EVERYTHING IS FINE IN THE SIKH HOMELAND, PUNJAB (Under the Occupation of the alleged Indian democracy since 15th August, 1947). Really is it so? -Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) of CANADA
"Mathe Tikka Terrh Dhotti Kasai Hath Chhurri Jagat Kasai" means The Brahmin is the Butcher of our world - Guru Baba Nanak Sahib, the founder of the Sikh Religion
"We have broken the back of the Sikhs in Punjab, and now we will get them elsewhere" - MMK Wali, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Government of (alleged) the Indian democracy (In his interview with Madam Barbara Frum (deceased), Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, CBC Radio 740, "AS IT HAPPENS" on 7th June, 1984, at 18:30 – 19:30 Hrs)
When the predominantly Hindu India's administration ruled by the Brahmins-Baniya clique since 15th August, 1947, showed their true colours of broken promises, made in the pre-15th August, 1947, deceits, declared the Sikhs the 'lawless people and dangerous to the law-abiding Brahmin-Hindus' on 10th October, 1947, within 7-weeks post their independence, they took their vendetta by firing a Sikh civil servant, Sirdar Kapur Singh. The reason to fire Sirdar Kapur Singh, a graduate of the Cambridge University, was that he revealed the true colours of the 'unelected' leadership composed of the Brahmins-Baniya clique and their stooges. Within next couple of months, the Brahmin-Baniya cliques introduced the 'draft' of Indian democracy's Constitution, to be introduced in the parliament for discussions and its implementation. The drafts of Indian Constitution declared the followers of the Sikh religion, one of the 5th largest religion of the world, as the 'long-haired Hindus', knowing perfectly well that the Hindus are 'neither a religion nor a culture'. In the draft, the Brahmin-Baniya politicians 'assimilated' the Sikhs into Hindus and their so-called –ism, exterminated 'The Sikh Identity', and took away the 'Sikh Way of Marriage or the Sikhs' Anand Marriage Ceremony and replaced with the Hindu Marriage Code Bill (later became the Hindu Marriage Act). When the Sikhs' institutions studied the draft of Indian Constitution Article 25, the Sikh Intelligentsia, Sikhs' political and religious institutions, the Sikh Students Federations and Gurdwaras, all advised to the Sikhs' elected representatives to the Indian parliament that "if the draft is accepted it would be a suicide to the Sikhs, Sikhs' holy and historic Homeland, PUNJAB." Consequently, the Indian Constitution was 'rejected', on behalf of the Sikh Nation and its Sikh citizens, repeatedly in the parliament in 1948, 26th November, 1949, 1950 and 6th September, 1966, by Sardar Hukam Singh, Sardar Bhupinder Singh Maan and Sirdar Kapur Singh, Indian Civil Service (ICS), MP, MLA and Professor of Sikhism (all Members of Parliament). Since 15th August, 1947, when a broad day light 'robbery' took place to make the Sikhs of Punjab 'landless'. After swallowing the Sikh Nation's land, it became extremely essential to deny the Sikhs all 'Constitutional rights'. The Sikhs fought 'democratically' for their denied rights, but they did not realize that what a 'priceless' political game they have lost against the dishonest, deceitful and butchers of the world, although the founder of their religion taught them that the 'Brahmins' are the butchers of the world (see above, the first quote of the founder of their religion). When Guru Nanak Sahib had been teaching them that the Brahmins are the 'butchers' of the world, the Sikhs paid a much heavy price and came to know only in the post-15th August, 1947, era. It was too late and they realized that their Akali leaders like Master Tara Sinh, Fateh Sinh, Chanan Sinh, Pratap Sinh Kairon, his clan, Parakash Sinh Badal, his clan, Badal's 'joe boys and joe girls', the band leaders or jathedars, with one or two exceptions, the Akali Dal factions, the only political party of Sikhs, betrayed them and made the Sikhs of the Sikh Nation, Punjab (see Sardar Ram Singh of the United Kingdom).
