All WEE - WEED UP Indian Foreign Realtions as US EXTENTION to CHINA Bypassing India!RAMADAN Begins! Do We Care Enough for Muslims in the Manusmriti Rashtra Ruled by ZIONIST Dynasty?
Troubled Galaxy destroyed Dreams, Chapter 341
Palash Biswas
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INDIA in GLOBL ZIONIST ARMS INDUSTRY, US AFPAK Policy, STRATEGIC Realliance and the POOR! Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 189 Palash Biswas World ... - Cached - Similar - -
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Pentagon Ready to Attack Pakistan with Indian Cooperation. Palash Biswas .... He said that India's strategic programme will not be affected in any way and ..... that is perceived to be in the interests of the Anglo-American alliance. ... - Cached - Similar - -
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Contact: Palash C Biswas, C/O Mrs Arati Roy, Gosto Kanan, Sodepur, Kolkata- 700110, India. ... "The US-India strategic potential is very, very profound," Deputy ... dvd region Wednesday said the United Progressive Alliance government at ... - 18 hours ago - Similar - -
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Contact: Palash C Biswas, C/O Mrs Arati Roy, Gosto Kanan, Sodepur, ... The Communist Party of India-Marxist on Wednesday said the United Progressive Alliance .... our view it au pair compromises long-term strategic programmes of India, ... - 18 hours ago - Similar - -
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Contact: Palash C Biswas, C/O Mrs Arati Roy, Gosto Kanan, Sodepur, ... The Communist Party of India-Marxist on Wednesday said the United Progressive Alliance .... view it compromises long-term strategic programmes of pin bowling India, ... - 22 hours ago - Similar - -
Indian arms will imperil peace in Nepal - Palash Speaks
Palash Biswas. Indo-Nepalese relations ..... Eager to counter China's strategic inroads into Nepal, India has promised to bolster defence cooperation with ... - Similar - -
Rouge The Bat Mature
Contact: Palash C Biswas, C/O Mrs Arati Roy, Gosto Kanan, Sodepur, .... of the UPA Government that would make India a strategic ally of the United States. ..... In a veiled threat to the United Progressive Alliance, the Communist Party ... - 15 hours ago - Similar -You have removed results from this search. Hide themLoading...
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Indian Nation IMMERSED into ZIONIST DYNASTY! Tribute to an odyssey ...
Palash Biswas, India This is niether Pakistan nor China, we are talking about. ..... What Jaswant has done is to raise questions about Jinnah's role and ask .... Hasina Wajed is the only other South Asian in the list and is ranked 78. - 14 hours ago - Similar -
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Pakistan Taliban 'picks new leader' Many die in Pakistan blast Pakistan Sunni leader shot dead Indian star detained at US airport Pakistani tribal leaders killed US troops enter Taliban stronghold More in this sectionTop News
Ramadan begins for world's Muslims During Ramadan, Muslims traditionally fast
between sunrise and sunset [EPA]The Muslim holy month of Ramadan has got under way across most of the Islamic world.
Ramadan, the month when Muslims traditionally fast from sunrise to sunset began on Saturday for most in the Middle East and Asia, although Libya, Turkey, and some Lebanese Shias began fasting a day earlier.
In Iraq, Sunnis and Shias began Ramadan at the same time for the first time since the fall of Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi leader ousted in a US-led invasion in 2003.
From Washington, Barak Obama, the US president, released a message to the world's 1.5 billion Muslims, in a bid to re-cast American military efforts in a number of Islamic countries.
In a video message posted on the White House website, Obama said US efforts to end the war in Iraq and to isolate fighters in Afghanistan and Pakistan were in keeping with America's responsibility to build a more peaceful and secure world.
'Time of renewal'
He also referenced US support for a two-state solution recognising the rights of Israelis and Palestinians to live in peace and security.
"All of these efforts are part of America's commitment to engage Muslims and Muslim-majority nations on the basis of mutual interest and mutual respect," Obama said.
"And at this time of renewal, I want to reiterate my commitment to a new beginning between America and Muslims around the world."
In a tribute to Obama, who in June delivered a speech in Cairo saying he wanted to improve US ties with Muslims around the world, Egyptian fruit sellers have named their best dates of the year after the US leader.
"We love Obama and so we named our best dates for him," said Atif Hashim, who runs a busy shop in downtown Cairo.
