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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fwd: Is Prime Minister S. Harper and P. MacKay really this ignorant or really this stupid?!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Jeffrey Spetch <>
Date: Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 8:41 PM
Subject: Is Prime Minister S. Harper and P. MacKay really this ignorant or really this stupid?!
To: P0liticalF0rum <>

Is Prime Minister S. Harper and P. MacKay really this ignorant or
really this stupid?!

 Seriously, how offensive towards us all realize it yet or not!

 Ok Prime Minister Harper and Minister of Defense Peter MacKay, I have
laid off of making an example out of you two directly for years (gave
you the benefit of the doubt / a chance to prove yourselves) but the
time has finally come. (Oh and Peter I do remember passing by you
within inches on a Barton street sidewalk in Hamilton Ontario after
midnight down town a few years ago not that it's a big deal, and
Steven / Stephen been to any homes in Beamsville lately?)

 You have no God P.M. Harper nor has anyone else no matter how
delusional, it has easily already factually been proven not to exist
beyond any shadow of doubt. Go ahead and contest the very factual
evidence proving that there is no god I included within this very
article. You will not because you have not for years now nor are you
capable (Obviously nor is Peter nor anyone else in parliament let
alone on the face of the Earth capable because it's not even possible
to contest solid fact backing the claims I make to do with this
fundamental issue with any validity) instead you choose ignorance
towards contesting these facts (I think it possible you and Peter are
seriously confused between the meaning of tolerance and ignorance)
because ignorance is religions only defence! In short P.M. Harper, and
now I know Minister MacKay obviously supports factually proven lies
which have lead to the slaughter of millions or even billions over
thousands of years, this is obviously in no way acceptable! Do they
even care?

 Ok you made the ridiculous claim that your god (which any god has
already been factually proven not to exist) is tolerant thus implying
that there are two gods. It also implies that you seem to think your
god is better than theirs which over and over again throughout
thousands of years in history is grounds for starting more war and
divide and yet you want people to tolerate this crap any longer?!
Thousands of years ago a fine example of this same kind of thing is
the Romans with their filthy religion and that famously selfish greedy
disgusting offensive low life Jesus. Lies conflicted and leads to a
guy being nailed to a slab of wood. You might get away with it for
obvious reasons of threat from taliban etc. Pressure this guy to cave
but guaranteed there will always be a next time as there always has
been for thousands of years.

 Tolerate??? Religion has been leading the globe to war and divide for
thousands of years over filthy disgusting lowly selfish greedy lies
and the Prime Minister and Minister of defence obviously seek to
prolong the globes agony to suffer many more years of this disgusting
filth as they want us all to just tolerate it. People die over
selfishness / greed only with religion this has been going on for
thousands of years and pathetically / sadly over filthy lies and we
are just suppose to tolerate it?! Respect filthy disgusting lowly lies
which have lead us all to war and divide you expect do you?! Whats
next on your mighty offensive list, rub a rapists balls while they
rape the unwilling while telling the unwilling to tolerate it like it
is in any way shape or form ok just because the rapist likes his own
selfish way no matter how many suffer for it over the course of many

 Hey Paul Bernardo / Teal and Karla Homolka (don't know if that's how
you spell it nor do I really care) were a unity / union just like any
filthy religious groups claim to be a unity yet in torturing and
murdering people had society take notice and break that unity and
threw them in jail just like society is opening it's eyes to these
pathetic selfish greedy unities of the pathetic religious as they once
did Karla and Paul only in the destruction of all these selfish greedy
pathetic religious unities which have lead the globe to war and divide
for thousands of years will obviously open the door to global unity
for us all as a whole together for the first time ever!

 Muslim and catholic lies / religions obviously clash with each other
and showing support for one shows the other you believe that they are
the liars (whether you admit it or not no matter for you do not follow
their lies do you) which leads to war and divide no matter how much
you plead for ignorance (or excuse me you call it tolerance) it is
always going to happen and it has already been happening for thousands
of years as it is happening right now and quite noticeably via media
in the U.S.. You are all liars and we all suffer your ignorance and if
I had my way every religious piece of crap (that means every religious
building book and artifact) would have been destroyed or burned long
ago but I know that before this happens it is up to me to continue to
raise awareness towards the non contestable factual evidence proving
the whole lot of any one supporting any religion ignorant liars and it
is my pleasure because religion is a sick disease. The last to let go
of their filthy religion will be those with the least self dignity and
obviously the least, if any, respect for the life on this planet!

 Religion does not deserve even so much as a trace of respect from
anyone or anything, it deserves death once and for us all! The scum in
a spittoon carries higher regard!

The choice is simple really, do you choose the well being of the
future of the life on this planet or do you choose to prolong the
globes suffering over pathetically enough, disgusting filthy lies /
religion which proves over and over again to lead to war and divide?
There is no middle ground here.

 One tells that you care about a decent future for us all and all
future blood lines and the other shows you support the greedy and the
selfish who seek to keep the globe suffering at war and divide only to
serve their selfishness and greed through their skill to manipulate /
brainwash people with lies.

