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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue 07 Sep - Global BDS Against Israel Is Working

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 12:11 AM
Subject: CC Issue 07 Sep - Global BDS Against Israel Is Working

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Press Release

Action Alert

Global BDS Against Israel Is Working
By Stephen Lendman

In July 2005, a coalition of 171 Palestinian Civil Society organizations created the Global BDS movement for "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel Until it Complies with International Law and Universal Principles of Human Rights" for Occupied Palestinians, Israeli Arabs, and Palestinian diaspora refugees and it's working

The United States Of Fear:Ten Examples
By Bill Quigley

Since September 11, 2001, fear has been the main engine of change in the United States. Who would have thought that across the US, where people boast that it is the home of the free and the land of the brave, people would gladly surrender their freedom and liberty because they so fear terrorism?

Der Zor Diary: A Pilgrimage To
The Killing Fields Of The Armenian Genocide
By Lucine Kasbarian

Why would I seek out the Der Zor desert -- the most infamous of the killings fields in the premeditated extermination of the Armenian people carried out by the Turkish government beginning in 1915? Most of my extended kin did not survive the darkest period in our people's history: 1915 to 1923. My four grandparents survived the ordeals but lost virtually everyone else, or, in some cases, their entire clan

A Symbolic Solar Road Trip
To Reignite a Climate Movement
By Bill McKibben

An activist caravan to bring one of Jimmy Carter's solar panels back to the White House symbolizes not only the time the U.S. has lost in developing new energy technologies – but also the urgent need for taking action on climate

Alien Forest, Alien Ocean, Alien Sky
By Rady Ananda

Imagine our declining pollinators – bees, moths, butterflies and bats – coming upon thousands of acres of toxic trees, genetically engineered so that every cell in the tree exudes pesticide, from crown to root. Imagine a world without pollinators. Without seed dispersers. Without soil microbes

Rebranding The U.S. Occupation of Iraq
By Ghali Hassan

If you believe U.S.-Western politicians and their dishonest propaganda agents, Iraq is a free country with a bustling democracy and that "all U.S. 'combat troops' have left Iraq". Of course, nothing could be further from the truth

Who Pays For The Loss Of Life In Iran?
By Kourosh Ziabari

The sanctions imposed against Iran by the United States which disallow the foreign countries to sell aircrafts and spare parts could lead to the death of hundreds of Iranian citizens as a result of the growing dilapidation of Iran's aviation fleet

Life vs. Productivity: "What Would You Live
And Die To Protect?"
By Dahr Jamail

One hundred and twenty species of life are erased from the planet each day. Ninety percent of all the pelagic fish in the oceans are gone. The Arctic ice cap is vanishing before our eyes as global temperatures continue to rise

A Fist In The System Oct 2, 2010
By Timothy V. Gatto

Maybe failure is in our best interests. Still, before that happens we have to show solidarity with one another. Let us start the "Velvet Revolution" on October 2, 2010. I look forward to seeing you there

Obama's Middle East Peace Talks:
A Circus To Distract
By Shamus Cooke

What a joke. President Obama surely knows there is zero chance that his Middle East peace talks will succeed, even with the deck stacked in his favor. All of the main actors are on the U.S. payroll: Israel, Egypt, and Jordan get billions in foreign aide, while the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has proven a pliable puppet for the U.S. as he is disdained by his own people

The Peace Talks: Consensus vs. Consensus
By Yacov Ben Efrat

At last it is happening. U.S. President Barack Obama has opened direct talks between Israelis and Palestinians. All American presidents since Carter have tried for peace and failed, each failure resulting in blood. Responsibility is heavy therefore on the shoulders of the leaders, whether or not they feel its weight

Why Negotiate …Again?
By Dr. Elias Akleh

The parties agreed, though under pressure to talk, yet for all the wrongs reasons except for peace. How could peace be achieved when the Israeli pre-conditions marginalize all the Palestinian rights? The predicted failure of these talks will irrupt more violence; Israel's security would not be attained and Palestinian struggle will continue

Israel/Palestine: More On The Sham Peace Talks
By Stephen Lendman

On and off for the past 35 years, so-called "peace" talks repeatedly have been stillborn from inception, a grand illusion masking an Israeli/Washington partnership intolerant of peace, demanding unconditional surrender, nothing less, the de facto Oslo result, one-sided for Israel, Palestinians given nothing to this day, enduring worse conditions now than then

The Monster Of Peace Talks
By John Chuckman

I don't know how anyone given the task could draw a map of Israel: it is likely the only country in the world with no defined borders, and it actually has worked very hard over many decades to achieve this peculiar state

Labor Pains 2010
By Rosemarie Jackowski

On Labor Day we celebrate those who work — as opposed to those who inherit family wealth and those whose financial investments work so they don't have to. Many workers who deserve to be honored on this special day have come from across the border. In a global economy, workers who strive for justice in their own country must, by necessity, unite with workers around the world

The "Good" Germans Of The 21st Century
By Timothy V. Gatto

For once, try to stand up for your principles if anyone has any left. Don't let us become the "Good Germans" of the 21st Century, because that is where we are headed. One other thing, I don't make this stuff up

Dems Must Make Jobs The Message
By Mary Shaw

For far too many Americans, there wasn't much to celebrate this Labor Day holiday. It's hard to sincerely celebrate the American workforce when you've been out of work, or underemployed, for a year or more

Ghost 9/11: Learning From Nine Anniversaries
By Ubaid Mushtaq

The chain of constant killing of the Millions of people on the soil of Afghanistan and Iraq by NATO forces have made situation much dangerous than ever before. On the other side; the endless bloodshed and the continuing saga of violence and extremism in Pakistan due its role in US led war also pose a grave threat -not only to Pakistan's existence but also to the peace, security and stability of this whole region

Enveloped In The Peace Of The Dead
By Anand Teltumbde

Dazed by its satirical brilliance, the first thought that crossed my mind as I got up from my seat after watching Peepli Live, this debut film of a young ex-TV journalist, is why even such a powerful projection of the rot in the system fails to enrage people

Holy Cows -- Acclaimed Abroad, Despised At Home
By Devinder Sharma

A couple of days back, newspaper in Punjab reported that an American company -- World Wide Sires Ltd -- is planning to provide high-quality semen to dairy farmers. Some days back, I had heard that the Kerala Minister for Animal Husbandry was thinking of importing some improved cattle breeds from Denmark for cross-breeding with the local cows. I find this shocking

Who Is Behind The Abduction
And Torture Of Pakistani Journalist?
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

The abduction and torture of Umar Cheema is an assault on the freedom of expression and freedom of speech. This is an attempt to silence the few courageous voices in the print and electronic media of Pakistan which remains fettered on the vital national issues such as the endemic role of army in the government and the killing of innocent civilians in the name of the "war on terror" by the army and the US drone attacks

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Palash Biswas
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