On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 4:29 PM, Isha Khan <bd_mailer@yahoo.com> wrote:
This refers to the DV (April 16 – 30) article by Kuldeep Kumar, titled "Why
Dalits must capture temples?" Mr. Kuldeep Kumar says I mentioned that Bal
Thakre also wanted to capture Hindu Temples. There is some confusion here.
It was not Bal Thakre, the Shivsena suprimo, who said this; it was his
father, the great '*Prabodhankar'*.. (1885 – 1973)
Keshav Sitaram Thakre, popularly known as '*Prabhodhankar*', as he edited a
journal '*Prabodhan'*, was a great leader and a social reformer who
worked for carrying forward the work of Mahatma Jotirao Phule and Rajashri
Shahu Maharaj. He also worked with Dr. Ambedkar. I append below an extract
from my book, '*Maratha Revolt Against Brahmanism in 21st Century*'.
(Available with DV)
*Prabodhankar **Thakre*
The writings of Prabodhankar Thakre, who was one of the main pillars of
'non-brahmin movement' and the father of Shivsena leader Bal Thakre, have
been all in Marathi. It is difficult to bring his rich ornate satirical
stinging pricking language in English. This is an humble attempt to
introduce a few glimpses of his thoughts on the subjects of 'Temples and
Hindu religion' for non-Marathi readers from his '*Devalancha Dharma Aani
Dharmachi Devale*', 2nd edition. One may compare his methods of dealing with
religion and temples with the methods advocated by Dr. Salunkhe in modern
times. (*infra*)
*Prabodhankar* says:
The all round degradation of Hindus is seen today and Hindu society is unfit
for the term 'society'. Hindu religion is a great Brahminic humbug and Hindu
culture is a cracked dented pot with no base. Even during the great famine
in whole of India, the Bhats are well fed because of generosity of Bahujans.
And the non-brahmins are being crushed in the frank misdeeds of Brahminic
Our religion is no religion at all. It is a humbug to crush the non-Brahmins
under the Brahminic burden. In Brahminic humbug the first item of our
slavery is the temple. Temples have come to Hindu religion recently. All our
gods were shelterless for thousands of years say since 7000 BCE, time
supposed to be date of Vedas. Till the end of Buddhism from India, say
around beginning of Christian era, there were no temples in India.
Before discussing the methods of disposing of the gods and their temples, it
is essential to see their origin from Semitic people, who were also, nomads
like Aryans. They seem to be originators of temples.
Broadly speaking, there were no temples in India till 2nd or 3rd century
A.D. Old shattered Brahminism defeated new reformist Buddhism and in second
century CE, the old editions of 'Ramayana' and 'Mahabharata' were conflated
for Brahminic hegemony and 'Manusmriti' was created. But even then there
were no temples.
Since Ashoka times, there were caves and temples for Buddhist Bhikshus with
images of Buddha. That is the origin of our Hindu temples. In eighth
century CE appeared Adi Shankara, the savior of Brahminism. He purified the
Scythians and made them Rajputs to kill in mass genocide all the Buddhists.
He destroyed Buddhist monuments and banished the Buddhists. He
created untouchability
among the remaining Buddhists, for the first time in India. He destroyed
Buddhist images and established there the Shiva-Lingas and converted some
Buddhist images and renamed them as those of Shiva. Thus Buddhist Viharas
became Brahmin temples.
Manusmriti, Puranas and temples are the triple noose around the necks of
Hindus society. It is because of these three things that the Brahmins
maintain their hegemony. If you destroy these three things Brahminism would
The temples had become the dens of misdeeds till the time of Mohammed of
Gazani, who found tremendous wealth just by breaking a Shiva-Linga. Temples
are life of religion, the Bhats shout. When omnipotent Somanatha could not
protect himself, why the Brahmins fed on kings' treasury should fight, they
ran away. If somebody shows us one single Brahmin fighting for god in the
history, we will give him our publications free for one year.
