On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 6:12 PM, Christos Mais <ipoulos69@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear comrades and friends,The previous statements had mistakes (missing signatures and date). So I send it again. Sorry for that.Joint Statement on the European Parliament ElectionsThe coming election for the European Parliament will take place in the midst of the deepening crisis of the global capitalist-imperialist system. The crisis has burst out in the European capitalist economies and has affected the workers, the youth, the migrants and the broad people's strata in the cities and the countryside. The European governments both individually and in coordination within the European Union context contrive and apply countless anti-popular and anti-workers measures in order to rescue the profits and the rule of the monopolies, multinationals and banks. Hundreds of thousands of workers are sacked; unemployment rates are rapidly increasing –particularly in the youth– rights and achievements are abolished and the last remnants of social welfare are swept away, while indigence along with social exclusion expands. In the near future the economic development will lead to great class confrontation and struggles against the capitalist aggression; generating opportunities and the pre-conditions for a strong resistance front against capitalist barbarism. The youth revolt in France and the recent uprising in Greece, the tide of the workers strikes, protests and demonstrations in many European countries are the prelude of future struggles.
The European Union is a reactionary construction of the capitalist-imperialist elites. Historically, it is doomed to fail. It is a reactionary coalition with internal contradictions and deadlocks, aiming at the participation of the European imperialist in the global imperialist rivalry. It is the instrument of contriving anti-workers and anti-popular policies; plundering the wealth produced by the workers and peoples of the depended and neocolonial countries. It is a new "Holly Alliance" against the working class, against civil resistance movements and the peoples' struggles for national and social liberation.
The European Union leads, both along with the US and other imperialist powers and individually, the defense of the rule of the capital and multinationals around the world. It supports imperialist economic and military interventions; it plunders the natural resources and manpower of the semi colonial and dependent from imperialism countries. It has become the production laboratory for anti-workers policies. It actively supports the so called anti-terror campaign, it adopts tough anti-migrant policies, and it promotes the anti-communist hysteria and exerts pressure for the adoption and implementation of tough repression measures along with the curtailment of democratic rights.
The European Parliament and the election held in each member-country is a scheduled operation in order to provide a democratic pretext to this reactionary coalition of the European capitalist elites. It is the instrument for the disorientation and the incorporation of the popular and workers movements of resistance and overthrow. It is an institution that endorses the reactionary policies of the powerful European Commission and other summit conferences. It is a wasps' nest that legitimizes the policies against the social and national liberation movements which also promotes anti-communism. It is an institution discredited, almost from the very first moment of its existence in the eyes of the European peoples, and that is why it has been addressed with complete debasement; and there are large percentages of low turnout in the European parliament election. The EU headquarters predict un-preceded low turnout in the elections that will take place in early June, and that is why they organized an expensive advertising and disorientating campaign addressed to the European voters, in order to save the lost prestige of the so called European institutions and hopefully increase the voters' turnout.
We, the undersigning of this joint statement, left and communist organizations and parties from European countries, address the workers, the youth, the migrants and all progressive people and activists in the resistance movements against capitalist barbarism and imperialism to active resistance against the European Union policies, aiming at the final breakup of this reactionary imperialist coalition. We also fight for the walking out of our countries from it. We call for mass voter abstinence from the farce election of the European Parliament and we struggle to turn the passive voter abstinence into a mass and militant movement against the European Union.
Initiative for the Construction of a Revolutionary Communist Party (Austria)Revolutionary-Communist Youth League (Austria)Bulgarian Worker-Peasants PartyCommunist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist)Proletari Comunisti (Italy)Serve the People - Communist League (Norway)
*Any organizations or parties willing to undersign the statement can do so until the eve of the European Parliament Elections
Chris Mais
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