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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Why I Will Support the Rally on September 11th

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From: <>
Date: Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 2:40 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Why I Will Support the Rally on September 11th


11006 Veirs Mill Rd, STE L-15, PMB 298
Silver Spring, MD. 20902
(September 8, 2010)
Assalaamu Alaikum (Greetings of Peace):



I've been in the New York area for much of the past week, and I have been repeatedly asked my opinion (by Muslims and non-Muslims) on two related issues that will come to a head on Saturday, September 11, 2010: (a)my position on the so-called "9/11 Mosque" project; and (b) the question of whether or not Muslims should demonstrate on September 11?"  

Insha'Allah, this will constitute both my own personal position, and our organization's official position, on these two very important questions.

Let me begin by saying, I am aware of the position taken by the Majlis Ashura (leadership council) of New York City on this matter. If I understand the council's position correctly, it has reportedly decided to respect a request made by 9/11 families to not demonstrate on that day. Does this position comprise the view of ALL 9/11 FAMILIES? I doubt it. A majority? Perhaps (surely ALLAH knows best).

While I respect the decision made by the majlis on a very difficult, deeply emotive and controversial issue, I am compelled by the dictates of my own conscience to respectfully disagree; and this brings me to the reasons why I feel I must support the rally on September 11th.

The reasons are as follows:

Reason # 1.       Because Islam and the Muslim community had NOTHING to do with the attacks of 9/11! That said, the ugly controversy surrounding the proposed Cordoba Center - aka, "Park 51," aka the "Ground Zero" or "9/11 Mosque," aka the "Victory Mosque," - (and this year's observance of the 9/11 attacks) does bear a silver lining. It provides the Muslim community, and justice-oriented non-Muslim progressives in America, with a unique opportunity to push back on the official 9/11 narrative in a big way. For too long Muslim leaders and organizations in America have been apologizing for the tragedy of 9/11; and this totally unwarranted apologetic stance has been used to help justify the unrelenting persecution of Muslims the world over.


Reason # 2.       Because the Muslim community (both here and abroad) has been the most impacted community as a result of the horrific attacks of September 11, 2001; resulting in a succession of 9/11 type tragedies (often far greater in magnitude and long-term consequence) being carried out in different parts of the Muslim world in the name of a "war on terrorism."

Reason # 3.       Because of the lies and disinformation surrounding The Cordoba Project controversy; and this brings me to the reason why I favor the use of the original name applied to this project. A prominent, but shameless political chameleon by the name of Newt Gingrich (a self-described non-credentialed historian) has engaged in a pattern of lies and distortions concerning the nature of historic Cordoba of Muslim Spain, leading to the inflammatory label affixed to the Cordoba Project "the victory mosque."  In the epilogue of my book titled Islam & Terrorism: Myth vs. Reality, I referenced the religious and intellectual freedom that marked this historic period in world history, through the writings of a fully credentialed non-Muslim authority on the matter. In a book titled Moses Maimonides And His Time – edited by Eric L. Ormsby, and published by the Catholic University of America Press – can be found an essay by Professor Norman Roth, with an excerpt that reads as follows:

"In a recently published book on Maimonides, I noted that were he to have been born in another land, France or Germany, for instance, he would at most have become another one of those almost anonymous rabbis who wrote endless commentaries on commentaries, on the Talmud. In that case, he would be of interest to no more than a small handful of Jewish scholars who specialize in such matters. Instead, this man became the greatest genius ever produced by the Jewish people. His productivity and creativity were prodigious."

Reason # 4.       Because our friends in the non-Muslim community have decided on the need to organize a public response to the multiple manifestations of rabid islamophobia that will unfold on that date (see below). I believe, as a committed Muslim, that it is important to stand with our non-Muslim neighbors when they  attempt, on occasions like this, to stand with us. I also believe that to allow the islamophobes to dominate the public discourse on September 11th would be a strategic mistake.


