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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Monday, September 8, 2008


September 6th. 2008

Last night was the first night for our County Fair. While I rarely go to these events as they are too crowded and commercial with all the Carnies scrabbling to take your nickles, dimes and dollars, with hot dogs going for a measley $5.00 each it is just not worth the effort for me.

My husband came in flopped on the couch while I went about getting Supper started when a commercial came on about the Fair. The announcer was eating some curley frys which did look really good and Tim being a real Carney Food Junkie thought it would be fun to do something different and really splurge. Off we went to the Fair to throw away some hard earned dollars.

Just inside the gates ( Tickets $5.00) there was a stall with a huge motorcycle ( Harley) sitting on a staging looking very impressive with several men and women in T's with support our Vets on them. I must have been pretty slow in passing as I was corraled and promptly removed of a $20.00 bill for one entry in the raffle for the bike. Oh well that goes to a good organization.

Next on the route we chose was the rides and FOOD, Tim went though a Italian sausage sand ($6.00) and I got a coke ( $2.00) I have a real love of cotton candy but not in the bags, it has to be on that cardboard stick like the old days.. We finally found a fellow selling the stuff who rumbled around his storage and came up with one of those old fashioned cardboard cones and I got my Cotton Candy on a stick like in the old days.... ( $3.00) The funny part is at least 10 people asked me where I got the big glob of blue cotton candy on the stick. We sent them all to the fellow who cared enough to find the sticks. With a Blue tongue and lips along with blue fingers we came to the rides and a BBQ place. Smelled good but I was full of candy so Tim got himself some ribs and frys ( $15.00) I shared my coke with him and ate some of those greasy frys.

The rides were new looking some I had never seen and could not believe people pay to be terrorized on those things. We walked along looking, gawking and enjoying our nite out. On the way out there was a huge arena fenced in and I noticed some horses standing at attention at the gate, curious we went over to see what was going on. It was a beautiful presentation of horsemanship. The local FFA was doing a really great job of putting on a real show. The music started " The Battle Hymn of the Republic" with the 6 girls on horseback racing around the arena in perfect timeing. They gathered at attention in a straight line in the middle and the "National Anthem " was sung by a group of young children which made the hair stand up on my neck. These kids were great. Then Lee Greenwood took the mike to sing his patriotic message and these girls rode with thier flags in unison like real professionals, their butts had to have been superglued to those saddles, not a single misstep or horse out of stride, I have never been so proud of children who were not mine. These kids put their hearts into this show and you could see the time and preparation they had to have put into it.

While these kids were putting their hearts and spirits into the show we were aware of a group of grisley looking weaselly little pale skinned, frail looking people working the crowds with pamplets and telling people these kids were being cruel to these proud animals, they should be arrested for animal abuse etc. etc etc. I grabbed one of the flyers "HUMANE USA" and my blood boiled.. These creeps were everywhere it looked like to me but actually there were only 5 of them that I actually counted. Not one of them could have fought his way out of a paper bag. My mouth started and to Tim's distress it was too late to try to stop me by then.. These creeps were loud but I was louder.

As any of you that know me personally know I do not like to get up in front of people and talk, it is rare that I will address any crowd. In small groups I am fine, face to face is great but a mike and audience scares the mess out of me. But this was different. these children were so proud of their animals of themselves and so dedicated to their country by this great patriotic show... I went to the mike and introduced myself to the lady holding it and asked for just a few minutes. She handed that mike over all too quickly which actually kind of surprised me but she had flyer in her hand also. I yelled at these creeps and told the crowd to get rid of them, get them out of the fair and out of our lives.. they are ruining our lives and trying to destroy the farming family's and all pet ownership.. These animals are our property as the constitution plainly states.. we have the right to own, protect and keep our property. The girls on horseback lined up in pairs and raced around the arena with their flags waving whooping like little Indians and a group of wrinkled necked cowboy hatted fellows ushered the Anti Animal bunch out of the gate. It was great. Everyone was whooping and yelling and those creeps slunk away like the slime balls they are.. those girls on horseback have never had such a exclamation of appreciation like they got last night.. They rode out of that arena so proud and upright with grins on their faces. They were stars.. Their horses were stars and people appreciated their performance.

It must have been ordained for us to take this night and do something outwardly strange for us. Usually Tim is just too worn out to do much of anything and he had to leave for work at 3 AM this morning a load a truck yet wanted to go to the Fair. ? I am glad we went and I am glad I found the nerve to speak up to that crowd. It was worth it all to see those people turn on the Animal Rights Activists and to see them ran out of the fair.

More people have to start doing this everywhere. These people are the terrorists, they are undermining our childrens rights to own and learn to care for animals. You could see the care these animals have had, sleek, well groomed and proud to be on stage. This was not a accident these kids worked many hours with the animals, cleaned up after them, worked with them, fed and watered them and not just on week ends this is a never ending job yet each does it out of their love for their animal. To allow pasty faced little punks to undermine this effort is a crime. I would have loved to have some tar and feathers. Of course with the feathers I would have been arrested for animal abuse?

Another thing I noticed walking around the fair, there were lots of vegetarian booths all professing the danger and cruelty of eating meat.. they had very few real looking people in line. There were some frail looking individuals standing around but not eating? I would guess they were just there for support but the greasy meat joints were bustling. I guess even the County fair has to allow new world order crowd of passive and non agressive citizens to have their space also. I know a lot of you are vegetarians and that is fine, I appreciate your way of life but please don't try to push it on me. This country was built on differences yet sameness. We can all be different, do what we like but in the end we are all the same.. We are Americans.

We have to fight to keep America a place our children can be children, where parents are parents and raise their kids to be useful and strong individuals that are resourseful and willing to work for what they want to be and do.

www.grannywarriors. com click on the Granny's store link at the upper left side of the page.

Thank you all for your support and input I really appreciate your messages and advice.

The future of this country is strictly up to us.

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