor's remarks
Taking exception to the reported remarks of Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor on Indo-Pak joint statement, Pakistan today said both sides should refrain from any move that "detract from progress made" at recent talks between the two premiers.
Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit said the insinuations made by Tharoor were "unwarranted and inconsistent with diplomatic norms". He was responding to questions on Tharoor's remarks about Pakistan as reported in the Indian media.
Tharoor had reportedly said that the India-Pakistan joint statement issued after the recent meeting between Prime Ministers Manmohan Singh and Yousuf Raza Gilani in the Egypt is a "diplomatic paper" and not a "legal document".
"It is a diplomatic paper that is released to the press -- different from legal papers.
India agreed to discuss Kashmir due to Kargil: Musharraf
Terming Kargil as a "big success", former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has said India agreed to discuss Kashmir only because of that war in 1999.
"Yes, indeed, it was a big success because it had (an) impact even on the attitudes of the Indian side. How did we start discussing the Kashmir dispute? How was it that the Indians agreed that we will discuss Kashmir and there must be a negotiated settlement? Before this there was no such thing at all," Musharraf said in an interview to Karan Thapar in his 'Devil's Advocate' programme.
Making a strong defence of the controversial Kargil Operation, he said before that "Kashmir couldn't be spoken. Kashmir must not be mentioned even in United Nation's speeches by our leaders. This was the Indian side. (So) how did the Indians come on the negotiating table on Kashmir?"
On asked whether he would repeat the Kargil Operation, knowing that it ended up raising question marks about him personally, Musharraf replied: "I don't want to comment".
He also accepted that forces from the Pakistani Army's Rawalpindi Corps and Force Command Northern Areas were involved in the Kargil Operation - contradictory to the country's earlier claim that Kargil was conducted by alleged freedom fighters and the army was not involved.
As written in his book "In the Line of Fire", he said, they were "second line forces" but accepted they were commanded by the army's Rawalpindi Corps and FCNA.
"What I have written is final. I am not going to get into the details at all," Musharraf said.
Claiming the Kargil Operation ended with Pakistani forces in a "very favourable" position, he said "Because if you are talking about India-Pakistan, Indians had moved all their forces against Kargil and there was (as a result) weakness elsewhere.
"So we knew what the Indian forces are capable (of) and what we are capable (of)...the situation was very favourable in Kargil, in Kashmir and on the entire border. We were capable of responding to any Indian action," he said.
Asked why he left the decision to Nawaz Sharif and didn't argue against a ceasefire, he said, "One, there was a ground military position, the other is that there was a lot happening internationally. Internationally there was the United States element putting a lot of pressure on the government to stop or whatever.
"And then there was the (domestic) political pressure. Whether the political situation was good enough to sustain that pressure. I, therefore, decided to only talk of the military (situation)," he said.
The former president said even though his decision to dismiss the Chief Justice was absolutely constitutional and legal, the handling of the situation was "shabby".
"I don't blame myself because I don't get into the nitty gritty of which Deputy Superintendent of Police was rude to him, some cars were taken (away) or something of that sort.
Now I am not passing such orders at all," Musharraf said. Questioned about reports that he had a secret understanding with the late PPP leader Benazir Bhutto which facilitated her return to Pakistan in October, 2007, he admitted for the first time that there was "an understanding".
He claimed that if Benazir had lived to be prime minister he would still be president of Pakistan today. "There was an understanding. I did talk to her, yes. I had been talking to her twice. She was not supposed to come back before the elections," he said.
Commenting on the political situation in Pakistan, Musharraf agreed that it has become a more complicated country today. "Yes it has. A lot of complications (are there) - political, economic and law and order," he said, adding the Asif Ali Zardari government was much weaker.
Musharraf also agreed with US President Barack Obama's comment that Zardari's government was fragile and unable to deliver services effectively to the people.
"At the moment yes. That is correct. That is happening," he said.
India now into deeper 'strategic entanglement' with US: Karat
Bangalore (PTI): The CPI(M) on Sunday said India was getting further and deeper into "strategic entanglement" with the US, and the government seems to be not worried about concerns over nuclear issues as well as "American inspection".
