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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Monday, September 8, 2008


POSTED BY: Sikh Affairs >

Disclaimer: - Statistics in this flyer are of independent Writers, News
Papers, Statements, Books, Video Docs., Websites etc. It is speaking of
truth from historic records; however, Reader may or may not necessarily
agree with Title, Data, Words, Language or Angle of Provision. Purpose
of this flyer is to keep people aware of history to protect country &
humanity from crimes against humanity. Sikhs in India live under great
threat to their Life, Identity faith & culture. Let us help protecting
them & other Minorities.


Calcutta Riots or Direct Action Day Riots - The manslaughter On 16
August 1946 left 4000 people dead within 72 hours in the city of
Calcutta and 100,000 residents of the city were left homeless. Violence
in Calcutta sparked off further religious riots in the surrounding
regions of Noakhali, Bihar, UP, Punjab, and the North Western Frontier
Province. (Hindu Communalism and Partition1932- 47. Cambridge Univ.
Press; Time -26 Aug 1946; Partition of India: Legend and Reality. Oxford
Univ. Press)
Partition Riots - The Rioting and Dislocation associated with partition
in 1947 costed 500 000 Lives.
REFERENCES:- World Almanac 1984 : 200,000, Hammond 500,000, Eckhardt:
800,000, D.Smith 1,000,000, B&J: 1,000,000 (1945-48), Hartman:
1,000,000, Stanley Wolpert (In A New History of India -1993): 1,000,000,
Collins and Lapierre (In Freedom at Midnight-1975) cite these following
sources: Khosla, Stern Reckoning: 500,000, Moon, Divide and Quit:
200-250,000, Hodson: The Great Divide: 200-250,000, Chanduli Trivedi-
governor of Punjab: 225,000, P. Johnson puts the death toll at
200-600,000. In addition to some of the Collins and Lapierre sources, he
cites these authorities: Stephens, Pakistan (1963): 500,000, Edwardes,
Last Years of British India (1963): 600,000. The median of these 14
estimates is 500,000.
Bhagalpur Riots - The Rioting occurred 4 Times in Bhagalpur1924, -36,-46
and -89.1989 left 1900 dead.
The Hindu radical men were found guilty of killing and burying 116
Muslims in Bhagalpur in the northern state of Bihar in 1989. A court in
India has convicted 14 Hindus of mass killings of Muslims.
REFERENCES: - BBC Report: Hindus 'guilty of Muslim deaths', (Reported by
Amaranth Tewary) AND World Encyclopaedia, Bhagalpur has an average
literacy rate of 68%, with 70% of the males and 62% of the females
literate. 14% of the population is under 6 years of age.
Hyderabad Riots - In December 1990 riots took 1,000 civ. & 1,000
radicals totalling 2,000 lives. From 1978 to 1984 riots were like annual
festivals. No of total deaths is hard t o retrieve. But in 1988, it was
reported that the streets of Hyderabad were littered with bodies of
right from Hirabad to Latifabad claiming more than 400 deaths. Some
other Rioting also occurred in 1948, 1978, Sept 07, 1983, 1988, & 1992.
REFERENCES: - The Vanishing Glory of Hyderabad (Sindh, Pakistan)". UNIOR
Web Journals. "Hyderabad City - Imperial Gazetteer of India v.
13, p. 321", "Pakistan Backgrounder" . South Asia Terrorism Portal.
Retrieved on 2008-04-14
1984 Delhi Sikh Massacre
The 1984 Sikh massacre left 4800 Sikhs dead & 1,50,000 homeless. Then
Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi, son of Indira Gandhi, made an
insensitive statement at Boat Club in New Delhi on November 19th 1984,
on the birthday of Indira Gandhi, "Some riots took place in the country
following the murder of Indira ji. We know the people were very angry
and for a few days it seemed that India had been shaken. But, when a
mighty tree falls, it is only natural that the earth around it does
shake a little." If this is justification of massacre by a prime
minister then the whole regime reflects as Terrorist Regime.
References:- Swadesh Bahadur Singh (editor of the Sher-i-Panjâb
weekly): "Cabinet berth for a Sikh", Indian Express: 31-5-1996., The
Tribune -When the big tree fell, Publik Asia, 16-11-1989, A life
sentence, http://www.mha. I.pdf
, Fresh probe into India
politician, BJP to govt: Clear stand on anti-Sikh riots' witness, 1984
riots: CBI to re-investigate Tytler's role, The attorney defending Nov
1984 riot victims in Delhi. Contains important affidavits and other
documentation, 1984 Sikhs', Kristallnacht: 5-part video. Times of India
Report on the 20th Anniv. of the riots, Anti-Sikh riots a pogrom:
Khushwant, When a Tree Shook Delhi-By Advocate H.S.Phoolka,
www.carnage84. com ,
Ayodhya Riots - In 1992 Riots between Hindus and Muslims left 2350
Dead.(avg of Ref)
Hindu hardliners with help of state destroyed the Babri mosque in the
northern town in 1992, rioting around the country claimed an estimated
2,000 lives.
REFERENCES: - AP 2Mar2002: 2,000; Irish Times 2March2002: 2,000.;
National Post 1March2002: 3,000 (1992-93

