From: Countercurrents <>
Sent: Friday, 22 May, 2009 22:24:49
Subject: [issuesonline_worldwide] CC News Letter 22/05- Internet Threatened By Censorship
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In Solidarity
Internet Threatened By Censorship
By Stephen Lendman
http://www.counterc lendman220509. htm
At a time of corporate dominated media, a free and open Internet is democracy's last chance to preserve our First Amendment rights without which all others are threatened. Activists call it Net Neutrality. Media scholar Robert McChesney says without it "the Internet would start to look like cable TV (with a) handful of massive companies (controlling) content" enough to have veto power over what's allowed and what it costs. Progressive web sites and writers would be marginalized or suppressed, and content systematically filtered or banned
Sri Lanka: After War, Justice
By Luther Uthayakumaran
http://www.counterc uthayakumaran220 509.htm
The long war in Sri Lanka is, it seems, finally at an end. The prolonged siege in the northeast pocket, the shelling, the further loss of life, the vanquishing of the enemy - all this means that the conclusion of this twenty-six-year war is likely to be defined in terms of military victory alone, with no reference to a political solution and the return of democracy. This too is a tragedy
Man-Made Catastrophe In Swat
By Pervez Hoodbhoy
http://www.counterc hoodhoy220509. htm
Swat refugees told us that they had fled both because of Taliban atrocities and army action (F-16's, tank and mortar shellings). Many blamed the Taliban for their predicament, but said they actually fled because of the military action. Nevertheless, perhaps out of fear of talking to strangers like us, they were not prepared to condemn either side
Horrific UN And US Death Statistics Expose
Obama's Fake War On Terror
By Dr Gideon Polya
http://www.counterc polya220509. htm
The Bush (now Obama) War on Terror has been described by sensible and humane observers of the carnage as a "fake anti-terror war". The following statistics derived from authoritative UN, US and medical literature sources bear out the racism, dishonesty and criminality of the genocidal US Alliance (the US, UK, NATO and racist White Australia)
Who Is To Blame For The Tent People?
By Garda Ghista
http://www.counterc ghista220509. htm
Why should anyone, why should even a single person, be relegated to living in a tent, to living without a bathroom, without running water nearby, to keep themselves clean? Who is to blame that people live in tents? In America I was saying that it is the *&^%$ bankers and speculators who have robbed the country blind and are hence directly responsible for the tent people. But what about India where tent people have lived for decades if not longer?
Biden Does Beirut
By Franklin Lamb
http://www.counterc lamb220509. htm
Biden's first words, shouted to some journalists outside the Baabda Presidential Palace were, "I am happy to be in Libya…I mean Lebanon…this morning!"
Wake Up Obama: We The People
Already Know The Truth
By Eileen Fleming
http://www.counterc fleming220509. htm
On May 21, 2009, Reuters reported that "The U.S. administration of President Barack Obama will not force Israel to state publicly whether it has nuclear weapons, an Israeli official said on Thursday. He said Washington would stick to a decades-old U.S. policy of "don't ask, don't tell"
India Polls: What A Difference A Day Made!
By Raju Rajagopal
http://www.counterc rajagopal220509. htm
The Indian voters had stepped up to the plate to decisively defeat the Prime Ministerial ambitions of a man who had spear-headed the BJP's politics of hate and division
Long Live India! Long Live Crown Prince Rahul!
By Partha Banerjee
http://www.counterc banerjee220509. htm
The fact of the matter is, India and her 80 percent unfortunate will remain poor; terrorism, pollution, overpopulation, health crises, environmental destruction and massive corruption will thrive, and the rich will be richer. Female infanticide and dowry deaths will go on. "Untouchables" and other minorities will be denied of basic human rights. Police and military brutality and silencing dissent will remain unchanged
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