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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Monday, November 3, 2008

DV welcomes global financial heart attack: India must kick out Brahminical financial abortionists

DV welcomes global financial heart attack: India must kick out Brahminical financial abortionists
We welcome the current collapse of capitalism, the global financial heart attack, “the mess made in America”, demise of the giant US investment banks. And the decline of America.

Yet we would like to warn that this great crisis is not due to any system failure. The money that has melted has gone into the deep pockets of the greedy Jews and their bum-lickers controlling the US economy.

Why are we happy? Because our repeated warnings and predictions are all coming true one by one. (See the DV reference below).

(1) The mighty dollar as the world’s reserve currency has proved that it is no longer mighty. The dollar collapse which we have predicted is finally coming. The world is losing faith in dollar and may shift to Euro. That will be a great day.

(2) LPG (liberalisation, privatisation & globalisation) maniacs, who made a mess of the world economy, have made the people to have faith in globalisation and free market capitalism with the mighty monster America as its monitor.

There was a time when the LPGwalas were angrily shouting at the govt. to get out and get lost. But today the same fellows are bending and begging before the govt. for bail-out and yelling for nationalisation. What a fall. What a change.

All those who jump too much have to fall and break bones.

(3) Jewish cheer leaders leading the drive for “global integration”, market-driven economy with India’s Brahminical Babus tailing them have been holding the government and public sector in contempt. This craze has suffered a welcome setback.

But in India we have a fear. During the hey-days of the public sector under the Brahminical Nehru and Indira Gandhi, these very Brahminical Babus put a “cross thread” round Karl Marx and brought him to India. As Brahmins are experts in converting any crisis into an opportunity, our fear is that Karl Marx with cross-thread may stage a comeback.

(4) America will lose its economic hegemony as China, oil-producing Muslim and other countries and Russia will start challenging and shaping the world economy.

As China, most hated by the Western world, rises and emerges as the future hope of the world, America’s stature will dip and its intellectual authority will start plunging. Money is plentiful outside the White Western capitalist financial world. China and Muslim part of the world is unaffected, solid.

But the Brahminical India holding on to the tail of the dying horse will have to repent.

(5) America may soon announce “national bankruptcy” as it is burdened with an unbearable and unprecedented debt of $3 trillions and it is rising rapidly. As it cannot pass on this debt to its taxpayers, it will be forced to beg China, which holds enormous US treasury bonds, and the very Arab countries’s on which it launched deadly wars killing millions of Muslims dubbing them traitors and terrorists.

(6) The mere 3% Jews holding the neck of America forced President Bush to launch the war on Muslims which drained the US economy. Why did America kill itself?

Because the US White Christian ruling class was made a monkey by the Jews who out of love for their zionist homeland Israel forced America to launch all the wars. Today, America is made to pay for its sins. This is also a lesson for India where its 3% Brahminical Jews are holding its over 1,000 million Bahujans to ransom. Please read our warnings below and how we have proved right.


DV June 1, 2008 p.19: “Gulf to end dollar peg”.

DV Jan.16, 2008 p. 18: “Will dollar collapse lead to collapse of capitalism?”

DV Dec.16, 2007 p.22: “OPEC shifting to Euro: Banks may crash: India will face economic ruin if it holds on to US tail”.

DV Dec.1, 2007 p.12: “Fall of dollar will hit India”.

DV Edit Nov.1, 2007: “Jews of India getting closer to Jews at a time when America is collapsing”.

DV March 16, 2007 p.10: “America going bankrupt?”

DV Jan.1, 2007 p.7: “American economy collapsing?”



Budha is no god & Budhism not religion

At the time of the Budha there was no concept of god and religion. That is why in his entire discourses there was no notion of god. That is why he is very much comparable to Socrates and Plato who also did not debate about god.The notion of abstract god was well constructed by Jesus. Therefore around his spiritual thought based on the notion of abstract god (not idol god) Christianity became a complete spiritual system whereas Buddism did not. Budhism has no theological system as Christianity has.

Budhism, therefore, was essentially a politically and socially organised school which worked out an alternative sytem of institutions. A best example is a Brahmin sanyasi did not believe in cleanliness and never shaved and never properly washed himself but Budhism practiced a system of clean shaving with enormous respect to barbers and also clean washing of body and clothes with enormous respect to wahsermen and women. The soil soaps in India were discovered during that period only.

A mistake: But the problem before Dr. Ambedkar was that the entire literature on Budhism was on religious lines and the practice of worshipping Budha as god himself was well established. Since he wanted an Indian system of alternative to Hinduism he chose Budhism as religion only.I don’t think such a question that struck me as a student of political philosophy did strike him. It appears to that I studied Budha based on his own discourses and struggles But Dr. Amedkar studied him as part of later course of evolution of Budhism as a religion.

Till the Editor of DV raised the question whether Dr. Ambedlar committed any mistake by making Budhism a modern religion did not strike me or to my mind.

When I started studying Budhism it struck me that there were very radical political and ideological concepts in his thought. All my arguments are based on a complete new interpretation of the early Budhist conditions and texts. For example, on the social contract theory of origin of sate, Budha was far more radical than Hobbes, Locke and Roussau who developed a social contract theory in the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe and nobody before me studied that aspect very carefully.

Dr. Ambedkar was not aware of these factors and never saw him in political thought framework. My statement about Dr. Ambedkar is very much a derivative one. It derived based on Dr. Ambedkar’s life as a political practioner and turned to spirituality at the fag end of his life.

I have not seriously examined the question whether Dr. Ambedkar committed a mistake by embracing Budhism as religion making it parallel to Christianity. But what I can say is if he were to choose Christianity or Islam as his own religion things would have been entirely different.

If he were to embrace Christianity he would have created an Eastern Christian nation much bigger one than Islamic Pakistan or Bangladesh. That would have saved the world many of the contemporary problems.

But the question that DV raised is very important and needs a further examination. Since my book, God as Political Philosopher (Samya, No.16 - Southern Avenue, Calcutta - 700 026, Rs. 250, 2001) is the first book to study Budha as a political philosopher of ancient world and India lot of debate needs to take place on that question.


By making it religion, did Budhism cease to be revolutionary ?