"India is getting into further and deeper strategic entanglement with the USA," CPI(M) General Secretary Prakash Karat told reporters here when asked about US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit to India last week.
"Many things are not clear yet. About the nuclear deal, the G8 summit has already decided to deny certain types of technology for non-NPT countries, and in the Nuclear Suppliers Group also, these guidelines are going to be framed. The government does not seem to be worried about these things", he said.
Stating that the Indo-US military collaboration is getting deeper, Karat said: "..the inspection that's going to be allowed of the equipment we buy from America. The (US) inspectors will come here and we will have to give them access to all the areas where they have their equipment."
"So, these are matters I think which concern the country very much but the government does not seem to be very much worried," he said.
The government came under attack in Parliament last week over the Indo-US defence pact that enables physical inspection of equipment purchased from America.
Finance Ministry awaits clearance on two key Bills
New Delhi (PTI): The Finance Ministry has set in motion the process of financial sector reforms with the pension reforms Bill likely to be sent to the Cabinet next week and SBI Amendment as well as Banking Regulation Amendment legislation is being vetted by the Law Ministry.
The pension reforms Bill to give statutory powers to the regulator has already been cleared by the Law Ministry, while the Finance Ministry is awaiting nod for the SBI (Amendment) Bill and Banking Regulation (Amendment) Bill, official sources said.
All these three Bills were introduced by the government in the Lower House of Parliament, but have lapsed with the termination of the 14th Lok Sabha.
The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) Bill is likely to be taken up by the Cabinet next week, after which it would be tabled in the Lok Sabha towards the end of the session, the sources said.
The State Bank of India (Amendment) Bill proposes to allow the Government to bring down its holding in SBI to 51 per cent against the present floor of 55 per cent.
That way, the Bill, if passed, will make SBI at par with nationalised banks in terms of minimum stake the government can hold.
The government currently has just over a 59 per cent stake in the bank, which it acquired from the RBI two years ago.Reports about arms deal with India totally wrong: Nepal
Kathmandu (PTI): Amid threats by the Maoists to derail the peace process over reported arms deal with India, Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal on Sunday dismissed as 'totally wrong' that his government had struck a defence deal with New Delhi.
The reports about arms deal between Nepal and India was totally wrong as there was no such deal reached during the Defence Minister Vidya Bhandari's India visit, the Prime Minister told the State Affairs Committee (SAC) under the Legislative Parliament.
The Prime Minister's clarification came after the Unified CPN-Maoist blocked the Parliament demanding clarification from the government regarding the reported arms deal between Nepal and India during Bhandari's visit to India.
Earlier on Sunday, the Maoist Lawmakers surrounded the Rostrum as soon as the Legislative Parliament session started in the afternoon. The meeting was postponed for half an hour and later the Speaker adjourned the Parliament for.
Speaking at the Parliament session Maoists' deputy leader of in the Parliamentary Party Narayan Kaji Shrestha accused the coalition government of reaching an agreement with India to import arms and warned that the peace process would be derailed if the government imported arms from India.
The Maoist leaders have argued that acquiring new arms will violate the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed between the Maoists and the previous government.ST demand: Gujjars announce 24-hr sit-in
Jaipur (PTI): The Gujjar agitation on ST quota demand on Sunday showed signs of revival with leader Kirori Singh Bainsla asking community members congregating for a 'mahapanchayat' not to go back but stage a sit-in to build pressure on the Rajasthan government to get the pending reservation bill cleared.
In the mahapanchayat, which began at Penchla mod near Hindon city in Karuali district this afternoon, Bainsla, spearheading the agitation for the past three years, asked Gujjars to stay back overnight at the place for a 24 hour 'mahapadav' (sit-in).
He said the Congress government would have to provide five per cent reservation as envisaged in the bill which was passed by the previous BJP government. The bill was sent to the governor and is awaiting his assent.
Additional DGP (Law and Order) Navdeep Singh, who is camping and supervising force deployment, said there was no untoward incident so far and prohibitory orders under section 144 of CrPC are in force since yesterday in Karauli and adjoining districts of Sawaimadhopur, Dausa, Dholpur, Bharatpur and parts of Jaipur rural.