Huge barrels in his shop were piled with "Obama" dates, selling for just under $5 a kilogramme, while for an additional dollar, there was an even better date, labelled as "Super Obama".
The goodwill show Obama is in stark contrast to Egyptian feeling towards George Bush, his predecessor, who was widely resented in the Arab world.
UN 'inspects Iranian nuclear site' The government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's president, has defied UN sanctions [EPA] UN inspectors have visited the site of a nearly completed Iranian nuclear reactor for the first time in a year, foreign diplomats have said.
Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) visited the Arak reactor in central Iran last week after the Iranian government lifted a ban, the diplomats, who asked to remain anonymous, said on Friday.
They said Iranian authorities also agreed to allow the IAEA to expand its monitoring operations of the Arak reactor.
The diplomats said Iran also agreed to grant UN inspectors greater monitoring rights at Natanz, another uranium enrichment site.
"The containment and surveillance measures were updated as the agency wanted," one of the diplomats told the AFP news agency.
The IAEA declined to comment on the reports.
Western concerns
The 40 megawatt heavy-water Arak reactor produces material for nuclear fuel that can then be further enriched to provide fissile material for weapons.
Tehran says the reactor will make isotopes purely for agricultural and medical purposes, but Western powers remain concerned that the plant could be used as part of a nuclear weapons programme.
Iran has repeatedly denied the claims and has defied UN Security Council sanctions by continuing to enrich uranium.
The US has given Iran until the beginning of the UN General Assembly meeting in late-September to agree to direct talks.
The five permanent members of the UN Security Council - the US, France, Britain, Russia and China - and Germany have also made offers of dialogue to Iran over its nuclear programme.
Using the BARRACK OBAMA Term, Indian Foreign Relations as well as DIPLOMACY,ALL Happen to be ALL WEE-WEED UP! Just becuse of being tagged with United states Of America and Israel! ZIONIST DYNASTY Regime overlooks hard facts around just to feed the WAR CIVIL WAR ECONOMY divering national Revenue, ECONOMIC policies, Resources,Humanity, Legislation, FISCAL and Monetary Management with Pseodo Political Human Face to accomplish the AGENDA of MASS DESTRUCTION to destriy GOOD Earth and the Nature Assciated Indigenous aborinal Communities under EXTRA CONSTITUTIONAL Corporate Colonial Governance in association with CIA and MOSSAD to sustain Manusmriti Apartheid Zionist TRI IBLIS Galaxy order! We lack the basic VISION as we have always been deprived of Sovereignity, Freedom and Integrity since the GREAT Divide and Power Transfer! We BLEED! And we have to continue BLEEDING!
World Health Organization chief Margaret Chan on Friday urged governments to prepare for a likely second wave of swine flu cases, cautioning they will face tough decisions on how to dispense vaccines.
With a likely "explosion" of swine flu in the coming months, a leading WHO official has urged China to distribute vaccines to needy nations to help contain the disease.
Inida is NEVER considered for such GLOBAL EXERCISE!
New US economic data in the coming week will test the resilience of Wall Street as US shares scaled fresh highs for the year on upbeat remarks by Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke and buoyant housing data.
Meanwhile, World stocks climbed to 10-month highs and oil topped $74 per barrel on Friday, after a strong rise in U.S. home sales and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke delivered an upbeat economic outlook.
On the other hand,European stock markets and the euro currency soared on Friday as a survey showed the eurozone economy stabilising in August, boosting hopes that Europe is gradually emerging from the crisis.
U.S. stocks ended the week at new highs for 2009, while European shares marked their highest close since early November.
Safer havens such as the U.S. dollar, the yen and U.S. Treasuries fell as the news encouraged investors to move funds into riskier, higher-yielding assets.
An industry survey showed sales of previously owned U.S. homes rose for a fourth straight month in July to notch their fastest sales pace in nearly two years -- the strongest sign yet that housing is pulling out of a three-year slump.
The rally intensified after Bernanke told a Fed conference in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, that "prospects for a return to growth in the near term appear good.
He cautioned that growth is likely to be slow and unemployment will remain high, leading investors to conclude that interest rates will remain low for a prolonged period.
