From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April, 2009 18:31:53
Subject: [issuesonline_worldwide] Harman-AIPAC Scandal - A Lot More To It!!
Do not let the when-pigs-fly flu distract you from the HIGH TREASON that is being committed and the necks that deserve stretching!
http://www.rense. com/general85/ harman.htm
There is a lot more to the ongoing story about the NSA wiretapping the phones of Democratic Congresswoman Jane Harmon that I don\'t have time to cover--It is spooky stuff and we may never know all the secret motives involved. At it\'s core is the charge that Harmon was caught on tape speaking to a thus far unidentified Israeli agent dubbed \"Bob,\" agreeing to try and influence then Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and others to quash the FBI probe into the espionage between a US intel official and the controversial Israeli lobby AIPAC. Gonzales himself agreed to quash any probe of Harmon for attempts to obstruct justice on behalf of AIPAC. Harmon was a key Democrat who supported President Bush\'s illegal surveillance of all communications. According to Congressional Quarterly\'s Jeff Stein, who first broke the Harman-AIPAC story, \"intelligence officials, angry about Gonzo\'s move, told Nancy Pelosi about the wiretap that had picked up Harman talking
to a suspected Israeli agent -- defying the AG\'s order that Pelosi not be informed. That was how Pelosi learned about the wiretap -- not through an official briefing, as she implied yesterday in comments to reporters.
Zachary Roth of Talking Points Memo continues the narrative: \"It\'s unclear how informing Pelosi -- then the House minority leader -- would have served the interests of the intel officials who wanted to investigate Harman. Perhaps they felt that, if they couldn\'t continue the probe, they could at least make sure Harman paid a political price. They may have been successful in that regard. Pelosi didn\'t appoint Harman to the job she was seeking -- House Intelligence chair -- and there have been suggestions that this was in part because Pelosi knew about the wiretap issue.\"
As for Gonzales\' role in protecting Harman, there may have been a little quid pro quo according to Scott Horton: \"Gonzales appears to have personally intervened to shut down an FBI probe into Harman\'s potential wrongdoing-- which was reportedly recorded on several wiretapped phone calls--because he viewed her as a key Democratic ally in Congress who could help him fend off accusations about warrantless domestic wiretapping. \"
However, as Glen Greenwald put it, \"Harman is getting a taste of her own medicine. When the U.S. Government eavesdropped for years on American citizens with no warrants and in violation of the law, that was \'both legal and necessary\' as well as \'essential to U.S. national security,\' (according to Harmon)... But when the U.S. Government legally and with warrants eavesdrops on Jane Harman, that is an outrageous invasion of privacy and a violent assault on her rights as an American citizen, and full-scale investigations must be commenced immediately to get to the bottom of this abuse of power. Behold Jane Harman\'s overnight transformation from Very Serious Champion of the Lawless Surveillance State to shrill civil liberties extremist.\"
On an even deeper level, virtually every Congressman of any import is surveiled by the dark side of government. They use the dirt they find on politicians to control them. When a tap like this becomes visible, there is either someone in power out to get Harman, or she did something wrong, or failed to do something demanded of her, and is getting a little warning from the PTB. It gets more murky when you consider that it was Porter Goss, the establishment fixer sent in with his minions to root out the remaining whistleblowers at the CIA, who initiated this attack on Harmon.
As John Kampeas wrote, \"Goss had reason to resent Harman: As ranking member on the committee, she aggressively pursued her own investigation of the case that felled U.S. Rep. Randy Cunningham (R-Calif.) in a cash for contracts scandal - one that also brought down Goss buddy (\"Gossling\ ") Kyle \"Dusty\" Foggo, Goss\' number 3 at the CIA. And they weren\'t exactly best buds before that; Goss and Harman had clashed, for instance, on waterboarding; she went over his head and formally registered her opposition to the torture practice with the CIA.\" --Lots of motives are possible. This gives you some idea of how convoluted and hidden things are in Washington. There is a dark side of government out there that the public has no idea about--and it\'s been around for decades.
World Affairs Brief Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen\'s World Affairs Brief
http://www.worldaff airsbrief. com
World Affairs Brief, 290 West 580 South, Orem, Ut 84058, USA
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These PARASITIC FILTH MUST BE REMOVED! They are guilty of everything zioNAZIs try to CENSOR! This nation can NOT survive their insidious presence any longer! PASS THIS ON!!!
