Rifah Party Press Release
Victory in sight in Swat: but what Constitutes Victory?
Nowadays, operations are carried out according to a SCRIPT or a NAARATIVE in three phases: 1) preparatory phase to mobilise public support, 2) actual fighting, 3) victory and exit. Swat operations has gone through the first two phases and the script looks good. Public opinion is on the side of the army and fighting has avoided civilian casualties but the return of the displaced persons is slow. This raises doubts if the script for victory and exit is equally good.
Success in counter-insurgency operations depends on securing and maintaining public support. Most people left Swat in fright because of the thunder of the guns. The Army could not have warned them because it would have also warned the Taliban and helped them escape. The people of Swat, one hopes, do understand why the thunder began without warning. It was to enable the Army to surprise and surround the Taliban, pin them down, and offer them the option of surrender. Now much of the area is clear of Taliban and the people can begin to return. The script for victory is “the displaced persons feeling secure and grateful on their return†. A creep back with designated military escorts for each village and town should begin immediately.
The Army cleared Swat of Taliban twice before and withdrew. The civil administration was unable to prevent the return of the Taliban. The credibility and the reputation of the Army also suffered as the operations were seen to be unsuccessful. The Army cannot have another ‘victory’ that is followed by the return of the Taliban. Regrettably, the provincial administration is unable to provide the people of Swat the confidence that the Taliban would not return. This can only be done by SSG Commandos who are organised and trained to operate in small groups away from their base
The Government is concentrating on big totals â€" of displaced persons and their needs â€" while less than twenty percent of Swatis are dependents of the state; all the others are living with friends, relative or in rented houses. The Government is displaying ‘expertise’ is begging from abroad while it has earned the ire of the Pashtun by restricting their movement and making registration undignified. Rifah Party of Pakistan urges the Government to:
- To “identify and group the displaced persons by their villages and town†, allocate each group a number of commandos, transport and funds to start an immediate creep back.
- The Commandos to organise village defence to fight armed intruders, stay in the village and bond with them until the defence is reliable and certain
- The Commandos should provide an interface with every facility â€" government and non-government - set up to help reunite families, secure funds and other help to repair their lives â€" houses and businesses.
The definition of victory in Swat is: displaced persons feeling secure and grateful - happy with their government and grateful to their soldiers.
Usman Khalid
Secretary General of Rifah Party of Pakistan
__._,_.___Related links :
www.afterdowningstreet.org/bangladesh ;
www.mytown.ca/banglavision &
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