Reason # 5.       And finally, because of the prophetic admonition: "When you see an evil action you must change it with your hand; if you cannot do so, with your tongue; if you cannot do so, detest it within your heart, that is the weakest degree of faith."


With this said, I encourage my brothers and sisters (in Islam) who read this commentary to follow their own respective consciences on the matter; but whatever you decide, let the decision be based on what you truly believe in your heart to be the right thing to do. Don't allow your decision to be motivated by fear of anything other than ALLAH!

And if you decide to participate in a public demonstration on 9/11, don't allow anyone to encourage, prod or instigate you into the type of public reaction which at the end of the day will do nothing but serve the interests of the opposition. Let us be dignified and disciplined in whatever public statement we make on that day. (Let us remember, a good example is the best dawah, and the best jihad, on the battlefield of propaganda.)

In the struggle for peace thru justice,

El-Hajj Mauri' Saalakhan




Emergency Mobilization Against Racism and Anti-Islamic Bigotry

Say NO to Racism and anti-Islamic Bigotry
Stand for Unity and Solidarity on Saturday, September 11

Saturday Sept. 11 in NYC-  

1:00 p.m. Assemble and rally at east side of City Hall, then March

Rally at Park Pl. and Church St . (Manhattan)

Why we are marching on September 11th

The Emergency Mobilization Against Racism and Anti-Islamic Bigotry is organizing a rally for civil rights and religious freedom on Saturday, September 11th. This rally is a response to the ugly and violent attacks, both verbal and physical, which are happening more and more frequently around the country. It is also a specific response to the hate-filled protest being called by a coalition of racist and anti-Islamic organizations on September 11th.

The wave of Islamophobia being stirred up against the proposed Islamic Center at Park51 in Lower Manhattan and Islamic institutions and people around the country has poisoned our nation's climate. We feel we cannot remain silent and surrender the streets of New York City to the forces of hate and bigotry on this day. We must offer an antidote to this poison.

We called this rally for unity and respect only after the well-funded rally called by racist groupings on September 11 had become a national outrage. The MTA agreed to their inflammatory bus ads. The mainstream media gave extensive pre-publicity coverage, including program, speakers, websites and interviews for this September 11 rally of the racist forces. Such pre-publicity has never been given to progressive, anti-war or union struggles. In the face of all this we cannot remain silent.

Our Rally will send a message many thousands strong, of unity, respect and solidarity in the face of the increasing climate of racism and bigotry against Muslims, Arabs and South Asians in the US.

These bigots have very consciously chosen the location of their rally – the proposed Islamic Community Center at Park Place and Church St in lower Manhattan (Park51) – in an attempt to intimidate the Center's sponsors and the Muslim community as a whole. And they chose the date without regard to the feelings of the thousands of survivors, including many Muslim families, of what happened on 9/11.

This hatred and attempt at intimidation is typical of these groups' actions all around the country, as mosques and community centers have suffered abusive picketing during Ramadan and other times of prayer; shooting attacks – such as the one this week in Carlton, New York; firebombings; desecration; and attempts to get town and city authorities to deny permits for much-needed expansion plans. These actions have already created an atmosphere that led to the horrific slashing of New York City taxi driver Ahmed Sharif, the desecration the very next day of a mosque in Queens, and fear of many more such heinous attacks.

We are rallying on 9/11 in lower Manhattan to let the racists know that we will be there every time they threaten our Muslim sisters and brothers, that we will not stand for abuse, intimidation, or attacks of any kind, anywhere, at any time.

Finally, we take note of and support the vigil that will be held on September 10th, and respect the choice of those who choose to show their solidarity on that day. Our action on the 11th is a supplement to, not a substitute for, that vigil, in keeping with our main emphasis:

Not one attack on Muslims, any day, anywhere!

Please join us on Saturday, September 11th, at 1pm on the east side of City Hall facing Brooklyn Bridge.

After this initial Unity Rally we will march at 2pm to Park Place and Church Street for a second rally.

For more information, flyers, endorsers see:



Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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