Major scandal erupts involving Rep. Jane Harman, Alberto Gonzales and AIPAC com/opinion/ greenwald/ 2009/04/20/ harman/index. html com/opinion/ greenwald/ 2009/04/20/ harman/
But the real crux of Stein\'s scoop is that then-Attorney General Alberto Gonazles intervened to kill the criminal investigation into Harman -- even though DOJ lawyers had concluded that she committed crimes -- because top Bush officials wanted Harman\'s credibility to be preserved so that she could publicly defend the Bush administration\ 's illegal warrantless eavesdropping program:
Webmaster\'s Commentary:
And this is how Washington DC operates.
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Israeli Spying: The Mother of all Scandals
http://whatreallyha WRHARTICLES/ motherofallscand als.html? q=motherofallsca ndals.html
So here is the mother of all scandals.
For two years, the FBI has suspected AIPAC of spying for a foreign country, and for those two years (and for decades before) that group suspected of spying for Israel has been reshaping the US Congress for the benefit of a foreign government.
And THAT is the mother of all scandals.
Think about that as billions of your tax dollars flow to Israel while your roads and schools crumble and decay and services are cut.
Think about that as the coffins come home with your loved ones inside.
Think about that when you and a million of your fellow citizens march down the streets of America opposing wars built on lies and deceptions and wonder why the government just doesn't want to listen to you any more.
Webmaster\'s Commentary:
Relinked in light of Jane Harman being caught on a wiretap promising to interfere in the AIPAC espionage case.
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http://www.wrmea. com/archives/ November_ 2008/pdfs/ nov08pac- charts.pdf
Webmaster\'s Commentary:
With Jane Harman exposed for interfering with the AIPAC spy case (isn\'t that obstruction of Justice??) it is time to remember just how many US politicians are owned by Israel (don;t forget that White House Seder) and yes, Jane is on the list for more than $100,000.
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Sources: Wiretap Recorded Rep. Harman Promising to Intervene for AIPAC
http://www.cqpoliti cfm?docID= hsnews-000003098 436
Rep. Jane Harman , the California Democrat with a longtime involvement in intelligence issues, was overheard on an NSA wiretap telling a suspected Israeli agent that she would lobby the Justice Department to reduce espionage-related charges against two officials of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, the most powerful pro-Israel organization in Washington.
Harman was recorded saying she would "waddle into" the AIPAC case "if you think it'll make a difference," according to two former senior national security officials familiar with the NSA transcript.
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Wiretap Recorded Rep. Harman Promising to Intervene for AIPAC
http://www.cqpoliti cfm?docid= hsnews-000003098 436
Rep. Jane Harman , the California Democrat with a longtime involvement in intelligence issues, was overheard on an NSA wiretap telling a suspected Israeli agent that she would lobby the Justice Department reduce espionage-related charges against two officials of the AIPAC...In exchange for Harman's help, the sources said, the suspected Israeli agent pledged to help lobby Nancy Pelosi to appoint Harman chair of the Intelligence Committee after the 2006 elections
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Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington has asked the OCE to investigate Rep. Jane Harman IMMEDIATELY!
http://www.citizens forethics. org/node/ 38992
Rep. Harman may have committed bribery and may have violated House rules prohibiting members from engaging in ex parte communications with executive or independent agency officials on the merits of matters under their formal consideration; failure to uphold the Code of Ethics for Government Service, and acting in a manner that does not reflect creditably on the House....Melanie Sloan, executive director of CREW, said today, "If Rep. Harman agreed to try to influence an ongoing criminal investigation in return for help securing a committee chairmanship, her conduct not only violates federal law and House rules, but also her oath to uphold the Constitution.
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Harman Is A Poster Child For What Has Been Wrong With Congress For The Last 8 Years
http://www.washingt 2009/04/is- there-more- to-harman- story-than. html
In a stunning development, powerful Democratic congresswoman Jane Harman has been busted via wiretap for promising the AIPAC lobbying group that she would get a couple of spies off the hook.