Muslims entered the fasting and feasting month of Ramadan on Saturday with swine flu and the economic downturn adding to the security fears that plague several Islamic countries in dampening the mood. As a PLURAL nation do we care enough!On the other hand, Shiites and Sunnis in Iraq on Saturday started Ramadan at the same time for the first time since the fall of dictator Saddam Hussein in 2003.
On Friday evening a source from the office of the Grand Ayatollah Ali Husseini al-Sistani, Iraq's top Shiite cleric, announced that the month-long observance would also commence on Saturday for followers of the Shiite faith.
The Shiites had previously made a point of beginning Ramadan a day earlier or a day later than Sunnis since gaining power following the US-led invasion of Iraq six years ago, in the wake of 80 years of Sunni domination.
Conflict between the two Muslim communities after the overthrow of Saddam led to the deaths of thousands from both sides, with particularly high casualties in 2006 and 2007.
But the threat from the A(H1N1) virus prompted a string of governments to bar their citizens from making the pilgrimage to the holy places in Saudi Arabia traditionally made by many Muslims during Ramadan, while financial worries forced many families to cut back on their holiday spending.
In the Saudi cities of Mecca and Medina, which normally do a brisk trade from pilgrims during Ramadan, businesses were braced for their worst holy month in years.
The price for package tours for Saudis from Riyadh to Mecca has been slashed by 25 percent, the English language Saudi Gazette reported.
In neighbouring Medina, officials said they expected business to be down by 70 percent.
Saudi newspapers showed pictures of pilgrims wearing face masks to ward of the A(H1N1) virus, which has killed 16 people and infected more than 2,000 in the kingdom.
Barack Obama will make his first presidential visit to China in November to bring fresh impetus to relations between the United States and the Asian giant, Washington's new ambassador said Saturday. US President Barack Obama still hopes to pass his embattled health care overhaul in 2009 in the face of growing public doubts about his approach, the White House said Friday.
Obama met with former Senate Democratic majority leader Tom Daschle, once his choice to head the US Department of Health and Human Services and the reform effort, to discuss the way forward on the plan.
US President Barack Obama was accusing Washington's chattering political class of getting bed-wettingly nervous when he said the capital gets "all wee-weed up," his spokesman said Friday.
Obama used the unusual expression on Thursday at a forum to defend his embattled push to remake US health care, mocking the "hand-wringing, and angst, and teeth-gnashing" by analysts who say the initiative is doomed.
"There's something about August going into September where everybody in Washington gets all wee-weed up," the president said, adding: "I don't know what it is. But that's what happens."
Asked for a definition of the term, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs hesitated, but explained that "'wee-weed up' is when people just get all nervous for no particular reason.
Jon Huntsman told reporters Obama "is going to be visiting in the middle of November".
"By the end of the year, after the president has been able to sit down with many of the good leaders here in China, I am hopeful, I am confident, that by the end of the year the US-China relationship will be stronger than ever before," he said after arriving in the Chinese capital late Friday.
The White House announced in April Obama had accepted an invitation by President Hu Jintao to visit in the second half of 2009.
But this is the first time either side has indicated a month for the visit.
On the other hand,North Korean envoys called Saturday for an improvement in inter-Korean ties as the South confirmed the group would meet its leader in the highest-level talks between the neighbours in years! While we close channels of INTERACTIONS and coordinations around us! We have also surrended our INTERNAL Security with our Political Economy to UNWANTED Anti India Foreign hands!
Senior North Korean envoys visiting the South for the mourning of a former president will meet current President Lee Myung-bak, the South's Unification Ministry said on Saturday. The meeting set for Sunday could signal a warming of ties between Pyongyang and Lee's government, which has been regularly insulted by the North's media for ending unconditional handouts to the impoverished state and linking aid to its nuclear disarmament. While, Senior Chinese nuclear envoy Wu Dawei ended a five-day visit to Pyongyang on Friday, but did not apparently meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, as Beijing pushes to get dialogue with North Korea back on track.
A state of emergency has been declared in Greece as a large forest fire rages out of control on the northeastern outskirts of Athens as we are on the VERGE of UNPRECEDENTED DROUGHT man made on this part of RAPED Nature! We have not learnt to sustain our natural Properties neither we would lear how to tackle with CALAMITIES. We are habitual to deny STARVATION, FAMINE, MALNUTRITION and even CLIMATE Change! A large wildfire raged out of control on the outskirts of Athens on Saturday, burning several homes and thousands of acres of forest!
