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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Monday, September 6, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Kashmiris and Sikhs Demonstrate against Gross Human Rights Violations in the Illegality occupied Kashmir and the 'Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, Khalistan

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From: Habib Yousafzai <>
Date: Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 7:23 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Kashmiris and Sikhs Demonstrate against Gross Human Rights Violations in the Illegality occupied Kashmir and the 'Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, Khalistan


Kashmiris and Sikhs Demonstrate against Gross Human Rights Violations in the Illegality occupied Kashmir and the 'Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, Khalistan

Under the banners of World Kashmiri Diaspora Alliance, Students International League For Kashmir, Kashmir Youth Intellect and United Front of Sikhs, people of all walks of life full of emotion and zeal gathered in front of the Consulate General of India in Toronto for the second time in two weeks to express their anger over the killings of innocent Kashmiris and Sikhs in the occupied Jammu and Kashmir and the 'Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, Khalistan (under Indian occupation since 15th August, 1947). The protestors were carrying banners and vocalizing "Indian army out of Kashmir and Khalistan alias the 'Landless Sikh Nation, PUNJAB". "We do not want to see gross human rights violations in Kashmir and Khalistan", and "Stop the brutal killing of our children."  It began at 5 PM and concluded in approximately two hours. 


The Protesters were angered by continued and unabated reports of torture, rape being used as a weapon to break the 'will' of the Kashmiris as documented by Amnesty International (AI), Asia Watch and various NGOs (Non-governmental organizations).   



Mr. Habib Yousafzai, spokesman for the World Kashmir Diaspora Alliance strongly condemned the use of indiscriminate force against the peaceful protesters who demanded immediate withdrawal of draconian black law of PSA (provincial security agency), and Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA).  These laws give the security forces the right to kill with impunity. Such powers are in contravention to the international law and violate the basic tenets of human rights. These gruesome acts and violations of human right are shielded by the pro-governments of states, he added.


Mr. Yousafzai also noted that India forgets that no military force has ever quelled popular movements; as such, the military occupation is unjustified. It is well known that Indian intelligence agencies have had a big role in shaping phony political parties and politicians having no roots in the masses, holding fraudulent elections and installing puppet regimes detested by the people and using armed personnel in filling the ballot boxes in the so-called 'undemocratic elections to look like democratic'. Such processes are to rig the elections by undemocratic means, that is, too, under gun points and intimidation of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' of the alleged Indian democracy.



Farooq papa who led the protest, demanded from Canadian Prime minister Mr. Harper to bring these violations to the notice of the Indian government through their diplomatic channels of the Canadian administration, so that Canada takes a leading role in stopping the continued violations of human rights in Kashmir and 'the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab'. 


Mr. Asif Kuchey of Kashmir Youth Intellect stated that we stand shoulder to shoulder with our Kashmiri nation in this difficult time. Sardar Balkar Singh of United Front of Sikhs said that their 'Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab is languishing in the brutal Indian occupation. He stated that over 260,000 innocent Sikhs have been killed mercilessly by the Indian armed forces, along with Christians and other non-Brahmins-Hindus minorities.  He also stressed that they will continue to support the Kashmirs' right of self-determination to liberate both Kashmir and Khalistan from the clutches of the Indian occupation.


Mr. Zarar Siddiqi and Hussain Yousafzai asserted If India could not suppress the voice of Kashmiris in 63 years; it would never be able to do so.


Mr. Mueen Hakak and Khaoula Siddiqi of Student International League for Kashmir stressed that the Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh, an 'unelected' member of parliament, must agree to the popular demand of people that Kashmir is not an 'integral' part of India. And a peaceful settlement of the Kashmir, the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, and other nationalities' issue be resolved without any pre-condition by the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian administration.  


Palash Biswas
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