Brother Ilaiah in his above referred book has covered every aspect of Budha except one on violence and non-violence though he has made a passing remark on it in the concluding chapter. A Debate is going on in DV on Budhism and our discovery of Kadgadhari Budha, has puzzled many who have seen Budha sitting with closed eyes. Dr. Ilaiah has to comment on these questions as that will enrich the current Debate. In his book, he has made an important point relevant to our Debate. Dr. Ilaiah also says Budha was a radical and revolutionary while Hindu and foreign writers treated Budha as a religious leader. Budha is worshipped as god and not as a political philosopher.

He says Budha is the first to found an original ideology to fight Brahminism (p.13).

He quotes Rhys Davids saying Budhism was a movement to destroy Brahminism.

All the findings of Dr. Ilaiah are not only very important but make us think on Dr. Ambedkar “conversion” to Budhism and asking fellow Dalits to follow him. Our readers are asking: Did Babasaheb’s action help Brahmins to hinduise the non-Hindu Dalits?

When Budhism is not a religion and Babasaheb has made this very clear, why did he treat it as religion? How can we reverse the situation? These questions are put before us. As the first honest intellectual to re-interprete Budha, we need Dr. Ilaiah’s frank answer.

To be called a religion it must have three things (1) a founder, (2) a god and (3) a religious text. From this angle Budhism cannot be called a religion because it has no god. Babasaheb too has said Budhism has no god but a revolutionary philosophy to liberate the oppressed. Babasaheb also did not believe in god and asked people not to worship Budha as god. Budhism is a Dhamma and not a religion, he said.

Now that our Debate is getting hotter and hotter, some non-Budhist Ambedkarites are also joining the Debate and putting us a star question. Their point is when Babasaheb did not believe in god and had declared that Budhism was not a religion but a revolutionary thought, why did he “embrace” Budhism? Does it not amount to “conversion” from Hinduism to another religion?

Since the Brahmins had killed Budhism centuries back and even erased the very memory of Budha, did it not become easy for Brahmins to derail Babasaheb’s efforts? These are the questions raised by our readers. All over Maharashtra those Dalits who “embraced” Budhism along with Babasaheb also worship Hindu gods. That is why they show no hostility to Hinduism. This complaint has come from Maharashtra Dalits. That is why it became easy for Brahmins and Goenka to hinduise our people. This aspect needs deeper thought.

Right now all over India “educated” Dalits have become Hindu as our constitution has called Budhism part of Hinduism. Reservations are given only to “Hindu Dalits”.

Brahmins have been able to simply swallow Dalits without offering them any human rights — EDITOR.



Hindus capture Soka Gakki

Thank you for the letter inviting me for the DV silver jubilee at Lucknow on Sept.28. But I am sorry I could not attend the function on medical grounds as my doctor has prevented me from travelling. The Debate is going on well but we must stop giving too much importance to meditation and Goenka. Instead we must concentrate on Ambedkarite Budhism which is capable of bringing our people out from the slough of Brahminical Budhism. The research Babasaheb did on Budhism is of utmost significance because it has brought pure Budhism to the fore bereft of all kinds of contamination. I have written on the necessity of Ambedkarite Budhist mission on all-India level. May be, it will initiate another research on Budhism.

Here is a report on Nichiren Dioshonin’s Soka Gakki sect of Budhism. The cover story in the paper contradicts what Dr. K.K. Sidhu has written in DV. May be it is another Brahminical distortion of Nichiren’s interpretation of Budhism based on Lotus Sutra. An organisation of upper castes based in Delhi, Bharat Soka Gakki, has reduced Nichiren Budhism to the chanting of Nam-Myoho-renge-kyo. Our DV readers need to know the contents of Lotus Sutra along with Nichiren’s intepretations. I honestly feel that the solution on all these controversies is Ambedkarite Budhism.


Jehadi heart, not Vipassana, alone can lead to Budhist communism

This refers to Brother Premjit Ray’s article on Vipassana meditation. His inaccurate statement on Vipssana will confuse many Budhists and push them into Brahminical trap.

He said:

....The meaning of meditation may be different for different people but Budhists practice Vipassana meditation, which means experiencing the reality, or knowing the truth as it is. It is not a lazy exercise with closed eyes and cross-legged idle position.

Vipassana is an active mind-searching and mental formulating exercise, for which we need an undisturbed atmosphere, so that we can experience the truth of Anikka, Anattha and Dhukka. ... (DV Sept.16, 2008, p.12).

When a Vipassana can find out the truth as it is, why doctors should invest lakhs of rupees on expensive instrument like brain scanning machine, glucose (diabetes) checking machine, microscope, endoscope, and many other instrument? Brother Ray is himself an eminent surgeon and he can find out the brain tumor and cure it without scanning. Without the use of any instruments.

Without right knowledge and hard study, mere Vipassana can never find out the truth. A farmer can never find out the truth about brain or heart by meditation. Only hard and deep study, scientific knowledge can find out the truth.

Without right thinking (samma samadhi) with hard, vast and deep study nobody can get knowledge and intelligence to find out the real causes and remedies.

All the centres of power, knowledge (higher education), political, judicial, bureaucracy, media, economy (financial institutions), land, industries, etc. are directly under the control of Brahmanvadis and this monopoly is the major cause of dukkha of Bahujan Samaj. Did the Vipassanavadi find out any solution through their Vipassana meditation to eliminate the major causes of our dukkha of the Dalits? Can they touch even a hair of these brahminvadis? When their brain itself has become the slave of brahminvadis, what can they do to shake the hair of their enemy?

When an eminent neuro-surgeon like Dr. Premjit Ray and many other Budhist doctors and scholars fell a prey to the Brahminical Vipassana, what the poor, illiterate, gullible Dalits can do?

Babasaheb Ambedkar talked about Budhist communism to remove all these obstacles to establish justice, truth and equality. What we need is Budha and his rational Dhamma but powerful vested interests led by Brahminvadis do not want us to listen to Budha and his Dhamma. That is how humanity demanded and produced Karl Marx, Lenin, Mao and Bin Laden and such other countless shahids to fight the elites and help establish justice, truth and equality in the society.

