From: Sukla Sen <>
To: peoples media <>; indiathinkersnet <>; peace-mumbai <>; mahajanapada <>; bahujan <>; "" <>; IHRO <>; issueonline <>; "" <>; humanrightsactivist <>
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May, 2009 13:23:12
Subject: [india-unity] Free Dr. Binayak Sen! 100+ Medicos Write to Indian PM
100+ medicos write to Indian PM
4 May 2009
Dr. Santosh Karmarkar, M.S.,M.Ch
Consultant Pediatric Surgeon
Lilavati Hospital & Research Centre
Bandra Reclamation, Mumbai 400 050
the Honourable Prime Minister of India
Room 152 South Block
New Delhi 110001
Respected Sir,
We members of the health care community are extremely concerned about the health of Dr. Binayak Sen who has been imprisoned in Raipur since May 2007. In March we learned that his health had worsened and that the doctor appointed by the court to examine him recommended that he be transferred to Vellore for an angiography and perhaps, if needed, an angioplasty or Coronary Artery Bypass Graft without further delay.
We believe that the court had ordered that Dr. Binayak receive treatment as per the doctor's recommendations but there are still hurdles being created by the local administration. As an undertrial Dr Sen is legally entitled to seek treatment at any facility of his choice within India. We urge you to use your good offices to see that this order is implemented immediately, as any delay may pose a risk to Dr. Binayak Sen's life.
We also urge that Dr. Binayak be granted the bail that has been denied to him for almost two years now. Dr. Binayak has a blemishless record of public service both as a medical doctor amongst the poor and as a human rights crusader, and it is our humble opinion that a great injustice has already been done to him. We urge you to review his case.
May 2: The Lancet (373: 9674, p. 1512), Binayak Sen and the cost of dissent in India
April 27: NDTV Dr. Binayak Sen's bail plea
April 25: Indian Express Interview with Binayak Sen,
April 23: Amnesty International USA: Call for Binayak Sen's Release Prisoner of Conscience
Dr. Binayak Sen Completes Two Years in India Jail
April 22: Letter from Ilina Sen: The Indian Police and the Threat to the Life of Dr. Binayak
April 19: The Hindu Justice Krishna Iyer's plea on behalf of Binayak Sen
Enclosure: Copy of Letter from Dr. Malhotra who examined Dr. Binayak Sen, March 2009.
Dr. Santosh Karmarkar, M.S.,M.Ch
Consultant Pediatric Surgeon
Lilavati Hospital & Research Centre
Bandra Reclamation, Mumbai 400 050
and endorsed by more than 100 doctors and health workers, whose names follow.
Dr. Anagha Amte
Maharogi Seva Samiti
Anandwan, Warora, Maharashtra
Dr. Bharati Amte
Maharogi Seva Samiti
Anandwan, Warora, Maharashtra
Dr. Diganth Amte
Maharogi Seva Samiti
Anandwan, Warora, Maharashtra
Dr. Prakash Amte
Maharogi Seva Samiti
Anandwan, Warora, Maharashtra
Dr. Sheetal Amte
Maharogi Seva Samiti
Anandwan, Warora, Maharashtra
Dr. Vikas Amte
Maharogi Seva Samiti
Anandwan, Warora, Maharashtra
Dr Shyam Ashtekar
School of Health Sciences
Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open
Gangapur, Nashik
Dr.P.C. Austin
Asst Prof of Physical Medicine &
Government Medical College
Vellore, Tamil Nadu
Dr. Sugan Baranth
Sane Guruji Rugnalaya
Malegaon, Maraharashtra
Dr Francoise Barten
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre
International Health
Dep Primary and Community Care
PO Box 9101 - code 117SG
6500 HB Nijmegen
The Netherlands
