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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] TORCH MARCH FOR JUSTICE

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: hasrat hazeen <>
Date: Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 11:10 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] TORCH MARCH FOR JUSTICE
Cc: writers for america <>, dr fai <>, p s <>, nazir gilani <>, forgotten days <>, dr shabir choudhry <>, shakeel bakshi <>, derek lee <>, sumeera reshi <>, Ed w <>, poets group <>, poets solver <>, bahadurhussain hussain <>, hamilton poetry <>, Marilyns Poetry <>, amnesty international <>, ivan poetry <>, kashmir observer <>, khurseed ali <>, saleem <>, zahir din <>, siraj shah <>, national nat <>


--- On Mon, 5/31/10, HAZEEN HASRAT <> wrote:

To: "KASHMIR GLOBAL" <>, "BILAL DR" <>, "hazeen hasrat" <>, "bilal bilal" <>
Date: Monday, May 31, 2010, 10:31 PM

                    TORCH FOR JUSTICE,
                    March with the torch,
                   Torch March for justice,
                Thousands ask the question,
              When will,,the answer be found?
                 Kashmir with the darkness,
                    Torch March for justice,
            So many years have come and gone,
                  There is only injustice,
              Fake rulers with the  black laws,
                   Torch March for justice,
            Taking out a torch march for justice,
            Protest against the killings in fake
                 Hope with the hopeless,
                  Torch March for justice,
            Sometimes,,hope is hard to keep,
           There,s some who feel there,s none,
              And in some,,it,s buried heep,,
             Injustice with the dark maskes,
                  Torch March for justice,
             When there,s illegal killings,
            When there is no way to prove,
            Protest taking out a torch march,
           Fake encounter with the dark laws,
                Torch March  for justice,
           The killing by soldiers then terror
                   label for innocents,
          But ,,no matter what they do with
            We can,t let this cause alone,
          Until ,,each and every one get
       Freedom cause with the bright hope,
              Torch March for justice,
        All these illegal killings will not solve
                     their cause,
       Our cause to get justice ,,freedom
                      and peace,
          Right of freedom is true cause of
                     the UN constitution,
        Why then silent UN cause for helpless
@01\6\2010 copy right by hazeen hasrat

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