He said the security cover would continue till the mahapadav, attended by nearly 4,000 Gujjars, ends. Personnel of Rajasthan Armed Constabulary, Rapid Action Force, Riot Control, STF are keeping strict vigil in the area.GJM to suspend bandh for 24-hours tomorrow
Siliguri (PTI): The Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) on Sunday announced to suspend its indefinite bandh for 24 hours in Darjeeling on Monday.
The GJM which is spearheading an indefinite bandh in the Darjeeling Hills since July 13 demanding creation of a separate state of Gorkhaland, decided to suspend the bandh in honour of the 'Gorkhaland martyrs', GJM Press Secretary Benoy Tamang told reporters.
Martyrs Day was being observed in Darjeeling hills since 1987 under the leadership of Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) chief Subash Ghising in memory of 19 people killed in police firing at Kalimpong on July 27, 1986, "GJM was now observing the day in memory of around 1200 people who had sacrificed their lives for the cause of Gorkhaland movement since the eighties," GJM leader said.
Shops, markets and business establishments would be open on Monday and vehicles in the hills allowed to ply, GJM sources said.Mayawati seeks Central aid for UP's backward regions
Lucknow (PTI): Chief Minister Mayawati on Sunday said economic growth of the state was hampered due to "non-cooperation" of Central agencies and demanded that Centre announce special package for backward Bundelkhand region and eastern Uttar Pradesh.
"The chief minister has sent two letters to the prime minister today requesting him to release special packages for backward regions of the state - Bundelkhand and districts in eastern UP," chief secretary Atul Kumar Gupta told reporters here.
Ms. Mayawati, in the letter said, economic growth of the state was hampered due to non-cooperation of Central agencies.
Stating that laying of roads by the National Highway Authority of India was progressing on a slow pace, she said the Central agency had attributed it to paucity of budget.
She has requested Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's intervention for immediate completion of the project.
"Central schemes should not be limited to certain areas and it should extend to backward regions, so that regional imbalance could be checked," she said in the letter.
Demanding that Centre cooperate in accelerated development of the state, she said proposals made in Rs 80,000 crore package submitted by the state should be sanctioned.
Ms. Mayawati alleged that as the Centre was not investing in energy sector and adequate power was not allocated to state, it was lagging behind in industrialisation. Climate change's hunger cost | ||
Xingu National Park (Brazil), July 25: As the naked, painted young men of the Kamayurá tribe prepare for the ritualised war games of a festival, they end their haunting fireside chant with a blowing sound — "whoosh, whoosh" — a symbolic attempt to eliminate the scent of fish so they will not be detected by enemies. For centuries, fish from jungle lakes and rivers have been a staple of the Kamayurá diet, the tribe's primary source of protein. But fish smells are not a problem for the warriors anymore. Deforestation and, some scientists contend, global climate change are making the Amazon region drier and hotter, decimating fish stocks in this area and imperiling the Kamayurá's very existence. Like other small indigenous cultures around the world with little money or capacity to move, they are struggling to adapt to the changes. "Us old monkeys can take the hunger, but the little ones suffer — they're always asking for fish," said Kotok, the tribe's chief, who stood in front of a hut containing the tribe's sacred flutes on a recent evening. He wore a white T-shirt over the tribe's traditional dress, which is basically nothing. Chief Kotok, who like all of the Kamayurá people goes by only one name, said that men can now fish all night without a bite in streams where fish used to be abundant; they safely swim in lakes previously teeming with piranhas. Responsible for 3 wives, 24 children and hundreds of other tribe members, he said his once-idyllic existence had turned into a kind of bad dream. "I'm stressed and anxious — this has all changed so quickly, and life has become very hard," he said in Portuguese, speaking through an interpreter. "As a chief, I have to have vision and look down the road, but I don't know what will happen to my children and grandchildren." The Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change says that up to 30 per cent of animals and plants face an increased risk of extinction if global temperatures rise 2 degrees Celsius in coming decades. But anthropologists also fear a wave of cultural extinction for dozens of small indigenous groups — the loss of their traditions, their arts, their languages. "In some places, people will have to move to preserve their culture," said Gonzalo Oviedo, a senior adviser on social policy at the International Union for Conservation of Nature in Gland, Switzerland. "But some of those that are small and marginal will assimilate and disappear." | ||
Pakistan holds pro-Taliban cleric
Sufi Mohammed is the father-in-law of the Swat valley's Taliban leader |
A radical cleric who brokered a failed peace deal in Pakistan's Swat valley has been arrested, officials say.
