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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Re: Hans Blix says Iraqi blood on Bush, Blair hands

On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 1:01 PM, satyamevijayte <> wrote:
Blix says Iraqi blood on Bush, Blair hands
Sat, 05 Dec 2009 12:44:40 GMT
Hans Blix condemns former US and UK governments for wreaking havoc in Iraq.
Former IAEA chief Hans Blix condemns former US president George W. Bush and former British Premier Tony Blair for waging war in Iraq.

In an interview with the British newspaper, the Daily Mail, Blix censured former US and UK governments for having misled their nations by magnifying former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's alleged accumulation of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs).

The alleged existence of such weapons was then used by the UK and the US governments as a pretext to launch the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Blix, who directed the then UN weapons inspection team, told the paper that Bush and Blair's obsession with Saddam's planned ouster led them to embark on a 'witch hunt' to bring down the former Iraqi leader.

"They were convinced they had their witch in front of them, and they searched for the evidence and believed it without critical examination," said Blix on Saturday.

"When you start a war which cost(s) thousands of lives you should be more certain than they were," added the former director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

He also said that his counsel on the absence of WMDs in Iraq fell on deaf ears in the presence of Tony Blair.

"It would prove paradoxical and absurd if 250,000 troops were to invade Iraq and find very little," Blix had cautioned Blair ahead of the Iraq invasion.

"If the UK had really insisted then on the UN path being exhausted, they could have slowed the military build-up ... but that wasn't the case. They eventually had so much military in the [Persian] Gulf that they felt they had to invade," The 81-year-old former UN official went on to say.

Blix called the war "illegal" but expressed doubt that the retired leaders would be held accountable in a court of law.

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Azeem Taqi
Sat, 05 Dec 2009 23:14:17 GMT
Why did Blix not say all this loudly and clearly for the world to hear when he should have? Now, after all the mayhem and destruction, what does it matter? Mr. Blix, forget about everything and start worrying about how you will face God for being a part of this massacre of innocents.
Sat, 05 Dec 2009 22:05:12 GMT
We want that criminal Blair in court and convicted for his part in taking our country to the unjust war, what about all these brave British soldiers that have been killed in vain, not to mention all the Iraqis. We want him to be a lesson for others, and the integrity of our country. All my sympathy to the families of our brave soldiers, we need justice.
Sat, 05 Dec 2009 22:00:34 GMT
South African Muslim
Sat, 05 Dec 2009 21:44:27 GMT
They will hopefully one day spend their last days in the Hague prison.

Blix needs to shut the fccuuk up
Sat, 05 Dec 2009 21:14:44 GMT
When he was the head of IAEA he did the same sucking up to the US and Israel as el Baradei is doing now to Iran. This son of a bitchh always made the report about WMD vague to make a case of the US Israel, just like el Baradei is doing now to Iran. Now that no one gives a shiitt to what he, and el Baradei, have to say he comes clean.
henry ford
Sat, 05 Dec 2009 21:11:53 GMT
why are they opening the curtains now?!!! everyone new that iraq has no wmd before war started. why are they trying to show the truth now?!!! bush blair zionists americans and some europeans are all responsible for war which led to loss of almost 2 000 000 people in iraq and 1 500 000 in afganistan. are they trying to show that not all of them are bad???
henry ford
Sat, 05 Dec 2009 21:07:17 GMT
why are they opening the curtains now?!!! everyone new that iraq has no wmd before war started. why are they trying to show the truth now?!!! bush blair zionists americans europeans are all responsible for war which led to loss of almost 2 000 000 people in iraq and 1 500 000 in afganistan. are they trying to show that not all of them are bad???
James Canning
Sat, 05 Dec 2009 18:40:08 GMT
Dick Cheney's gang in the White House knew Iraq posed no threat to the UK or the US, long before the illegal invasion of Iraq was launched.

Sat, 05 Dec 2009 18:29:55 GMT
It looks like a similar build up it being done around Iran as we speak. Iran needs to prepare for an all out war.
WHAT is ITC (Hague) for?
Sat, 05 Dec 2009 17:49:09 GMT
So far ITC has ONLY gone after African and east european leaders, When will this USELESS Court start doing something in the REAL interest of the people of this world and bring those CRIMINALS to justice?

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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