Terror in Iraq continues while BUSHCO profits from the occupation mount. When we liberate a country, we make the people really suffer. White House says Iraqis are on the march to freedom and there is no turning back. Freedom equals death. In full support of that statement, here is a story, published by Oklahoma activist and author, Bob Nichols, of slow death in Iraq that you will not likely hear in the mainstream media. The massive nuclear poisoning of Iraq by the US. This story will make your skin crawl. And, The New York Daily News published a "Smoking Gun" on 4/3/04. It is a great piece about four firefighters/National Guardsmen that have radiation poisoning due to exposure in Iraq. Similar conditions exist in Afghanistan and Kosovo, although not to the extreme extent that they are present in Iraq.
On Tuesday, 4/6/04, Jerry interviewed Bob Nichols and they discussed this shocking story. Listen, it is important that you know the truth.
Other links in support of this story:
BBC News Special Report on Depleted Uranium
http://www.kucinich.us/dkdu.html (Dennis Kucinich is no longer running for President, but the message in this video is powerful and true).About Bob Nichols: He is a contributing writer for LiberalSlant, Democratic Underground, OnlineJournal, AmericaHeldHostage, and other online dot com publications. Mr. Nichols is a contributor to The Oklahoma Observer and an editorial writer for DemoOkie.com. He lives and works in Oklahoma. He is a member of CASE - Citizens' Action for Safe Energy, and President of the Carrie Dickerson Foundation. CASE has successfully killed two serious, well funded attempts to build Nuclear Power Plants in Oklahoma and several attempts to place the "Yucca Mountain Reactor Dump" in Oklahoma. All these efforts to build nuclear facilities have failed. Bob Nichols encourages your comments: bobnichols@cox.net.
Articles by Bob included on this page:
1. CLICK ! (Well, duhh, no wonder!?!), Or, Two Out of Three Ain't Bad.
3. My God! My Country Is Using Poison Gas In Iraq. We've Weaponized Uranium Gas.
Article by Leuren Moret, San Francisco Bay View Journalist:
Depleted Uranium: Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets - A death sentence here and abroad.Recommended Additional Reading:
Pentagon Brass Suppresses Truth About Toxic Weapons. Poisonous Uranium Munitions Threaten World. By Christopher Bollyn.
To all workers and staff at the McAlester Bomb Factory. To all people in McAlester, Oklahoma. To all people in Oklahoma. To all people with kin folk and friends in McAlester.
This is Bob Nichols in Oklahoma City. We all know that many of the bomb makers at the McAlester Bomb Factory, called simply "The Plant" locally, making 2000 lb penetrator bombs have turned up with "hemolytic anemia" lately. See the McAlester News Capital-Democrat news stories here, or link to the paper in McAlester.
It is possible that is what they have contacted on the job, and that is bad enough. In 60 years of making bombs, though, this is the first time, people say.
It is also possible that they have Radiation Poisoning from handling, ingesting, swallowing, breathing, and being exposed to Uranium oxide, uranium, and other forms of the deadly metal.
Below is a list of some of the Pentagon's Uranium Munitions. I'm asking each and every person who sees this notice to notify me via email at bobnichols@cox.net if you know if these Uranium Munitions are either assembled or disassembled at the McAlester Bomb Factory. Also, send in the DOD part numbers of the 2000 lb bombs.
If you do not know, please send the URL of this web page ( http://www.jerrypippin.com/Con-Files.htm#DU ) to your Contact List. This is a matter of life and death. The US Military is using uranium munitions in Iraq distributed as radioactive and poisonous uranium 50 caliber bullets, shells, bombs, and missiles.
On October 23, 2004, the results will be announced of this request. All requests for anonymity will be honored.
"That ordnance was made somewhere. You and I both know the reputation of McAlester as the place 'All' the US bombs come from. Were the uranium shells listed below made or disassembled on the outskirts of beautiful downtown McAlester, too?" Nichols asked.
I appreciate it. Thank you.
Bob Nichols Project Censored Award Winner Oklahoma City
___________________________________________________Subject: McAlester sick workers have more than TNT to worry about
The plant brags that if it hasn't made it or disassembled it, it doesn't exist. Here is a list of Uranium Munitions. Which ones has McAlester made or taken apart?
U.S Ordnance That Contain Uranium
CLICK ! (Well, duhh, no wonder!?!)
US CODE, TITLE 50, CHAPTER 40, Sec. 2302: The term ''weapon of mass destruction'' means any weapon or device that is intended, or has the capability, to cause death or serious bodily injury to a significant number of people through the release, dissemination, or impact of - (A) toxic or poisonous chemicals or their precursors; (B) a disease organism; or (C) radiation or radioactivity
Or, Two Out of Three Ain't Bad.
by Bob Nichols, Project Censored Award Winner
There are times in everyone's life when everything fits together in an instant, when everything makes sense. Everything just clicks into place. It is not always for the good.
All across America and the world, as more people read about the deliberate poisoning of Iraq with radioactive uranium gas, folks are having one of those fabled moments where everything fits together. And the bogeymen, every time, are the elected officials of the United States Government.
What's more, everybody in the world who has even sorta managed to get through an 8th or 9th grade science class remembers that chart on the wall with the weird abbreviations. Example: Gold = AU. The one called "The Periodic Table of the Elements." We ALL saw that chart. The experience is universal and includes billions of people, seems like. (There are six billion, or so, people on earth now.)
Almost all of us remember that Hydrogen is at the top left of the chart and Uranium and the other 'niums are on the bottom row. Most everybody knows that Uranium is radioactive, it is bad stuff, and it kills people with invisible radiation z-rays, or whatever.
Those people who bothered to look it up at all, know that when uranium is taken out of a nuclear reactor the uranium is a Million times more radioactive than when it went in. It gets "switched on" forever in the reactor. The used reactor cores are so radioactive a person standing beside one would get a lethal dose in only ten seconds. [Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in Oklahoma City.] That means you are dead, quick. Lucky you.
Our American Troopers overseas in Iraq are exposed to a possible dose of deadly, poisonous, and radioactive uranium gas each day they are there, and still breathing. Our kids and friends in Iraq for George Bush's Optional Nuclear Radiation War don't get the opportunity for a quick death very often. More than a thousand have had the end come with a bullet or bomb. (Today is September 16, 2004.)
