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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] We All Have Morgellons Disease and It Is Man Made

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From: Grannie <>
Date: Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 11:32 AM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] We All Have Morgellons Disease and It Is Man Made
To: "1 Health_and_Healing@yahoogroups" <>, "1 MedicalConspiracies@googlegrou" <>, "1 Paranormal_Research@yahoogroup" <>

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Subject: We All Have Morgellons Disease and It Is Man Made
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 10:37:28 -0700
From: Jan Slama <>

I have suspected this!  Because it is sprayed, on everyone, and now this article says in the food as well, we have all been subjected to it!  WHY it is manifesting on some and not others is still not clear, but there are some excellent clues in this article.  Nano particles, energy, and oxygen!  Some of us are better supplied/protected in these areas than others. I have been recently learning SO MUCH about all three of these.   And they are all interrelated.  They are BASIC to our health.  Absolutely BASIC.  I have learned how to affect all three within our bodies, and I am still in the research stage, but I believe I will have some practical answers for all of us very shortly.  Knowing that HAARP is affecting us through energy, which messes up our oxygen delivery and influences our bodies at such a basic level, and this spraying is also on the same level and using nano particles, and add to that what I've been learning about Tesla and his inventions, which are at use by the govt/military today, including HAARP, there are some effective things we can do and can avoid, that will offer us protection.  I'll get you off some info when I have it all compiled.  God always provides a way against the evil!  He has led me to wonderful info, and He continues to lead me.



We All Have Morgellons Disease and It Is Man Made --It is a Sinister Genetic-engineering programme on This Insane Planet!

Posted By: CrystalRiver <Send E-Mail>
Date: Monday, 28-Jun-2010 17:44:55  

Saturday, May 08, 2010
Dr Gwen Scott - Morgellons research - nano-plastics

you're NOT going to like this post AT ALL. In fact, you may already feel an unbearable itching tingling sensation under your skin. What is making you so uncomfortable?

The truth of a sinister genetic-engineering programme on this insane planet:


Dr. Gwen Scott (a Morgellons sufferer and researcher into the nano-plastics origin of 'the strands') states:

"I began to see there are a lot of components. It is a very compound complex network of pathogens. Organic, inorganic and all kinds of things.

We have fibers, heavy metals, bacteria, funguses, viruses that seem to be working somehow synergistically. None of them good to the Human."

"I was able to touch base with one of the people who actively was involved in the design of some of this and I think at the time he thought he was doing this country some good - and in retrospect now realizes, perhaps not. Now he's trying very hard to help anybody who's conscious of what's going on. He did tell me that most of these pathogens have been genetically altered so that your immune system doesn't know that they're there. They're cloaked, they're different, they can overcome. I won't go into the specifics but just let's say these are not your average bacteria, virus, fungus - and of course heavy metals are not average in the human body anyway - and these fibers, these unusual fibers are wires that we're seeing. People have said, "Well, where's it coming from?" Clearly, there have been enough samples to know and Mr. Carnicom, Clifford, just made that connection for us through the air. Some of them are coming to us through the air, with deliberation through the air supply. I have been told by this same gentleman it is also being delivered to us by our food supply. Particularly commercial preprocessed food.

Since our last discussion I did have a gentleman who was involved in some of this (Morgellons design) call me. When he was involved he felt he was doing something to help the soldiers in the field in this country. He was told these things would be sprayed, aerosol sprayed, from planes on the enemy and they would save soldier's lives - and then it occurred to him when he became aware and began to see Clifford's work and other work that, oops, maybe that's not the case. So now he's trying really hard to help out anybody that he can find that's trying to do the work. -and he explained something to me that I knew that I had kind of forgotten. Every organ in your body has a specific frequency and it operates at that frequency. -and when you interrupt that frequency electromagnetically, you can create all kinds of serious (even unto death) problems.

He also talked about areas of the brain and mind control (Here is the energy and HAARP influence). And as Orwellian as that may seem, apparently, scientifically it is very real. We know from Clifford's work, for years now, the electromagnetic properties of what's happening in our air supply as a result of the manipulation and the manipulation of that. Beyond that he talked about then confirmed to me the heavy metals, the barium, the titanium, the aluminum. None of which, trust me, are good for the human. He talked about the biological. He said all of it had been altered. Some of it (and Clifford had eluded to earlier in the video) can kind of escape your immune system, cloak itself in one form or another. Again (he spoke of) the electromagnetics and also the lack of oxygen, the displacement of oxygen. The more you displace oxygen out of the air supply with particulates, (it could be Cornflakes, it doesn't matter) the mortality rates go up concurrently. We are operating on a very low level of oxygen. [source MORGELLONS EXPOSED]

Now watch the videos, the interview with the Morgellons creator is in video 2:

The Videos at this link:

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Palash Biswas
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