The European Union on Saturday published a list of nearly 4,000 airlines that it says should reduce their impact on the environment from 2012 or face being banned from European airports.
Afghanistan's presidential election was generally fair but not entirely free because of Taliban intimidation and violence that kept turnout low in the south, European monitors said on Saturday. Now The UNITED States of AMERICA, faceless GREAT BRITAIN and IDENTITI starving European community have to decide the FATE and Life of South Asia and we have to remain MUTE WITNESS. Despite Indian Great Strategic realliance in US and ISRAEL Lead and the BASTARDISED Indo US Nuclear deal we have no role in AF PAK Policy. US always would prefer CHINA to us in ASIAN affairs! We would never guess neither the developments nor the agendas being accomplished even in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal which relates to our SECURITY, Integrity and Unity! An Afghan election monitoring group says Taliban insurgents have made good on their threat to chop off ink-stained fingers of voters.
With the outcome still unpublished and both sides claiming victory, Washington's envoy to the region Richard Holbrooke said President Hamid Karzai and his main rival Abdullah Abdullah had promised to respect the result and avoid any violence.
Diplomats say they expect Karzai to win the first round, but it is too close to say whether the president could earn an outright majority or would have to face Abdullah in a runoff.
Western and Afghan officials have breathed a sigh of relief that violence did not wreck Thursday's election altogether, after Taliban militants vowed to disrupt it and launched sporadic attacks across the country on the morning of the poll.
The election had been "fair generally", said General Philippe Morillon, chief observer of a European Union election mission, but "free was not the case in some parts of the country due to the terror".
The EU, like other western groups that observed the poll, had few staff able to access the violent southern provinces.
Huntsman did not offer precise dates but the US president could stop over either side of a November 14-15 visit to Singapore to attend the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation summit.
Huntsman, unanimously approved by the US Senate earlier this month as Obama's ambassador to Beijing, called the US-China relationship "the most important in the world".
Besides the economic and trade relationship, the United States and China needed to focus on a series of other issues, including energy and climate, the global economy and regional security, he said.
"These are complex issues, they are not going to be resolved easily, but in order to get to where we all know we can be... it is going to take the United States and China working more diligently on them," Huntsman, 49, said, speaking in Chinese and English.
China briefly cut off military exchanges with the United States in October 2008 over a 6.5-billion-dollar US arms sale to Taiwan, a self-ruled island that China claims, with its military calling such deals "the greatest obstacle to Sino-American relations".
And in March this year two tense standoffs between US and Chinese vessels in the South China Sea triggered accusations by the United States that China was behaving in an "aggressive" manner.
"We all know from time to time we may disagree but the world today, more than ever before, relies too much on a healthy and stable US-China relationship," Huntsman said.
Huntsman added that Beijing and Washington needed to work together on the nuclear issues of Iran and North Korea, while the United States would also seek China's cooperation in the war in Afghanistan.
"There has never been a more important period for the United States and China to get along and to discover our shared interests," he said.
The new ambassador will also likely be spending time soothing China's concerns over the falling value of its nearly 800 billion dollars in US securities as US government deficit spending balloons.
Huntsman, once floated as a possible 2012 Republican challenger to Obama, also said he would seek to broaden the scope of America's human rights dialogue with China.
"The human rights dialogue needs to be regularised and integrated into our broader discussions so that it isn't just a once per year discussion but rather an ongoing dialogue that is meaningful and reflects our values as a country," he said.
Huntsman, who mastered Mandarin living in Taiwan as a Mormon missionary, is the former Republican governor of Utah and ambassador to Singapore.
WHO says preparation vital for next swine flu wave!
Afp reports:
Chan's statement came as more than two dozen pharmaceutical companies around the world scramble to produce a safe and effective vaccine against A(H1N1) influenza, with the northern hemisphere's winter fast approaching.
"We cannot say for certain whether the worst is over or the worst is yet to come," Chan said via videotaped address at the start of a three-day symposium on flu in the Asia-Pacific region.
"We need to be prepared for whatever surprises this capricious new virus delivers next... constant random mutation is the survival mechanism of the microbial world.
"We also need to prepare for a second or even a third wave of spread as typically seen in past pandemics."
About 1,800 people have died since the A(H1N1) virus was first uncovered in April, according to the latest update from the WHO issued this week. The vast majority of those deaths have been recorded in the Americas.