For hundreds of thousands of others with radiation poisoning from breathing the radioactive uranium gas, a quick merciful death is not to be theirs. American Troopers did as they were told and camped out for a year in a bombed out Railroad Station in the Iraqi town of As Samawah. The station had already been hit with so called "depleted uranium*" bombs and shells.
After a year it was time for the Americans, called the 442nd Police Unit, to move on. Many were already sick. Nine of the sickest were medically evacuated to New York City. Among other things, New York City has medical doctors that are specialists in nuclear medicine and the complex machines necessary to find abnormal amounts of uranium oxide in urine.
Four of the sickest soldiers, most were New York cops or firefighters, who pissed in a bottle, turned out to have radiation poisoning from uranium oxide from American bombs and shells. Their doctor, Dr. Asa Durokovic told Juan Gonzales of the New York Daily News "These men were almost certainly exposed to radioactive weapons on the battlefield." Durokovic is a colonel in the Army Reserves who served in the 1991 Persian Gulf War.
They are doomed to a shortened lifetime of pain and agony as the radioactive uranium trashes their once strong bodies, and then they die. Their cruel VA doctors are told to tell them it is in their heads. Well, at least the slavishly obedient VA doctors' pay is good.
The poisonous uranium oxide is drawn to the men's testicles and the women Troopers' ovaries where it accumulates. Some of their radiation mutated children are monsters that pass quickly from this earth. Others just have fused fingers or no ears.
The list is endless. Women in old Baghdad share the American's curse and are afraid to get pregnant; afraid of what they call "the jelly belly." Both the Troopers and the Iraqi civilians are irradiated by the same illegal nuclear radiation weapons used by the American government.
Oh, but, it gets infinitely worse. Some of the Troopers' come or semen gets "hot" or radioactive. The wonderful refuge of sex from a FUBAR world is denied to these dying men and their spouses or partners. Yes, their come can blister their sex partners and contaminates them for all time, giving rise to terrible diseases and cancers.
The uranium flows from billion dollar American Nuclear Weapons Labs (Factories) and Industrial Bomb Making Operations to bullets and bombs, to the Troopers' lungs, balls, and wombs; and, back home to blister and burn their spouses insides.
Then, it is reported here on the Internet; or, at events like the Project Censored Awards. The word never gets out of a "publishing niche" where citizens are too afraid or intimated to take effective steps against a rogue US government. Meanwhile, the nuclear radiation war bombing and shelling continues.
This did not happen by mistake and it is not an accident. American political leaders are doing this on purpose and it is premeditated. The US government has known all this, and more, since 1943. That's when it was first documented that uranium oxide gas did all these thing as it destroys the bodies of gullible young American men and women; not to mention the helpless, innocent civilians in Iraq.
All one has to do is breathe to qualify for potential radiation exposure in Iraq. You take your chances and hope to get home before it gets you. As for the Iraqis, well, you know how that goes.
That doesn't matter to "our" governmental leaders, though. Ever since the days of President Nixon and his helper Henry Kissinger the common soldier is looked down on as a "dumb, stupid animal" to be used as a pawn in proper government foreign policy. Bush and the Neo-Cons are doing this on purpose to kill people and to contaminate their land forever. Vast areas of Iraq are now uninhabitable due to American Radiation Poisoning. Our Troopers are expendable.
It takes a special kind of twisted, sick person to joyfully embrace the everlasting results of the deliberate war time use of uranium oxide gas on trusting civilians. These war criminals are the leaders of the United States government. They are President Bush and his so-called Neo-Cons in the Executive branch and the Congress. They must be tried promptly as war criminals in Federal, or International Criminal Courts, and the punishment carried out on live TV.
How many times have you heard the phrase "The United States is the world's only remaining Superpower?" It is endlessly repeated by the Professional Hairdo Anchors on TV. A thousand times? A hundred thousand times? What they mean is that the US has absolute power over the globe and no country can get in the way of their action arm, the United States Military.
The Englishman, Lord Acton , who lived in the 19th Century summed up centuries of military and political history when he said " ... Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Our United States Government, Military leaders, and Big Media are powerful and corrupt beyond imagining. But, like an Achilles' Heel, the source of their own destruction and demise is a part of them; carried into battle and ready to use.
Atomic weapons, thermonuclear weapons, and today's indiscriminate use of Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons generating radioactive uranium gas in Iraq is the Achilles Heel of the American Superpower War Machine.
In Iraq, American soldiers are the victims of the very weapons they use in a war against the Iraqis, and themselves. Our own soldiers are maiming and killing our own soldiers in an endless circular firing squad.
All 210 Million adult Americans should seek a Citizen's Arrest of President and the Bushistas in the government at the earliest opportunity. A prompt, fair trial and appropriate levels of punishment can be set.
Above all, we all must push toward resolution of these issues. To delay is a recipe for disaster for humanity. Nuclear Regulatory Commission licenses authorize the US Army Ammunition Depots to hold a staggering 396 Million Pounds of uranium on hand for uranium bullets, shells, bombs, and missiles. Right now it is used in Iraq. Where will the illegal uranium munitions be used next?
This is devastation on a planetary scale. The criminal US Government must be stopped, restrained, and it's leaders imprisoned forever. The time for "The Rev-o-lu-tion Now" so often sung and talked about on TV and radio is at hand.
What are YOU going to do about it?
*Depleted Uranium is the result of a step in the process of creating enriched uranium for nuclear power plant reactor cores and thermonuclear bombs, commonly called Hydrogen Bombs and Neutron Bombs. The uranium impurity used in bombs and reactor cores is about .711 of one percent of natural uranium, a tiny amount. Like iodine in salt, except it kills everything. Processing natural uranium removes about half of the bomb making material. It is then called Depleted Uranium by the powers that be, because it can no longer be used to make H-Bombs; but, it is used to make uranium bullets, shells, and bombs instead. The Depleted Uranium is fully 88% as radioactive in total radiation as the original uranium. There are an estimated 1.5 Billion Pounds of Depleted Uranium at U.S. Nuclear Weapons Labs and related facilities (Bomb Factories) in the US. The word depleted does not mean the uranium is safe or OK to use, it means it has been processed, that's all. Perhaps a less deceptive name would be "12% depleted uranium." The familiar 60% depleted uranium figure refers to what is called "Alpha" radiation only.
