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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Monday, March 28, 2011

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj : Founder of Hindu kingdom & Ideal King !

Read more : Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Latest Videos :  Shivaji Maharaj's inspiration to protect Hinduism ! HJS demands commemorative coin on Shivaji Maharaj  The great promoter of Bharatiya Rajdharma      The curriculum of NCERT is often riddled with controversies. Great revolutionaries like Bhagat Singh are either insulted by referring to them as 'terrorists' or distorted history is taught in schools. Of the 154 pages in the history text book of standard VII, most are dedicated to information on Mughals and Muslim kings who invaded Hindustan; whereas, the history of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, who valiantly fought the foreign Mughal aggressors and established a Hindu kingdom was concluded in just 4 lines in this text book. Not only this, the text book contained pictures of kings of the 16th century such as Babar, Akbar etc., but there was not a single picture of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj who ruled in the 17th century. Read More: HJS' nationwide protest against NCERT >> Celebrate Shiva Jayanti by resolving to protect Dharma and establish a Hindu Nation ! काशी की कला जाती, मथुरा मस्जिद होती | अगर शिवाजी ना होते, तो सुन्नत होती सबकी ||  According to Hindu culture, we should celebrate Shiva Jayanti as per  the Hindu lunar almanac, that is, on 22nd March 2011.  History of Bharat is incomplete without reading the history of the Marathas, and Shivaji Maharaj is the very nucleus of Maratha history. Shivaji  Maharaj has been a source of inspiration to and the pride of past  generations and will continue to inspire future generations as well.  HJS salutes Shivaji Maharaj on his Birth Anniversary ! 2nd success for HJS against NCERT syllabus Shivaji Maharaj's history : 5 pages added to text book, after HJS' protests Portion of history related to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was increased from 5 lines to 5 pages in the text book in Goa !  In the history text book set for standard VII, the valiant history of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj had been presented in just 4 lines and that too without his picture; whereas the history of Mughal invasions, responsible for the destruction of Bharatiya culture was given in 60 pages. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) undertook a drive in the States of Maharashtra and Goa to change this situation and prevent insult to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.  HJS' struggle bore fruit after 8 months and the portion narrating history of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was increased from 5 lines to 5 pages. A 9 page supplement has been sent to all schools in the State of Goa for teachers.   HJS has appealed to all Hindus to keep up their lawful struggle till the history eulogizing invaders is completely removed from these text books !  Read More >> Terrorism must be finished like this...  Join us on :

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