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Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Monday, June 6, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] SHIV SENA'S WARNING TO YOU OF 30th MAY, 2011, LETTER No. 26654

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Date: Tue, May 31, 2011 at 9:15 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] SHIV SENA'S WARNING TO YOU OF 30th MAY, 2011, LETTER No. 26654


Sardar Shkhpreet Singh Udhoke
Editor in Chief

Piare Sardar Sukhpreet Singh Udhoke

Waheguruji ka Khalsa,
Waheguru ji ki Fateh!


The 'warning' letter No. 26654 of 30th May, 2011, to you by resorting with 'vilolence' as stated by the Brahmins-Hindus' part of 'terrorist', written by one Vinaik Rajwai, on the letter head of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' organization of its militants and fundamentalists is highly regrettable, but not surprised at all to the writer.

Mr Rajwai tals of your character and has left no stone unturned of your character assassination. From his this remark, he has totally ignore the 'Characeters of the Hindus-Brahmins' law-makers of the provincial legislative assemblies and the Lok Sabha alias the parliament of the New Delhi administration (NAD), New Delhi. If Rakwai would like to see the 'Heritage and character activities' of the Brahmins-Hindus, it must be nothing hidden from them what is seen the 'Caves of Khujraho', their Devdassi institution of their temples of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' demoncracy/democracy.

His warning to you is vindictiveness of the Brahmins-Hindus terrorism against the Sikhs, Muslims, Dalits, Christians, Manipur's people and the citizens of Assam and Assam's 7-sister states. Their bigotry is thoroughly discerned from the deeds of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' law-enforcing, armed (army, navey, airforce and paramilitary segments), intelligence, civil services personnel.

As far as the characters of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' politicians and law-makers, etc., are concerned, these devious, divisive, deceitful, apartheid practicing 'Brahmins-Hindus and their sister organizations, i. e., the Hindu Mahasabha (Mother of Evils, of all fundamentalist and militant organizations) must see the characters of their Bapu alias MK Gandhi (Father of the Brahmins-Hindus, since 15th August, 1947), JL Nehru, Rabinder Tagore (who had a common mistress) Indira Gandhi alias Maimuna Begum, Mohan Lal Sukhardia, Sanjoy Gandhi, a criminal AB Vajpayee, LK Advani, to cite only a few of hundreds of thousands of an artificial entity called the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy.

Mr Rajwai of Shiv Sena must not forget his own history, when the 'Brahmins-Hindus were 'Subservient' to the Afghans, Mughals, Sikhs, British, Portuguese, etc., for more than 3,500 years up until the morning hours of 15th August, 1947.

Rajwai and the 'Brahmins-Hindus' of the fundamentalist and militant parties must not forget that since 15th August, 1947, the NDA, armed, intelligence and foreign advisors have killed more than 3.4 millian Sikhs; more than 500,000 Muslims; 312,500 Christians; more than 500,000 Muslims of the Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir state; more than 15,000 Manipuris, Assamese and Assam's 7-sister; 15,000 Tamils; hundrered of thousand Dalits; other non-Brahmins-Hindus citizens of the nationalities of the artificial entity of Nations, called Brahmins-Hindus India.

Rajwai and his fundamentalist Brahmins-Hindus must know that the NDA's armed forces and paramilitary forces of the Sikh Nation, Khalistan, PUNJAB (under the occupation of the Brahmins-Hindus' demoncracy/democracy) waged an 'undeclared' war in the form of "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984 on the Sikhs of the Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, and killed more than 260,000 innocent Sikh infants, children, youth, elderly, male and female folks. During this 'undeclared' war, the Sikh Nation, PUNJAB was merely a 'CONCENTRATION CAMP', since 1st June, 1984. And the world knows.

Last but not the least, Mr Rajwai, you do not know how to write in a simple 'Hindus', as reflected in your above discussed letter, addressed to the Editor in Chief, Punjab Spectrum ( It is my personal opinion that your actions and the actions of the Brahmins-Hindus have been driving nails into the 'Coffin of the alleged Indian democracy, India; where all non-Brahmin-Hindu minorities are humiliated, persecuted, killed in encounters and fake encounters, dehumanized, carried their 'genocide (educational, social,political, religious, etc.)', gross human rights violations; leaving their rape, torcher, terrorism, prosecution, etc.aside, since 15th August, 1947.

Further, the citizens of the 'Sikh Nation, Khalistan, PUNJAB' were 'robbed' on 15th August, 1947 and 'betrayed'. Let me tell you the Sikhs are kept Hostage in their own Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, which was the 'First Sovereign and Secular' of South Asia until 14th March, 1849. "The Sikhs' Struggle for their Sovereignty, Independence and political power, by peaceful means in accordance with Guru Granth Sahib and the Sikh Traditions, and the struggle will continue until the goal of the Sikh Nation, PUNJAB is attained."

May Waheguru ji, the Almighty Khudawand Bakhshinda bless you to understand the humanity.

Since to the Guru Khalsa Panth and Humanity,

Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki), Ph D, FIBA, RM (CCM)
Associate Professor (Retired), Medical Microbiology
Director (Former), National Centre for Human Mycotic Diseases CANADA
Editor in Chief, International Journal of Sikh Affairs ISSN 1481-5435


Palash Biswas
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