Author's Note: Some of the important work consulted in the preparation of this article is below. There are many more brilliant and capable professional people throughout the world that I, and all of us, are indebted to; for it is they who do the scientific research and calculation that made this article possible. The risks they take to continue their crucially important work humbles me. I can only say to you all, if we have a future, it is because of your thankless, courageous work over the years. I thank you for your many kindnesses and patient understanding, with all my being. - Bob Nichols, The United States.
Copyright 2004, Bob Nichols. All rights reserved. Permission for reposting is allowed provided the complete text and attribution are kept intact. Bob Nichols writes in Oklahoma City and is a 2004 - 2005 Project Censored Award winner. He occasionally a contributing writer for DissidentVoice.org, LiberalSlant.com, DemocraticUnderground.com, OnlineJournal.com, AmericaHeldHostage.com, and other online dot com publications. Mr. Nichols is a contributor to The Oklahoma Observer newspaper. He is a member of CASE -- Citizens' Action for Safe Energy. CASE has successfully killed two serious, well funded attempts to build Nuclear Power Plants in Oklahoma and several attempts to site what is now known as the "Yucca Mountain Used Reactor Core Dump" in Oklahoma. All these efforts to build nuclear facilities have failed. CASE won every time.
1. Nichols - "There Are No Words" http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Mar04/Nichols0327.htm
2. Nichols - "My God! My Country Is Using Poison Gas In Iraq" http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Aug04/Nichols0807.htm
3. Russell Hoffman "Poison Fire, USA" http://www.animatedsoftware.com/poifu/poifu.swf
4. Moret - Depleted uranium: Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets http://www.sfbayview.com/081804/Depleteduranium081804.shtml
5. World Depleted Uranium Weapons Conference: http://www.uraniumweaponsconference
6. International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan written opinion of Judge N. Bhagwat: also at http://www.traprockpeace.org/tokyo_trial_13march04.doc
7. Gsponer and Hurni "Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons: The Physical Principles Of Thermonuclear Explosives, Inertial Confinement Fusion, And The Quest For Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons" http://www.inesap.org/publ_tech01.htm
8. Christopher Bollyn, American Free Press, Depleted Uranium: U.S. Commits War Crime Against Iraq, Humanity http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/depleted_uranium.html
by Bob Nichols
Project Censored Award WinnerPresident George W. Bush's on demand concert performance dubbed "Shock and Awe" hit the Iraqis hard. It was March 20, 2003 and the full court press was totally ON! It was us or them. No Choice!
Surprise! The whole world now knows the nation of Iraq was defenseless before the "only remaining" Mighty Super Power War Machine. It was a turkey shoot. Like shooting fish in a barrel.
The far superior American weapons guaranteed killing, maiming, cooking, and dismembering Iraqi soldiers and civilians; that much was child's play. The really good part, as far as a beaming President Bush and his Neo-Cons were concerned, was the unseen slaughter of the Iraqi soldiers' and civilian's children and grand children into eternity with great birth defects and fearsome cancers!
War Crimes are a good thing to the Neo-Cons. Iraq is a Nuclear Radiation War fought against a long vanquished enemy with Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons for fun and profit. This is as real as it gets.
Bush & Company had set about the grim Ted Bundy Task of diminishing the Iraqi race; not just the Iraqi military. Such is the goal of America's natural born genocidal killers. This was the political decision decided by Bush and his genocide committed crew.
The reflexively and sincerely racist Neo-Con political buddies of President Bush, no doubt, remember the crucial meetings with a twisted, satisfied smile. For, you see, that's what the rulers of America do for work, they go to meetings, have coffee and a Danish, then plan mass murder.
The cold-blooded, modern Fascists working for President Bush selected radioactive and poisonous uranium gas as their own personal weapon of choice for the genocidal radiation wars to come. Their own Zyklon B poison gas, as it were. America would always triumph, by God! http://www.spectacle.org/695/zyklonb.html
The American people do not altogether completely accept the idea that some people are meant to rule from childhood, that would be Bush and the Neo-Cons; and, others are meant to be the little people who fight and die in wars. Mr. Bush and and the Neo-Cons are confidently promoting and pushing this way of thinking on to the mostly passive American electorate. They are succeeding, thus far. Seems like ... it is just a matter of time. So, now they are getting really bold and just plain mean.
President Bush's choice for distributing the deadly uranium oxide poison gas is brilliant. He can can literally hide them in plain sight. Thousands of massive 1,500 horsepower, 70 ton, 12 foot wide tanks are the perfect town and country dispensers for the lethal uranium oxide poison gas.
The very heavy tanks have the sheer bulk necessary to fire very high velocity (5,000 Ft plus per second) uranium rods called "penetrator rounds." Such ultra high velocity shells even rock the Killer Tank Gas Dispensers. This way it is Abu Ghraib all over again for the whole country of Iraq. War is sex for the US President, Abu Ghraib Private Lynndie England, and others. Kinky.
The weak minded everywhere watching FOX and CNN are mightily impressed by the big boom and gigantic flash of the death camp tanks. It's Cool, like all the best video games. They, not surprisingly, don't bother to ask "Where did the uranium 'penetrator' go? What happened to it? It got a lot smaller after it was over, after only a second. It cannot really go away, or burn up; so, where is it?"
It is well known, by any 9th or 10th grader throughout the world that, at the right temperature, uranium catches on fire and burns with an immensely hot flame. After "penetration" by the 18 Inch Long, Hard Metal Rod, up to 80% of the uranium explodes and spews forth the burning gas and uranium oxide dust at upwards of 3,000 ° C, consuming all nearby and lurking in the poisoned air. Some experts say it burns as high as 10,000 ° C. As a matter of fact, straight forward American farm boy Troopers just call the human remains of Iraqi tank crews "crispy critters." You get the point.
The resulting uranium oxide poison smoke and gas created by the blast wafts about in the idle winds of old Baghdad. The uranium gas is an odorless, tasteless, invisible killer; and, remains suspended in the air for up to three years. The perfect timeless killing gas, ready to be inhaled or swallowed by innocent Iraqi children, their mothers and fathers. Any American Trooper in Iraq has a good chance for a dose. It remains radioactive forever and the resulting "killing trail" is ... timeless. Ahhh, Neo-Con ethnic cleansing perfected! Wonderful! The gas particles cannot be removed, there is no cure, there is no treatment.