The WHO declared a global pandemic in June, and the UN health agency now says there are confirmed cases in more than 170 countries.
While the epidemic appears to be weakening in the southern hemisphere, preparations should be stepped up in the northern hemisphere as the seasonal flu season approaches, Chan said.
"Like all influenza viruses, H1N1 has the advantage of surprise on its side," she said.
"We have the advantage of science and rational investigation on our side, supported by... data collection, analysis and communication that are unprecedented in their power."
Chan said the issue of how to ensure adequate vaccine supplies worldwide needed to be tackled "head on."
"We need to gather advice on priority groups for initial protection," Chan said.
"This is one of the most difficult decisions governments around the world will need to make, especially as we know that supplies will be extremely limited for some months to come."
The WHO said earlier this week that countries in the northern hemisphere alone had ordered more than one billion doses of swine flu vaccine, sparking warnings about shortages, given the intense demand and production delays.
A Chinese drug company, Sinovac Biotech, this week announced positive preliminary data from its clinical trials after giving test subjects just one dose of its vaccine.
But many experts have said that double doses will be needed because most people have no immunity to A(H1N1).
WHO assistant director general Keiji Fukuda said that nations should share information about swine flu vaccines in the same way that data about the virus has been shared.
"In this kind of situation, the access to vaccines, the access to other critical benefits by all countries, is really as important as the sharing of information on viruses," Fukuda said.
In addition to speeding up access to vaccines and anti-viral drugs, the WHO response to a possible second wave of swine flu cases would focus on tracking and monitoring outbreaks and providing information and support, he said.
"The preparedness undertaken by many countries and organisations really did make a significant difference in the response" to the virus so far, Fukuda said.
"It is clear however that we still need to continue to work on the preparedness aspect. What this really means is that we need to improve awareness and knowledge and strengthen national and international capacities."
WHO urges China to share swine flu vaccine
We would greatly welcome an initiative by the Chinese government to support developing and needy countries in a fair distribution of this vaccine," Shin Young-soo, WHO's regional director for the Western Pacific, said in a statement received late Friday.AFP reports.
Shin's remarks came after Chinese Health Minister Chen Zhu reported on the nation's efforts to develop a vaccine for the A(H1N1) virus at a three-day symposium on swine flu in the Asia-Pacific region.
Shin warned the virus was entering an "acceleration period" and predicted more deaths and more cases as the "pandemic will get worse before the situation gets better."
"Most countries may see a doubling of cases every three to four days for two months until peak transmission is reached," Shin told the symposium Friday.
"At a certain point, there will seem to be an explosion in case numbers. I believe it is very likely that all countries will see community-level transmission by the end of the year."
About 1,800 people have died since the A(H1N1) virus was first uncovered in April, according to the latest update from the WHO issued this week. The vast majority of those deaths have been recorded in the Americas.
The WHO declared a global pandemic in June, the first such worldwide outbreak in 40 years. The UN health agency now says there are confirmed cases in more than 170 countries.
The WHO said earlier this week that countries in the northern hemisphere alone had ordered more than one billion doses of swine flu vaccine, sparking warnings about shortages, given the intense demand and production delays.
A Chinese drug company, Sinovac Biotech, this week announced positive preliminary data from its clinical trials after giving test subjects just one dose of its vaccine.
"We are also very encouraged by preliminary but promising results from the clinical trials of H1N1 vaccine," Shin said of the Chinese vaccine.
