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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue 10 Sep - Stories Of Belonging

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 11:10 PM
Subject: CC Issue 10 Sep - Stories Of Belonging

Dear Friend,

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Press Release

Action Alert

Kashmir's Abu Gharaib?
By Shuddhabrata Sengupta

For the past several weeks, I have been watching, and forwarding, several videos uploaded on to Youtube and facebook from Kashmir. Every video that I have seen contains evidence of the brutality of the Indian state's footprint on the Kashmir valley, and of the steadfast yet resilient courage of its people, and of the innovative use they have been making of the internet to bear witness to their oppression

Letter To Young Americans
By Subhankar Banerjee

You're young. Your future is in your hands. Start your climate revolution now. Come November you must vote and you must vote with climate in your mind. It'll be the beginning of a long journey for you just like it has been for me since I saw my first Mrinal Sen film when I was a little kid in India. In the process you'll secure a better future for yourself and for so many others

Stories Of Belonging
By Helena Norberg-Hodge

Around the world, people are demonstrating incredible wisdom, courage and perseverance and have shown me that feelings of fear, of isolation, of discontent are actually a natural reaction to a system gone awry. From these feelings springs the search for what is real, healthy and essential for life. They give us the inspiration to work together with those who have already started the journey to reclaim their contentment, security and joy

US Soldiers Killed Afghan Civilians
And Kept Fingers, Skull As Trophies
By Patrick Martin

American soldiers murdered Afghan civilians for sport and kept finger bones, leg bones, a tooth and a skull as grisly trophies, according to documents released by the Pentagon on Wednesday. The case is the worst such atrocity yet revealed in Afghanistan. It underscores that just as in Iraq, the US military intervention is a brutal colonial war in which the entire population of the country is a target

No Eid For The Occupied And The Oppressed
By Reham Alhelsi

There is no Eid for the occupied and the oppressed. Their Eid is spent in cemeteries at the graves of loved ones murdered by the bullets, the drones and the tanks of the occupation. Their Eid is spent in hospital at the bedside of loved ones injured by a merciless occupier while in their classes, while playing in the street, while sleeping peacefully in their beds

The Photo Before The Storm:
Peace Talks Already Failed
By Ramzy Baroud

A picture is not always worth a thousand words. The recently released photographs of Palestinian and Israeli leaders in Washington during their first direct talks in many months certainly don't say anything new. It was the status quo at its best, a mere procession of regional and US leaders before hungry cameramen

For Once, Obama Administration Is Right,
Offshore Outsourcing Of Jobs Must Stop
By Devinder Sharma

This is a good beginning. I am talking of the US State of Ohio's ban on offshoring of information technology (IT) projects. The Indian IT industry has to cry foul after Ohio order, but I strongly feel it does not make any economic sense for any country to allow foreign companies to profit by taking away local jobs

Growing Thought Control In Israel
By Stephen Lendman

Since its 1948 establishment, IDF military censor authority banned or sanitized material potentially damaging to Israel's security. Thereafter, voluntary media/government agreements prevailed, all domestic and foreign news organizations abiding by censorship rulings

The Racist Crusade Against Muslims
By Eric Ruder

An ugly campaign against Muslims has been gaining momentum in recent weeks--and it's building to a fever pitch as the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks approaches

The Twin Towers: Selective Memory
And History In Limbo
By Farzana Versey

If Michelangelo is considered a computer virus, then it dismantles the notion of posterity. Why is it that young people who were children on September 11, 2001 will remember that date but not substantial chunks of other pasts? For a generation that believes reality shows have always existed, how will they view the burning of the Quran?

Conflict In Economy: The Other Perspective
By Bilal Hussain

The normalcy too costs heavily on Kashmir's economy; it too merits a detailed cost benefit analysis on whether normalcy cots more or unrest? Day in and day out the state's economic dependency is increasing on outsiders. A last thought to end the piece, is unrest or normalcy jeopardizing J&K's economy?

Eid Is For Others Not For Us: APDP
By Sheikh Imran Bashir

Association of parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) is still waiting for the return of their missing wards almost for a decade. As per the government figures, 3744 persons have gone missing since the inception of militancy in the state but the Non Governmental Organizations and other Civil organizations claims the number is much higher than given by the government

Casteism Is Racism And India Should
Stop Interfering In 'Internal Affairs' Of Britain!
By Avinash Pandey Samar

Britain, in a major victory for the movement against caste based discrimination and atrocities, can soon declare caste prejudice unlawful under laws against racial discrimination becoming the first country of the world to do so

Mirwaiz, Malik Join Hands
By Wasim Khan

In a major development chairman of Hurriyat Conference (M) Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and the JKLF chairman Muhammad Yasin Malik joined hands on Friday and announced to carry forward the ongoing movement jointly

Nagpur Declaration On Untouchability
And Manual Scavenging
By People's Alliance Against Untouchability

" People's Alliance Against Untouchability " plea for and work towards "National alliance" of all civil societies organisations, academicians, institutes, unions, professionals, students and activists to end all forms of discrimination based on caste and dissent such as untouchability particularly with reference to manual scavenging and other unclean (allied) occupation

Reservations For Indian Muslims:
Conflicting Claims About Caste
By Yoginder Sikand

One of the reasons for the overall 'backwardness' of the Indian Muslims is undoubtedly the fact that the vast majority of the community are of 'low' caste origin. Further, in contrast to 'Hindu' Dalits, who have won crucial gains by mobilizing on the basis of caste, the Muslim 'low' castes have witnessed no such substantial caste-based mobilization for their rights

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Palash Biswas
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