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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fwd: [poets 2512] Betty's OS (S 1)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: George Dance <>
Date: Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 7:34 PM
Subject: [poets 2512] Betty's OS (S 1)
To: Poets <>

Betty's OS

Betty has a computer.
Its operating system is Red Hat.
It isn't Absolute Linux or AbulÉdu
or Acados or aceos
or Acorn MOX or ACP
or Adamantix or AdaOS
or ADIOS or Adler Linux
or Admelix or ADMIRAL
or Adrenaline or AEGIS
or AerolitheOS or AGNULA
or Aimos or AIOS
or AirOS or AIX
or AIX/ESA or AIX/370
or Alcolix or Alinex
or aLinux or AliXe
or Allegro or AllianceOS
or AlliedWare or ALT Linux
or Alto OS or amaroK
or Amber or AmigaOS
or Amiga Unix or Amoeba
or Amstrad or andLinux
or ANDOS or Android
or AngelOS or Ankur
or Annvix or AnNyung
or Anonym.OS or Antarctica
or ANTEMIUM or AntiX
or AO-DOS or AOS
or Aperios or APODIO
or Apollo Domain/OS or Apollo OS
or Apostle or Apple DOS
or aquamorph or Arabian
or ArcheOS or Archie
or Archimedes OS or Arch Linux
or Ark Linux or Armed Linux
or AROS or Ardence RTX
or Arthur OS or Artist X
or ARTOS or Arudius
or ARX or Asbestos
or Asian Linux or Asianux
or ASork or ASP Linux
or Astaro or AsteriskNOW
or Atari DOS or Atari MultiTOS
or Atari TOS or Athena
or AtheOS or ATMission
or Atomix or AtomsNet
or Atomthreads or Augustux
or Aurora OS or AuroraUX
or Aurox or AUSTRUMI
or A/UX or AVIX


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