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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Saturday, June 19, 2010


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From: Ashok T. Jaisinghani <>
Date: Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 2:40 PM
To: Central Chronicle <>, HindToday <>, Sankar Narayanan <>, IHRO India <>, Palash Biswas <>, Bidyut Sarker <>, "Dr. Anil K. Sarkar MD" <>, Manithaam <>, "M.L.RAJA" <>, RADHASYAM BRAHMACHARI <>

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Sent: 18 Jun 2010 9:22 AM


Once upon a time, there were two criminals with high connections. The first one is still a famous fugitive from the law with apparent high connections who is living a life of luxury in a sanctuary. The second one was a convicted felon (criminal) who spent time in prison but all charges were dropped and he was set free as a good will gesture owing to his high connections. That is the similarity- the high connections. Both were responsible for crimes and their crimes were glossed over due to their proximity to the people in power. Both had patrons in power who were willing to scratch each other's back and let their own criminal be pardoned or let go free!

Who are these worthies or notorious urchins (depending upon one's perspective) we talking about here? The first one is a very easy guess. Of course we are talking about the now 86 years old Warren Anderson, the fugitive former CEO of Union Carbide Corporation against who interpol red corner notice is still valid. It is a truth, now universally acknowledged, that high officials in the state Government of Madhya Pradesh including the former chief Minister were directly involved in the release of Warren Anderson on December 7th 1984. This white skinned criminal who was treated more like a son-in-law of the Chief Minister, was garlanded by the officials and was sent off ceremonially to New Delhi in the state government's official aircraft. How could a mere minion of the ruling dynasty, the CM of Madhya Pradesh take such a huge step unilaterally when he swore his allegiance day in day night to the ruling first family? Of course there were powers to be in
the ruling dynasty (first family) that had asked for the release of Warren Anderson. and you know, Arjun was really the man Friday of Rajiv! From cabinet minister to working President of the Indian National Congress (I) to the Governor of Punjab to CM of Madhya Pradesh. Wherever Rajiv wanted him, Arjun went loyally. His was not to reason why! Just remember the poem "The Charge of the Light Brigade" by Lord Tennyson. You know for feudal chieftains, unflinching loyalty to the King-Emperor is paramount. Declassified CIA documents now tell us the direct pressure Ronald Reagan put on Rajiv Gandhi for the release of Warren Anderson. Former US diplomats and former Indian bureaucrats testify to the same. No amount of fudging and obfuscation can deny the fact that Indian National Congress (I) was the ruling part both at the center and at the state level in Madhya Pradesh.

In the release of Warren Anderson we see parallels with another wheeler and dealer Ottavio Quatrocchi of the Italian firm Snam Projetti who was let loose by India's ruling family and their minions in the Bofors case. Of course he was the bosom friend of the first family. Cases were deliberately weakened against him. Ill-gotten bribes obtained abroad as numbered bank account funds that were frozen in UK were released because the UPA government publicly stated in an affidavit that there are no pending cases against poor old Ottavio Quatrocchi. Extradition cases were not pursued with dogged determination and Himalayan blunders made in the legal process. Net result was the reward for personal loyalty to the ruling dynasty for an electorally defeated but retired Minister in the form of governorship of Karnataka. Minion of the family Hans Raj Bhardwaj is now playing politics in the Raj Bhavan in Bengaluru trying to destabilize an elected government belonging
to the opposition on His Mistress's Voice! Other minions from the first family shouted from rooftops that "political" and "legal" harrassment of Ottavio on the Bofors issue should stop. The un-elected prime minister lost his voice and did not speak a word.

One would wonder that Ottavio is the second notorious criminal with high connections that we were talking about. It is very logical of course. Ottavio was the pal of the Gandhis, i.e. Rajiv and Sonia Gandhi. He was the god father of the "first children", of course now crown prince Rahul and Mrs Priyanka Vadra. His involvement in financial corruption, illegal commissions and bribes on behalf of you know who can not be doubted by any sane person. But is he the second convicted criminal who spent some time in prison we are talking about? No, not really!

