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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Saturday, April 3, 2010

FW: Appeal: Stop aggression against Iran

> Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 07:01:42 +0100
> To:
> Subject: Appeal: Stop aggression against Iran
> From:
> 1) Appeal: Stop the aggression on Iran
> 2) Prep committee Haifa II conf established
> 3) Crisis hits India: rev movt growing (interview)
> ***
> 1) Stop the aggression against Iran!
> Denuclearize all of Middle-East! Stop the siege on Gaza and the martyrdom of the Palestinian people!
> Since G. W. Bush has labeled Iran a "rogue state", a brutal campaign of demonization against this country with a multimillenial history and its government is going on; it is a campaign based on lies which is clearly meant to clear the way for military aggression.
> We all remember how the war on Iraq was prepared. As the sanctions and the embargo caused half a million deaths (mainly children, because of the lack of medecine, milk and necessary goods), Iraq was accused to store "weapons of mass destruction". How can we forget the great play-acting through which Colin Powell, in order to justify what was going to be the biggest massacre after Vietnam, went as far as deceiving the UN Assembly by showing the famous "smoking gun"?
> ***
> 2) Second Haifa Conference for the Return of the Palestinian Refugees and for the Democratic Secular State in Historic Palestine, 28–30 / 5 / 2010
> A first consultative meeting was held, in response to the initiative of the Abnaa elBalad Movement, on 27/2/2010. It was followed by the second meeting on 19/3/2010 where the "Preparatory Committee" was formally established. About 20 activists from different organizations and movements, as well as independents, took part in each of the meetings.
> ***
> 3) Crisis hits India: revolutionary movement prepared and growing
> G.N. Saibaba is Assistant Professor of literature at Delhi University, India's one of the most prestigious institute. He is one of the most vocal voices of the democratic opposition and plays an outstanding role in bringing together the most diverse trends against the ruling elite. He represents the Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF).
> Q: The "India Shining" campaign promised industrialisation and increasing wealth also the poor majority. Did this become true?
> The application of globalisation policy in India meant benefits first of all for the ruling oligarchy. A handful of families are in full control of the levers of power. Thanks to their position they could amass huge fortunes, particularly in the last twenty years. Eventually among the list of billionaires there are a lot of Indians. The concentration of wealth has been growing rapidly while some 80% of the population has to live on less than half a dollar a day and can hardly afford a daily meal. According to the government's own statistics this was not the case two decades back. India pursued globalisation policies in the most aggressive way, as there are vast untouched resources available on which the western powers and especially the U.S. want to get a hold. But huge poverty also evokes huge conflicts.
> slide show from a mission of the Anti-imperialist Camp to India
> ************************************
> Anti-imperialist Camp
> ************************************
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