JL Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India alias the alleged Indian democracy, became the architect of the anti-Sikh policy. Similarly, his all successors, from LB Shashtri to Manmohan Sinh (1964 – to this day of writing), became the champions to 'strangulate' the Sikhs' of the Sikh Homeland, PUNJAB (under Indian occupation since 15th August, 1947). JL Nehru wanted to 'exterminate' the Sikhs in his life time, but his intelligence advised against it and told him that it would be like committing a 'suicide' for him. He died his ambitions unfulfilled. His successor, LB Shashtri followed his anti-Sikh policies and died his 'unnatural'(?) death. Indira Gandhi succeeded Shashtri and continued the anti-Sikh policies of her father at the 'extreme'. To fulfill her father's dream, the waged an 'undeclared' war on the Sikh Homeland, by suspending all means of communications, land and air, in a brutal military "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984. This undeclared war on the Sikh Homeland took a toll of more than 260,000 innocent Sikh infants, children, male and female folks and elderly. More than 10 divisions (consisting from armoured, artillery and infantry disciplines of the Army) and more than 20,000 professional soldiers were employed to 'exterminate' the Sikhs of Punjab, Sikhs' Darbar Sahib Complex, the Supreme Seat of Sikh Polity, The Akal Takhts Sahib, all historic Gurdwaras and the Sikh institutions. The 'undeclared' war, officially began on 4th June and ended in the morning of 7th June, 1984. The Sikh Homeland, PUNJAB, was a war torn country, where the Sikh female folks had to keep their infants alive on their sweat and urine.
Since "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984, the Indian armed forces, army brass, Indian intelligence and foreign intelligence advisors, on the instructions of the Chief, Council of Ministers, the New Delhi administration (NDA), deliberately killed the Saint-soldier Jarnail Singh Khalsa (Bhindranwale), the only 'Religious and Political' leader of the Sikhs, who had been demanding the 'Restoration of Law and Order' in Punjab, to turn Punjab peaceful, so that the citizens of Punjab could live peacefully, as equal partners, equal civil rights, but not as 'subservient', as the Brahmins-Hindus had been for more than 1,500 years before 15th August, 1947. A flood of multicolor turbans/Dastaars had been following the 'Leader of Punjab', Shaheed-Bilas Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale (Khalsa). This flood of people, before "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984, frightened the cowards like Harchand Longowal, Gurcharan Tohra, Jagjit Chauhan, Balwant Singh (Secretary to Harchand Longowal), Balwant Ramoowalia, Major-Gen Jaswant Bhullar, Didar Bains of the United States, Prakash Sinh Badal, Surjit Barnala and their men regardless they were the Akalis or elsewhere. Many of them were bought by or have had their links with the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), Indira Gandhi and her administration, to execute the 'undeclared' war on the Sikh Homeland. For the 'cover up', the Indian administration of India Gandhi started sending their intelligence personnel to work in and outside of Indian missions abroad. These intelligence personnel have had recruited their 'joe boys' to inform them of the activities of the Sikhs of North America, Europe, Far East and every country outside India. These RAW and/or intelligence personnel carried out the criminal activities on the foreign soil. Most prominent is the mid air 'explosion' of Air India Flight 182 (Toronto-Montreal-London-Delhi/Bombay), on 23rd June, 1984, off the western coast of Ireland. The aircraft exploded and took the lives of 329 passengers. Of 329, more than 50% were the Canadian Sikhs. What a heinous crime committed by India and its intelligence personnel! Every news media bought the Indian story that the Air India explosion has been carried out by the 'Sikh terrorists'. It was the Indira Gandhi administration and her son Rajiv Gandhi's, who wanted to make the Sikhs worldwide 'terrorists'. The Indian administration and other administrations had a meeting in a hotel in Rome, Italy, in early 1990s, to use explosive to carry out another Air India aircraft explosion in Europe. Unfortunately their plan remained unsuccessful (Kilgour D 1994 Betrayal The Spy Canada Abandoned ISBN 0-13-325697-9), India and her friends came empty handed.
Manmohan Sinh (1993), as the Head of Indian Delegation, United Nations Commission Human Rights, Vienna, AUSTRIA, 15-25 June, said on behalf of the Indian administration that "there had been no human rights violations of the Sikhs in India." What a lie coming out of his teeth! Joe-boys and joe-girls of Manmohan Sinh sing his glory that 'Sinh is a truthful and honest person." What else one could expect from them.