Does anybody reading this think that an American Corporal in this Optional Radiation war in Iraq can, on their own, order up Uranium Shells for tanks or Uranium Bombs for use in Iraq? Kinda like "Genocide, optional" in the War Department weapons catalogue. Ordered and launched by a Corporal?
No ... No ... that dog won't hunt. Too many men and women around the globe have served in different countries' militaries and they know how how harshly uranium and radiation weapons are controlled. They know that only President George Bush is responsible for "ordering up" these uranium weapons for use in Iraq. Yes, Industrial Strength Genocide with 4th Generation Nuclear Weapons is a brutal top down operation. For that is what the Iraq War truly is: a Nuclear Radiation War. The whole world knows it, too. That is but one reason they hate us so.
If nothing else, millions of people, perhaps billions around the globe, have seen good, solid, award winning Hollywood movies portraying the battened down tight ultra control on all nuclear or radiation weapons. Seeing is believing!
Yes, only the President can authorize the use of such deadly and God like everlasting force. Yes, the genes of humans all over the globe hang in the balance. Yes, only the American President can make those awful life and death decisions that trail off into eternity. Yes, the American President fancies himself God to little brown people all over the world.
Do you wonder if the President makes fun of the "little brown people" begging for the lives of their grand children like he did of Texas Prison Inmate Tanya Faye Tucker? He joyfully had her executed in a Texas prison. Even the Pope of the Holy Catholic Church in Rome pleaded with President Bush to spare Tanya's life.
We all know now, that he probably said something like "Go for it! Nuke 'em, gentlemen! The Iraqis will be sorry they were ever born." So much for the son of a Connecticut multi-millionaire.
Thus, all of us (throughout the globe) witnessed the ruthless systematic destruction of the nation of Iraq by Four Million Pounds of radioactive uranium, so-called "depleted uranium*" by the expert spin masters in the American War Depart, err, excuse me, you aren't supposed to say that anymore, uhhh, ... the Defense Department, yea. The so-called birth place of civilization, Iraq, the area between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers from the Bible, destroyed and irradiated forever by the world's Only Remaining Super Power.
No contest. America wins, big time. Iraqis lose everything they had ever dreamed of having or wanted to have. The uranium is in their genes, forever. Too bad, so sad. America and George Bush win, Iraq loses. What country is next on the Hit Parade? Iran? Syria? North Korea? Yea! Team Bush! Let's move on! Now!
I don't know about you, the reader of this article; but, these exquisitely planned and executed wars by the US Military Forces are just plain wrong. There are no two ways about it. Using poison uranium gas is wrong. It is a War Crime a million times over.
These arrogant, conniving gangsters are even guilty of irradiating our own American kids and friends. That will probably will be the undoing of Bush and will not stand. But, unfortunately, I have been wrong about the criminal Bushistas before. The war crimes complicit Big Media in America just might let Bush and crew off the hook. The Professional Hairdo Anchors all know what is really going on and they could burn the Bushistas in an instant. But, the money is good, so they faithfully burn us instead!
Premier Joseph Stalin was no slouch when it came to murdering his own countrymen and women. He is reputed to have said "The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic."
I call on all adult Americans to seek a Citizens' Arrest of Bush and his crew for War Crimes. There are about 210 Million of us and just a few of the Bushistas. Even the Republicans become enraged when they hear this story - at Bush! Arrest them all and put them in a lousy state prison in Mississippi somewhere for using Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons in Iraq.
Second, lock them up forever for thinking they could call the Devil's own Uranium concoction "Depleted;" and, thinking they could get away with acting like it was not a deadly radioactive poison.
Third, just think how much all this radiation poisoning clean up is going to cost! Medical treatment for millions till they die and cleaning up everything we broke and poisoned is not going to be cheap.
Come to think of it, these Neo-Con multi-millionaires running the U.S. Government just about have gotten away with it. Arrest them all and throw away the key, after they have a quick regular trial, all legal like, of course. You bet'cha, after all, this is America! A Fair trial for all of them. May God have mercy on them all. I know I will not.
*Depleted Uranium is the result of a step in the process of creating enriched uranium for nuclear power plant reactor cores and thermonuclear bombs, commonly called Hydrogen Bombs and Neutron Bombs. The uranium impurity used in bombs and reactor cores is about .711 of one percent of natural uranium, a tiny amount. Like iodine in salt, except it kills everything. Processing natural uranium removes about half of the bomb making material. It is then called Depleted Uranium by the powers that be, because it can no longer be used to make H-Bombs; but, it is used to make uranium bullets, shells, and bombs instead. The Depleted Uranium is fully 88% as radioactive in total radiation as the original uranium. There are an estimated 1.5 Billion Pounds of Depleted Uranium at U.S. Nuclear Weapons Labs and related facilities (Bomb Factories) in the US. The word depleted does not mean the uranium is safe or OK to use, it means it has been processed, that's all. Perhaps a less deceptive name would be "12% depleted uranium." The familiar 60% depleted uranium figure refers to what is called "Alpha" radiation only.
Author's Note: Some of the important work consulted in the preparation of this article is below. There are many more brilliant and capable professional people throughout the world that I, and all of us, are indebted to beyond belief; for it is they who do the scientific research and calculation that made this article possible. The risks they take to continue their crucially important work humbles me. I can only say to you all, if we have a future, it is because of your thankless, courageous work over the years. I thank you for your many kindnesses and patient understanding, with all my being. - Bob Nichols, The United States.
1. Nichols - "There Are No Words" http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Mar04/Nichols0327.htm
2. Nichols - "My God! My Country Is Using Poison Gas In Iraq" http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Aug04/Nichols0807.htm
3. Russell Hoffman "PoisonFire, USA" http://www.animatedsoftware.com/poifu/poifu.swf
4. Moret - Depleted uranium: Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets http://www.sfbayview.com/081804/Depleteduranium081804.shtml
5. World Depleted Uranium Weapons Conference: http://www.uraniumweaponsconference
6. International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan written opinion of Judge N. Bhagwat: also at http://www.traprockpeace.org/tokyo_trial_13march04.doc
7. Gsponer and Hurni "Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons: The Physical Principles Of Thermonuclear Explosives, Inertial Confinement Fusion, And The Quest For Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons" http://www.inesap.org/publ_tech01.htm
8. Christopher Bollyn, American Free Press, Depleted Uranium: U.S. Commits War Crime Against Iraq, Humanity http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/depleted_uranium.html
My God! My Country Is Using
Poison Gas In IraqWe've Weaponized Uranium Gas
by Bob Nichols
August 21, 2004 - Radioactive, poison gas made from uranium was recommended to the American Military in 1943 during World War II by atom bomb builders working on the Manhattan Project run by Gen Leslie Groves.