Gawakadal massacre - The death-toll was over300.
On Jan 20, 1990, in Indian occupied Kashmir near Gawakada bridge of
Srinagar city, the Indian paramilitary troops of the CRPF (Federal
Police) opened fire on a group of unarmed Kashmiri protesters, including
women and children. No federal government investigation was ever ordered
into the incident. As a result, the state government then lead by Chief
Minister Farooq Abdullah resigned, and the state went under President's
REFERENCES: - Amnesty Report, NHR Comm. Report, BBC News Aug 16, 2007,
Human Rights Watch Report-2006, Victoria Schofield- Kashmir in Conflict)
Bombay Riots - December 1992 & January 1993 riots took 1000 lives.
Wilful burning of shops, killings and the destruction of property
occurred in distinctively different kinds of areas. A judicial
commission of inquiry has found that the Shiv Sena (Army Of Angel –
Hindu Terrorist Group)-a member party of India's governing coalition and
the dominant partner in the two-party alliance that rules the State Of
Maharashtra- fomented and organized communal riots in Bombay in Jan1993.
REFERENCES: - Srikrishna Commission Report, Maximum City: Bombay lost
and found, BBC, New York Times, Indian Muslim News and Information
Kashmir & Jammu Civil War - Total casualties of civil war from 1989 To
2000 is 34093. (avg of Ref.)
According to various following sources total death toll is calculated on
avg. of resources basis.
REFERENCES:- US State Department Report In 2000 (To Date Since 1989)
Militants: 10,727, Civilians: 8,000 killed by militants, 2,600 killed in
crossfire, Security personnel: 2,000, TOTAL: 23,327.;.Times of India 6
January 2001 (To Date Since 1990)Militants: 12,336,Civilians:
11,600,Security personnel: 2,282; TOTAL (Since 1990): 26,421.;BBC
Reporting 2000: 34,000.;4.AP Sources 3 July 2001- Indian government
Reports:30,000+ ;Human rights activists and opposition leaders:
60,000-80,000, plus 2,500-3,000 Muslim men missing at hands of security
forces. Report On 4 Jan. 2001 By Bloomberg: 34,000 milit. & civ. Denver
Rocky Mtn News 23 May 1999 : 25,000; Ploughshares 2000 Report:
Gujraat Bloodshed - The 2002 Gujarat Massacre claimed 2400 Lives.
Gujarat Massacre contained Series of communal Attacks of Hindus on
Muslims in the Indian State of Gujarat between Feb and May 2002. More
than one hundred and fifty thousand people were displaced. An
international fact finding committee formed of experts from US, UK,
France, Germany and Sri Lanka said that "sexual violence was being used
as a strategy for terrorising women belonging to minority community in
the state.
(There is history of some other Riots where causalities were less than
50. Such incidents
considered to be routine fashion of INDIA can not be listed on these two
pages as it is a huge list)
"Hindu society can be assured safety only by setting up Hindu suicide
Bal Keshav Thackeray (Admirer of Hitler & Shiv Sena Supremo) ON June 17,
2008 Ref: News Papers Of June 18&19, 2008
After Years of Oppression on Minorities the Hindu Leaders Still Feels
That they need Hindu SuicideSquads.
Hindu Nationalist Parties In India:- Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha (All
India Hindu Council); Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha; Akhil Bhartiya
Hindu Shakti Dal; Akhil Bharatiya Jan Sangh; Akhil Bharatiya Ram Rajya
Parishad; Akhil Bharatiya Shivsena Rashtrawadi; Akhand Hindustan Morcha;
Apna Hindu Ram Bhakat Party Arya Sabha (Group of Nobles); Bharatiya
Hindu Sena (Indian Hindu Army); Bharatiya Janashakti; Bharatiya Janata
Party; Bharatiya Swadeshi Sangh (Indian Self-rule Union); Hindu Ekta
Andolan Party; Hindu Praja Party; Hindu Samaj Party; Hindu Shiv Sena;
Hindu Swaraj Sangathan Rashtriya Hindu Sangathan; Rashtriya Hindu
Morcha; Ramrajya Marg; Ram Sena Rashtrawadi; Samrath Bharat; Shivrajya
Party (Rule of Shiva Party);Shiv Sena (Army of Shivaji) :Hindu
Nationalist Parties Worldwide:- Bangladesh: - Banga Sena, Bir Banga
Hindu Prajatantra; Bir Banga
Sena Swadhin Bangabhumi Andolan, Udbastu Unnayan Parishad; Indonesia: -
Indonesian Dharma Awakening Party; Mauritius: - Independent Forward
Bloc; Nepal: - Nepal Shivsena; Sri Lanka:-All Ceylon Hindu Congress;
Suriname:-Progressi ve Reform Party (Suriname)
Madam Madeleine Albright (Former USA Secretary of State and Former US
Ambassador to UN)
The govt. of India has murdered more than 250,000 Sikhs since 1984, in
excess of 200,000 Christians in Nagaland since 1947, almost 60,000
Kashmiri Muslims since 1988, and tens of thousands of Assamese, Tamils,
Manipuris, Dalits and others. The State Department reported that between
1992 and 1994. The Indian government paid over 41,000 cash bounties to
police officers for murdering Sikhs. Two Canadian
journalists published a book called Soft Target in which they proved
that the Indian government blew up its own airliner in 1985 just to
blame the Sikhs. In this light, the United States must declare India a
terrorist state. We must then impose all the sanctions that we impose on
any other terrorist state. This will be a good step towards ending the
terrorism and restoring freedom to all the people of South Asia. HON
Edolphous Towns (In US House of Representatives TUESDAY, OCT 6, 1998)
To Hindus, an independent India, freed after nearly 1,000 years of alien
rule (first Muslim, then British) and rid of a sizable portion of its
Muslim population by Partition, had an obligation to assert an identity
that would be triumphantly and indigenously Hindu. – New York Times
March 02, 2002 By SHASHI THAROOR
This flyer reflects that Sikhs, their Identity, their faith & their
culture are not safe in India.
What Do You Feel? What Do You Think?
Parmjit Singh Dakha

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