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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fwd: Religion Is Filthy Scum. Burning Of Quaran Or Anything Religious Shows Respect For All Life!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Jeffrey Spetch <>
Date: Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 2:01 AM
Subject: Religion Is Filthy Scum. Burning Of Quaran Or Anything Religious Shows Respect For All Life!
To: P0liticalF0rum <>

Religion Is Filthy Scum. Burning Of Quaran Or Anything Religious Shows
Respect For All Life!

Recently people of a disgusting religion are planning to burn books of
the Quaran of another disgusting religion comes as no surprise
considering such disgusting filth as religious lies have been leading
the globe to war and divide for thousands of years and not only
between religion but between also the non religious who are fed up
with such as sickly disgusting lowly disease as religion spreading
throughout the globe.

As you will see as you read on I steer clear from opinion, belief,
truth and lies when it comes to the very fundamentals of an issue such
as this because opinion, truth belief and lies are all the garbage
that crumble when pit vs. fact every time! That is why I stick with
solid claims backed by non contestable fact.

Religion is the largest hate crime against humanity that ever existed.
Religion severely disrespects / insults the life on this planet! The
burning of anything religious is obviously a sign of respect for the
life on this planet! Bravo! The destruction of religion inevitably
leads the globe to unity

 Muslims bomb the two towers and then want to erect a disgusting
mosque in it's place. Thuis turned the country into turmoil over thus
proving yet again religion leads to war and divide yet we have
ignorant selfish greedy low life scum trying to spin doctor the media
trying to claim it as racial discrimination or anything else because
the greedy and the selfish will say and do anything obviously to keep
using such filthy lies for power and control over the many. Such is
the sickly disease known as religion.

Thus in building a filthy mosque on ground zero likely leads the U.S.
to civil war, and not doing such likely leads the Taliban into the
U.S. once again.

How do you like your disgusting religions now morons! Every religion
is disgusting filth / lowest form of scum to ever plague the planet!

 I hope the U.S. smartens up and gets rid of religion before such
lowly filth (religion) gets rid of them and thats only because I love
and care about the well being of the future of the life on the planet!

Bad enough such disgusting filth as religion has been leading the
globe to thousands of years over lies (yeah factual evidence already
proves non contestably that every religions fundamental is based upon
lies and from there the religious steal from society things to attempt
to attribute to their manifestation of lies to aid them in continuing
to take advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and
control over the many.)

 Fundamental claims backed by non contestable fact proving every
religion is based upon lies: Fact is that energy exist, matter exists
and time exists and the fact that it takes energy matter and time to
re create energy and matter for anything to first come into existence
let alone have any intelligence or be able to have the energy to
process a thought or put a plan into action thus proves that even if
there is some scum bag filthy piece of crap in space claiming to be a
god, this is non contestable factual evidence proving that there is no
such thing as a god thus in short proving any entity a liar in
claiming such and yet think energy is factually proven to exist,
matter is factually proven to exist, and time is factually proven to
exist and for me you or anything having come to be is factually thanks
to these three things that work together which always were and always
will be energy matter and time. Proof that energy matter and time
always was is and always will be is that it takes energy matter and
time to re create energy and matter. That is right because again not
anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness and not anything
that exists goes poof into nothingness. The only thing that doesn't
change is that change occurs because energy matter and time are always

 Yet we have the lowest form of scum ever to plague the planet (the
religious) even stooping so low in their manifest of lies will even
stoop so low to tell you that if you do not follow their filth you
will suffer for it when you die. Of all the lowly dirty filthy lies I
have ever heard this is like the head lump on a pile of rotting

 That is because these are nothing more than deceptive filthy low
life's that will say and do anything to maintain power and control
over the many by fabricating lies as truth and belief. To the
religious I ask what was your time of weakness when religion took you,
were you a baby? did you just lose a loved one? were you raped? were
you lonely? Were you starving? Were you or homeless? Etc.

 Think about it, that is how religious filth breeds by feeding off
those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many by
fabricating lies as truth and belief. There is hope for all of you /
us here on Earth yet and it begins with the destruction of such filth
as every religion.

For my Age Of Mythology fans. Become an all time hero to all future
generations and life on this planet to come in the Largest Epic
Scenario ever created for Age Of Mythology through the destruction of
religion once and for all in AOM Humongous 1 player scenario by David
Jeffrey Spetch

Or rid the lands of religion in AOM ride the lightning 1 player by
David Jeffrey Spetch

Thanks to for maintaining these downloads for your

Religion insults all life on this planet and is seriously offensive
and thousands of years prove it!

 David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

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Palash Biswas
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