Dr. Anant Bhan
General Practitioner
Pune, Maharashtra
Ashok Bhargava
Health Educator
Baroda, Gujarat
Dr Prabir Chatterjee MD
Routine Immunization Consultant
196-C/1 Picnic Garden Road
Kolkata, West Bengal
Dr. Bobby J. Cherayil, MD
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts
Dr. Thomas Cherian
Coordinator, Expanded Program on
Dept of Immunization, Vaccines & Biologicals
World Health Organization
Dr. Anita Cheriyan, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Noam Chomsky
Professor of Linguistics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Boston, Massachusetts
Dr. Madhumita Dandapani ,MBBS, MRCPCH
Specialist Registrar in Paediatrics
Royal Aberdeen Childrens Hospital,
Aberdeen, Scotland UK
Dr. Shirish Darak
PRAYAS Health Group
Pune, Maharashtra
Dr. Keith G Davies, FRCS
Associate Professor of Neurosurgery
Boston University, Massachusetts
Dr. Sudarshan Devanesen CM MD CCFP
Associate Professor of Medicine
Page 3
University of Toronto
Dr. Yeshwant Devare
General Practitioner
Sane Guruji Rugnalaya
Malegaon, Maharashtra
Dr. Ranjan Duara, MD, MRCP, FAAN
Professor of Neurology, University of South
Florida College of Medicine, Tampa, Florida
Professor of Neurology, Florida International
University College of Medicine, Miami FL and
Associate Professor of Medicine, Neurology
and Psychiatry, University of Miami Miller
School of Medicine, Miami, Florida
Dr. Shahnaz Duara, MD
Professor of Pediatrics and Director Newborn
University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine
Miami, Florida
Ravi Duggal
Independent Researcher & Consultant.
Research, Training and Advocacy
Nagpur, Maharashtra
Dr. Rakhal Gaitonde
Training and Research Associate
Community Health Cell
Bangalore, Karnataka
Dr. Mary Ganguli, MD MPH
Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology, and
University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Dr. Rohan Ganguli MD
Professor of Psychiatry, Pathology, and
Community Health Systems
University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Professor of Psychiatry, University of Toronto
Executive Vice President, Center for Addiction
and Mental Health
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Manisha Gupte
Health Activist
Medico Friend Circle, Pune
Dr. Narendra Gupta
PRAYAS, Rajasthan
Dr. Rumi Jehangir
Opthalmic Surgeon
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Dr. Amar Jesani
General Practitioner
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Dr. Revathi Joshi
Primary Health Center
Dhadgaon, Maharashtra
Dr Sunil Kaul, MBBS, MPH, DLHSTM
The Action Northeast Trust (ANT)
Rowmari, via Bongaigaon
Dr. Sanjeevani Kulkarni
PRAYAS Health Group
Pune, Maharashtra
Dr. Vinay Kulkarni
PRAYAS Health Group
Pune, Maharashtra
Dr. Satish Kumar, MD
Professor of Medicine
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Surendra Kelwala, MD
Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
Renu Khanna
Health Rights Advocate
Society for Health Alternatives SAHAJ
Dr. Vivek Korde
General Practioner
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Dr. Shanker Krishnamurthy, MD
Orthopedic Surgeon
Cortlandt Manor, NY
Dr. Uma Krishnamurthy, MD
Cortlandt Manor, New York
Page 4
Dr. Usha Kuchimanchi, MD, MRCPI
Consultant Physician
Hull and East Riding
East Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Dr. Satish Kumar, MD
Professor of Medicine
University of Oklahoma
Alexander Kuruvila, M.D.
