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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Sunday, August 28, 2011


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From: Chakradhar Hadke <>
Date: Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 2:26 PM

Chakradhar Hadke posted in NAAGVANSH.
Chakradhar Hadke 2:26pm Aug 28

I must mention that I am cocksure about Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar is "MAN OF THE MILLENNIUM", for I would like to authenticate. . (Ref:-- Excerpts from eminent writer, philosopher, social worker and advocate Ayu. Kakde, from Vashi, had delivered a lecture at New Panvel, on eve of Ramjibaba's death anniversary). Columbia University conducted prolong survey/study and selected 64 eminent scholars who had graduated from the university for last 250 years and about their subsequent contribution to humankind in their respective countries. Yes, I busted and overwhelmed with tear of joy that, Dr. B.R.Ambedkar stood first. So is the authentication and glaring fact that Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar is "MAN OF THE MILLENNIUM", I bet for.
He was indeed, Samson of Intellect (Ref.: Untouchable to Dalit.: by Dr. Eleanor Zelliet, The prestigious Doctorate was conferred on her on subject : Dr.Ambedkar's life and mission), one of the sixth best brains in world, of course the first best brain in India and the proven Voltaire of India with towering personality that every Indian must proud of him, keeping aside any caste based prejudices. Again one more incidence I would like to authenticate, i.e. During dilemma that who is the president of America either Bush or his counterpart as both of them had equal votes. Entire America so-called intelligent America could not resolve the dilemma. Finally, American government sought opinion from Indian government through The Constitution of India for resolving the dilemma. There was a great craze in entire world and also America became a laughing stock as they were totally helpless. Indian government sent a detailed report about provisions for Indian Constitution pertaining to resolve the American dilemma. Yes, after thorough study of provisions enshrined in the Constitution of India, finally the verdict went to the current President of America – George Bush. Isn't it a miracle of our Indian Constitution? But, alas! manuvadi media did not give coverage to this incidence. Isn't it a miracle that 100 Crore people (with innumerable diversities in their middle) couldn't get isolated since it's inception i.e. for more than 56 years (since independence)? Even Khalisthan could not get isolated though they tried very hard. I would like to state here how weighty/mighty is the literature of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.
Dr. Gail Omvedt (hail from America having wealthy background) is the professor of Sociology at remote place –Kasegaon , Sangli. She all the way came from America and done Ph.D. on Dr. Ambedkar's life and mission from the hostile (to Bahujan) city Poona. She has an incredible command on Marathi. She married with Dr.Patankar (Maharastrian). Why is she staying there in such a remote place of Sangli district? Was she mad that she didn't opt America and royal and Hi-Fi life there? No, certainly not! She has dedicated her life for knowledge ocean of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and the Buddha. So, are the genuine and powerful philosophies of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and the Buddha, which are sure road to smile of mankind on the earth. There is no parallel to these philosophies, I (author) bet.
"That in order to make a thought, in order to induce every party, every section in this country, it would be an act of greatest statesmanship for the majority party. even to make a concession to the prejudices of people who are not prepared to march together and it is for that, that I propose to make this appeal. Let us leave aside slogans, let us even make a concession to the prejudices of our opponents, bring them in, so that they may willingly join with us, on marching upon that road, which as I said, if we walk long enough, must necessarily lead us to unity." (Reference to the above quotation.: Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Parliament Speech, 17th December 1946, I possess this speech's CD in "Immortal Voice of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar"), which attributed the Congress Party to compel them and thought that without Dr. Ambedkar (Samson of intellect) Independent India's future would be bleak because as per British – Freedom can be given easily, but it is too difficult to run the administration of a conflicting country like India. It requires high level wisdom which cannot be compared with freedom. i.e. Freedom can be given easily but not wisdom. If we contemplate today on realization. Dr. Ambedkar has really saved India by