Sufi Mohammed was arrested in Peshawar, in the restive north-west of Pakistan, government officials said.
Regional information minister Iftikhar Hussein said he had been arrested on unspecified charges but had been warned against holding meetings in Peshawar.
The cleric negotiated a peace deal in February, widely seen as allowing the Taliban to take control of the valley.
Militants were allowed to impose Sharia law in the district in exchange for an end to two years of fighting.
However the deal later collapsed when Taliban fighters moved into neighbouring districts.
"Instead of keeping his promises by taking steps for the sake of peace, and speaking out against terrorism, he did not utter a single word against terrorists," Mr Hussein told a news conference on Sunday.
He said that the influential cleric's stance "encouraged terrorism. It encouraged violence".
Banned group
The government's military operation to remove insurgents from the region displaced some two million people in Pakistan's north-west.
Sufi Mohammed is the founder of a banned militant group, Tehrik Nizam Shariat Mohammadi (TNSM).
He is also the father-in-law of the Taliban leader in the Swat valley.
In June, two of Sufi Mohammed's aides - who were under arrest - were killed when militants attacked a convoy transporting prisoners to Peshawar, military officials said.
Possible reasons for militants to attack Pakistan's cultural capital
BBC map shows Taliban extending control in north-west
Asif Zardari Pervez Musharraf Nawaz Sharif Bilawal Bhutto Chief justice Military chief PM Gilani |
Nitish Kumar pays tribute to Kargil martyrsHindu - 3 hours ago Patna (PTI): The Bihar Chief Minister, Nitish Kumar on Sunday joined the nation in paying tributes to the martyrs of the Kargil war on its 10th anniversary. ... Himachal CM pays homage to Kargil war hero'smyHimachal - 13 minutes ago Shimla: To mark Vijay Diwas on its 10th Anniversary, chief minister Prem Kumar Dhumal paid glowing tributes to martyrs of Kargil war, saying that as many as ... How should we 'celebrate' the Kargil war? Reuters Blogs Himachal announces jobs for War heroes North India Times Bollywood movies inspired by Kargil warIBNLive.com - Jul 25, 2009 New Delhi: The Kargil War of 1999 also inspired Bollywood to retell the stories of bravery and sacrifice and veteran filmmaker JP Dutta's LOC Kargil was one ... The Nation remembers Kargil War HeroesNorthern Voices Online - 13 minutes ago Ten years on the nation remembers the Kargil war heroes as the tenth anniversary of Op-Vijay is being celebrated at Drass on 25th and 26th July 2009. ... Twin brother of Kargil martyr to join Territorial ArmyTimes of India - 9 hours ago Lt Batra and Capt Sanjeev Jamwal were ordered to recapture the peak on the night of June 19, 1999, about five weeks after the Kargil war began, ... Uttarakhand pays tribute to Kargil heroes Press Trust of India 'Will light a candle in my heart, home & memorial' Expressindia.com National War Memorial comes into focus againHindu - - 18 hours ago ... anniversary of the victory of the Indian defence forces in the Kargil War, the issue of a dedicated National War Memorial comes into focus once again. ... Drass hills lit up as Kargil victory celebrations endGaea Times - 7 minutes ago July 26th, 2009 July 26 marks 10 years after India won the limited but high-stakes Kargil War initiated by Pakistan. On this day in 1999, ... Remembering The Kargil War and Distant Heroes Everything PR - The Public Relations News Portal Drass to revisit Kargil victory Press Trust of India Unity for a Cause : Padubidri Residents Felicitate Kargil War HeroDaijiworld.com - 22 hours ago Udupi, Jul 25: Kargil war hero from Bagalkot district Rangappa Huliyappa Alura was felicitated by citizens of Padubidri along with the like-minded ... Pak war hero honoured at India's recommendationIBNLive.com - Jul 25, 2009 New Delhi: Pakistan army's Colonel Karnal Sher Khan, who died during the Kargil war, is remembered with great pride. The man who fought on Tiger Hill from ... |
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