Sixty one years later deadly, radioactive, poisonous, weaponized uranium oxide gas plays a vital role in implementing the "Total Worldwide Domination Plan" as practiced by the NeoCons and President Bush. It is entitled "Rebuilding America's Defenses" and was written in September 2000 by the neo-con think tank, Project for the New American Century (PNAC).
That would be the American government's Cheney and the Pentagon's Rumsfield, Wolfowitz, and Feith, the most hated men in the world, the Gang of Four. http://www.newamericancentury.org/
What is weaponized uranium oxide gas? It's any high velocity bullet or shell, any High Explosive Bomb or missile made with uranium metal. The uranium components turn into uranium oxide gas after the high velocity bullet or shell penetrates anything solid and explodes, as much as 80% of it ignites, burns, and aerosolizes into tiny, tiny radioactive pieces and floats in the air as a gas, blown about by the wind. They can stay airborne for years and be re-suspended for years, over and over again.
Missiles and bombs that explode as planned are blasted into uranium gas by the bomb's high explosive (HE). Pretty simple really. Once the uranium metal is worked into the business end of a bullet, tank shell, bomb, or missile the uranium oxide gas is "weaponized," and ready to go.
The feedstock uranium that's manufactured into war munitions is processed one time to purify it. Less than one half of one percent, a tiny impurity, is removed to make thermonuclear bombs and nuclear reactor cores. This leaves more than 99.8% of the uranium for bullets and bombs.
The uranium is fully 88% as radioactive as it was before it was processed. The Gang of Four cynically calls this uranium "depleted" as if everything is OK with it; it is safe; it has been depleted; there is no problem with it. No Problem! To top it off and make it worse, America's academics dutifully talk about and study "Depleted Uranium,"* at retreats and seminars thus keeping the Big Lie alive for the millions of common folk who long for some straight answers from academe.
This so-called Depleted Uranium is what the American government is using to make sniper bullets, tank shells, bombs, and cruise missiles. And, the American government just ordered some more depleted uranium weapons. It only takes a few months to re-arm. Who's next? Iran? Syria?
The 70 ton 1,500 HP workhorse M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tanks actually deliver up to eight pounds of poisonous uranium oxide gas per high velocity shell fired. The Abrams Death Machines fired many thousands of the 10 pound uranium "penetrator" rods during the Gulf Rape of Iraq turkey shoot. They are fully 18 inches long and 3/4 inch wide. That's the real name, too, "penetrator rods." It's an Abu Ghraib for the entire country.
But, using uranium munitions is a War Crime. As Vice President Cheney would say "Big Time!" That would be a major problem for less dedicated countries than the United States. That is not a show stopper for Bush, the NeoCons, or the American military. The Military is taught to refuse to follow orders that embrace War Crimes because they aren't legal. They failed America and the entire world.
The American President (Bush) stated that the International Criminal Court's (Re: War Crimes) jurisdiction does not apply to America's leaders or the Military. Presidential Translation: Go for it, dudes! Result: 4,000,000 pounds of uranium munitions poisoned Iraq with radioactive gas and dust rendering large parts of it uninhabitable. We Americans have already successfully killed Iraqis as yet unborn with radiation induced birth defects and cancers. This same uranium oxide gas, of course, is also sickening and killing our kids and friends in the Army in Iraq.
Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat, former Chief of Staff of the Indian Navy, calculated that the radiation in 4,000,000 pounds of uranium is the equivalent of that in 250,000 unexploded Nagasaki Plutonium Bombs.(1) That would be the Bomb the US dropped on Nagasaki, Japan three days after the Atom Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima August 6, 1945. This current Iraq Nuclear Radiation War was announced in the United States by the article "There Are No Words" by this writer on DissidentVoice.org on March 27, 2004.(2) http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Mar04/Nichols0327.htm
My God! Have the Gang of Four no humanity? Are they some kind of unfeeling Aliens from a Hollywood horror movie? The invisible, odorless, tasteless uranium oxide poison gas in the air can't be controlled or even seen! It's as dangerous to our kids and neighbors in the Army shooting it as it is to the "enemy" Iraqis. What's more, it migrates with the wind. This means it will soon be in all countries within 1,000 miles of Iraq. This includes America's ally, the state of Israel.
Nazi Germany had the political will in WWII to commit war crimes. The Germans finally settled on Zyklon B Gas to exterminate six million Jews during the cruel reign of the Third Reich. Zyklon B was "effective" but lacked a long "killing trail." After Jews in the gas chamber or mobile van were killed, the deadly gas was withdrawn and the corpses removed from the chamber or van. Nazi SS soldiers were required to dispense more Zyklon B to the next killing cluster. Effective killer, short killing trail.
Well, America is nothing if not relentless. Specifically, a 1943 memo to General Groves recommended uranium oxide gas be used as a gas warfare instrument to Kill People and to Contaminate Land. The memo did raise the problem that the radioactive uranium gas could not be controlled and was, and is still, dangerous to our own kids and friends: the American Troopers.(3) It would be another thirty years before that hurdle was publicly demolished.
In 1973 in General Alexander Haig's presence, Henry Kissinger, the National Security Advisor, referred pointedly to military men as "dumb, stupid animals to be used" as pawns for foreign policy.(4) Kissinger set the public stage for the war managers to sacrifice the gullible, but patriotic and "stupid" American Troopers to the use of weaponized uranium oxide gas. American General Norman Schwarzkopf from the First Gulf War stated they were not told anything about harmful uranium munitions.
Uranium gas also is a good deal for the Bush Administration because it has built in plausible deniability. Depending on the uranium gas dose the American Troopers get, they can be expected to sicken and die over a period days, months, and years. There is no minimum dose that is harmless. Inhaling as little as one gram over a year means the equivalent of one X-Ray per hour for the rest of their shortened life. Each gram in the lung shoots 12,000 little bullets per minute, forever, at the lung cells next to it. What do you think is going to happen to the lung cells. All radiation counts.
