Echoes Of Germany
'I see echoes of Germany in the 1920/30s in our country today.
The powerful multi-national corporations and banks hold sway, the public are dissatisfied with their Parliament, which has been run badly by the ineffective three in one main parties, who handed over most of it's legislative power to the EU.
The situation is ripe for someone to gain complete power and control, using the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, and the Fixated Threat Assessment Centre, in conjunction with the terrorist legislation, to sweep away our democratic bodies, take power away from the people, and tyrannise the country using the surveillance apparatus already in operation.'
I see echoes of Germany in the 1920/30s in our country today. The powerful multi-national corporations and banks hold sway, the public are dissatisfied with their Parliament, which has been run badly by the ineffective three in one main parties, who handed over most of it's legislative power to the EU.
The situation is ripe for someone to gain complete power and control, using the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, and the Fixated Threat Assessment Centre, in conjunction with the terrorist legislation, to sweep away our democratic bodies, take power away from the people, and tyrannise the country using the surveillance apparatus already in operation.
We have brutal police units not afraid to harm to public, and another foreign military police unit (Ugendfor) waiting in Vincenza, Italy to 'help' our police in cases of civil unrest.
The public who have been robbed and taxed to the hilt by their own government, local councils, bank credit crunch and privatised utilities, have now been whipped to boiling point, by media disclosure of corrupt politicians seemingly immune from prosecution, and do not need much of a push to punish a scapegoat chosen by someone and publicised.
The public are losing jobs to foreign workers, unemployment is rife, and the never-ending stream of foreign nationals coming to Britain are putting pressure on public services, disadvantaging many.
Given that it is entirely possible that this situation has been orchestrated by evil people, who consider themselves a cut above the sheeples, and taking many years to come to fruition.
How do we stop the situation turning into another holocaust?
I consider the BNP to be a mere distraction, allowed to fluorish to focus minds away from the real movers.
British people are quite informed about the origins of the EU, Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, Committee of 300, Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House etc, and they are not impressed by these secretive manipulative bodies, because many of them have their roots in Corporate Nazism.
For years the powerful pharmaceutical companies (children of I G Farben) again gaining power, have been busy poisoning our food, medicines, vaccines, and water. (Sodium Benzoate, Aspartame, Fluoride, Monosodium Glutamate, and other Food additives), while squeezing out natural products under Codex Alimentarius.
Chemicals used in manufactured products, on our food, and on the land have been causing damage to human beings and their health.
Many illnesses today can be traced to these things, and our governments, and the health service are gradually withdrawing help and treatment for them, hiding behind quangos and distancing themselves from the decisions made, in true Marxist stake holding tradition.
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With Love, Lifeforce & Overstanding Tall, Denouncing Fed. Gold Sach-ing Banksters, Fear Mongers & All Enemy's Foreign & Domestic inc. the Morally Corrupt Menace of the Shadow World Govt Military Occupation Command Economy & its Order out of Chaos Eugenics PsychopathClass illumiNazi Ritual Mass Final Solution!
The World Bank and IMF have been gradually gaining their stranglehold on the world, in the same way the Rothschild's gained power over royalty in past times, by loaning them money, to gain power over them. Just as the German founded European Central Bank, and European Investment Bank have done, funded by the taxpayers of Europe who they have been bleeding dry.
They do this by attaching conditionalities to the loans, and performing virtual coups d'etat on the countries or organisations they loan to. Their global Free Market Economic Policy
(Golden Straitjacket)
has done it's job, by concentrating the wealth at the top, and removing it from ordinary people, just as it was designed to do, handing great wealth power to elites, and impoverishing the majority.
America is not blameless in all this, as the escaped Nazis who fled Europe after WWII, were given sanctuary and jobs, helped by Rockefeller and large multinational interests. Many being employed by the government on science projects. They changed their names to protect their origins. Many others escaped to Argentina, and most were helped by the Vatican rat runs. George W Bush's government was not the only Nazi led government in America over the years, in part explaining America's aggressive militaristic nature.
Bush put through America's enabling act - The Patriot Act, and also the Military Commissions Act, bypassing the protections of the American Constitution, and Britain and American people are now facing a tough time, as their rulers close down their societies ready for the Corporate Fascist Regime which will surely follow.
Fascist Regimes do not suddenly occur, they build up to suppression while maintaining a semblance of normality on the surface, while they place their chess pieces to strike all at once.
I believe we are very close to the tipping point in Britain at the present time.
Pharmaceuticals and multinationals backed chancellor Hitler, who will our present day Hitler be?
- Mrs Jane Birkby
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This Blog is all about Black Untouchables,Indigenous, Aboriginal People worldwide, Refugees, Persecuted nationalities, Minorities and golbal RESISTANCE. The style is autobiographical full of Experiences with Academic Indepth Investigation. It is all against Brahminical Zionist White Postmodern Galaxy MANUSMRITI APARTEID order, ILLUMINITY worldwide and HEGEMONIES Worldwide to ensure LIBERATION of our Peoeple Enslaved and Persecuted, Displaced and Kiled.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Re: [Conspiracy-Theory] Echoes of Germany-Powerful multi-national corps &banks hold sway,the public are dissatisfied with their Parliament, which has been run badly by the ineffective three in one main parties, who handed over most of it’s legislativ
On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 10:56 AM, <> wrote:
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