Do not make Budha an omniscient and super human. He was a revolutionary warrior who fought against the Brahmin varna system/Brahminvad throughout his life.

Budha might have been compassionate but he did not pardon the murderers and exploiters. When the elites attacked Budha and killed Maha Mogullan, the king caught the murderers and punished them with death sentence.

Many Budhists might be tired of the DV debate on Budhism and Vipassana and say it is waste of time and want it to be stopped without finding a solution. How such slaves can become intelligent without a thorough study like Babasaheb and then run a movement to “capture power”?

We are the followers of Babasaheb who gave us Budhist communism. Why should we not fight unto death to establish Budhist communism?

We need hard, deep and vast study of the movement. Budhist communism and a jehadi heart to launch such a revolution. Only our anger against injustice, oppression will make us firm and determined to jump into the revolution.

Vipassana kills the very roots of our anger, blocks the course of revolution — the Budhist communism.

Not only Babasaheb but even Budha also was a very angry person fighting injustice and oppression. Bhovadi, Mahamurkha (mokha) are the angry words of Budha.

My dear Dalit-Bahujans, become jehadi-scholars and intellectuals — not mere silent spectators. Take up the responsibility of the movement and strive to run it.


US helping India to make bomb

The American CIA once killed Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri and its top atomic expert Homi Bhabha for trying to make a bomb. Today the very same America is going out of the way to help India’s Brahminical people to make the bomb. (DV Oct.1, 2008 p.7: “Brahminical hunger for bomb”).

Brahminical people have now joined hands with the very same Americans and zionazis who once killed Dr. Bhabha and Shastri. DV has rightly quoted the Economist saying that Americans themselves are now coaching the vaidiks to beat the restrictions mentioned in the recent nuclear deal is true. That means that some really very, very big, diabolical and sinister conspiracy is going on. Even pigs in the gutter and buffaloes on the field know very well the vaidiks are not doing all this for energy or power as DV rightly mentioned. In any case, nuclear energy can contribute to only 10% of our energy needs, that too consuming too much water to cool the reactors as well as producing too much nuclear waste which is impossible to get rid off cheaply.

So, what our Bhoodevatas are up to — especially when everybody knows they simply hate doing anything that will benefit humanity? DV quoted the Economist mentioning — nuclear bomb could be the main reason. The Brahminical people must have even promised Zionazis that they will use nuclear weapons against Pakistan or China.

Attack on Pakistan or China: Also this could be a bribe to the “Jews of India” to keep India forever dependent on zionazi supply nuclear fuel so that only the urban elite Brahminical sections in India will be benefitted from such costly power.

Not only that. USA may attack Iran and Pakistan. The Iran to Pakistan to India (passing through Pakistan) dirt cheap natural gas pipeline will solve India’s entire energy problem in one shot — that too at a fraction of cost. All sections of Indian society will be benefitted. However, this is against the US Zionazi petroleum industry interests.

The “Brahminical hunger for bomb” increased after the pro-American Musharaff was ousted in Pakistan. America too is feeling nervous about anti-American politicians taking over Pakistan. Hence the American rush to strengthen India with bomb.

So it is now clear that the American help is not to make cheap electricity as claimed but to make bomb. But the rulers are bluffing that the nuclear deal is for peaceful purposes.


What is wrong with DV’s Maharashtra readers ?

It is our Editor who made Dalit Voice a milestone in the Ambedkarite movement. Being a DV family member and a great admirer of his work, I am happy the people of India and abroad are coming forward to organise DV silver jubilee in different parts. But it is not possible to all DV family members to attend all such meetings. That is why all major states and big cities must arrange DV seminars. But the most disgraceful thing is that the battlefield of Phule, Shahu, Dr. Ambedkar (Maharashtra) is not taking interest in the DV movement. I am very much ashamed and deeply worried. What is wrong with the Maharashtrian Dalits? Our Editor expects a lot from us but gets nothing from Maharashtra. Our state has a fairly large number of DV subscribers — even in and around Nagpur. Why not the Nagpur region take a lead in this? Nagpur DV subscribers must take initiative.

We have a fairly good circulation in Maharashtra but to this day we could not have a DV workshop — nor the ongoing DV silver jubilee, except the one arranged by Brother Mulnivasi Mala in Bombay which did not attract even our Bombay city members. Brother V.K. Hankare came all the way from Bombay and Brother Ganvir from Nagpur for the Lucknow meeting on Sept.28 and promised to do something. Our criticism of the Mahar Budhists, RPI and Vipassana must have displeased our members. Just because somebody gets hurt when Justice and Truth are defended cannot force us to keep our mouth shut — EDITOR.


Mayawati’s super strategy: Using diamond to cut diamond

In spite of our specific request to bring your wives, you (DV family members) have not bothered. Dalit meetings all over India have simply become an all-male affair. Except Dr. Chitra Suresh, there is no woman at this meeting. I have said at many Dalit meetings that without women, who form 50% of our people, we can’t build the Dalit movement.

Not only that. During the self-introduction most of our DV family members said that they were retired govt. servants. Yes. I see hardly any young man here. No revolution is possible without the participation of youth and women. If the Ambedkarite revolution has failed today all over India, it is only because we have failed to take with us youth and women.

Young men and women are no longer interested in Dr. Ambedkar or any social movement. They are attracted by only two things: (1) money power or (2) political power. Brahminical brain-washing has simply taken away our youth from us. We have failed to attract the youth. In DV, we have hardly any young readers. Yes there may be some but they are mostly from the Brahminical class who are keeping a watch on our writings. This is a sorry situation. And today’s meeting is a proof of that.

Dalit movement has failed mainly because of the absence of women and youth. Most of you here are all retired people. (V.T. Rajshekar, Crisis in Dalit Movement, DSA-2008).

But in contrast see the miracles brought by our young Dalit woman, Mayawati. Yesterday I went to see the Parivartan Chowkand the Dr. Ambedkar Park on the bank of the river Gomti in Lucknow.. I was simply shocked.

No man has done such a marvel in any part of India. Not even a Brahmin, who calls himself a “god on earth”. I have seen almost every part of India. All cities. But I have never seen such a fantastic spectacle like this.