giving excellent Constitution, democratic norms, which attributed to India bind together since 1947 disregard to multiple diversity. This is indeed a miracle, which one may believe or not. Whereas, you see, Pakistan had to face 3 times autocracy by way of military regime. This is attributed to weak constitution or no constitution or constitution of vested interests. I would like authenticate with a very important incidence of penultimate day of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (Former Prime Minister of Pakistan). This statement was published in Dalit Voice, Editor column, by Ayu. Dr. Ashok Adhav, eminent writer from Poona. Next day Mr. Butto had to be hanged as per verdict of Military ruler general Zia-Ul-Haq. Mr. Butto stated with great remorse that he was going to hang because of military regime. During 1947 Muslim got Pakistan and Hindu got India. Of course we got Pakistan as a freedom; but alas! the wisdom went to India by way of Intellectual Giant Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. Dr. Ambedkar had repeatedly requested Mr. Mahammad Ali Jina that not to ask separate Pakistan. But, his warning was ignored by Jina. Because Dr.Ambedkar was fully aware as he was fore-visionary. Freedom can get easily, but to run administration, formulation of democratic Constitution and other such related matters require Wisdom and the Wisdom cannot get easily. Pakistani leaders didn't have towering wisdom, which Dr.Ambedkar knew. Well, Muslim got Pakistan, but because of lack of wisdom, the constitution of Pakistan was weak having innumerable loopholes in it. Having been so, subsequently Mr. Bhutto lamented that Pakistan had two military regimes viz. Yahya Khan and Zia-Ul-Haq. In case of autocracy king is like lion and people (praja) is like lamb. Lion can take any lamb and eat. And so is my (Mr.Bhutto's) case that I had to hang in form of retaliation. He praised India and its excellent Democratic Constitution written by the Intellectual Giant, one of the greatest Humanists, well equipped with towering wisdom – Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. As such, despite multiple divergences, creation of military regime in India was well arrested, which was attributed to the Constitution of India. So were Mr. Bhutto's remorse, lament, and regret, as his Pakistan could not have or produced Intellectual Giant like Dr. B.R.Ambedkar. "Indeed! Freedom can be given easily; but not wisdom." Mr. Gandhi, Nehru and his their Congress think-tanks had everything (material); but not towering intellect. Whereas, Dr. B.R.Ambedkar had nothing, but he had a towering intellect. His towering intellect had ultimately triumphed and as such we Indian could avert military regime (autocracy) in this country.
Dr. Ambedkar in London Museum also authenticates about his Himalayan's mammoth personality and undoubted "Man Of The Millennium". The event as described by Hon'ble V.T.Rajshekar as follows:
Dr. Ambedkar in London Museum.
(Ref : Dalit Voice, 1-15 June, 2005, Back cover page.)
The great news for our Dalit Voice family members about the Himalayan heights reached by the Father of India, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. During our 17- day stay in London (from April 20 to May 5), we visited the world famous British Museum (built in 1753) and were overjoyed to see his Writings and Speeches at the very entrance to the Library.

British Museum is an important landmark of London. Karl Marx wrote all his volumes sitting in its library. Babasaheb during his study in London used to be the first to get into the library and the last to get out. Many a time he was reminded twice or thrice by the librarian. Such was his appetite for books.

We went through the printed list of "Notable Holders of Readers Tickets" displayed at the entrance but fount not a single Indian name except that of M.A.Jinnah. Babasaheb's name was not there because the books in the British Museum were shifted to the nearby British Library before Babasaheb arrived in London. Karl Marx was a member of the library for 30 years. The British Museum has hardly any books now.

British Museum in the world's most famous Museum. The Library section of the Museum was opened in 1857.

Babasaheb's portrait and books are kept on the right hand side as we enter the circular library. They are kept along with the works of such luminaries like Karl Marx, Lenin, Barnard Shaw and other greatest intellectual giants of the world. We asked for M.K.Gandhi's books and the librarian said they had none. Gandhi wrote no book except his own autobiography.

Dr. Ambedkar, his intellectual and political achievements are well known to all the intellectuals we met at Cambridge and Oxford Universities. London School of Economics and other places. India has not produced an intellectual giant of his stature after "independence".

Author : C.C.Hadke.

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