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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] On burning the Holy Qur'an: One Muslim's Opinion

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Romi Elnagar <>
Date: Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 7:00 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] On burning the Holy Qur'an: One Muslim's Opinion


A friend liked this message that I wrote to her earlier today, and asked for permission to forward it on to people she felt needed to see it.  So, I decided to polish it up, and send it around to a few people myself.  I hope you find something of value to tell your less- awakened fellow-citizens, too.

Hajja Romi

To E, who is concerned about the prospective burning of the Qur'an by a small church in Gainesville, Florida,

God will protect the Holy Qur'an, as He has for more than fourteen centuries, and those who participate in desecrating the His Holy Word out of hatred and prejudice will be punished, I have no doubt whatsoever.  Muslims know, as those who burn the Qur'an do not, that it is an inspired book of sublime wisdom, and has been recognized as a guide for Mankind by literally billions of people on this Earth.  It truly cannot be translated, and for Muslims, it is clearly the work not of a man, but of God Himself.  I challenge anyone who doubts me to read it all the way through (in a translation by a Muslim).  Only after doing that do I feel that someone is really and justly qualified to dispute this contention with me or anyone else.

I do believe, however, that God is THE Most Gracious and Merciful.  If any among those who burn the Qur'an do so because they sincerely believe it is evil and the work of Satan, and if God knows that they are sincere and good Christians in every other respect, I am sure He will forgive them, and I pray that they will see The Light of the truth in the Qur'an.  This is not easy for me to say or believe, because I myself think their actions will be out of hatred and bigotry, but perhaps in their twisted minds, there is genuine fear of Islam, which they see as evil.  If so, He knows that.  I know that there are good and sincere Christians who are being misled by hate-mongering preachers, and so I hope that Muslims will simply ignore this obvious attempt to provoke angry response from us. 

Really, their action is no more than a reflection of the general fear and hatred of Islam in America.  The actions of our Government, if not in themselves motivated out of Islamophobia (as I think they are), have certainly fostered this fear and hatred and hysteria.  This is why the behavior of government leaders like Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama in publicly appealing to the church in Florida not to take this action of burning the Qur'an are sheer HYPOCRISY.  These so-called leaders are not standing for religious tolerance, they are merely afraid now of the logical consequences (both in Muslim countries and among the vulnerable and bigoted in the American public) of America's years of torture and genocide of Muslims.  They are cowards, in other words, and this is because they are bullies.  Bullies are ALWAYS cowards. 

American leaders have tried to subdue the Muslim East with depleted uranium, white phosphorus and other chemicals, unmanned aerial drones and all the other abominations of modern technology.  For them now to complain that burning a few Qur'ans will incite Muslims is the counsel of cowards.  It is worst than simply pandering to Islamophobia, because it is this very government which created the Islamophobia.  Now, it paints MUSLIMS as the problem, and not those who desire to loot the Middle East for its oil resources, to support a vicious ally, or out of sheer psychotic desire to control and kill.

The chickens are coming home to roost.  Let them burn the Qur'an!  God will protect it, and will punish those who deserve to be punished for their evil intentions.

Just my opinion.  May He forgive me for any errors I have made in it.

Peace and best wishes,
Hajja Romi


Palash Biswas
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