On one side our educated Dalits are becoming too hinduised, helping Brahminical people to kill Muslims, Christians etc. and on another side they are forgetting Babasaheb Ambedkar himself, our Father and Father of India. Today, our youth has only two ambitions: (1) political power or (2) money power. The goal set by Dr. Ambedkar is forgotten.

DV is 28 years old. We met in Lucknow some 4-5 years ago in this very OM Centre with the support of Brother Moses Parmar, who is a Dalit from Gujarat.

Brother Moses may be a Christian but he is Dalit first. That is his identity. Christian is the dress he is wearing.

Whether a person is a Dalit-Muslim, Dalit Christian or Dalit Sikh, we are all brothers. We are Bahujans. DV stands for the unity of all Bahujans.

BSP may talk of Sarvajan Samaj but its name continues to be Bahujan Samaj Party. Brahmins and other upper castes might have joined BSP but it is for their benefit. Not our benefit.

No doubt, DV is India’s oldest and also the largest circulated Dalit journal. Our website is read by thousands of people all over India and the world. Over 70% of the internet readers are Brahmins.

Brahmins are an alert people. Being a micro-minority of less than 3% and physically weak and a community that came up only through exploitation, they have to be alert.

That is why I have compared Brahmins to Jews. India has 3% Brahmins and America also has 3% Jews. India is controlled by its 3% Brahmins and America is controlled by its 3% Jews.

Currently, America is facing its worst financial crisis of which you are reading daily. This crisis is the creation of its Jews. One bank is collapsing every day. All these financial institutions, its stock exchange (Wall Street), Federal Reserve, the media, films, publishing industry, TV, Hollywood, the American Govt. itself and particularly the President of America are all controlled by the Jews.

To repeat: America is controlled by its 3% Jews and India is controlled by its 3% Brahmins. The Jews are killing America. Brahminical people are killing India.

That is how we called these Brahmins as the “Jews of India”. No Brahmin has taken objection to this description. Rather, they exploited the new name and got closer to the Jews by showing them the Dalit Voice as proof. (laughter)

The so-called Indo-US “peaceful” nuclear deal is not to bring peace but to make the “Brahmin bomb”. Our PM is a first class Brahmin agent. He has made India a slave of America at a time when America is collapsing and dying.

Look at the foolishness of these Brahminical people. They are embracing a dying person.

DV wants to take India closer to China, which is emerging as a world super power — soon beating America. China has given the proof of its strength at the recent Olympics and the just concluded space walk. Soon they are to land a man on the moon. American leadership in the world on space is defeated.

The sole interest of the Brahminical people is eating, living at the expense of the Bahujans. And the Kamasutra. (cheers)

These fellows have converted India into the world’s largest slave country. India has become a failed state. (cheers).

But please note the power is shifting from West to East. A new power bloc has emerged comprising Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, all the African and Muslim countries. This new grouping will be the world’s most powerful bloc. But unfortunately India led by our Bhoodevatas has joined the dying America because these fellows hate Blacks, Muslims. China and India’s Bahujans. These hate-mongering fellows have filled the country with so much of hate.

But there is a hope in the rise of Barack Obama, a Black and a Muslim. He will change America and finish the Jews. And at that time where will the “Jews of India” go? (laughter).

Some Brahmin leaders met us and told us that nobody, no country in the world was willing to take them. They have no homeland. Yes. This is true. Even the Jews don’t trust them fully.

Brahmins said they were deeply worried because no country was ready to take them. Jews of America at least could migrate to Israel but where could the Brahmins go?

The Jews have read our literature in which we have disclosed the secret that Hitler was inspired to kill Jews after the Brahminical brainwashing of Germans that both were Aryans and Jews were Sematic. (Brahminism, DSA-2001).

We have given Brahmins a solemn assurance. We said we will offer shelter to Brahmins. We have reserved a place for them in your state of UP itself. Since they are worshippers of go-mata (cow), we have reserved Gorakhpur, which in English means “cow protection place”, on the foothills of the Himalayas (laughter).

We will assure them full protection and three meals a day on the condition they will not oppress their own Brahmin women.

Dalit Voice will take over the responsibility of shifting the country’s entire Brahmin population to Gorakhpur as the peace-loving Indian Bahujans are not prepared to leave these wolves and tigers roaming about the whole country. (more laughter).

We had a meeting with some representatives of the Akhil Bharat Vaishya Mahasabha. We were shocked to hear that the Bania complaint was only against Brahmins and nobody else. They said they could never forget and forgive the Brahmins for killing their greatest Vaishya leader, M.K. Gandhi. We asked them why then they were financing the Brahmin terrorist organisation, RSS. They said it was just to keep them in good humour. They said in the Brahmin Vedas the Vaishyas were described as those born out of papa yoni. The Vaishyas were petty traders, poverty-stricken. It was Gandhi who brought up their jatwalas. They became rich only in the last 60 years.

The Kshatriyas are equally furious with Brahmins because their Brahmin god, Parasurama, killed thousands and thousands of Kshatriyas.

We are coming close to a situation when nobody is prepared to go with the Brahminical people. Because they have created so much of unrest, hatred and violence all over India.

We have spoken to some “good Brahmins” but they are not interested in challenging the “bad Brahmins”. Brahmins heading the marxist, maoist, naxalite parties are not ready to challenge the RSS Brahmins. All Brahmins think alike and work alike.

This is the tragedy of this community. But this is not the case with the Jews. There are ever so many good people among them ready to join us.

Muslims are being daily killed dubbing them terrorists and traitors. Even the poor peace-loving Christians are not spared. Playing upon the caste contradictions in the country, they have with the help of their Manuwadi media, pitted one caste against the other and converted the whole country into a vast Rana Ranga (battlefield). (cheers).

Yet we are ready forget and forgive the Brahmins. Because we suffer from no hatred, no prejudice. We are children of Babasaheb Ambedkar. Even now it is not too late for a “change of heart”. But have they the heart? This is a big question. (laughter).

