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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] LOCAL KASHMIR HYPOCRISY

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From: Kashmir Study Circle <>
Date: Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 5:45 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] LOCAL KASHMIR HYPOCRISY



Kashmires knowing the double standards of mortal World powers, who were active in case of local issue East Taymoor & are silent over international Kashmir issue, have hope only with the Divine super power Allah. This fair FAITH is like the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. So, to gain the promise of Allah, Kashmire leadership needs to improve more their system according to Divine terms. unity-justice-accountability-wisdom-charity-humanity for achieving the goal.

 Let us preach what winner's practice. Under such miserable condition, for making goal visible, it is moral & spiritual duty of leadership of both M.J.C & political groups to be united for one agenda & program for proper guideline of the public in present phase of freedom struggle. And to keep room for improvement to avoid breaking the present aspiration of oppressed Kashmires, who being victim of Indian brutalities do continue their noble mission.

Now after huge sacrifices disunity is neither justified nor should be accepted by Kashmires. Rare is the union of Hyderpora & downtown, as Batmaloo-Masuma is in between to achieve the divided strength. This pious movement can be fun for few self desired, who are taking bonus & creating hurdles for Unity, but as noble cause is worship for those, who have & are sacrificing. Without Unity, it can be difficult to influence the civilized World especially to satisfy ALLAH, Who guides us to be united against one cunning cruel India.


For making ourselves able for the reward of Allah, SUCCESS, now time to practice the spirit of Islam…justice in the system, based on justice. Can any body deny that many especially affected & those with ills, having huge sacrifices in both sides are in miserable condition & few in the name of movement are enjoying luxuries, whose kid's pocket money can make one affected family able to celebrate their Idd. Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "By Allah, I am not afraid that you will be poor, but I fear that worldly wealth will be bestowed upon you as it was bestowed upon those who lived before you. So you will compete amongst yourselves for it, as they competed for it, and it will destroy you as it did them." [Bukhari]

We all know such movement made tycoons & affected families of martyrs, disable, prisoners, migrants, patients, whose income/relief is too insufficient to meet their basic facilities, but neither bow nor beg, deserve our attention to avoid cheating Allah in the name of Allah. For those sincere migrants, who do suffer because of their or domestic ills-honesty-non availability of jobs, let us facilitate them & to secure /create jobs for them like Pandit migrants are enjoying.  Also such migrants, who are without proper opportunity to deliver their capability for mission in base camp or do suffer, should be facilitate to go honorably back their soil to share with their affected families & to deliver in present ongoing non violent movement.


I do admire in 21st century Ideal rare situation can be only my dream but to gain blessings of Allah & to avoid confusion within the circle, to care & share within the system should be our priority. As errors doesn't become a mistake before Allah, until we refuse to correct them

Allah can tolerate our little errors but will never tolerate any farm of injustice especially within such system, which is for Justice.



Kashmir Study Circle:Only one neutral institution engaged in mission of research, media & charity without publicity & fund raising for thirteen years, Resulting instead making  bank balance & assets with sacrefices. All records of mission safe & open for all well wishers. We advise what we practice & believe only by practicing spirit of FAITH, we can make goal visible, not the materialism, the base of all evils.


Palash Biswas
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