Otolaryngologist, Head and Neck Surgeon
Riverside, California
Dr. Deepak Kumaraswamy
Centre for Public Health And Equity
Community Health Cell
Bangalore, Karnataka
Dr. Sandra Lobo MRCP, DCH
Pediatric Neurologist
Belmont, Massachusetts
Dr. Alok Lodh
National Coordinator (Community Health),
MAA, Chief Operations & Zonal Office (East),
Muzaffarpur, Bihar
Dr. Rupa Madkaikar
General Practioner
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Dr. Ranjit Mani, MD, FRCP
Rockville, Maryland
Dr. Dhruv Mankad
Nashik, Maharashtra
Dr. Smita Mehta, MD
Dr. Badar Maskati
General Practitioner
Saifee Hospital
Dr. Anirudh Malpani
General Practitioner
Malpani Hospital
Dr. Narayan Malpani
General Practitioner
Malpani Hospital
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Dr. Quresh Maskati
General Practitioner
Saifee Hospital
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Dr. Gita Mathai
Dr David McCoy
Senior Clinical Associate
Centre for International Health and
University College London
Dr. M.P. Mirajkar
General Practitioner
Habib Hospital
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Dr. Sanjay Nagral
Consultant HPB & Liver Transplant Surgeon
Dept of Surgical Gastroenterology
Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Dr. Deven Naik
General Practioner
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Ramji Narayan, MS
Atlas Star Medical Centre
Al Khuwair
Sultanate of Oman
Dr. Ravi Narayan
Centre for Public Health And Equity
Community Health Cell
Bangalore, Karnataka
Dr. Thelma Narayan, MBBS, M.Sc
(Epidemiology) Ph.D (London)
Centre for Public Health And Equity
Community Health Cell
Bangalore, Karnataka
Dr. Philip T Ninan MD
Vice President for Neuroscience
Global Medical Affairs
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
Collegeville, Pennsylvania
Dr. Ritu Parchure
Prayas Health Group
Pune, Maharashtra
Dr. Anant Phadke
Training and Research
Pune, Maharashtra
Sandhya Phadke
Health Rights Activist
Pune, Maharashtra
Dr. Shiv Pillai, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts
Dr. Vijay Pole
Maharogi Seva Samiti
Anandwan, Warora, Maharashtra
Dr. Sham Pophle
General Practioner
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Dr.Benjamin M. Pulimood
Visiting Professor
Amala Institute of Medical Sciences
Trichur, Kerala
Dr. Pallavi Raut
Primary Health Center
Dhadgaon, Maharashtra
Dr. Anita Roy
Consultant, Anasthesiology
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
Dr. Nobhojit Roy
Head, Department of Surgery
BARC Hospital
Mumbai, Maharashtra
N B Sarojini
Health Activist
Medico Friends Circle
New Delhi
Dr. Nandini Sengupta, MD, MPH
Clinical Director, Pediatrics
Dimock Community Health Center
Boston, Massachusetts
Dr. Chayanika Shah
Health Advocate
Forum Against Oppression of Women
Dr. Lata Shah
Gyneologist & Health Educator
Baroda, Gujarat
Dr. Veena Shatrugna
Consultant Public Health Nutrition,
Indian Institute of Public Health
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Dr. Mira Shiva, MD
Voluntary Health Association of India
New Delhi
Dr. Abhay Shukla, MD
Public Health Practitioner
Pune, Maharashtra
Dr. Lanny Smith, MD MPH DTM&H FACP
Bronx, New York
Dr Sridhar Srikantiah, MD (Pediatrics)
Consultant, Public Health
Vadodara, Gujarat
S. Srinivasan
Health Rights Advocate
Baroda, Gujarat
Professor Michael Stein
Executive Director
Harvard Law School Projects on Disabilities
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Dr. R. Sukanya
Training and Research Associate
Community Health Cell
Bangalore, Karnataka
Dr. Padmini Swaminathan
Madras Institute of Development Studies
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Dr. Ajit Varki, MD
Distinguished Professor of Medicine
and Cellular & Molecular Medicine
University of California, San Diego
Dr. Nissi Varki, MD
Professor of Pathology
University of California, San Diego
Deepa Venkatachalam
Health Worker
Jan Swasthya Abhiyan
Dr. Ketki Waghe
General Practioner
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Dr. Honorine Ward, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine and Public
Tufts University School of Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts
Dr. Andreas Wulf, MD
Medical Project Coordinator
Medico International
Frankfurt, Germany
We have to start looking at the world through women's eyes' how are human rights, peace and development defined from the perspective of the lives of women? It's also important to look at the world from the perspective of the lives of diverse women, because there is not single women's view, any more than there is a single men's view."
-- Charlotte Bunch
Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
Mobile-009198207492 04
skype:lawyercumacti vist
www.binayaksen. net
www.phm-india. org
www.phmovement. org
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