As soon as America collapses and China takes over the leadership of Asia, and Barack Obama reshapes America, Dalit voice will assure the Brahmins that we will take care of them, forgetting and forgiving all the crimes they have committed — including the killing our greatest ruler Bali Raja, destroying Budhism, killing Babasaheb Ambedkar, M.K. Gandhi, partitioning India and converting India into a beggar country and enslaving over 85% of the native SC/ST/BCs and Muslim/Christian/Sikhs.

As the Editor of Dalit Voice we give this assurance to our Bhoodevatas. And RSS fellows sitting here may convey this assurance to your jatwalas (loud laughter).

Some people calling themselves Dalits are criticising us in the internet that the Editor of DV has converted his paper into a BSP organ.

Myself and Kanshi Ram were of the same age and also great friends. He had introduced me to Sister Mayawati twice in Delhi. But we have been always keeping away from political parties because of our firm opinion that no political party will be able to bring about socio-cultural changes which the oppressed Bahujans need.

DV is neither a BSP organ nor anybody’s mouthpiece. But we are great admirers and supporters of BSP from the very beginning. This party has done miracles which even Dr. Ambedkar could not do in the political field.

But there is one big difference between BSP and Dalit Voice. That is: Mayawati cannot speak the language of DV. This is because under the existing parliamentary system, where everything is controlled by the Brahmin including your breath, you cannot think of criticising the country’s principal oppressor.

Not only that. You cannot think of working for, let alone building up the Bahujan Samaj, keeping the Brahmins out — particularly in a state like UP where the Brahmin percentage is as high as 15%. (V.T. Rajshekar, In Defence of Brahmins, DSA-2005).

I can make out that Mayawati is in great hurry — not only to politically strengthen herself in UP but to get ready to become the next Prime Minister of India after the parliament election. She is also facing lots of cases which the Brahminical enemy has filed. You can imagine how tensed up she must be.

Is it possible to fight all these hostile forces on one side and also empower the oppressed Bahujan Samaj on another side? This is simply not possible by keeping the Brahmin out.

Periyar E.V. Ramaswamy of Tamil Nadu could keep the Brahmin out in TN but that was some 50 years ago. He could do it only because he never sought political power. He operated outside the parliamentary democracy which promotes only vote politics. Periyar never contested elections nor sought votes. His was a powerful socio-cultural revolution.

Dalit Voice also is a socio-cultural revolution. But even when we are operating outside party politics we face so much of fury from the Brahmins and their followers. I was arrested four times, handcuffed and thrown into jail in Chandigarh once (1986). Passport impounded for 20 long years, two attempts on my life. Daily I get half a dozen hate mails and threats from the enemy. If this is the case with small people like me operating out of the vote politics, what can poor Mayawati do when vote politics can be fully manipulated by Brahminical forces?

When the 15% upper caste people are holding every lever of power, controlling the media and all the gods, is it possible for Mayawati to run a Brahmin-dominated state like UP without their support?

Yet another more important point. Yes. Dalits have produced some officers. But you must note that no upper caste official will obey a Dalit officer and carry out the sweeping reforms which Mayawati is forcing down the throat of bureaucrats.

Besides, the media is over 100% Brahminical waiting for her blood. The Brahminical judiciary is hostile. The Central Govt. is waiting for her head.

The biggest drawback is she is not having a committed cadre-based organisation like the Hindu terrorist RSS.

I have summed up the formidable obstacles she is facing in her day-to-day war.

That is why as a supreme strategy she has decided to use the Brahmin to cut the Brahmin to size. Only a diamond can cut the diamond. Nothing else. A thorn alone can remove another thorn. (cheers).

This is the principle behind Mayawati using the Brahmin to achieve her goal. I learn that this strategy is working well and the upper caste officers are daily whipped to work for Dalits. This strategy is working very well. This is what I learn during this visit to Lucknow.

When her life is being made miserable even as the Chief Minister of UP, you can imagine what a super-human task it is to become the Prime Minister.

Do you know that even an upper caste Kayasth leader like Lal Bahadur Shastri as PM was killed by the Brahminical forces to pave the way for Indira Gandhi takeover. He was poisoned at Tashkent in a Brahminical conspiracy.

India’s Brahminical mafia is much stronger and more dangerous than America’s 3% Jews who control that country.

We in Dalit Voice have never sought favour from any political party or leader. Not even from Mayawati. Hence ours is the opinion of an impartial and dispassionate outsider. We have never hesitated to do constructive criticism of Mayawati and BSP. But the current campaign of some corrupt and hostile Dalits against Mayawati is launched at the instance of their Brahmin masters. (cheers)

We know it. At least three DV family members here gave us paper cuttings to show how Mayawati is not protecting Dalits. All these paper reports are written by Brahmin journalists to brainwash innocent Dalits and turn them against her. This is a good-old Brahmin game.

We wish Mayawati all success. Her path is too risky with too many hurdles. Remember, even a person of the stature of M.K. Gandhi, hailed by the very Brahminical forces as the “Father of the nation”, was shot dead like a dog. (Why Godse Killed Gandhi? DSA-1997). When the Brahminical people could be so merciless with Gandhi himself you can imagine the fate of an Untouchable young woman who is aiming to be the PM, a post reserved for a Brahmin or their bum- licker.

We have talked to some senior journalists, all upper castes, in Delhi and they say Mayawati has a good chance of becoming PM after the next election.

What will the Dalits gain if she becomes the PM? Nothing. But it is a tremendous morale booster. Every Dalit chest will expand by six inches overnight. This confidence, pride, which in turn will bring courage, is enough. That will be her greatest gift. And this gift will inspire the Dalits of India to solve their problem themselves. Mayawati has the chance of becoming our next PM.

We wish Mayawati all success. (loud cheers).

[Speech delivered at Lucknow at the Dalit Voice silver jubilee celebrations on Sept.28, 2008].


