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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fwd: For purposes of global understanding of fact vs. religion science is only the process that determines what is fact, what was fact and what becomes fact. through the process of science we for example now have the thermometer and now know that it

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Jeffrey Spetch <>
Date: Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 10:08 AM
Subject: For purposes of global understanding of fact vs. religion science is only the process that determines what is fact, what was fact and what becomes fact. through the process of science we for example now have the thermometer and now know that it i
To: P0liticalF0rum <>

For purposes of global understanding of fact vs. religion

science is only the process that determines what is fact, what was
fact and what becomes fact. through the process of science we for
example now have the thermometer and now know that it is a fact that
water freezes at zero ;) Through the process of science it has come to
be fact that such things as nuclear bombs, microwaves, television
internet etc. have come to be factually existing.

Facts exist whether there are people around to recognize them or not.
Such as a it is a fact that it takes time for an asteroid to get from
a to b no matter if there is someone there to measure the time it
takes or not.

Funny people here make mention of Atheism somehow seemingly trying to
imply that I am in any way shape or form an atheist.

 An Atheist merely believes that there is no such thing as a god.

 I am the very fundamental Factualist that has proven with non
contestable fact that the very fundamental of every religion is based
upon a fundamental of lies. Not one person here even attempted to
contest the very fundamental non contestable facts proving that every
religion is based upon a fundamental of lies as demonstrated within
the very article beginning this very thread.

 Instead people, and it comes as no surprise because I have been doing
this for years now, attempt to make anything else the issue / attempt
to make what is into what their stereotypical delusions would rather
it be all the while avoiding the very foundation of the issue which
prove that every religion is based upon a fundamental of lies. You see
the greedy and the selfish have had thousands of years to plant within
society the urge to come up with excuses for such pathetic lies. Thus
in short make up more lies to make old ones and perhaps without even
realizing that this is exactly what you are doing.

It's my job to be strong for the entire globe, and avoid opinion,
truth, belief, lies because they are all the garbage that crumbles
when pit vs. fact every time.

 When it comes to fact, there is no agreeing, there is only ignorance
towards fact or recognition of fact. there is no middle ground there.
Ignorance is religions only defense.

 You do not have to like someone to love them or care about them, for
example El Flesh, is there someone in your family you really don't
like but ya still love them and care about them?

I love and care about all life on this planet, that doesn't mean I
like everyone. Even the greediest of the greedy, there is still hope
for them yet and whether you see it yet or not I do which is exactly
why I am dedicated to the well being of the future of the life on this

 You see, as already mentioned, humanity is deeply stained with greeds
manifest, not all forms of greed are bad or dangerous but when you use
lies to take advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and
control over the many and it not only leads the globe to war and
divide, but for thousands of years such a nightmare continues ... of
course society is going to be deeply scorged with a bunch of
brainwashed bullshit handed down through the generations while some of
those who are born into the world are wielded into even becoming the
greediest of the greedy and over generation of course they are going
to get more deceptive and cunning at it.

I am foundation of fact which stands strong for billions in your time
of weakness ;)

Energy is the exertion of force. matter makes up mass. whether you try
and lump them together or not the fact remains they still factually
exist. There is forms of energy within matter and over time it takes
this energy and matter to re create energy and matter into different
forms of energy and matter. Like mixing things in a chemistry lab.

emc2 garbage. It is proclaimed to be theory and theory is not fact
remember. Until it can be verified through science as fact it or false
it remains theory and yet either way of that outcome it doesn't
disprove that time exist which renders the whole thing irrelevant
towards the very fundamentals of this issue which is to the fact that
it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Yeah i
heard all of the crap and the speed of light according to that mere
theory stops time. well if that were really the case light wouldn't
find the time to travel. did it ever occur to you that g forces may
have an impact on human made gadgets where time is not even a factor
beyond the time these g forces had to inflict the man made objects.

for any bang to first occur no matter how big or small it first takes
energy matter and time to re create energy and matter and to disprove
this non contestable fact just share one factual example of a bang
happening without there first be the time it takes for it to happen,
the energy it takes for the explosion or the matter it takes for the
force exertion to occur? Just one. You can't because what I am sharing
with you is a non contestable solid fact.

i seek it kept being said (if it were possible) and using such
delusions as being said if it were possible it is proof in any way
shape or form that I am in any way shape or form sharing is dis
proven. In short you are using delusion to attempt to contest fact and
seem to be fooling yourself to think you are. I'm here for you, for
your understanding ... for the worlds understanding and right now at
this very second you are helping me understand what perhaps many
people miss understand so I can share with you the information you
need to move on. I think in that regard some of you do rather well

I have indeed proven non contestable fact proving there is no such
thing as a god and you have failed to contest that but I don't know if
it makes you feel any better, no one else can either.

 You want to disprove what I share as fact well this is what you do.
Share with me one factual example of anything being able to go poof
into existence without there first be energy matter and time to re
create energy and matter as well share with me one factual example of
anything being able to process a thought let along put a thought into
a plan or a plant into motion without there first be energy matter and
time to re create energy and matter. That is the bottom line.

 Don't feel bad, lol I have already been through thousands of people
on this subject over the course of the last ten years and I find this
rather easy now days.

 I am a multi diverse activist taking on many fundamental issues other
than religion and if you wan to see what else I am about simply type
David Jeffrey Spetch in any internet search engine or look for me on
you tube by typing davidjspetch in search there.

 I never claimed that religion was the only thing that leads to war
and divide but thousands of years of war and divide over such
disgusting filth as religion / lies is unacceptable.  And please don't
waste your time giving me the old "don't throw the murderer in jail
because there are many other murderers free who are going to kill
anyway" speech in defense of religion because you'd be wasting your

 Again, I am already over the major fundamental of primary issues to
bring the globe to unity ... go ahead and look me up..

Have a nice day!

Thank you to the people on this forum for helping me construct this
next article which I will be releasing exaclty as you see it here ;)

David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. be good, be strong!

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Palash Biswas
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