Hindus knew there can be no self-upliftment by worshiping the stone, even
then they flock to temples. The secret lies in 18 Puranas created for
feeding of Brahmins. All slaves are so mad of god and especially of the
amorous '*Bhagwat*', that they prostrate in front of Brahmins and drink
water washings of his feet. Many say Puranas are obscenity, I say they are
latrines. All lands given to temples are meant for the Brahmins and
ornaments of gods are in necks of Brahmin women all the year except on
festival days.
Since the Somanatha got the kicks of Mohammed, the temples have become dens
of ganja smoking *gosains*, lazy beggars, rowdy goons and well fed-parasitic
Bhats. The temples have not contributed anything to progress of Hindu
religion or society or justice more than any brothel has done. When 96
percent of population is craving for education, the army of Bhats is feeding
on temple property.
Bhats being the born fathers of temples prohibit others to the temples. The
dirty stream of Brahmin non-brahmin conflict has its origin in temples.
Those touchable and untouchable Hindus who wish to finish this conflict must
hammer first on temples. In the name of democracy, as radical reformer, I
declare without caring for anybody's feelings, that these are not temples
but the dens of Satan.
In democratic atmosphere today nobody can oppose human rights. Democracy
should enter the temples now.. People craving for political freedom must
destroy all institutions of slavery. We are suggesting three methods of
disposing of the Hindu temples.
First, Boycott the temples thinking them as dens of Satan. It is slow
process and may take centuries as the Brahmins have accumulated enough
wealth that will last them for next thousand years.
Second, ignoring customs and traditions all Hindus including untouchables
should, in the name of '*hindutva*', capture these temples. But this is not
for reformers. For us, it is preferable to shun away from these centers
spreading venom of social hate.
Lastly, the temples got corrupted because the Bhats entered there. They
entered because of stone gods therein. If you remove all gods and put all of
them from all over the country in one single museum in a city, you can use
the empty temples and their property for public good. You may form a
committee of Hindus to decide how best these can be used as libraries,
research laboratories, hospitals, orphanages, lecture halls, observatories,
gymnasiums, community common dining halls and other public purposes. If the
Hindus can not show this courage, they are not only unfit for 'swaraj' but
also are unfit for living.
*It is certain: This Is Not Our Religion: Salunkhe*
During present times, Dr. A. H. Salunkhe, one of main brains behind the
religion 'Shivadharma', wrote in a small booklet, "*RELIGION OF SLAVES AND
"Shivdharma" [*See www.ambedkar.org/jamanadas]
He also expressed some similar ways of getting free from BSO. Readers are
advised to visit the site.
*Ambedkar during 30s*
Stressing the need of religion, which is the foundation of society and
stating that Religion of Rules must be replaced by Religion of Principles,
Dr. Ambedkar listed in "*Annihilation of castes*", in 1936, the items of
reforms he wished to see in Hindu religion.
(1) One and only one standard book of Hindu Religion should be allowed to be
preached barring all others by law.
(2) The priesthood must at least cease to be hereditary, if it can not be
abolished. Every Hindu of any caste must be eligible for being a priest if
he passes an examination prescribed by the State. He should be given a *
(3) A ceremony performed by a priest without *Sanad* should be invalid and
such person should be punished.
(4) A priest should be the servant of the State, follow all laws of the
land, and should be punished for violation of his morals, beliefs and
(5) The number of priests should be limited by law according to the
(6) Like Engineers, Doctors etc. the profession of priests must be regulated
and not only they must obey the laws of the land, civil as well as criminal,
but they must also obey the special code of morals prescribed by their
respective professions.
This Dr. Ambedkar wished before he decided to give up Hindu religion. But
after his declaration, he categorically stated that we do not want to reform
Hinduism. Why Dalits should bother?
The OBCs of Shiva Dharma wanted to capture temples, but they could not. The
*varkaris* – mostly OBCs – did not get angry even when the priest in
Pandharpur urinated in *teerth* *kund*, why Dalits should try to even think
of capturing temples? Dalits should only think of Buddhism and forget about
Hinduism. Brother Kuldeep Kumar should rethink about this.
Dr. K. Jamanadas, "Shalimar", Main Road, Chandrapur - 442 402
Saturday, April 25, 2009
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