Mayawati & law of contradictions
Two Brahmin journalists came to our hotel room on Sept.28, 2008 night at Lucknow and gave us some clippings from local papers about the “rising atrocities on Dalits in UP” after the Mayawati takeover. When asked how Brahmins could join anti-Mayawati campaign when she had given them prime place in her govt., they were silent. At the DV silver jubilee meeting earlier we received such press cuttings from three different DV family members — all highlighting the “stepped up attacks on Dalits under Dalit Mayawati”. This game is called playing upon the “contradictions” in which the Brahmins are experts. On one side Brahmins have taken full charge of the Mayawati administration. On another side the same fellows are with the help of their Manuwadi monopoly media trying to instigate Dalits against Mayawati. Both the games are played by the same people. Their game is to discredit Mayawati in the eyes of Dalits. That three DV members tried to talk to us on “Mayawati’s anti-Dalit actions” and giving paper cuttings to this effect proves to what extent the Brahminical divide and rule game is succeeding. We heard the two journalists for ten minutes and dismissed them because we know their game and what they are up to. They can fool some innocent Dalits but they can never play upon us. We are sure Mayawati is fully in the know of their game. During the 800-year-long Muslim rule over India, the Bhoodevatas were commanding everything while at the same time fanning hatred against Muslim rule. They repeated the same during the 200-year-long British rule. They alone took the maximum advantage of the British and at the same time mounted a vicious campaign against the British. They were the closest advisers and guides of M.K. Gandhi in destroying Babasaheb’s demand for Separate Electorate which killed the very future of Dalits. And they were the people who got a Brahmin girl married to him as his second wife. They were the very people who killed Gandhi and distributed sweets when he died and then captured gandhism and became the greatest gandhians. It is this very people, who killed Dr. Ambedkar, saying that Dr. Ambedkar was a great Hindu. This great Brahminical game is called playing upon the contradictions. We have written about the law of contradictions many times. You can’t fight the country’s deadliest enemy, without mastering the “law of contradictions”. If you want copies of this law write to our office for photocopy (Rs. 25) — EDITOR.


Tri-Murtis of India forcing us to be slaves of America

Bangalore: Failure of capitalism, market economy, globalisation. All this have been finally admitted with the partial nationalisation of banks in US, England and Europe. In our Editorial of Oct.16, 2008, “When US rejected capitalism why Indian rulers are hugging it? Free market musketeers warned”, we have said the Western market crisis leading to failure of many banks and consequently other industrial interests is the creation of the Jews. No other paper in the West has said this because they dare not. Entire media, both print and electronic, and news agencies and journals are controlled by the Jews. We have also cited three reasons for the financial collapse of America.

Jews created communism: We have said several times that communism in Russia was itself a Jewish conspiracy. Just as the “Jews of India” created M.K. Gandhi, the Jews created Lenin and communism to finish the Christian rulers of Russia. But the same Jews later killed communism to create capitalism.

But the “Jews of India” refused to give up Gandhi and gandhism which was nothing but sugar-coated Brahminism.

It took a century for the world to know that the Jews created communism.

Mossad-managed 9/11: The Indian financial system, stock market, banks and industry have all started suffering because the Brahminical rulers, whom we have described as the “Jews of India”, wanted to follow their cousins.

America controlled by its Jews manufactured the Mossad-managed 9/11 and launched the war on Afghanistan and Iraq but failed to defeat both the Muslim countries. However, they succeeded in spreading a world-wide anti-Muslim hatred calling it “war on terrorism”.

But the current financial crisis neither touched the Muslim part of the world nor China — because both of them are free from the clutches of Jews.

India is in serious trouble now because the “Jews of India” following the footsteps of their Jewish cousins have generated so much of anti-Muslim hatred. The entire Indian socio-political, economic, cultural system is controlled by its less than 3% “Jews of India” and our suffering will continue as long as the Brahminical domination continues.

The Jewish love for Israel, which legitimately belongs to the Arabs, is the cause of all the current crisis.

If the Jews and their camp followers in the West do not quickly realise this Supreme Truth, all the wealth of the West will become as good as the sands of the Sahara Desert.

China & Muslims free from Jews: Can’t these so-called brainy people of the world, the financial wizkids, realise why China and the Arab part of the world is free from the current financial crisis? The answer is simple: China and Arab world are free from the Jewish menace.

Worship of the Wall Street means the supremacy of the market. Where did it lead to in India? Do you know the Dalal Street, India’s premier stock market, is the football field of Gujarati Banias and Marwadis who work on the dictates of Brahmins? Harshad Mehta was completely shielded by Brahmins.

Pope made a puppet: The Jews and the “Jews of India” taught the world the mad love for materialism. But property leads to dispute. The West led by America is the richest part of the world but the White Western rulers have no peace because they handed over their brains to Jews who directed the Western Christians to chase wealth and wealth led them to misery. The West possesses enormous military power, quite literally, to bring about the very end of the world. But their life has become miserable.

The Jews have not only perverted and destroyed the very religion of Christianity and made the Pope their puppet.

The West manufactured the atom bomb in the late 1940s and called it an instrument of peace rather than a threat to humankind. Then at the instance of Jews launched a “consumer society” which converted them into unthinking pigs.

Values come out of the religion but the Jews made the Christians to forget these values once they are pushed into the consumer society. In England, the church itself is killed. All the churches are closed. But every Jewish synagogue is alive and active. The Jews made the White Western Christians godless.

“Sri Sri Sri” as fraud: A man is measured by the wealth he possesses. Rich people are glamourised — without analysing and understanding how the ugly Ambanis have made money out of corruption. In our rush for acquiring property we destroyed the ecology. Over population and industrialisation further pauperised the people at the bottom. Pollution and the spectre of nuclear holocaust are staring at us. Organised religions went to background and thugs and pindaries became our brain controllers. Media manipulation of our brain has reached the climax. Any fraud can be made a hero and saint overnight through publicity. Modern politics depends mainly on the media. Politicians are behaving just like actors without knowing they are actually puppets in the hands of the media. Acquisition of trust has become very much a matter of promotion, publicity, public relations. Psychological manipulation has taken over every sphere of the society. In such a society where is the scope for genuine scholars, saints, sages and noble souls when frauds like “Sri Sri Sri” take over?

How DV knows the Truth: The Brahminical India having become a blind follower of the Jewish-led America, we have landed in this crisis. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Finance Minister Chidambaram and the Planning Commission chief Ahluwalia are the Tri-Murti of this blind Americanisation of India at the instance of the country’s 3% “brainy” Brahmins.

That is how we too have landed in this mess.