The ensuing Veteran's Administration disability payment requests can be denied for years while the "dumb, stupid," used up vets conveniently and obligingly die off. The former American Trooper's painful deaths go virtually unnoticed scattered across the North American continent in some 7,000 American hospitals and among 300 Million people.
Collaborating VA doctors merely chant "You can't prove it," when confronted by hundreds of thousands of sick and dying Troopers. Anyway, all the well paid NeoCon or timid doctors need do is delay. The invisible, deadly, ever present radiation does the rest.
To say the least, the American Military and their wealthy helpmates in the private weapons industry have resolutely and definitively solved the Nazi killing trail problem. Weaponized Uranium Oxide Gas, when used properly, packs a killing trail up to a truly majestic 4.5 Billion years. In fact, that pretty well qualifies as "forever" in most American classrooms studying "Total Worldwide Domination Theory."
Instinctively racist in nature, the political decision makers, Bush and the NeoCons with a supporting crew of weak minded Democrats, decided that the Iraqi race had to go. It's an inescapable conclusion to any fair minded person contemplating the purposeful use of Four Million pounds of uranium on Iraq. That's cold blooded genocide.
Get a group of your friends together some lazy Sunday afternoon and appoint yourselves as a Pentagon Procurement Committee. Would you chose uranium munitions for our Troopers to use in Iraq?
Put your own ending to this article here.
A lot of people in the States have done everything we can think of to stop these nuclear radiation wars, uranium poison gas, and the the use of uranium as a munitions. We've tried and failed for years. Failed! There are no excuses for our collective failures. Why don't you give it a try? Can't hurt anything! View this Flash animation, "Poison Fire USA," by Russell Hoffman to see the animated history of 60 years of major nuclear activities in the continental United States. It will amaze you. These events all lead up to recklessly using uranium munitions in Iraq. www.animatedsoftware.com/poifu/poifu.swfFor further expert scientific information read former Lawrence Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab scientist Leuren Moret's: "Depleted Uranium: The Trojan Horse of Nuclear War" here: http://www.mindfully.org/Nucs/2004/DU-Trojan-Horse1jul04.htm
Do you have a solution? Then write what steps you would take to turn this situation around. If you represent your country at the United Nations General Assembly, be creative. Who else is going to stop the United States from committing genocide? Send it to me at this address. I'll publish it, as appropriate, and maybe we all can make it happen. info-radiation-wars@cox.net
*Depleted Uranium is the result of a step in the process of creating enriched uranium for nuclear power plant reactor cores and thermonuclear bombs, commonly called Hydrogen Bombs and Neutron Bombs. The uranium impurity used in bombs and reactor cores is about .711 of one percent of natural uranium, a tiny amount. Like iodine in salt, except it kills everything. Processing natural uranium removes about half of the bomb making material. It is then called Depleted Uranium by the powers that be because it can no longer be used to make bombs; but, it is used to make bullets and shells instead. The Depleted Uranium is fully 88% as radioactive in total radiation as the original uranium. There are an estimated 1.5 Billion Pounds of Depleted Uranium at U.S. Nuclear Weapons Labs and related facilities (Bomb Factories) in the US. The word depleted does not mean the uranium is safe or OK to use, it means it has been processed, that's all. Perhaps a less deceptive name would be "12% depleted uranium." The familiar 60% depleted uranium figure refers to what is called "Alpha" radiation only.
(1) Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat's paper presented at a medical conference in New Delhi, India, February 29, March 1-2, 2004 titled "Silent WMDs - Effects of Depleted Uranium." http://traprockpeace.org/bhagwat_du_29feb04.pdf
(2) This radiation war was announced in the United States by the article "There Are No Words" by writer Bob Nichols on DissidentVoice.org on March 27, 2004. http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Mar04/Nichols0327.htm
(3) Summary of the report of the Committee, Dr. James B. Conant, Chairman. http://www.mindfully.org/Nucs/Groves-Memo-Manhattan30oct43.htm
(4) Kissinger's quote regarding military men comes from Chapter 14, which extensively discusses Al Haig, Kissinger and other Nixon staff advisors' negotiations and differences over national security issues during the 1969-1974 period. The exact, direct quote marks begin with the word 'dumb' and terminate after the word 'used'. SOURCE: Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein, The Final Days, second Touchstone paperback edition (1994), Chapter 14, pp. 194-195.
Copyright 2004, Bob Nichols. All rights reserved. Permission for reposting is allowed provided the complete text and attribution are kept intact. Bob Nichols writes in Oklahoma City and is occasionally a contributing writer for DissidentVoice.org, LiberalSlant.com, DemocraticUnderground.com, OnlineJournal.com, AmericaHeldHostage.com, and other online dot com publications. Mr. Nichols is a contributor to The Oklahoma Observer newspaper. He is a member of CASE -- Citizens' Action for Safe Energy. CASE has successfully killed two serious, well funded attempts to build Nuclear Power Plants in Oklahoma and several attempts to site what is now known as the "Yucca Mountain Used Reactor Core Dump" in Oklahoma. All these efforts to build nuclear facilities have failed. CASE won every time.
Update, 8/21/04: Leuren Moret released this story to the American press August 18, 2004. Please note the number of American Trooper declared "disabled" by the Veterans Administration. This is the first time that such a high number has been reported in the American press. I suspect that this bombshell story will last one news cycle of 24 hours in a hostile mainstream press. Exactly the opposite of what a reasonable person would expect. - Bob Nichols
From the San Francisco Bay View
August 18, 2004
http://www.sfbayview.com/081804/Depleteduranium081804.shtmlDepleted Uranium: Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets - A death sentence here and abroad
by Leuren MoretAt an April press conference, a group of New York Army National Guard vets raised their hands when asked if they have health problems. The soldiers, all from the 442nd Military Police Company, are complaining of headaches and fatigue after what they think is exposure to depleted uranium during their recent tour in Iraq.
"Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." - Henry Kissinger, quoted in "Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed Its Own POW's in Vietnam"
Vietnam was a chemical war for oil, permanently contaminating large regions and countries downriver with Agent Orange, and environmentally the most devastating war in world history. But since 1991, the U.S. has staged four nuclear wars using depleted uranium weaponry, which, like Agent Orange, meets the U.S. government definition of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Vast regions in the Middle East and Central Asia have been permanently contaminated with radiation.
And what about our soldiers? Terry Jemison of the Department of Veterans Affairs reported this week to the American Free Press that "Gulf-era veterans" now on medical disability since 1991 number 518,739, with only 7,035 reported wounded in Iraq in that same 14-year period.
This week the American Free Press dropped a "dirty bomb" on the Pentagon by reporting that eight out of 20 men who served in one unit in the 2003 U.S. military offensive in Iraq now have malignancies. That means that 40 percent of the soldiers in that unit have developed malignancies in just 16 months.
Since these soldiers were exposed to vaccines and depleted uranium (DU) only, this is strong evidence for researchers and scientists working on this issue, that DU is the definitive cause of Gulf War Syndrome. Vaccines are not known to cause cancer. One of the first published researchers on Gulf War Syndrome, who also served in 1991 in Iraq, Dr. Andras Korényi-Both, is in agreement with Barbara Goodno from the Department of Defense's Deployment Health Support Directorate, that in this war soldiers were not exposed to chemicals, pesticides, bioagents or other suspect causes this time to confuse the issue.
This powerful new evidence is blowing holes in the cover-up perpetrated by the Pentagon and three presidential administrations ever since DU was first used in 1991 in the Persian Gulf War. Fourteen years after the introduction of DU on the battlefield in 1991, the long-term effects have revealed that DU is a death sentence and very nasty stuff.
Scientists studying the biological effects of uranium in the 1960s reported that it targets the DNA. Marion Fulk, a nuclear physical chemist retired from the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab and formerly involved with the Manhattan Project, interprets the new and rapid malignancies in soldiers from the 2003 war as "spectacular … and a matter of concern."
This evidence shows that of the three effects which DU has on biological systems - radiation, chemical and particulate – the particulate effect from nano-size particles is the most dominant one immediately after exposure and targets the Master Code in the DNA. This is bad news, but it explains why DU causes a myriad of diseases which are difficult to define.
In simple words, DU "trashes the body." When asked if the main purpose for using it was for destroying things and killing people, Fulk was more specific: "I would say that it is the perfect weapon for killing lots of people."
Soldiers developing malignancies so quickly since 2003 can be expected to develop multiple cancers from independent causes. This phenomenon has been reported by doctors in hospitals treating civilians following NATO bombing with DU in Yugoslavia in 1998-1999 and the U.S. military invasion of Iraq using DU for the first time in 1991. Medical experts report that this phenomenon of multiple malignancies from unrelated causes has been unknown until now and is a new syndrome associated with internal DU exposure.
Just 467 U.S. personnel were wounded in the three-week Persian Gulf War in 1990-1991. Out of 580,400 soldiers who served in Gulf War I, 11,000 are dead, and by 2000 there were 325,000 on permanent medical disability. This astounding number of disabled vets means that a decade later, 56 percent of those soldiers who served now have medical problems.
The number of disabled vets reported up to 2000 has been increasing by 43,000 every year. Brad Flohr of the Department of Veterans Affairs told American Free Press that he believes there are more disabled vets now than even after World War II.
They brought it home
Not only were soldiers exposed to DU on and off the battlefields, but they brought it home. DU in the semen of soldiers internally contaminated their wives, partners and girlfriends. Tragically, some women in their 20s and 30s who were sexual partners of exposed soldiers developed endometriosis and were forced to have hysterectomies because of health problems.
In a group of 251 soldiers from a study group in Mississippi who had all had normal babies before the Gulf War, 67 percent of their post-war babies were born with severe birth defects. They were born with missing legs, arms, organs or eyes or had immune system and blood diseases. In some veterans' families now, the only normal or healthy members of the family are the children born before the war.
The Department of Veterans Affairs has stated that they do not keep records of birth defects occurring in families of veterans.
How did they hide it?
Before a new weapons system can be used, it must be fully tested. The blueprint for depleted uranium weapons is a 1943 declassified document from the Manhattan Project.
Harvard President and physicist James B. Conant, who developed poison gas in World War I, was brought into the Manhattan Project by the father of presidential candidate John Kerry. Kerry's father served at a high level in the Manhattan Project and was a CIA agent.
Conant was chair of the S-1 Poison Gas Committee, which recommended developing poison gas weapons from the radioactive trash of the atomic bomb project in World War II. At that time, it was known that radioactive materials dispersed in bombs from the air, from land vehicles or on the battlefield produced very fine radioactive dust which would penetrate all protective clothing, any gas mask or filter or the skin. By contaminating the lungs and blood, it could kill or cause illness very quickly.
They also recommended it as a permanent terrain contaminant, which could be used to destroy populations by contaminating water supplies and agricultural land with the radioactive dust.
The first DU weapons system was developed for the Navy in 1968, and DU weapons were given to and used by Israel in 1973 under U.S. supervision in the Yom Kippur war against the Arabs.
The Phalanx weapons system, using DU, was tested on the USS Bigelow out of Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in 1977, and DU weapons have been sold by the U.S. to 29 countries.
Military research report summaries detail the testing of DU from 1974-1999 at military testing grounds, bombing and gunnery ranges and at civilian labs under contract. Today 42 states are contaminated with DU from manufacture, testing and deployment.
Women living around these facilities have reported increases in endometriosis, birth defects in babies, leukemia in children and cancers and other diseases in adults. Thousands of tons of DU weapons tested for decades by the Navy on four bombing and gunnery ranges around Fallon, Nevada, is no doubt the cause of the fastest growing leukemia cluster in the U.S. over the past decade. The military denies that DU is the cause.
The medical profession has been active in the cover-up - just as they were in hiding the effects from the American public - of low level radiation from atmospheric testing and nuclear power plants. A medical doctor in Northern California reported being trained by the Pentagon with other doctors, months before the 2003 war started, to diagnose and treat soldiers returning from the 2003 war for mental problems only.
Medical professionals in hospitals and facilities treating returning soldiers were threatened with $10,000 fines if they talked about the soldiers or their medical problems. They were also threatened with jail.
