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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fwd: Obama & Helen Thomas: Debbie Menon - HARD FACTS & TRUTH - James Rockfeller / James Petras / Mike Whitney / Juan Cole

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Feroze Mithiborwala <>
Date: Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 1:25 PM
Subject: Obama & Helen Thomas: Debbie Menon - HARD FACTS & TRUTH - James Rockfeller / James Petras / Mike Whitney / Juan Cole
To: peace-mumbai <>,, citizen-mumbai <>,,, cairo-rafah <>, fg-discussions <>, Free Gaza Coordinators <>, Palash Biswas <>,,, kumar ketkar <>,, ASIF KHAN MSD <>, Javed Anand <>,, Qamar Agha <>, Kamal Mitra Chenoy <>, Anil Chaudhury <>, aslam A <>, aslam ghazi <>, गुरु अभिषेक वैकल्पिक म <>,, Mujtaba Farooq <>, Ashim Roy <>,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Debbie Menon <>
Date: 17 June 2010 08:55
Subject: DM - HARD FACTS & TRUTH - James Rockfeller / James Petras / Mike Whitney / Juan Cole
To: Debbie Menon <>

Dear Friends:

That is not a very complimentary photo of Helen Thomas, but it was the best available on the web.  Photos shot from lower angles are usually not complimentary, and are the professional journalist photographers equivalent of an insult to the subject. If you want to show a politician in his worst light, just shoot from a lower angle.

I happen to love old ladies, though, and especially the grumpy old ones who do not have time for cute, nicey-nicety deceptions and games, but speak bluntly as she does.

Barack Obama, with all the forceful spirit of conviction and principle which he paraded so successfully during his campaign, seems to have run out of spine, and composure, and is turning into a real wimpy sad example of manhood. 

That he allowed a veteran top US journalist to be pushed out of the WH Press Corp. on his watch, is a disgrace.

I have tried to watch and listen to him lately on the TV, but he is becoming as difficult to watch  as was his predecessor George Bush, and is losing all sense of credibility and conviction.

Watching him recite the threats and dire promises he is making toward BP yesterday, he came across as a little Indonesian school boy named Barry, completely lost, bewildered, unsure, insecure and out of his depth.

He is certainly not the American Great White Hope, or a fitting role model for modern
American Black Men... or men of any color.


Please read this well-written article by James Rockfeller a friend of Helen Thomas and spare a few minutes to watch the first of a series of "Helen Thomas Interviews" with Paul Jay of the Real News Network.

White House Correspondent Helen Thomas—A Casualty of Zionist Duplicity

By James M. Rockefeller

Zionist operatives ambushed veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas, a friend and a great American. When they won, America lost.

When reviewing the unedited video of her "interview," what you see is a rabbi rephrasing her answers to a question about Israel. Her response: "They should get the hell out of Palestine." The United Nations long ago endorsed that stance.

It was not Thomas but the rabbi that offended the Jewish community. Language cited as "anti-Semitic" came not from her but from responses that the rabbi restated as leading questions. She simply spoke the truth: Jewish settlers should leave the occupied territories and, as she rightly said: "go home."

The rabbi, an operative for the Anti-Defamation League, knew what he was doing when he ensnared this frail and distinguished 89-year old journalist. The ADL and other Zionist strategists have long sought her removal from this influential position.


Juan Cole is always good...

Charles Schumer's Sippenhaftung* and the children of Gaza

- 16. Jun, 2010 in Commentary/Analysis, Israel, News/Politics, Palestine, U.S. Foreign Policy -

Schumer's Sippenhaftung* and the children of Gaza

By Juan Cole  -  Informed Comment

Also watch the video of  Charles Schumer below

"Gaza" is an abstraction to most Israelis, including [partisans of Israel like] Sen. Charles Schumer of New York. A majority of the 1.5 million Gazans is not even from Gaza, but rather is from what is now Israel.