The second convicted person is already dead, poor chap. Nobody will remember him if one took his name without the context and the family connections. His name was Adil Shahryar. His father's name was Mohammed Yunus, not that poor Bangladeshi noble laureate doing money lending. This Mohammed Yunus was a friend of the ruling dynasty and one time perpetual Chiarman of the Trade Fair Authority of India. Of course he is also deceased now, peace be upon him! Adil Shahryar was the childhood friend of one Rajiv, whose last name was Gandhi. Of course this Rajiv Gandhi as every one knows is also deceased. But once upon a time he was also the Prime Minister of India. He had the power and he used it to save his friend Adil Shahryar. What is wrong in trying to save your childhood friend. Tha tis the ultimate reward for loyalty in our feudal Indian system.

So what were the crimes of this poor chap Adil Shahryar? It appears that he was involved in some kind of insurance fraud in the US. He tried to claim insurance for damages in a fire which of course was determined to be an act of arson. Of course the arson was started apparently by you know whom, the poor chap, Adil Shahryar. He was just trying to make a fast green buck! Nothing wrong with that folks, every one has to earn their living somehow. So what if you have a well-connected dad. Adil unfortunately was arrested, convicted and incarcerated in the US prison for a sentence of 35 years. So folks what happened afterwards? Of course we know a friend in need is a friend indeed! Of course Rajiv and Adil were bosom friends from their childhood. They grew together playing marbles. A real friend does not let one's friends down even if one is the Prime Minister of India. Friendship is more important than the law, you see!

Our dear Prime Minister went on an official voyage to a foreign country called Amreeka. There he met a very popular, handsome and dashing actor from B grade movies. His name was Ronald. His body was covered with a Kawach made of Teflon. Nothing could stick to his body owing to this Teflon Kawach because this Ronald had great deflecting communications skills. But as you know, this Ronald was the soon to be dementing Chief of the country, we know as Amreeka. Of course this Rajiv had a raincheck from one Ronald. Rajiv had obliged Ronald when he released Warren from India for the Bhopal gas genocide. It was now a question of honour for our demented friend Ronald. He had to listen to Rajiv and free Rajiv's bosom friend Adil. Of course what is a free-pass between friends? "You scratched my back when I had an itch on back, now I will scratch your back Rajiv!" so said the great communicator. So the great Amreekan Sarkaar dropped all charges against Adil,
the friend of Rajiv; freed him from Amreekan prison and sent him packing back home to India where he could start his Aero-bridge import business. Nothing illegal could touch the great communicator of course because he was born with a Teflon Kawach just like Karna but wihtout the Kundals. No one batted an eyelid because it was a political decision of the Prez of the superpower called Amreeka.

In official parlance, the US. granted clemency to Adil Shahryar on June 11, 1985, six months and four days after Warren Anderson was let go on 25,000 rupees bail by the Congress Government of India on December 7th 1984. He was freed as "goodwill gesture" on the occasion of Rajiv Gandhi's visit to U.S from his 35-years federal sentence for explosives and insurance fraud offenses. However, some birdie tells me that in legal lingo it is called a quid pro quo. You scratch my back and I will scratch your back! So, we Indian fools and buffoons, don't you see that we have already extracted the price of freeing Warren Anderson by getting Adil Shahryar released from the US prison. Dear Rajiv was so.o.o..o..very patriotic! It is elementary, my dear! He got an Indian "blue-blooded friend of the family" released from the US prison in return! So my fellow Indians, why do you want Warren Anderson extradited back in India? We can not subject poor old Warren to
double jeopardy! An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a prisoner for a prisoner. That is the common sense by any logic. We got our pound of flesh back! We have already been paid for the release of poor dead chap, Adil of course by the late Uncle Ronald. Nothing is going to happen folks except for the motions of doing something to placate the aam aadmi. Madam can never let Rajiv and his memory down of course. Her minions will never do anything. It does not matter that 25,000 serfs died of Methyl isocyanate poisoning by inhalation. Go and inhale something else. You will figure out the fundas!

Dr. Adityanjee is the President of the Council for Strategic Affairs, New Delhi.

Labels: Bhopal disaster, Bhopal tragedy, Union carbide



Palash Biswas
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