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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] The Deadly Gulf Gasses 6/15/10

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From: Grannie <>
Date: Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 12:12 PM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] The Deadly Gulf Gasses 6/15/10
To: "1 MedicalConspiracies@googlegrou" <>

Date: June 15, 2010
From: Giselle
Subject: Hoaglund on c2c said huge gas bubble is growing underwater

Tonight on the first half hour of coasttocoast, guest scientist Richard Hoagland of said boats have picked up on their sensors a HUGE gas bubble growing underwater around the rig spill site. 15 to 20 miles wide with 1000,000 lb's pf pressure behind it, which is why they can not cap the well. If the bubble comes up it may cause an explosion that could crack much of the Gulf seafloor, sinking every Oil Rig in the Gulf. This can explode and cause a tsunami. He said "picture Mt. St. Helens exploding underwater."

The worst part is that the explosion could cause a massive tsunami taking out miles of the coastline in the gulf and much of the FL coastline. You can go to;, turn on your radio, or try to pick up the archived story tomorrow on that site. Doesn't sound very good does it.

The explosion could take out most of the earth's oxygen as it burns.


Date: June 14, 2010
From: terra/terter

On C2C last night they said they are going to evacuate the whole coast AND also plan to set off a nuke! He was/is an expert who KNOWS what he is talking about!Has worked with Oil well people for over 16 years and is a scientist!

Date: June 15, 2010
From: Bill Silver Eagle
Subject: Fodder for munching on ......

What Could Yet Come

This is not a system in stasis. This is an out of control volcano of oil spewing up with between 20,000 and 50,000 psi behind it, from a reservoir nearly the size of the Gulf, with an estimated trillions of barrels of oil and gas tucked away. It is this deposit that has me reminding people of what the Shell geologist told me about the deposit. This was the quote, "Energy shortage..., Hell! We are afraid of running out of air to burn." The deposit is very large. It covers an area off shore something like 25,000 square miles. Natural Gas and Oil is leaking out of the deposit as far inland as Central Alabama and way over into Florida and even over to Louisiana almost as far as Texas.

[Didn't the psychic Criswell predict a long time ago, that there would be a time when men could not breathe because there wasn't any air?  And the webbots talk of people just suddenly dropping dead in the streets.]

What we are seeing now could be small compared to what may yet unfold if things break apart, as they can do under such circumstances. If this thing blew, it could be like the Yellowstone Caldera, except from below a mile of sea, with a 1/4-mile opening, with up to 150,000 psi of oil and natural gas behind it.

That would be an extinction event.

It is not likely to happen, but it is within the realm of possibilities.
That's the kind of stuff we're playing with here.

When we humans go tinkering around with this stuff, it is like the movie of men flying space ships to asteroids and setting off nuclear bombs to deflect them from hitting earth. Except in this case, setting off a nuclear bomb on top of a veritable volcano spewing oil from what is presently a relatively small hole in order to shut if off, doesn't seem like a very good idea.


Did Deepwater methane hydrates cause the BP Gulf explosion?

The vast deepwater methane hydrate deposits of the Gulf of Mexico are an open secret in big energy circles. They represent the most tantalizing new frontier of unconventional energy - a potential source of hydrocarbon fuel thought to be twice as large as all the petroleum deposits ever known.

For the oil and gas industry, the substances are also known to be the primary hazard when drilling for deepwater oil.

Methane hydrates are volatile compounds - natural gas compressed into molecular cages of ice. They are stable in the extreme cold and crushing weight of deepwater, but are extremely dangerous when they build up inside the drill column of a well. If destabilized by heat or a decrease in pressure, methane hydrates can quickly expand to 164 times their volume.

Survivors of the BP rig explosion told interviewers that right before the April 20 blast, workers had decreased the pressure in the drill column and applied heat to set the cement seal around the wellhead. Then a quickly expanding bubble of methane gas shot up the drill column before exploding on the platform on the ocean's surface.

Even a solid steel pipe has little chance against a 164-fold expansion of volume - something that would render a man six feet six inches tall suddenly the height of the Eiffel Tower.

Scientists are well aware of the awesome power of these strange hydrocarbons. A sudden large scale release of methane hydrates is believed to have caused a mass extinction 55 million years ago. Among planners concerned with mega-disasters, their sudden escape is considered to be a threat comparable to an asteroid strike or nuclear war. The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a Livermore, California-based weapons design center, reports that when released on a large scale, methane hydrates can even cause tsunamis.

So it is not surprising to anyone who knows about the physics of these compounds that the Deepwater Horizon rig was lost like a waterfly crumpled by a force of nature scientists are still just getting to know.

Requiem for the Gulf

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Palash Biswas
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