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Memories of Another day
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Sunday, June 20, 2010


Wiki: Namasudra
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Namasudra is the name of a community of people who originally resided in certain regions of Bengal, India.

1. History and origin
2. The Exodus
3. Name Of The Community
4. Myth of Origin
5. Religion
6. The Myth of Facts and Findings
7. References
8. External Links

1. History and origin

Namasudra is a community residing in India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan. Their population is around ~8 million. Nearly 4.8 million people are living in India (mostly in the State of West Bengal); very recent studies in Joshua Project6 have given a descriptive break up. In India they are scattered all over northern and northeastern states and over some of southern states also. In Bangladesh23 they are the main Hindu Community (~ 3 million population). The literacy rate of this community is reported to be nearly 75% in some small pockets of population (2001 census in Manipur7, the population is meager 3500) but average literacy is around 55%. As per the 2001 census report of India, the literacy rate in West Bengal of this community is 71.9 percent (Male - 80.6 percent and Female - 62.8 percent)22 . There are different hearsay in respect of their origin. Although in Bengal Gazetteer and Darjeeling Gazetteer of British India2 period three Gotras or Clan name have been reported, namely Kasyap, Bhardwaj and Goutam, the hearsay is that later there was some meetings of the larger families where they agreed to be identified as descendant of Kasyap but their name signifies something different. Nihar Ranjan Roy, a great historian, has given lot of information about this community in his famous book named "BANGLAR ITIHAS - ADI PARBA"1.

2. The Exodus

It was an unacceptable community, forced to live in the swamps of extreme south of Bengal till the emergence of British India2. Quite interestingly, the socio-religious taboos of Hindu caste system11,10,1 that devastated their social life completely also helped them not to be lost into the vast population ,as they were not acceptable to any community or caste12,13 for religious declaration (manusmriti).

With the advent of the Missionaries in Orhakandi, Faridpur, Bengal4 and of the Great Iconic Family of Sri Sri Haricahnd, the process of enlightenment began within the community. The Iconic Family inspired the Namasudras to establish more than five thousand schools and after 1905 onwards,the great help and Blessings of the Missionary doctor Cecil Silas Mead3,4,5 created the path like that of Exodus for this ostracized1 community. And the Exodus was politically carri- ed forward by the tragic hero Sri Jogendra Nath Mandal20,17,18,19 . But this great phenomena lasted only another four decades, till 1947, when British-India got independence as secular India and Pakistan a theocratic state. The community was torn into two parts. In one part the larger section became the low-born beggar masses and as refugees was being made to settle as scattered all over India. In another part (later becoming independent as Bangladesh in 1971, when this community both greatly suffered and fought courageously also) they were low-born of a different religion. However a very small section of this community managed to get higher-education for being settled as refugees though but being in locations very near to Kolkata.

However in course of time the turn of the happenings and incidents have most brutally tightened its stranglehold23-27 on their Exodus.

3. Name Of The Community

All the names, inclusive of Namasudra found in the most contemporary survey of phenomenological anthropology of this community under Joshua Project of south-east Asian marginalized communities bear the abusing emotive connotations1,6,14,15,16 . In the Govt. Census of British-India in 191121 the elite Hindus actually wanted the documentation to be recorded by more harder abusing connotation as chandala28 .But then ,at that critical time of Exodus , the friend-philosopher-guides of this community , Sri Guruchand of the great Iconic family ( son of Great Sri Harichand ) and the Missionary Doctor Cecil Silas Mead32 lead the community5 to insist for the acceptance of the mythological- origin- theory inseminated through Sruti by their forefathers over generations after generations8 . The name they wanted to be recorded in the Census of 1911 was either Namassut or Namassej . In Bengali , sut means son, so 'Namassut' means 'Namas'(name of sage )+ Sut ( meaning son ) i.e. son or descendant of 'Namas'.The other name also has a similar meaning . Sreej in Bengali is a verb, meaning to generate or to originate.So Namas+ Sreej transformed to Namassreej to Namassej meaning generated or originated from Namas8 . However on objection from the caste-Hindus the compromised name of the community was documented as Namasudra ,the Sut or Sreej née Ssej being replaced by Sudra. The interpretation changed to Namasya (respectable) sudra( meaning servant or slave-like)21,3,8,5. Now-a-days many people of this community designate themselves simply as Namo or Nomo but there are many places where they are considered till these days also.