As Congressional Quarterly\'s Jeff Stein, Glenn Greenwald, Raw Story and others point out, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales blackmailed Harman into support warrantless spying on Americans by threatening to prosecute her for her little AIPAC episode if she didn\'t play ball.
As dramatic as that is, that\'s not Harman\'s only scandal.
For example, Harman was briefed on the use of waterboarding in 2002, and yet did nothing to stop it.
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Rep Harman to Israeli Agent: \"This conversation doesn\'t exist.\" icunderground. com/discuss/ duboard.php? az=show_topic& forum=389& topic_id= 5493887
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Did Jane Harman Help Persuade NY Times To Hold Wiretapping Story Until After 2004 Election?
http://theplumline. whorunsgov. com/political- media/did- jane-harman- help-persuade- ny-times- to-hold-wiretapp ing-story- until-after- 2004-election/
Gonzo reportedly said he knew he could count on Harman's support for warrantless wiretapping because she had helped persuade the paper to hold the story on the eve of the 2004 election. If you recall, the paper's decision to hold the story until after the election was quite controversial, with some saying it changed the election's outcome.
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FLASHBACK - \"AIPAC, Mr. Wolf Blitzer, Des Moines Register\": dumped Kucinich icunderground. com/discuss/ duboard.php? az=show_topic& forum=389& topic_id= 2515956
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http://whatreallyha WRHARTICLES/ AIPACClinton. html
In 1992, Harry Katz phoned the President of AIPAC, David Steiner, to offer contributions. Steiner proceeded to make several claims, including negotiating with then-candidate Bill Clinton over who would be Secretary of State, and had already \"cut a deal\" with Baker for more aid to Israel.
Unknown to Steiner, Katz taped the phone call and gave the recording to the media, worried that AIPAC\'s influence had grown to dangerous levels.
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FLASHBACK - Pelosi & AIPAC put the Squeeze on KUCINICH!
http://www.impeacht q=node/1736
Before the Nevada primary, Dennis was visited by representatives of Nancy Pelosi and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee — AIPAC. They told Dennis that if he would drop his campaigns to impeach Cheney and Bush, they would guarantee his re-election to the House of Representatives.
Kucinich threw them out of his office.
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AIPAC Challenged By \'Pro Peace\' Rival
http://www.telegrap worldnews/ middleeast/ israel/5178883/ US-Jewish- lobby-challenged -by--pro- peace-rival. html
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Israel-Firsters Are Greatest Danger To US PASS THIS ON FAR AND WIDE PEOPLE!! com/watch? v=47hvENEM8yo
Meet the new \'boss\' same as the old boss. Those with functioning neurons KNEW it really didn\'t matter if McLame got in or Commie Obamie. And this marxist piece of globalist TRASH wasted no time in kneeling before the REAL enemies of this nation (IsraHELL) by putting yet another Zionist NAZI in as chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel. A MOSSAD AGENT no less! We now have ZIONISTS in as the head of the Homeland Gestapo, Air Force and more. Oh yeah, and yap about putting Hitlary in as Sec. of State???? What was that about CHANGE? Change for the WORSE to be sure! EVERY single thing I and others have WARNED you about is now about to happen. Total economic COLLAPSE, NUKEs going off here in the U.S., MARTIAL LAW, Food shortages, PLAGUES (Birdie Flu), CONCENTRATION CAMPS, and NUCLEAR WAR with Russia! (And her plagues came in one day.... etc.) Hope you all PREPARED for this like I and others WARNED you to! NOTE also that there is talk about passing the
slimy ADL \'hate\' laws to prevent folks from talking about the REAL 911 perpeTRAITORS and QUEERS like Bush, Obama and MANY ZIONISTS etc. The very criminal psychopaths that have taken over, don\'t want you pointing fingers at THEM or making them feel guilty now do they?
And finally, an excerpt from \"The Gulag Archipelago\ "... on how to resist fascism & tyranny. The lesson that\'s just as important today as it was half a century ago.
\"During an arrest, you think since you aren't guilty, how can they arrest you? Why should you run away? And how can you resist right then? After all, you'll only make your situation worse; you'll make it more difficult for them to sort out the mistake. And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? The Organs would very
quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! We didn't love freedom enough. Every man always has handy a dozen glib little reasons why he is right not to sacrifice himself.\"
The very SAME slimy mentalities that MURDERED 66 MILLION Christians in Russia, want to do the SAME here in the U.S.! Alexander is another who knew the difference between REAL Jews and the FAKE abominable ANTI-SEMETIC ZIONISTS! And he wrote extensively on them. RESEARCH IT YOURSELVES!