Reporters have also been prevented access to more than 14,000 medically evacuated soldiers flown nightly since the 2003 war in C-150s from Germany who are brought to Walter Reed Hospital near Washington, D.C.
Dr. Robert Gould, former president of the Bay Area chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), has contacted three medical doctors since February 2004, after I had been invited to speak about DU. Dr. Katharine Thomasson, president of the Oregon chapter of the PSR, informed me that Dr. Gould had contacted her and tried to convince her to cancel her invitation for me to speak about DU at Portland State University on April 12. Although I was able to do a presentation, Dr. Thomasson told me I could only talk about DU in Oregon "and nothing overseas … nothing political."
Dr. Gould also contacted and discouraged Dr. Ross Wilcox in Toronto, Canada, from inviting me to speak to Physicians for Global Survival (PGS), the Canadian equivalent of PSR, several months later. When that didn't work, he contacted Dr. Allan Connoly, the Canadian national president of PGS, who was able to cancel my invitation and nearly succeeded in preventing Dr. Wilcox, his own member, from showing photos and presenting details on civilians suffering from DU exposure and cancer provided to him by doctors in southern Iraq.
Dr. Janette Sherman, a former and long-standing member of PSR, reported that she finally quit some time after being invited to lunch by a new PSR executive administrator. After the woman had pumped Dr. Sherman for information all through lunch about her position on key issues, the woman informed Dr. Sherman that her last job had been with the CIA.
How was the truth about DU hidden from military personnel serving in successive DU wars? Before his tragic death, Sen. Paul Wellstone informed Joyce Riley, R.N., B.S.N., executive director of the American Gulf War Veterans Association, that 95 percent of Gulf War veterans had been recycled out of the military by 1995. Any of those continuing in military service were isolated from each other, preventing critical information being transferred to new troops. The "next DU war" had already been planned, and those planning it wanted "no skunk at the garden party."
The US has a dirty (DU) little (CIA) secret
A new book just published at the American Free Press by Michael Collins Piper, "The High Priests of War: The Secret History of How America's Neo-Conservative Trotskyites Came to Power and Orchestrated the War Against Iraq as the First Step in Their Drive for Global Empire," details the early plans for a war against the Arab world by Henry Kissinger and the neo-cons in the late 1960s and early 1970s. That just happens to coincide with getting the DU "show on the road" and the oil crisis in the Middle East, which caused concern not only to President Nixon. The British had been plotting and scheming for control of the oil in Iraq for decades since first using poison gas on the Iraqis and Kurds in 1912.
The book details the creation of the neo-cons by their "godfather" and Trotsky lover Irving Kristol, who pushed for a "war against terrorism" long before 9/11 and was lavishly funded for years by the CIA. His son, William Kristol, is one of the most influential men in the United States.
Both are public relations men for the Israeli lobby's neo-conservative network, with strong ties to Rupert Murdoch. Kissinger also has ties to this network and the Carlyle Group, who, one could say, have facilitated these omnicidal wars beginning from the time former President Bush took office. It would be easy to say that we are recycling World Wars I and II, with the same faces.
When I asked Vietnam Special Ops Green Beret Capt. John McCarthy, who could have devised this omnicidal plan to use DU to destroy the genetic code and genetic future of large populations of Arabs and Moslems in the Middle East and Central Asia - just coincidentally the areas where most of the world's oil deposits are located - he replied: "It has all the handprints of Henry Kissinger."
In Zbignew Brzezinski's book "The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives," the map of the Eurasian chessboard includes four regions strategic to U.S. foreign policy. The "South" region corresponds precisely to the regions now contaminated permanently with radiation from U.S. bombs, missiles and bullets made with thousands of tons of DU.
A Japanese professor, Dr. K. Yagasaki, has calculated that 800 tons of DU is the atomicity equivalent of 83,000 Nagasaki bombs. The U.S. has used more DU since 1991 than the atomicity equivalent of 400,000 Nagasaki bombs. Four nuclear wars indeed, and 10 times the amount of radiation released into the atmosphere from atmospheric testing!
No wonder our soldiers, their families and the people of the Middle East, Yugoslavia and Central Asia are sick. But as Henry Kissinger said after Vietnam when our soldiers came home ill from Agent Orange, "Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used for foreign policy."
Unfortunately, more and more of those soldiers are men and women with brown skin. And unfortunately, the DU radioactive dust will be carried around the world and deposited in our environments just as the "smog of war" from the 1991 Gulf War was found in deposits in South America, the Himalayas and Hawaii.
In June 2003, the World Health Organization announced in a press release that global cancer rates will increase 50 percent by 2020. What else do they know that they aren't telling us? I know that depleted uranium is a death sentence … for all of us. We will all die in silent ways.
To learn more
Sources used in this story that readers are encouraged to consult:
American Free Press four-part series on DU by Christopher Bollyn. Part I: "Depleted Uranium: U.S. Commits War Crime Against Iraq, Humanity," www.americanfreepress.net/depleted_uranium.html; Part II: "Cancer Epidemic Caused by U.S. WMD: MD Says Depleted Uranium Definitively Linked," www.americanfreepress.net/html/cancer_epidemic_.html
August 2004 World Affairs Journal. Leuren Moret: "Depleted Uranium: The Trojan Horse of Nuclear War," www.mindfully.org/Nucs/2004/DU-Trojan-Horse1jul04.htm
August 2004 Coastal Post Online. Carol Sterrit: "Marin Depleted Uranium Resolution Heats Up – GI's Will Come Home To A Slow Death," www.coastalpost.com/04/08/01
World Depleted Uranium Weapons Conference, Hamburg, Germany, October 16-19, 2004: www.worlduraniumweaponsconference.de/speakers/speakers.htm
International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan. Written opinion of Judge Niloufer Baghwat: www.mindfully.org/Reform/2004/Afghanistan-Criminal-Tribunal10mar04.htm
"Discounted Casualties: The Human Cost of Nuclear War" by Akira Tashiro, foreword by Leuren Moret, www.chugoku-np.co.jp/abom/uran/index_e.html
Leuren Moret is a geoscientist who has worked around the world on radiation issues, educating citizens, the media, members of parliaments and Congress and other officials. She became a whistleblower in 1991 at the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab after experiencing major science fraud on the Yucca Mountain Project. An environmental commissioner in the City of Berkeley, she can be reached at leurenmoret@yahoo.com.
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