4. Myth of Origin

Every community carries with itself the folk-tale or folk-lore of their origin or lineage .There may be several contradictions or branchings in the story or completely different stories which may transform each of them magical or unbelievable or a myth.Dr. N.R.Ray the great historian first expressed his doubt in respect of the position of the Namasudras1 in social hierarchy .He told of the folk-lore of origin and of degradation that could possibly resolve the anomaly. Dr.Ray1 is of the opinion that ,that story will be the story of the people which in part or in essence must conform to the History of The People.Thus goes the Tale8 .Brahma, the Parameshwar , is the Creator God.He begot Marich. Marich begot Kashyap.Kashyap begot Namas.Namas was married to Sulochana, the daughter of Ruchi,the spiritual son of Brahma.They begot Kirtiban and Uruban ( most probably they together mentioned as Aribanssejsantokotha).They were twin brothers.Their father , Santo or sage Namas went into deep forest for meditation and did not return in 14 years. So Kirtiban and Uruban were self-dikshitized or self-consecrated .They were married to the two daughters of the King Simanta.They begot eight children and they were married to the children of Asamonjo , the eldest son of the Suryavanshi King Sagar.They are the forefathers of Namasudra community. This is the folk-lore of the origin of the Namasudras : the story they believe i.e.the History of The People. Sri Harichand told them only to meditate the Parameshwar and take Him to be the origin of all that exist.He told also that they will be Self-Consecrated.Although his followers could not follow his path strictly ( They got mixed up with Baishnabism and with the path of the Bauls).However his Family became Iconic and very recently from some corner of the community A discourse is declared to be published which the editor foretold to be a complete guide to community-life. The story8 of their degradation could be found in little magazines or in some minor publications or as hearsay among different community members.This is also very interesting and according to Dr. Nihar.R. Ray it conforms better to the findings of phenomenological anthropology of the Namasudras1,2,9,14,15,16.

5. Religion

They mostly belong to Hinduism .A small population of the community has embraced Islam.They are mentioned as Muslim Namasudras6 ( only 3500 out of ~ 8 million people of The Namasudras have embraced Islam and 1400 of them live in Bangladesh29) in contemporary surveys6.Some of them adopted Christianity ( .09%),Brahma35 religion and Buddhism also . The Iconic Family ( Of Orhakandi, Faridpur )4 had established The Matua30,31 Math in Thakurnagar, India. There is a Holy Lake called Kamana Sagar.A discoursessejsantokotha demands that thousands of years back they were ostracized from a settlement like this and declared to publish the complete guide to the religious path to be followed by the community. However no publication has been identified.At present the Lady who is the Head of the Holy Family and the Math is Boroma ( The Holy Mother ) or Binapanimata.

6. The Myth of Facts and Findings

According to Dr. Niharranjan Ray1 the findings of phenomenological antropolog y2,10,16 for this community is interesting and requires special attention.But there are other opinions. However recent survey under Joshua Project reveals similar findings .They are given the Ethnic Code6,29 CNN25b where C implies Caucasian, N implies Indo-Iranian and second N implies brown(colour) as was predicted by Dr.N.R.Ray1 that the community have considerable Alpine mixing . Their development is also as was found by Risely and Dalton 10,16,1 ; most unreachable community with higher percentage of population living below poverty line6,22,23-27,29. However the genome studies conform to the survey of phenomenological anthropology.They are 23% R2dna34,33 and ~31% R1a133 prevalence.

7. References

8. External Links

  • History of Bengali People-Ancient period-niharranjanray:[[1]]
  • Bengal Gazetteer-Darjeeling Gazetteer by L.O.S.S.Malley :[[2]]
  • Articles on Namasudra By dr.C.S.Mead:[[3]]
  • dr.Cecil Silas Mead[[4]]
  • ....namasudras of bengal by sekhar bandyopadhyay:[[5]]
  • Joshua Project-Namasudra:[[6]]
  • Census of India 2001,Manipur:[[7]]
  • ANUSTUP ,IRAQ EBONG EKHON ,XXXVII(3-4),2003,pp-439 by manoranjanbyapari:[[8]]
  • H.H.Resely : [[9]]
  • The Caste and Tribes of Bengal by h.h.risely( 2 vol.):[[10]]
  • Castes:[[11]][[12]][[13]]
  • E.T.Dalton,1872:[[14]][[15]]
  • Desciptive Ethnology Of Bengal by Dalton,E.T.:[[16]]
  • Life of Sri Jogendra Nath Mondal:[[17]]
  • SriJ.N.Mandal:[[18]][[19]][[20]]
  • Encyclopedia Britannica based on 1911 :[[21]]
  • Literacy & others :[[22]]
  • The stranglehold after 1947 : By Vohra :[[23]],By M.Klass,pp.43:[[24]]: by Ross Mullick,JAS 1999)pp.104-125.:[[25]]:ABR :[[26]] & : [[27]]
  • Chandala : [[28]]
  • Namasudras in Bangladesh : [[29]]
  • Matua :[[30]]
  • Baruni :[[31]]
  • Mead : [[32]]
  • R1a1 Table :[[33]]
  • R2dna information : [[34]]
  • Rabindranath Tagore,The Brahma Poet in Namasudra Conference:The Calcutta Municipal Gazette Tagore Memorial Special Supplement, Saturday,September 3,1941,editor Amal Home, p.90 :[[35]]
The article "Namasudra" is part of the Wikipedia encyclopedia. It is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. modified: 2010-05-10 04:55:08


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Holy Symbol
Adi Santo Guru

Namassej is the self-acclaimed name of the community documented as namasudra.Earlier till 1911 they were abused as Candala and were an outcast Hindu population group.They claim that their founder clan or gotra is kasyapa.Namassej means as according to their claim Namas Sreej > Namas seej >Namassej or originated(sreej) from Namas( lineage of kasyapa).

