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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] Pandemic Flu

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From: <>
Date: Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 5:22 AM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] Pandemic Flu

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, Sep 9, 2010 11:24 pm
Subject: Pandemic Flu

The summarized story of Jane Burgermeister:
During the last few years, the drum beat for pandemic flu reached a crescendo.  The world was in panic mode, and the large pharmaceutical corporations world wide produced and stockpiled, an unprecedented amount of untried vaccine.  With guidance from the WHO, politicians world wide began to buy with billions of dollars of public funds, massive amounts of vaccines to inoculate their populations.....along with a threat to mandatorily inject every person on earth.  .........These three circumstances alone set off alarm bells, to suspicious minds like mine.  Not to mention the purchase and stockpiling of millions of plastic coffins throughout the USA and requests for cardboard coffins in Scotland, in anticipation of an overwhelming amount of forecasted deaths, via pandemic flu.
Mass swine flu coffins warning
Published Date: 17 September 2009
Google "Plastic Coffins" and you will get heaps of videos and the like
Baxter international sent 72 kilos (158 pounds) of those little inoculation vials to 16 different countries.  One of these countries (Czechoslovakia), decided to test the vaccine on ferrets for safety.  All the ferrets died. 
Alarm bells rang ever so loudly now.  Tests were then conducted on the vaccines themselves only to find that the vaccines were contaminated with 100% live pandemic flu viruses.  This would have initiated a world-wide flu pandemic.
Jane Burgermeister, a journalist of integrity began an investigation .  When Baxter was brought to task, the pharmaceutical giant claimed an accident.  But the safe guards mandatorily maintained in bio labs, make it  IMPOSSIBLE  for this breach to happen.  This could not have been accidental.  She with the help of whistleblowers world-wide gathered an overwhelming amount of evidence of a conspiracy.  A conspiracy that is provable in court, between politicians, governments, World Health Organization, and the big pharmaceuticals companies to manufacture a very real pandemic for profit and an agenda of population reduction.
Jane and others filed legal charges in various countries, and with the FBI in the USA, against Baxter and the co-conspirators.
But the courts are corrupt, as are the politicians, and law enforcers.  Baxter is not being castigated, or even questioned.  It is Jane who is being framed and attacked on false charges.  She is fighting on, but she is likely to be thrown into a mental institution in an attempt to silence her.
After the vaccines were found contaminated, thanks to Jane and others, a warning call was sent out via the internet, something that has never happened in history the call mobilized people world-wide who passed the warning on to others NOT TAKE THE DEADLY FLU INOCULATIONS.
The mainstream media, especially in the USA remained for the most part silent.  People refused to be vaccinated all over the world and as a result..............................the mildest flu season on record occurred.
Interesting, no?
11 Nov 2009 ... As this extract from Wikipedia makes clear, the biosafety level 3 regulations make accidentally contaminating 72 kilos of vaccine material ...
I realize this is "heavy" but it doesn't make it any less true.
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." (Thoreau)

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Palash Biswas
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