 You guys claim lies which have lead the globe to war and divide for
thousands of years deserves any kind of respect, it is obviously time
for you to grow up / smarten up before you yourselves lose all respect
let alone such selfishness costs us the life on the planet!! Throw
aside your books of religious lies and try thinking for yourselves for
once. Did everything you ever learn come from a school or a religious
book? Open your eyes and put aside your ignorance long enough to
recognize simply demonstrated non contestable fact for once!

(FYI my keyboard is fried. Yesterday I pieced together an article
under duress of time limitations at a public computer and when I got
home and read it, I noticed that it appeared to be perhaps as
incoherent. I am very coherent ;) When rushed I may forget to go back
and finish wording what I began before I decided to move on and come
back etc. I also corrected a couple of typos. Within this article I
include the other brief article with a few minor yet necessary
changes. It is also where the non contestable factual evidence proving
every religion is based upon a fundamental of filthy lies!)

Religion Is Filthy Scum. Burning Of Quaran Or Anything Religious Shows

For All Life! (*excludes burning people to death*)

Recently people of a disgusting religion are planning to burn books of
the Quaran of another disgusting religion in the U.S.A. comes as no
surprise considering such disgusting filth as religious lies have been
leading the globe to war and divide for thousands of years and not
only between religion but between also the non religious who are fed
up with such a sickly disgusting lowly disease as religion spreading
throughout the globe.

As you will see as you read on I steer clear from opinion, belief,
truth and lies when it comes to the very fundamentals of an issue such
as this because opinion, truth belief and lies are all the garbage
that crumble when pit vs. fact every time! That is why I stick with
solid claims backed by non contestable fact.

Religion is the largest hate crime against humanity that ever existed.
Religion severely disrespects / insults the life on this planet! The
burning of anything religious (excluding people) is obviously a sign
of respect for the life on this planet! Bravo! The destruction of
religion inevitably leads the globe to unity

Muslims bomb the two towers and then want to erect a disgusting mosque
in it's place. Thus turned the country into turmoil over this proving
yet again religion leads to war and divide yet we have ignorant
selfish greedy low life scum trying to spin doctor the media claiming
delusions such as referring to this as racial discrimination or
anything else because the greedy and the selfish religious will say
and do anything obviously to keep using such filthy lies for power and
control over the many. Such is the sickness in the disease known as

Thus in building a filthy mosque on ground zero likely leads the U.S.
to civil war, and not doing such likely leads the Taliban into the
U.S. once again.

How do you like your disgusting religions now morons?! Every religion
is disgusting filth / lowest form of scum to ever plague the planet!

I hope the U.S. smartens up and gets rid of religion before such lowly
filth (religion) gets rid of them and that's only because I love and
care about the well being of the future of the life on the planet!

Bad enough such disgusting filth as religion has been leading the
globe to thousands of years of war and divide over lies (yeah factual
evidence already proves non contest-ably that every religions
fundamental is based upon lies and from there the religious steal from
society things to attempt to attribute to their manifestation of lies
to aid them in continuing to take advantage of those from a time of
weakness for power and control over the many) but that it still goes
on makes us humans look like a bunch of inconsiderate ignorant idiots
and that is me being kind!

Fundamental claims backed by non contestable fact proving every
religion is based upon lies: Fact is that energy exist, matter exists
and time exists and to the fact that it takes energy matter and time
to re create energy and matter for anything to first come into
existence let alone have any intelligence or be able to have the
energy to process a thought or put a plan into action proves that even
if there is some scum bag filthy piece of crap in space claiming to be
a god, this is non contestable factual evidence proving that there is
no such thing as a god thus in short proving any entity a liar and yet
think energy is factually proven to exist, matter is factually proven
to exist, and time is factually proven to exist and for me you or
anything having come to be is factually thanks to these three things
that work together which always were and always will be energy matter
and time. Proof that energy matter and time always was is and always
will be is that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy
and matter. That is right because again not anything goes poof into
existence out of nothingness and not anything that exists goes poof
into nothingness. The only thing that doesn't change is that change
occurs because energy matter and time are always present!

Continued ...

Yet we have the lowest form of scum ever to plague the planet (the
religious) even stooping so low in their manifest of lies will even
stoop so low to tell you that if you do not follow their filth you
will suffer for it when you die. Of all the lowly dirty filthy lies I
have ever heard this is like the head lump on a pile of rotting

That is because these are nothing more than deceptive filthy low
life's that will say and do anything to maintain power and control
over the many by fabricating lies as truth and belief. To the
religious I ask what was your time of weakness when religion took you,
were you a baby? did you just lose a loved one? were you raped? were
you lonely? Were you starving? Were you or homeless? Etc.

Think about it, that is how religious filth breeds by feeding off
those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many by
fabricating lies as truth and belief. There is hope for all of you /
us here on Earth yet and it begins with the destruction of such filth
as every religion.

For my Age Of Mythology fans. Become an all time hero to all future
generations and life on this planet to come in the Largest Epic
Scenario ever created for Age Of Mythology through the destruction of
religion once and for all in AOM Humongous 1 player scenario by David
Jeffrey Spetch


Or rid the lands of religion in AOM ride the lightning 1 player by
David Jeffrey Spetch


Thanks to <> for maintaining these
downloads for your entertainment.

Religion insults all life on this planet and is seriously offensive
and thousands of years prove it!

David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

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Palash Biswas
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