For those interested, I still do radio shows occasionally on Tuesdays and more with Mark Koernke at: www.libertytreeradi Mark is not afraid to talk about the KOSHER MAFIA like Alex Jewns is.
If you want to contact me DIRECTLY for more information, feel free to phone me at: 812-879-4985 and I can call you back on \'my dime\' if needed.
GOOD LUCK PEOPLE! HERE IT COMES!! Sincerely, Larry Lawson
For more on FALSE jews and their involvement in 911 and state sponsored terror to be BLAMED on their enemies see: http://www.realnews http://nogw. com/ilrunshow. html http://www.realjewn http://www.whatreal lyhappened. com http://www.rense. com
Zionist TRAITORS in Yahoo groups like John F Perna aka: http://profiles. shalom_29212
http://www.endgamep 03/written- on-ma-1.html (See photos of this bloated PARASITE and other info here)
http://groups. group/end- time-prophecies/ message/23226
http://groups. group/end- time-prophecies/ message/26575
http://groups. group/Jews- On-The-Internet/ message/965
http://groups. group/SupportIsr ael/message/ 9488
http://groups. group/Jews- On-The-Internet/ message/965
Israelis Signaling US Attack \'Far Bigger Than 911\'
http://www.rense. com/general84/ isrr.htm
(Editor\'s note - DEBKA is a well-known Mossad information/ disinformation outlet. To the best of our knowledge and according to the experts we trust and respect, there is no such thing as \'al Qaeda\' any more than it existed in its original form as a CIA construct. Further, Osama bin Laden is, in all likelihood, no longer above room temperature. The \'warning\' below is another indication of a major false flag 9-11, the 7-7 London bombings, the Spain train massacre, the Bali slaughter, etc. The Israelis often seem to warn about such attacks...and years later wind up being prime suspects or are somehow alleged to be involved in them. In this case, a nice clear warning would give them a post-attack blanket of insulation and plausible deniability. Always use critical thinking when reading these sorts of things. See earlier examples of Mossad \'warnings,\ ' etc, below.)
Brettonwood II This November 15th.
http://www.american freepress. net/html/ bretton_woods_ ii_155.html
http://www.inteldai 140&a=8590
http://www.breakthe BreakTheMatrix/ Internationalist s-Calling- for-Bretton- Woods-II
To his credit, President Bush was at first reluctant to toss aside the Constitution and hand over American sovereignty to the world's leading moneymen. However, in late October, Bush recanted and announced his support for the meeting of global banking authorities that is scheduled to take place in Washington on Nov. 15.
Internationalists Calling for 'Bretton Woods II' | BREAK THE MATRIX
http://www.breakthe BreakTheMatrix/ Internationalist s-Calling- for-Bretton- Woods-II
Listen to Ron Paul telling you what is coming on November15th
Get ready to lose your dollars. The meetings for a new monetary system
start Nov. 15th.
This is a done deal.
part 1/2 com/watch? v=uqN2EKuXX2g
part 2/2: com/watch? v=uo29Oa- e61I
Columnist Stu Bykofsky: We need another 9/11
http://www.globalre index.php? context=va& aid=10758 com/watch? v=DQlOpiw8tM4& eurl=http: //www.globalrese php?context= va&aid=10758
Broadcast on Fox News (August 2007), Columnist Stu Bykofsky claims that America needs a new 9/11 to unite the American people, because they have \"forgotten\ " who the enemy is.
He also claims that \"there will be another 9/11\", and Fox News Anchorman concurs:
\"Does this columnist have a valid point?\"
\"its going to take a lot of dead people to wake people up.\"
\"Another attack on America is inevitable\"
Believe or Dont Believe this video will make you think - million FEMA Coffins - Why? com/watch? v=epMeGr- wDc0
Real Footage of FEMA Coffins & all the Latest Information! com/watch? v=ORWHlLvMO8o& feature=related
This video encourages you to LEAVE Babylon.