[edit] Myth of Genealogy

Their forefathers handed over to them the Genealogy through Sruti for hundreds of years.Like any other population group of Hindus believing in creator god Brahma they also believed so. Brahma begot Marich , Marich begot Kasyapa ( Gotra-name) ,Kasyapa begot Namas , Namas begot tween brothers Kirtiban and Uruban .Their children married the Suryavanshis and their descendants are Namassejas nee namasudra .They were made outcast and known as Candala for their defying nature.They did not believe in Jatived or caste system.They claimed to be named as Namassej or Namassut( see namasudra).But in 1911 they were named as namasudra (meaning fourth varna or servant or slave ).

[edit] If Namasudra then why Namassej?

The community believes that they never believed in caste-based Hinduism.There are many population groups among Hindus .They are either pure tribes or communities or ethnocultural sect believing in common creator God Brahma.There cannot be any profession by birth they believe , this is absurd and originally were not found among the Hindus.This is an aberration and a Satanic custom .They also believe in a messenger-in-dream, Verhudtbrahma and there is a very strong Folk-believe known as Matua-dharma .Two three years ago they declared of a Revelation ,Ssejsantokotha where it is said that through hundreds of years of meditation by Seven santos this has been revealed to them and hundred years after they will be known as Namassej . Since the last change occurred in 1911 so 2011 is the year that it will be accepted .This they believe the Holy year Of Verhudt or The Time of Verhudt.

[edit] Reference




                     Give up laziness
                 Pleasure is not the aim of life.
                 Desire is the driving force  of your work.
                 IZATAHO  the divine word means Let it be What the Parameswar ,parambrahma                  Verhudt wish.
                 Fanaticism is non-Religion .
                Usha( Early Morning ) is like the face of  God ,seeing it everyday cures one of all                   illness.
                 Within everybody there lives  a worshiper  of Knowledge ; make him awakened.
                 Lonely in Heart  dies of  Loneliness .
                 Unity is power.
                 Hail Him as  "YOHM VERHUDT" .

                 There cant be any knowledge without a broad -mind.

                 Work Is Religion.
                 No work can be accomplished by slyness .

                 Dont Repent for the Past.
              EXILE HATRED from your mind for ever ,you will get a blue sky and wings to FLY.
              Always divide the Courtyard in three parts.In one part plant Trees for Birds , Keep               one part neat and clean for The Children  and the other for the plantation of                            Flower Plants.

             God has many FACES , The Fire should inspire you  for submission and                                  Confession to Him and  The Verhudt_Brahma  in your dream would Enlighten                       Your Consciousness.
                If  you Think of succeeding    by CHEATING , ALL your EFFORTS would  FAIL IN                 VAIN AT LAST.
                Be ENLIGHTENED IN YOUR MIND and  HEART ON 7th OF POUSH ( BENGALI                      MONTH ,THe Holy Month Of  Verhudt)   .

                AFTER THE STORM THERE WILL ALWAYS BE BLUE SKY  And He would                             appear in the Face of A  STAR Covered   with A GOLDEN PLATE.

    Title Text.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: namaswej hindu <>
Date: Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 3:12 PM
Subject: Sending You The SSEJSANTOKOTHA

With A Short  Introduction

Did Sri Harichand Thakur believe in caste-system or varna-system?
.Definitely Not.

Does varna-system/caste-system require multi-gods/goddesses and many Avatars ( to rescue the condemned to birth castes)? Yes That is what practical Hinduism is.

Was their any such religion other than Hinduism ?
Yes .The religion of ancient Greece .And that also did have varna-like-system.

So caste -system/varna-system necessitates multi-Gods/goddesses and many Avatars at different ages .

Then Sri Harichand Thakur was definitely a believer in Monotheism.The only god is the Creator-God,The Brahma Parameswar of Indian mythology.
Tdentity is divine ,coming from Gotra/Clan and from the revealed name.Caste-system/varna-system actually destroy this identity and implements the Infamous condemned to birth scheme which is Thought-Virus.

This Thought-Virus cleansed the the Monotheism preached by Raja Rammohan Roy.

Was that due to which Rabindranath Tagore attended one  community conference of the Namassejas nee namasudras , to Observe how these out-caste people were trying to Follow Sri Harichand Thakur`s  Monotheism ?Who knows?

But due to this Sri Harichand Thakur was being mentioned as Reverend, although he never preached Christianity .But Missionaries helped Him.That was their divine commitment .They obeyed that self-lessly.And In Ssejsantokotha actually  Rev. Cecil Silas Mead is accepted as like adi-santo-guru.

The truth has been Revealed for which Sri Harichand Thakur prepared the community .Any deviations will in course of time and with spreading of education will be removed.

But we must be very careful about the Thought_Virus .It did not spare the colossal Personality like Tagore  even.

The articles "Reconstruction" ,"Time of Verhudt" should be included at the end of the ssejsantokotha.

Palash Biswas
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