In the whole of India, Dalit Voice is the only paper which has the courage to say all this because we know the Truth which has made us free and fearless.

We have warned Sonia Gandhi many times to free the country from the hold of this Tri-Murtis tentacle but the poor woman is not understanding the game played by these master manipulators. That is how she is being sidelined by the bomb-hungry Brahminical forces driving the country to its doom.


Most hated US President gets a pat from Indian PM

Bangalore: Americans have almost unanimously called George Bush their most hated President — but our Prime Minister, described by our Brahminical rulers as “a good man”, embraced Bush and said the whole of India loved Bush.

Such a liar has become the darling of India’s ruling class even as its over 85% oppressed slaves declared that he has become the most hated PM.

Even the Jews whom Bush pampered have turned against him. His own Republican Party calls him a liability. But our PM publicly says “India loves Bush”. Why Manmohan Singh, who could never win even a panchayat election, is loved by the rulers? Because he promised them bombs when the starving people of India demanded bread. Now we can see the comparison between Bush and Singh — both hated by their respective people.

Bush is declared by the whole US, if not the world itself, as the worst US President. His eight-year rule was a disaster. The latest is the way he handled America’s terrible financial crisis. The Jews disguised as Neocons might have made the best use of Bush but it is they who gave him the first kick after sucking him dry. Throughout as President he favoured only the Jews at the cost of the country.

His own Republican Party hated him. His 700-billion dollar bailout plan was rejected not by Democrats but his own partymen in Congress.

The Khatri Sikh PM by prostrating before Bush for help making the “Brahmin bomb” (DV Oct,1, 2008 p.7) may get a pat from India’s rulers but what will be the verdict of history on him?


Budhist seminary opened

Bangalore: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s dream to build a Budhist seminary with a library with books of all religions on a site given to him by the Maharaja of Mysore in RMV Extention here five decades ago was realised on Oct.14. It was built at a cost of over Rs. 4 crore. The foundation was laid in 1992 when the former minister, the late B.Basavalingappa was the society chairman. The entire project and the function was a Congress Party affair. Ambedkarite Budhists at the function said there was no hope of realising Dr. Ambedkar dream — because of too much Brahminical infiltration.


Orissa example: How to divide & rule

Bangalore: Mauwadi marxists-maoists and Hindu terrorist RSS are two different names of the same cross-thread vaidik. The latest proof comes from Orissa.

Secretary of the Maoist Party of Orissa Sunil alias Sarat alias Sabyasachi Panda, an Oriya Brahmin, on Oct.5, 2008 said his outfit had killed VHP leader Swami Lakshmanand (not a Brahmin) which led to largescale “Hindu-Christian” bloodbath. Almost a whole district of Kandhamal is wiped out. The Maoists had claimed responsibility for the murder on the very day they committed the murder several days back. The Maoist claim for the murder was reported in all the Orissa dailies and TV.

Still, why did the Hindu terrorist RSS-VHP not hit back at the maoists but started killing only the Christians who are Dalits?

The beauty is the followers of both VHP and Maoist Party are the oppressed Dalits and tribals. The leadership of both is with Brahmins who want to eliminate their enemies by dividing themselves into two camps. Sabyasachi Panda knows the RSS-VHP has killed hundreds of Dalits and destroyed their property but his Maoist Party remained silent.

During the day the two quarrel in public and as the night falls both drink, eat and sleep together. And our people die fighting each other. They silently watch and enjoy the fun. Read our latest book, Know the Hindu Mind, (DSA-2008, Rs. 75) to study more about this magic mind.

The Orissa police announced arrest of three Maoists only on Oct.6. Such a delayed arrest confirms our suspicion that the entire Brahminical ruling class of Orissa has joined hands to exterminate Christians.


Europe hates Jews

Bangalore: According to the Economist (Oct.4, 2008, p.14) editorial anti-Jew hatred is rising in the whole Christian Europe. It quotes the American Pew Global Attitudes Project which found 46% of Spaniards, 35% Poles and 25% Germans hated Jews.

In the latest Austrian election two anti-Jew parties took 29% of votes. More and more people are now getting convinced that Jews are exploiters. In America, the anti-Jew feelings are very deep, according to Ronald C. Corbyn (the First Freedom, Oct.28, 2008, p.21).

He cites 12 latest books by noted American authors as reference. We have cited “3 reasons for the collapse of America” (DV Oct.16, 2008 p.3): (1) frustrations of the ruling Jews, (2) failure to force President Bush to attack Iran and (3) the rise of Black Muslim Barack Obama. All these go to prove that DV predictions on America are coming true.


Millennium city is without power

Gurgaon: The reason for Gurgaon’s power crisis is simple: It needs 1700 MW of electricity but gets a little less than 1200. The effects of this three-digit shortfall – altogether 525 MW — are more complicated. It means that the 16 lakh residents of Millennium City have to go without electricity for 6-8 hours everyday. Most residents are helpless, but those who can afford it, opt for captive power plants. And pay through their nose. The more than 250 national and international BPO firms in the city as also the 2200 industrial units also have to depend on diesel gensets. “BPOs run captive plants at least 12 hours a day, adding substantially to the cost of their operations. This is making us uncompitative in the global market”, says Sam Chopra, President Industry Association of India (BPIAI).

—(Hindustan Times, Sept.26, 2008)


None to protect Dalits in UP

Lucknow: The day was almost finished for Seema and Shashi after the family dinner. Already half way to sleep, this family from a village in Jaunpur, got a rude shock as a gang of men entered the house forcibly. Lead by Chandan Singh, a native of the village, they threatened the women to give up all their belongings and then directed them to move out of the house. Hell broke loose on the two women the moment they stepped out. One by one the two were gang-raped by each attacker. “We begged them to spare us but each one used our bodies to satisfy their sexual urge”, said Shashi who is sure that resistance would have made them the cause of a dear one’s death. The fault of Shashi and her kin Seema was just they were members of a Dalit family in a village dominated by an upper caste. Hardly in their early 20s the two women are not the only victims of caste-based discrimination.

