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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Thursday, December 10, 2009


On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 4:04 PM, satyamevijayte <> wrote:

THE SUBVERSION OF WHITE CHRISTIAN CULTURE by organized Jewry and the Jew-controlled entertainment industry, is part of a two-pronged attack on social homogeneity in American life.

By promoting deviant sexual lifestyles and lobbying for open immigration, Jews insure for themselves a safe haven to further their own ethnic solidarity while dissolving the ethnic identification of White Christian Americans.

The traditional foundations of European society - and by way of extension in America - has rested on three pillars: patriotism, a Christian basis for morality, and social homogeneity. But Jews are very uncomfortable with this formula for they refuse to relinquish an exalted view of themselves as a "separate people" with their own set of interests within the Gentile nations which host them.

Thus American Jewry has attacked the very race that are the purveyors of this formula, white Europeans, who have carried Christian culture for centuries in Europe and in the three successive centuries since America's founding.

Leading the charge against the white American race and its traditional Christian culture are the Anti Defamation League (ADL) with their intensive Gay Pride Early Childhood Education Programs in public schools and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) with their LGBT Project aimed at defending odious Gay students and litigating against virtuous Christian students and Bible distribution in public schools. Both the ADL and the ACLU are headed and funded by Jews.

These two groups have targeted white Gentile children in America's public schools by providing teaching aids, currucilae, and books such as the Early Childhood Activity Kit for Pre-K to 6th grade, which promotes homosexuality, lesbianism, and transgenderism.

Jewish children are exempt from this brainwashing as a high percentage are enrolled in private schools and taught at home and synagogue that the propagation of the Jewish race through traditional marriage is crucial for Jewish survival. But for the white Gentiles, so the Jews propose, "let deviant sex destroy their race!"

The legitimization of homosexual unions — as the jewel in the crown of a host of Jewry's initiatives aimed at destroying the white race — is moving 180 degrees opposite the family stability and growth whites need to exist as a viable force in America. Jewry's promotion of personal license and deviant sexual mores will prove deadly to an already endangered race, White Americans of European descent, in an America they can hardly still call their own…

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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