Google To Track, Report Those Who Research Flu y/2008/nov/ 12/google- flu-usa
More Ominous NorthCom News
http://www.rense. com/general84/ moreom.htm
Have you heard of \"Vigilant Shield 08\"? It`s a five days exercice planned by the Northcom/Norad to simulate a state of Martial Law (!) due to a major catastrophe such as a \"terrorist attack\" in the USA: http://www.northcom .mil/News/ 2007/083007. html
The \"Vigilant Shield 08\" was scheduled for the period of October 15-20 2007 but was postponed and is going to start on November 12 2007. It will last until November 18 and its codename was switched to \"Vigilant Shield 09\": http://www.northcom .mil/News/ 2008/110508. html
It`s worth to remember that the 9/11 \"terrorist attack\" happened precisely the day an anti-terrorist exercice ivolved the US Air Force so that New York and Washington were practically deprived of their protecting combat jets... We also remember that the 7/7 \"terrorist attack\" in London happened precisely the day an anti-terrorist exercice was on in the area... What is going to happen now? All what is known from the Northcom is that the projected exercice beginning on November 12 will involve the simulation of three simultaneous nuclear explosions on the US territory... What is your opinion on that, Henry?
Several World Leaders Warn Of Nuke Hit On US
http://www.thejerus alemgiftshop. com/israelnews/ politics/ 80-political/ 335-warnings- from-world- leaders-all- within-72- hours-.html
Warnings from world leaders all within 72 hours
\"Australian PM Kevin Rudd - "Nuke strike would make 9/11 insignificant" and other weird warnings\"
\"Over the last 72 hours there has been a strange melange of cryptic messages leaked from world political leaders about what could be in store for America over the next few months.
These predictions of impending doom come from England, France, Australia and the United States.
Australian PM Kevin Rudd - "Nuke strike would make 9/11 insignificant" and other weird warnings\"
\"Over the last 72 hours there has been a strange melange of cryptic messages leaked from world political leaders about what could be in store for America over the next few months.
These predictions of impending doom come from England, France, Australia and the United States.
Biden told the top Democratic donors that a "generated crisis" will develop within six months and Barak Obama will need the help of community leaders to control the population as unpopular decisions are made and Americans resist.
Biden speaking at the fundraiser, "I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate, And he's gonna need help. And the kind of help he's gonna need is, he's gonna need you - not financially to help him - we're gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it's not gonna be apparent initially, it's not gonna be apparent that we're right."
Biden's ominous language at the Seattle Sheraton are followed with statements by long time establishment insiders Colin Powell and Madeline Albright both say there is a massive crisis on the horizon and Biden was simply making a "statement in fact."
"The problems will always be there and there's going to be a crisis which will come along on the 21st, 22nd of January that we don't even know about right now." Powell told Meet the Press.
Lord West, adviser to Prime Minister Gordon Brown on national security says, "There is another great plot building up again and we are monitoring. It dipped slightly and is now rising again within the context of severe. The threat is huge. We have done all the things that we need to do, but the threat is building - the complex plots are building,"
Across the channel from England you have the French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner warning the press that he believes Israel will strike Iran before they can develope nuclear weapons completley ignoring the fact that the chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohammed ElBradei, said that Iran lacks the key components to produce an atomic weapon.
"The devastation that could be wreaked by one major nuclear weapons incident alone puts 9/11 and almost everything else [in] to the category of the insignificant," Rudd said.
Why are there so many high level politicians around the world in a seemingly coordinated effort warning of huge threats and developing crisis' that may include a nuclear device? Are they preparing the masses for an event or series of events that have been in the making for some time? Is the public being prepared for new and forming enemies with a potential to plunge the entire world into war?\"
----end quote---
A number of notable public figures, to be sure; Biden, Rudd, Colin Powell, Matelaine Albright, Lord West and French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner. Taken alone there are plenty of ready explanations, but within 72hrs.?
Are there any more recent examples out there?
Laying the ground works for the next False Flag Operation
http://worldpressne forum/viewtopic. php?f=2&t= 609&p=3820# p3820
A New 9-11 Is Essential Part Of US Planning
http://globalresear php?context= va&aid=10767
Harman-AIPAC Scandal - A Lot More To It

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