—(Times of India, Sept.20, 2008)


Starvation deaths in AP

Hyderabad: A day after the suicide of three weavers, a case of starvation death of another was reported in Karimnagar district of AP on Oct.28. Bitla Mallaiah, 55, who was found dead in his house at Kamalapur, had no work and died of starvation, said A. Nageshwara Rao, Kamalapur Sub-Inspector. At Sircilla town in the same district, three unemployed and debt-ridden weavers committed suicide yesterday. Vengala Srinivas (30), an unemployed powerloom worker, living in Sunaraiahnagar locality, had run up a debt of over Rs. 1 lakh and was being pressured by the lender to return it. On Saturday, he went to a neighbourhood shop, bought a bottle of pesticide, consumed it and went to his parents house in Tarakanagar. He died there. Srinivas is survived by his wife and two children.

—(Hindustan Times, Sept.29, 2008)


Umar Shafi Saif, P.Box 71202, Dubai, UAE: It is almost couple of years since the execution of Saddam Hussain. Still the nightmare of the incident is scaring American outgoing President George W. Bush. The Prime Minister of India was on his visit to Washington to sign the nuclear treaty. He was heading his team comprising 35 members. Hyder Hussein was one among them. He is the chief editor of an Assam-based newspaper Assam Prathidin. Hussain was stopped at the airport at the time of boarding the flight. The reason: US visa was not approved to Hussain. When asked for the reason it was told that his documents were not ready at the time of visa processing. Visa was not denied to him. It was delayed by the authorities purposefully to deny it later. He had flown from Assam to New Delhi upon the confirmation of his flight to Washington. Why then at the last moment he was prevented from boarding the flight? The question remains unanswered. If you go deep and see the incident we can easily make out that America does not want to admit any person named Hussain. It was the name which is making President George Bush sleepless. When Hussein approached the Indian Foreign Ministry there was no answer except silence. Manmohan Singh himself approved Hussein and had reached Delhi much in advance. What was Husain’s mistake? Being a Muslim journalist? Why the Indian Govt. became so helpless before America? When a Muslim journalist who is in the team of India’s PM was treated so unfairly how can other 160 million people of India can expect justice from Singh’s govt.? How innocent Muslims are languishing in the custody in the name of terrorism can prove their innocence?

No Indian paper reported this incident. It is important to know why the Brahminical rulers are creating this anti-Muslim phobia. Without understanding this, you will not be able to tackle, much less cure, the disease — EDITOR.

Nisar A. Malik, General Secretary, Sir Ganga Ram Heritage Foundation, Lahore, Pakistan: We have published a book, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar — Founder of Secular Democratic India. We will send 20 copies. Thanks for your magazine, we are receiving it regularly. Hope we would be able to send our bi-monthly by end Nov.2008. (See p.28)

Shilpan Patel, 1249 - Cavalaire Ct., Merced, CA-95348, USA: Financially this country is in a major meltdown situation and the next few days are going to decide what the rulers decide on their plans to get out of the mess they have created. Their current plan is to increase the debt from 10 to 11 trillion by bailing out the financial institutions with 750 billion. My guess is that once they get this, they will come back to get another one trillion as I think the problem is very big. If you remember I had mentioned that this country went to war with no cost to its citizens in the form of taxes that was also funded by additional debt. Even now no one is talking about increased taxes or burden to pay for all these excesses. Severe times are ahead. The economy is on fire. The bailout proposal was for $750 billion but when they failed to pass that in Congress the market lost $1.3 trillion in a day earlier.

Moses Parmar, OM India, 5 - Wazir Hassan Road, Lucknow - 226 001: Thanks for taking time to come to Lucknow and meet people. Few years of life you have on earth we must use it well to do something significant. I am interested to organize women and youth programs and see how much success we get in this. Apart from education, health and economic projects, we want to do as much awareness-building as possible. I am sorry to see that the Orissa group could not come. I really wanted to discuss violence on Dalit Christians there with them. The Govt. is unable to contain the RSS groups. International pressure and Central Govt. pressure does not seem to be enough. These people are attacked because they are Dalits. Had they been upper caste Christians, this would not have gone on so long. If we can raise a uproar among Dalit groups around the country, that may be the only way to stop Sangh Parivar. Since they need Dalits around the country in their propaganda, they may come under some control. Since in other states, they are attacking the tribals who have become Christians, if we can reach out to tribal leadership also, it would be good. Unfortunately, many thinkers don’t have mass base and many mass base leaders are not smart thinkers. Appreciate your standing in our struggles as we stand with you.

A reckless hinduisation of Dalits is going on all over India. The Rajasthan temple tragedy is the latest instance. How to undo this mischief is worrying us. But we are helpless. This helplessness is mainly because we have no powerful media of our own. We have been shouting and screaming about it since decades but none bothered about it. If we don’t set up a powerful media in Delhi, these rascals will convert India into a desert — EDITOR.


Latest Pakistani book on the Father of India


Yousaf Irfan

Visiting professor at Lahore University, Pakistan,
& research scholar at
Sir Ganga Ram Heritage Foundation (SGRHF), Lahore

At a time when India’s Muslim religious and political leaders and even scholars are silent on the principal enemy oppressing the country’s over 85% indigenous population, particularly its 20% Muslims, here is a book by a Pakistani scholar that directly identifies the 3% Brahminical people as its oppressors. That is the greatness of this book.

India’s Muslim leadership hardly took note of Babasaheb Ambedkar’s warning on partition. He was the first in India to warn the Muslims through his book, Thoughts on Pakistan, not to play into the hands of Brahmins and demand partition of India. But Pakistan’s SGRHF under the leadership of Dr. Mujahid Mansoori, a noted scholar, not only started taking interest in Dr. Ambedkar but invited Dalit delegations from India every year.

How empty and meaningless are the words “Hindu” and “Hinduism” is dealt with in the first chapter. The other chapters are Dr. Ambedkar’s life and struggle, Mahar race & Maharashtra, plight of Untouchables, Poona Pact, founder of Secular Democracy.

The chapter on Brahminism running into 23 pages will be a valuable guide to Indian Muslims who are kept suffocated.

2008 pp.300 Rs. 400

Sir Ganga Ram Heritage Foundation
172/C-Model Town, Lahore - 54000, Pakistan.



Books can be had from DV office.

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