Americans do not know, and perhaps do not care, that 68% of Gazans are refugees living in 8 refugee camps, who were ethnically cleansed and violently expelled from their homes in 1947-48, in what is now Israel. And no, they were not combatants, just civilians caught up in a civil war of sorts. They lost massive amounts of property and their homes, which would now be worth billions, but have never received a dime from the Israelis in reparations or compensation. Then in winter of 2008-2009, the Israeli military destroyed one in every eight Palestinian homes, rendering even more people homeless.


Top Post in

My Catbird Seat

today is ofcourse:

James Petras: Afghanistan – The Longest Lost War

Despite almost a decade of warfare, including an invasion and occupation, the US military and its allies and client state armed forces are losing the war in Afghanistan.  Outside of the central districts of a few cities and the military fortresses, the Afghan national resistance forces, in all of their complex local, regional and national alliances, are in control, of territory, people and administration.

The prolonged unending war has become a major drain on the morale of the US armed forces and undermined civilian support in the US, limiting the capacity of the White House to launch new imperial wars.  The annual multi-billion dollar military expenditures, are exacerbating the out-of-control budget deficit and forcing harsh unpopular cuts on social programs, at all levels of government.  There is no end in sight, as the Obama regime keeps increasing the number of troops by the tens of thousands and military expenditures by the dozens of billions but the resistance advances, both military and politically.

Continue Reading


Given all the mystery and lack of clarity and concrete evidence which Mike see surrounding the entire matter, I can only wonder at what is happening, and where the truth lies buried.

There is a hellova lot at risk here, and I doubt that the light is worth the candle. 

I find it impossible to fathom the minds of the Insane Israelis, or the devious Persian.

I wish the people in these ships Godspeed, good weather  and a safe and peaceful passage to their next port.

MIKE WHITNEY: Phantom Iranian Ship sails for Gaza

MIKE WHITNEY: Phantom Iranian Ship sails for Gaza

Why are members of the western media saying that an Iranian ship is on its way to Gaza? Is it just an innocent mistake or is there something more sinister involved?

The first reports of an Iranian flotilla first appeared on Israeli news-sites late Sunday night. This (accurate report) is from the Jerusalem Post:


Palestinians Need a State: Loosening Blockade is not Enough

16. Jun, 2010 in Commentary/Analysis, Israel, News/Politics, Palestine 3

Palestinians Need a State: Loosening Blockade is not Enough

By Juan Cole

One problem with the focus the Israeli raid on the Gaza aid flotilla is that it may make it appear that the Israeli blockade of Gaza is the central issue. Then any Israeli loosening of the blockade would seem to be an advance.

In fact, the blockade is not the problem but is rather a symptom of the underlying issue, which is Palestinian statelessness. Gazans have no state. What the Israelis deign to call the 'Hamas regime' is no such thing because it lacks sovereignty, over its borders, air, sea, imports and exports. (The idea that Israel is 'at war' with its own occupied territory is laughable.) The Israeli 'withdrawal' of 2005 simply removed a few thousand colonists and withdrew troops, usually, to the borders. But it did not allow the creation of a sovereign state. Gazans are excluded from a third of their own farmland by Israeli restrictions on where people can live. That so many Gazans are unemployed, that their industries have collapsed, that they are food insecure, and that malnutrition is causing stunting in 10% of children– all these outrages derive from their lack of a sovereign state to look out for their interests.


Debbie Menon!!
"Shaking off" is the literal translation of: Intifada

What I tell people is that our specialty is
enabling people to grasp "how" this duplicity
operates in plain sight and, to date, with
impunity.  With that knowledge, they can
sort out for themselves Who and Why.
Absent that knowledge, they're left adrift
in the domain of conspiracy theorists,
hate-mongers and such.  We see this
knowledge as essential in the transition
to the Knowledge Society. -- Jeff Gates –

Author of: Guilt By Association.

Feroze Mithiborwala

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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