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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fwd: Canadian concessions 1/6 Nations from paying PST?! Meanwhile tax payers expected to flip bill?!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Jeffrey Spetch <>
Date: Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 11:36 PM
Subject: Canadian concessions 1/6 Nations from paying PST?! Meanwhile tax payers expected to flip bill?!
To: P0liticalF0rum <>

Canadian concessions 1/6 Nations from paying PST?! Meanwhile tax
payers expected to flip bill?!

 1st / 6 Nations are threatening to shut down Canada during G8/G20 if
they have to pay the PST. Now there is talk of a 30 year concession.
If 1/6 Nations are exempt from paying taxes then it is equality for us
all to be exempt otherwise the government is obviously treating tax
payers as second rate citizens that deserve to be treated as slaves
for 1 /6 Nations which is outrageously unacceptable!

 And why has this suddenly been announced just after PST rebates have
been issued? More tax payer abuse! Take the money for the PST rebate
then threaten to shut down the country if they have to pay PST then
expect to get away with it?!
Again the fact remains that when land claim treaties were signed
hundreds of years ago, they were signed because 1/6 nations didn't
want anything to do with governing, they wanted land so that they
could chief themselves!
If they want to be exempt from taxes that is fine as long as they all
go live on their reserves because that is exactly why the reserves
were created! If they want to live within tax payer communities and /
or use tax payer services then they justifiably must pay taxes for not
one of them are any better than the rest of Canadians who pay taxes!

 For decades / perhaps even centuries, 1/6 Nations have been getting
away with abusing tax payers through living in "tax payer communities"
and using "tax payer services" without paying taxes and I'm not about
to allow this to go unaccounted for!

 Tax payers are equals, not slaves so don't be surprised if the day
comes that tax payers shut down the country if 1 / 6 Nations continue
to not have to pay taxes! We have been used / abused for decades or
even centuries in this way and it is way past time for this nonsense
to come to an end!

 Free roads, free schools, free  medical, free welfare, free fire
services, free police services, free infrastructure, free maintenance
etc. is what they have been getting away with for decades / centuries
at the expense of tax payers being abused to face the crunch of paying
for all this alone while the country spins deeper into deficit!

 If they do not pay taxes, they obviously are willing to give all of
the benefits from tax dollars up and are obviously more than willing
to live on their reserves!

 While living on reserves, if they want to use tax payer services,
then they can cough up the cash for the service up front!
How many billions has this cost tax payers and when are tax payers
going to be compensated for the huge loss? Oh yeah sure they will
likely attempt to evade this issue at every turn while continuing to
slam what they claim that tax payers owe them for land claims in
everyones face. Owe them, huh! Lets figure out the billions they owe
tax payers then deduct the land claim money (allegedly owed to them
from tax payers) from the billions they owe tax payers then they can
pay the tax payers the reminder owed to tax payers! If this is how we
must clear the slate then so be it!

 How long do you really think tax payers in Ontario let alone the rest
of Canada are going to allow themselves to continue to be treated as
1/ 6 nation toilet paper? Us tax payers must really look like a bunch
brainless slave fools in lieu of all of this rhetoric!

 The Ontario (all other provinces as well) and Canadian government had
better grow some back bone soon and stick with their guns that it is
fully justified that 1/ 6 nations people must pay taxes, that everyone
else is expected to, or exempt "everyone including tax payers" from
paying taxes because quite simply 1 / 6 nations are no better than any
one else! If the Canadian government wants my services to help them
work through this then simply request me and upon notice I will be
happy to work with them on this issue / give them some back bone!
Funny thing I thought I already gave them all they would need for this
issue last year!!!

Canadian tax payers deserve better than to be used / abused as second
rate unequal citizens / slaves and human toilet paper of Canada!

David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

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Palash Biswas
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