Govt invited Foreign Secy Rao to Pak: Qureshi | ||||
20 Aug 2009, 1936 hrs IST | ||||
Pakistan on Thursday (August 20) said it has invited new Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao to visit the country for talks, but New Delhi was yet to respond. India and Pakistan have been unable to arrange a meeting of their Foreign Secretaries ahead of crucial talks between the Foreign Ministers, apparently due to differences on the venue for such a meet. Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi told a group of editors that Pakistan had invited Rao to visit the country for talks. However, he said New Delhi had not yet responded to the invitation. Pakistan decided to extend an invitation to Rao as Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir visited New Delhi in July last year to kick off the fifth round of the now-stalled composite dialogue, and it was now the turn of the Indian Foreign Secretary to visit Islamabad, sources in the Foreign Office said. It could not be immediately be ascertained when the invitation was extended to Rao to visit Pakistan. Officials of the High Commission too said they were not aware when the invitation was conveyed. The sources said it was not practical for the Foreign Secretaries to meet at a "neutral venue" outside India and Pakistan due to scheduling problems. "It is difficult to arrange a meeting in a third country where both the Indian and Pakistani Foreign Secretaries would be present at the same time. This can only happen on the sidelines of major summits and those are not very frequent," a source said. Even the last meeting of the two Foreign Secretaries was held on sidelines of the Non-Aligned Movement summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, a day before talks between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Pakistani counterpart Yousuf Raza Gilani. Singh and Gilani had decided that the Foreign Secretaries should meet "as often as necessary" and report to the Foreign Ministers before their meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in September. However, it now appears that the Foreign Secretaries are likely to meet only shortly before the meeting between Foreign Minister Quershi and his Indian counterpart S M Krishna on the sidelines of the UNGA. Asked at the weekly news briefing about the proposed meeting of the Foreign Secretaries, Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit said: "We have not yet heard from New Delhi. We hope that the meeting of the Foreign Secretaries does take place as decided at Sharm el-Sheikh. "We would very much like the Foreign Secretaries to meet as soon as possible," Basit said. Pakistan has suggested some dates for the meeting that are being discussed through diplomatic channels, he added without giving details. |
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COLOGNE, Germany (Hollywood Reporter) - Films and videogames would seem a match made in heaven, so why are games based on hit movies so bad? Despite sharing the same demographic of devoted fans, action, sci-fi and fantasy films rarely translate into branded videogame hits. "Movie-based games almost never work. No matter how cool the movie, the game is almost always lame," said Philipp Dollinger, a gamer reviewer for German blog and one of thousands of gamers swarming the halls of the gamescom trade fair, which runs until Sunday in Cologne.
News Corp eyes online news consortium - report
BANGALORE (Reuters) - In an effort to combat falling advertising revenue, News Corp executives have been proposing the formation of a consortium with other publishers to charge for news distributed on the Internet and on portable devices, the Los Angeles Times reported on its website. The success of the Wall Street Journal Online has spurred News Corp's chief digital officer Jonathan Miller to position the company as the leader in a proposed consortium, according to the paper.
Microsoft, Yahoo join in opposing Google books deal
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Microsoft and Yahoo! are joining a group of opponents to a class action settlement that gives Google the right to digitize millions of books, the companies said on Friday. The companies are becoming part of the Open Book Alliance, made up of nonprofits and libraries that have raised a red flag against Google's plan to digitize books and put them on the Internet.
EU considers imposing car crash alert system
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Car makers could be forced to install technology into new European cars by 2014 that would automatically call emergency services in the event of a crash, the European Union's executive said on Friday. The eCall system can save the lives of people who are unconscious or confused about their location after an accident, but it has failed to take off due to worries about the costs.
Yahoo wins U.S. court ruling over webcasting fees
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal appeals court in New York ruled that a Yahoo Inc Internet radio service is not required to pay fees to copyright holders of songs it plays, a defeat for Sony Corp's BMG Music. In a case closely watched by the recording industry, the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a 2007 jury verdict that Launchcast, a webcasting service run by Yahoo's Launch Media Inc unit, did not give listeners enough control to be an "interactive service" that would require the fees.
LED display technology gets a twist
CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. researchers said on Thursday they have found a way to make large-scale flexible display screens that can be stretched to fit the contours of a bus yet are transparent enough so riders can see out windows. The thin, light screens might be used to make brake light indicators that follow the contours of a car, or health monitors or imaging devices that wrap around a patient like a blanket, said John Rogers of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, whose study appears in the journal Science.
YouTube co-founder backing new U.S. F1 team
VALENCIA, Spain (Reuters) - YouTube co-founder Chad Hurley is putting some of his fortune into Formula One as primary investor in the new U.S. F1 team due to enter the sport next season. "I am thrilled to be a part of America's first Formula One team in more than 40 years," the multi-millionaire told the website.
U.S. grants $1.2 billion for electronic health records
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The U.S. government announced grants of almost $1.2 billion (727 million pounds) on Thursday to help hospitals and health care providers establish and use electronic health records. The grants include $598 million to set up some 70 health information technology centres to help health care institutions acquire electronic health record systems and $564 million to develop a nationwide system of health information networks, Vice President Joe Biden's office said in a statement.
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