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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fwd: Give the Chinese students their history back!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jens Galschiøt <>
Date: Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 9:36 PM
Subject: Give the Chinese students their history back!

Palash C Biswas

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Dear Info list,

Help the Chinese get their history back ahead of the 21st anniversary of the crackdown on the students on the Tiananmen Square. See the appeal below.

We have uploaded the students' documentation on our website. Distribute it to the Chinese people you come across. See:

Jens Galschiot has been asked by the record company of the rock band AC/DC to make a sketch for a sculptural presentation of Angus Yong. Originally it was planned to be put up in the Danish city of Horsens during the AC/DC concert on 5th June. But due to a protracted procedure of the municipality the project had to be abandoned. AC/DC and the record company are enthusiastic about the design, but now are in need of a location for a sculpture, that is now available for city that might take interest in the affair. Read more at

13 cupper sculptures of homeless people in natural size created by Jens Galschiot have started their European tour to highlight homeless people's situation. First stage of the tour was the European Parliament where the sculptures were exhibited in April. If you are interested in getting the exhibition to your city or museum, contact the promoter:
Marie Skjelbo Justesen, Tel.: +45 2828 8098, E-mail:
See photos at

Best wishes
Jens Galschiot


Appeal to the world community, 1 June 2010

    You can also find this appeal on the Internet:

      *** Give the Chinese students their history back !***

Help mark the 21th anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre. In 1989 the Chinese students occupied the Tiananmen Square in Beijing for months in an attempt to press the Chinese government to take steps towards democracy and to fight against corruption. But on 4th June 1989 the regime threw in the army against the unarmed students.

Give the Chinese their story back. The story is banned in China, but all the students' newspaper articles, fliers etc. have been collected by the democracy movement in Hong Kong. These collections of Chinese and English documents have now been scanned and put on the Internet from where they can be downloaded for free, see

Many of the young dissidents were imprisoned in the wake of the crackdown. Some are still in jail but they are no longer young. China still practices a massive censorship on information on the massacre. And it is impossible for Chinese people to obtain uncensored information about the event.

Thousands of Chinese students are today studying at universities and other institutions of education in the West. Most of them do not even know their own history due to the censorship.
* Therefore we invite all pro-democracy institutions, scholars and working colleagues to download and print out this documentation or burn it on a CD. Place it on the shelves of libraries and hand it out as a gift to Chinese students on 4th June, the anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre.
* This way we can make a contribution to preserve the memory of the victims and maybe inspire a new generation of Chinese to see democracy as a possibility for China.

We call on everybody to support this initiative and to mail this appeal to other institutions of education where there are Chinese students or others who might be interested in preserving and distributing the knowledge about the Tiananmen massacre.

The initiative of this appeal and informative campaign is a co-operation between the democracy movement in Hong Kong and Danish sculptor Jens Galschiot who in 1997 put up an 8 meter high Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong to commemorate the victims of the Tiananmen massacre.

This year Jens Galschiot has decided not to go to Hong Kong. Like the previous years he has been invited by the Democracy Movement to join the commemoration ahead of the 21st anniversary of the crackdown. But for two consecutive years Hong Kong's immigration authorities have refused his entry without justification. So he will not risk once again to book an expensive ticket and endure a troublesome 48 hours flight just to be sent back immediately with the first plane. You'll find more information about the expulsions at

It seems that China's government has tightened its grip on Hong Kong. Galschiot is just one of many critics who have been denied entry. So the city is deprived of a cultural exchange that is taken for granted in all open democratic societies. The expulsions are a strident violation of the principle of 'One country – Two systems' that was guaranteed ahead of Hong Kong's reunion with China in '97.

Jens Galschiot, Denmark, born 1954, sculptor. He stakes his art to defend the ethical values of our society, regardless of political, religious or economic interests. His sculptures suddenly appear in public areas and start the performance. Best known are My Inner Beast (European cities in 1993) and the Pillar of Shame (Hong Kong, Mexico and Brazil). The projects are financed through the sale of Galschiot's bronze sculptures to art collectors all over the world Info:

The documents about Tiananmen:

The democracy movement in Hong Kong:
HK Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China
Inquiry phone number: 852-2782-6111, Fax number: 852-2770-6083
E-mail: Website:

About human Rights in China:

Contact to Jens Galschiot:
E-mail:, Internet:
Tel.: +45 6618 4058, Fax: +45 6618 4158
Banevaenget 22, DK-5270 Odense N, Denmark



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Anyway, it may be worth a consideration that this mail is not covering all our info messages. The themes are manifold: human rights, the world's imbalance, women's and children's rights, racism, war and peace, arts debate, etc.

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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