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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Re: [bangla-vision] American Child-Killers Are Crying Over Neda

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Mohammad Basirul Haq Sinha <> wrote:

American Child-Killers Are Crying Over Neda


(This is not about the good people of American and Britain; this is about the child-killers in the US and UK governments who lecture the world on morality while running the most hypocritical governments the world has ever seen.)

Have You Seen This Picture On CNN And BBC?

Have you seen CNN or BBC or any other Am-Brit outlet repeatedly show this picture 24/7 like they are doing with the footage of that one Iranian woman killed during street chaos in one part of Tehran?

One woman dies in street hooliganism fully backed by CIA and the British embassy in Iran. And CNN and BBC and ITN and other Anglo-Saxon outlets can't have enough.

But none of them showed this picture which the news agencies published on 4 May 2009. If shown then it was certainly a couple of times for a few seconds as part of of normal coverage. No hype and business as usual.

But we in Pakistan and Afghanistan have not forgotten.

This is a LUCKY young Afghan girl. She lived to tell her story. But 130 to 140 other people, including many of her relatives in the village, who were with her were killed in cold blood by the American and British occupiers of Afghanistan.

This happened in May this year.

Last year, the US army killed 90 innocent Afghan children, women and men a village in western Afghanistan. Again, CNN and BBC and the Am-Brit media hardly noticed, let alone repeat the images like that of the Iranian woman.

A reader, Irtiza Ali, says this about the Am-Brit media:

'The hypocrisy is almost impossible to stomach. Hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children have been slaughtered in similar fashion by coalition forces during the bombardment and occupation of both Iraq and Afghanistan, and many of these deaths have been caught on camera. And yet the [American and British] establishment media has blindly refused to broadcast any of it. Indeed, it could be claimed that the footage of Neda's death has already been broadcast more times by the corporate media than the thousands of victims whose deaths were caught on film in Iraq and Afghanistan over the last eight years.'

A fair-minded American journalist Paul Joseph Watson is disgusted by this Am-Brit hypocrisy. His article, titled
Neda Death Footage: Poster Child For A Million More Tragedies?, starts with this ironic statement:

"Establishment media falls over itself to broadcast footage showing death of young Iranian protester, yet completely refused to show victims of Iraq and Afghanistan wars, not to forget Israel!"

The best part is that US officials and SOME of their poodles in the UK and Europe are demanding Iran allow chaos and hooliganism to contiue on Iranian streets. Of course, the US itself doesn't allow for that kind of thing to happen on the streets of Washington DC.

In fact, a US Defense Department
Training Manual Describes Protest As "Low-Level Terrorism" and considers it to be a terrorist activity that should be suppressed.

While the ordinary Americans and British are good people, their governments are worse child killers than the evil countries they claim to fight.

Posted at Ahmed Quraishi's The Lounge

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