"How could ordinary American soldiers come to engage in such monstrous acts?" documentary maker Rory Kennedy asks. "What policies were put into place that allowed this behavior to flourish while protections granted to prisoners under the Geneva Conventions were ignored?"
For the first time, GHOSTS OF ABU GHRAIB features both the voices of Iraqi victims (interviewed in Turkey after arduous attempts to meet with them) and guards directly involved in torture at the prison. Conducted by Kennedy, these remarkably candid, in-depth interviews shed light on the abuses in an unprecedented manner.
This video documentary gives you a clear insight into how and why these abuses happen.
Abu Ghraib Photos Reveal Rape
Unreleased photos of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib depict apparent rape and sexual abuse, according to a retired American officer who conducted an inquiry at the infamous Iraqi prison. Two photos depict the rape of a male and a female prisoner, while others show sexual assaults using a truncheon, wire, and a phosphorescent tube, Major General Antonio Taguba tells the Daily Telegraph.
"These pictures show torture, abuse, rape and every indecency," he said.
The images are included in Taguba's 2004 report into abuses at the prison but remain sealed, even after a court ruled in favor of their release. In that report, three detainees describe a tube used for sexual torture, while another mentions a wire and yet another a "policeman's stick."
Taguba supports the Obama administration's efforts to block release of the photos.
"The mere description of these pictures is horrendous enough, take my word for it," he said.
The Abu Ghraib photographs that we are not allowed to see, according to the Telegraph, provide documentary evidence of specific instances of sexual degradation and torture.
Why The Photos Probably Do Show Detainees Sodomized and Raped
By Naomi Wolf
Well, America? Do you want to live with this? Remember: history shows categorically that once the state can lock 'them' up without a fair trial, torture, rape them or sodomize them - well; sooner or later it will be able to do the same to your children or mine; or to you and me
Seymour Hersh says there is also footage of boys being anally raped
at Abu Ghraib by the Americans in front of their mothers.
It makes me feel ashamed.
Say No to War and Occupation
Say No to Torture
Kind regards,
We Are All Torturers Now!
The U.S. Government has engaged in "Extraordinary Rendition",
an unlawful practice in which numerous persons have been illegally
detained and secretly flown to third countries, where they have suffered
additional human rights abuses including torture and enforced disappearance.
These prisoners have been transported through many countries with
the knowledge of their governments. By permitting the U.S.to use
its territory, these countries are in effect endorsing torture
of the most vile nature in what the U.S. call its "war on terror".
This video provides some evidence of the type of torture engaged in
by by our allies. As citizens of the U.S. (Australia) each of us
is responsible for the actions of our government. We are complicit
in the torture, distance from the tools used to inflict pain in no way
reduces our part in these disgusting acts of barbarity.
See also : Kidnap and Torture American Style
Video: Kidnap and Torture American Style follows the stories
of terror suspects. Click to view
See Also: Outlawed: Torture and Disappearances in the
"War on Terror" Testimony from another victim of Extraordinary Rendition.
See also: "I Was Tortured" - By Sister Dianna Ortiz, OSU :
Sister Ortiz relates her personal experiences and tell us that U.S.
personnel were present in interrogation and torture rooms,"
in Guatemala in 1989 when she was kidnapped, taken to a secret prison
and repeatedly raped and tortured by troops commanded by
General Hector Gramajo (a CIA asset and graduate of the U.S. Army
School of the Americas).
"I like Donald Rumsfeld ... On a personal level I enjoyed
Donald Rumsfeld's company and I will in the future,"
Australian pm John Howard said.
__._,_.___Related links :
www.afterdowningstreet.org/bangladesh ;
www.mytown.ca/banglavision &
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