From: shunkw <>
To: shunkw <>
Sent: Friday, 22 May, 2009 22:18:58
RADICAL RIGHT -- BOEHNER CLAIMS ONLY THE GOP IS ALLOWED TO QUESTION CIA: Politico reports today that some Republicans fear that "their party has overplayed its hand" with regard to pressing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on her claim that the CIA misled her when it first briefed her on the Bush administration' s torture program. House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) is reportedly "working to cool off other Republicans who want Pelosi's scalp," but his public statements in recent days undermine that sentiment. Indeed, Boehner initially responded to Pelosi's claim by saying that it was "hard" for him "to imagine that anyone in our intelligence area would ever mislead a member of Congress." Yesterday, Boehner made similar comments as he announced that congressional Republicans would introduce a resolution calling for an investigation of Pelosi's claims (the resolution failed). But when reporters questioned Boehner about his suggestion that the intelligence community could not be trusted when the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran 's nuclear capabilities came out 2007, the Minority Leader demurred. Boehner said that the comparison was "mixing apples with oranges." "I was questioning how this National Intelligence Estimate could -- could vary and contradict a lot of information that I'd been told for the six months coming up to it," Boehner said. In fact, Boehner and his Republican colleagues worked extremely hard to portray the intelligence community as misleading Congress and the president on Iran 's nuclear capability. At the time, Boehner said that he doubted the CIA's conclusions, while Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI) called the presentation that the intelligence committee delivered to members of Congress on the Iran NIE "pathetic."

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