Every Sikh institution or Gurdwara has been infested by the Indian intelligence since 1980s, according to the writer and authors of 'Soft Target', published from Canada, following Air India explosion of 1985. Indian intelligence personnel are a 'bunch of liars', and anti-Sikhs. They have primarily been posted in foreign countries to cause 'Disruption in the Lives of the Sikhs and Disturb Peace in the Houses of Worships of Sikhs, i. e., Gurdwaras. Beside intelligence personnel, the holy men, Sadhs, players or sportsmen, cultural groups, including 'folk singers', etc., are assigned to 'disturb' the lives of the Sikhs abroad. To bring bad name to the Sikhs, to distract the Sikhs from their primary motive of the "Sikhs Struggle of Sovereignty, Independence and Political Power by peaceful means, going on since 14th March, 1849." This was the time the Sikh Nation, Sikh Raj, of monarch Ranjit Singh 1799 to 14th March, 1849, was the 'First Sovereign and Secular Nation of South Asia. The word 'India' did not exist in the dictionary and/or Encyclopedia of the English language. And the Sikhs' Struggle To Regain Their Sovereignty has been continuing and will continue until they Succeed in their struggle. Additionally, 'Parvaasi' a Punjabi language reported that 'Four Transmitters', with the range of more than 5,000 miles transmission, had been discovered in the Toronto suburb, when a wall of the kitchen of a Gurdwara was brought down for further construction. Who planted these transmitters in the Gurdwara wall and for what purpose, it is anybody's guess!
It appears that a Gurdwara incident carried out in Vienna, Austria (see below), pending the Austrian Police's investigation, is probably the work of the Indian intelligence, its mission, RAW, etc., especially when the European Headquarters of the RAW is in Belgium. This is because the Sikhs, throughout the world, have been Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of an 'undeclared' war, in the form of a brutal military "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984.
When the Indian press, news media, and administration claim that 'Everything is fine and dandy, peaceful and normal, is it really so? The imposition of curfew in the Sikh Homeland, PUNJAB (under Indian occupation since 15th June, 1947), as reported by the Asian Television Network in Canada, replacing the law-enforcing personnel with the Indian Army, stay home, closing of Bazaars, etc., is the indication that "Everything is fine?"
It is hoped that the 'Brahmins-Baniyas and their pros' do not have something else in their minds.
Where is MMK Wali, who said that we have broken the back of the Sikhs in Punjab? Indeed, what the Indian stooges have been behaving like is that they are 'shameless' creatures.
The live scenes of the fight between two rival groups at Vienna gurdwara .
http://mumbaihangout.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3691&Itemid=1 <http://mumbaihangout.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3691&Itemid=1>
The above Link gives the live story of the Episode held in Ravidass Gurdwara Vienna where 30 people were injured , 9 very seriously and police have caught all culprits .The is a fight between to rival groups of Sikhs of Ravidas Temple Followers of Ravidas Balaan Dera at Jallandhar .The people at Jalandhar and many other [places resorted to breaking, looting and arsonal tens of buses , other vehicles where curfew was clamped .
Two top saints of Ballan, Niranjan dass and Rananand had gone to visit Vienna Temple of Bhagat Rvidas for preaching and dispute arose on some controvesal sermon which these saints pronounced from stage .
PTI (Press Trust of India's Story) of Vienna, AUSTRIA
NOTE: The Coverage is at the above cyber site (Y-Tube)
Vienna, May 24 (PTI) At least 30 people were injured, nine of them seriously, when rival Sikh groups clashed with each other using knives and a handgun during a sermon in a gurudwara here. Police said nine people were severely wounded when members of two families started shooting at each other.
Five people suffered head shots and stab wounds, Austrian Press Association said in a report on its website. Police spokesman Michael Takacs said five men entered the Gurdwara early this afternoon and started firing at those present.
Five suspects have been arrested, he said. Austria Press Agency quoted a witness Jasuf Kalden as saying that the fight erupted after a dispute over the sermon, given by Guru Ravidas Sabha.
Police said at least six men, one wielding a gun and the others knives, attacked the preacher. Others rushed to his aid, resulting in the melee.
The Gurdwara is situated in Vienna-Rudolfsheim, the capital's 15th district. The wounded were evacuated in three helicopters to several hospitals, rescuers said.
"All the people implicated in the incident have been arrested," Takacs said. PTI.
*****__._,_.___Related links :
www.afterdowningstreet.org/bangladesh ;
www.mytown.ca/banglavision &
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