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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue 06 Sep - Munir’s Story

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 12:40 AM
Subject: CC Issue 06 Sep - Munir's Story

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Press Release

Action Alert

Mozambique's Food Riots:  The True Face Of Global Warming
By Raj Patel

The violence in Maputo is just the latest manifestation of the crippling shortcomings of the global economy

Three More Killed In Kashmir,
Death Toll Reaches 68
By Sheikh Imran Bashir

Three more youth were shot dead on Monday in security force firing at North Kashmir's Pahallan Pattan taking the death toll to 68 since the unrest began on June 11

Munir's Story
By Franklin Lamb

28 years after the Massacre at Sabra-Shatila

Lost Children Of The Prophet
By Neha Dixit

Madrassas are the cornerpiece of Muslim community life. In a disturbing twist, some of them are being used as transit shelters for child trafficking. Or worse, doubling up as sweatshops themselves. Neha Dixit reports

Afghan War Debate In Hung-Election Australia
Stifled By Mainstream Media Censorship
By Dr Gideon Polya

With the hung Parliament result in the recent Australian Federal Election a major crack has appeared in the US Alliance edifice of lies, propaganda and deception over 9-11, the War on Terror and the horrendously deadly, 8 million-victim wars of occupation still being waged in Occupied Iraq, Occupied Afghanistan (and elsewhere)

Americans Need National Repentance
And Atonement
By Rabbi Michael Lerner

Now that the Iraq war is supposedly winding down, America needs a period of reflection, repentance and atonement before rushing into more of the same mistakes we've been making globally and domestically

The New - Old Fscist History
By Carolyn Baker

As the collapse of public education in the United States exacerbates, parents and educators who are awake and who may well end up with no options for educating children beyond home schooling must educate themselves in American history. They must investigate history beyond what is taught in traditional textbooks

Why Learn Permaculture?
For The Children And Ourselves
By Chuck Burr

Permaculture is one of the only ways home for humanity. If one believes in modernism, industrial agriculture and better living through chemistry read no further. However, if you feel something is not right about the way we live, read on

International Jerusalem And The Right Of Return
By Cameron Hunt

The most fascinating point that is raised by Israeli proposals to internationalize at least part of Jerusalem, is that neither Mr Olmert nor Mr Barak appears to have considered the future capacity of the State of Israel – which would constitute a minority component of the proposed international consortium of Palestine, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the USA – to continue to block the long-established legal right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes

The 2010 Palestine Peace Talks:
A Sylvester Stallone Remake?
By Agustín Velloso

While the world watches this newsreel of the conversations unwind, in Palestine the deaths pile up, the number of refugees grows and the State of Palestine promised in 1947 shrinks all the time. In any case it has been occupied by Israel from the start

Why Americans Elect Awful Presidents
By Joel S. Hirschhorn

For years I muttered mentally to myself about the insanity of Americans electing George W. Bush president. Now I go through the same agony about the craziness of the nation electing Barack Obama president

US Pushing Drugged, Vaccinated, Chlorinated
Chickens On The World
By Rady Ananda

As the world's largest producer of poultry and second largest exporter, the US continues to hammer Russia about its embargo of chlorinated chickens. Home to the biggest pharmaceutical and chemical companies in the world, the US is fond of throwing drugs and chemicals at a problem instead of addressing the filth of factory farms

Ripping Off Dead War Vets' Beneficiaries
By Stephen Lendman

Wall Street and other financial scammers do it from the living, Prudential and many insurers from the dead, ripping off families of killed war vets. On July 28,'s David Evans discussed how it works in an article titled, "Fallen Soldiers' Families Denied Cash as Insurers Profit," a polite way of explaining grand theft

Honduran Repression Continues Unabated
By Stephen Lendman

In America, the major media suppress the Honduran story - the coup, deep repression, and popular struggle for change. Committed grassroots pressure continues, what's mostly absent in the United States on a fast track toward despotism, the kind Central America has long experienced, Haitians and Hondurans most affected, yet persist for their rights against long odds they're determined one day to overcome

Sarah Palin – A Modern-Day Medusa?
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui

Every student of history knows by now fear-mongering is a way of the fascists and Nazis. It does not lead to peace and security. It does not belong in a society that claims to be open, plural and forward-looking, a model of a modern liberal democracy that integrates and not divides. The likes of Sarah Palin are an anathema to that very principle and must, therefore, be defeated

Unlocking "The Hurt Locker"
By Jack A. Smith

"The Hurt Locker" is a movie of pro-war propaganda. Had this powerful war film instead told the truth about America's ongoing imperial adventure in Iraq, even as it continued to focus mainly on the dilemmas confronting the bomb disposal team, it never would have been nominated for, much less become the recipient of, the most prestigious award in world filmmaking

Who Is Behind The Shia Killings In Pakistan?
By Gul Jammas Hussain

It appears that these operations were false flag attacks meant to stir up sectarian and ethnic animosity and produce endless cycles of violence in order to further destabilize Pakistan

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Palash Biswas
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